Should I let my son dress as spider man?

My kids are having a dress up week this week and one of the days is dress up for what job you want in the future. One of my sons wants to be Spider-Man and will not pick anything else. I personally dont see anything wrong with it but dont want him to be judged for it by other kids or teachers say anything. He’s in pre k, only 5, and has autism. Should I just say scr*w it and let him be Spider-Man?? TIA


Let him be whatever he wants. I think it’s adorable

Yess! Let him dress up as Spiderman

Let him be Spider-Man.:blush:He’s young. Totally fine.


We do fun lessons for our children worship time. Had a lil guy about that age adamant he was going to be a Bug when he grew up :rofl: he was preK well guess what he is going to college this fall and still into bugs, going into entomomology :blush: so let him be spiderman, who knows what he will be and it may turn into a life long passion! :two_hearts:


Let him wear it, choose your battles.

Let him be spider man. Nothing wrong with that if he wants to be a hero

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Yes let him dress as Spiderman :sparkles::heavy_heart_exclamation: he is only 5 I think it will be ok :smiling_face::sparkles::heavy_heart_exclamation:

Say screw it and let him be spiderman! :heart::heart::heart:

Let him dress like spiderman!

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Let him be what he wants! Let him enjoy these years as much as possible!

He’s 5……support his Spider-Man dreams…mine is 7 and still thinks Spider-Man is an option :wink:


That’s awesome… let him go as Spiderman

Yes at 5 that is totally acceptable

Being spider man IS a job…

Yes, you should. I teach preschool. He can be whatever he wants, Spiderman included.


Let that baby be Spider man!!! Dress up day, tomorrow, at a family gathering… who cares because it will pass and you’ll miss it sooooo much 🩵


let him be spider-man - i bet there will be princess that day

You better let that little one dress up as Spiderman lol. When they are that age they don’t quite understand what an actual job is. Let him believe he can be spiderman and in 5 years, guaranteed he’ll have changed his mind time and time again.


Even if he wasn’t in pre K…let the boy live

To be fair, there are adults that are Spider-Man. My kids take pictures with them every chance they get :sweat_smile:


Spider Man saves people, he’s a Savior!!!

Let him be Spider-Man. He probably won’t be the only one!

I would not give a care what others think

My granddaughter wanted to be a zombie princess at that age, let the child be Spider-Man :smiley:

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Let him be Spider-Man!! When my oldest was younger they had a dress as your favorite book character but made sure to put in the note no controversial characters he was dead set on Moses which I thought might cause a fuss but it didn’t and he totally killed it! Another time for Halloween they were sure to say nothing scary but he was determined to be a zombie and he rocked it!! And no one has a problem… autism or not he’s 5 and if he wants to be Spider-Man when he grows up that’s exactly who he should dress as… we gotta keep the fun and creativity alive in our kids and if anyone has a problem with him having an imagination then shame on them but let that baby live!!! Spider-Man for the win

Let the boy be Spiderman! He’s 5. He wants to be a hero when he goes up. That’s a beautiful thing! Go save the world buddy. :slight_smile:

Let him be spiderman.

When my daughter was about that age she wanted to be a mermaid doctor. I never tried to tell her that there’s no such job. She could be a Marine Veterinarian. I always joked she would work at Seaworld one day. Don’t crush their dreams. He’s 5. Of course you can be Spiderman my little dude. Reach for those webs!


He’s only 5. Kids never choose a real career at that age. Let him be Spidey!

My son wanted to be a dinosaur egg. Not a dinosaur. Just the egg. He’s got autism too and this was around that same age :joy: I definitely would have let him go as an egg :joy: I would have explained the assignment thoroughly beforehand and if he insisted on being an egg, then an egg he’d be :joy:

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Dress for the job you want - go for it little man

Let him be Spiderman. He’s only in pre k. If he was an adult then maybe I’d say no lol

Let him be Spiderman, there’s window washers dressed up as Spiderman and other action heroes ,that work at children’s hospitals around the country.


Yes. Thats what he has chosen.

What’s wrong with you? He’s five. Next week he might want a cowboy. Let him go as Spiderman

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He is 5. Autism or not I would definitely :+1:t4:


If anyone asks he wants to be Spider-Man at Disneyland. Legit job :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

For heaven sakes, yes. He’s only young once. :two_hearts:

He can be Spiderman if he wants

Let him be whoever he wants to be

Let him be spider man. Pretty sure the teacher would understand since he has autism.

Why is this even a question? I would absolutely let him.


Spider man tries to make sure the world is safe. That should be everyone job anyways so let that baby be

Yes screw what other people say if he wants to be Spider-Man there is nothing wrong with it

No ones going to care :woman_shrugging:

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Nope. Force him to go as a doctor :joy: I’m totally just kidding. He’s five. Autism or not- I’d let him go as SM


My kid is 7 and doesn’t have autism and I’d let him dress as Spiderman. I can guarantee he won’t be the only superhero.

He’s in pre k…I’m sure most of the kids will dress like a superhero or princess. Pre schoolers really dont know what they want to be when they grow up, autism or not.

Of course why not? He’s only 5.

He’s five… Who is going to judge him and why would such a lowlife take precedence over your son being a cute little Spiderman

I suspect half the kids in the class would be Spiderman if their moms would let them. Let him.

My daughter dressed like gecko from pj masks for a whole month hahah (preschool)

absolutely!! Maybe he’ll be the best rock climber ever when he grows up, you never know! My son is 8 and wants to make his own video games :woman_shrugging:t2:

Yes!! Let him be great! Being Spiderman is an awesome career goal!


Let him be spiderman. I’m sure that there others kids doing something similar

I would definitely let him dress up as spider-man… I would do the same for my daughter. I would support her in whatever she decided no matter how “silly” it may seem… because just showing support in something so “minor” will make the world of difference. It’s something they may always remember :woman_shrugging:t3:

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Yep. Let him be spider man!

Spider man saves the world let him go

On the bright side one day when he’s all grown up you will look at the family album with his kids and you guys Will have a good laugh​:heart::butterfly:

You should absolutely let him dress up as Spiderman!

Kids in pre-k would think that is cool lol. I would totally let my pre-k child be Spiderman if she wanted to.

Absolutely :heart: my 5yo frequently goes to school with his costumes on lol. Not worth the fight imo.

You can actually grow up to be spider man.

Doing kids parties or working at a theme park

My autistic son dressed as Spiderman for a while year to go to school, until the outfit torn up so bad we had to throw it away and get another one. Let that baby do whatever is comfortable for them. Trust me it helps in the long run. Autism is awesome! They are really a blessing in disguise :purple_heart:

My 5 yr old wants to be a dinosaur when he grows up and we let him dress up as a Dino for preschool graduation. The kids dressed up in what they wanted to be when they grew up

Let that child be Spiderman

If that’s who he wants to be then that’s who he wants to be.

My daughter is 6 and wants to be a fairy when she grows up lol. Let him wear the costume.

At 5 it’s more than appropriate for a child to want to be a superhero. They think in imagination not logic.

Allow your son to be spiderman