Should I let my son wear this Halloween costume?

It’s Halloween, let him wear what he wants :woman_shrugging:t2:

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My son is the same. Maybe it’s what happens when parents allow their children to explore all of their interests and not assign genders to toys/shows/dress up, etc., or maybe it means more. Right now, he just knows we support and love him, and that we will always encourage him to be himself and do what makes him happy. If anyone in your sons life has a problem with it, honestly, they don’t belong in it.

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For last halloween my son wanted to be cat noir … very feminine but he was THE HAAPPPIEST


why worry about people who don’t fuck u feed u or fiancé you?

It’s Halloween.
I saw a boy dressed as princess peach.

Block them. If you encourage him in what he likes to do block those ( even family and best friends ) who don’t have a positive thing to say !


Let him be who he wants to be wearing my little pony outfit nothing wrong with it at all it’s Halloween .as long as he’s happy who cares what others think

By not reading their comments!


Let him know if anyone judges him then they aren’t worthy of him and his time! Its 2021, I’m a firm believer even straight men can be feminine and like “girly” things. Just raise him to be strong amd confident in himself and not to care what anyone else thinks of him :heart::heart:


Those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind


Yes. You let him be a pony. Support your kids . Accept who they are. How is this even a question?


My daughter dressed as owelette from pj mask last year this year she’s miraculous the lady bug.

Let haterz hate… ur kid your choice.

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It’s Halloween I let my kids pick their own costumes now I miss making the costumes but it happens. Besides my son also likes feminine things and my little pony. I’d push to dress up like rainbow dash that one you can kinda push for a semi masculine look if you’re really that concerned. If someone gives you a hard time about it just tell them he’s not their kid and it’s just a costume.

LEt him wear what he wants. Walk away when someone judges. No response, just your exit.


You tell the judgy people where they can shove it!! It’s non of their business. Kudos to you momma for supporting your baby’s happiness.


You take the judgey people off your friends list because anyone judging your child for what type of clothes they wear are not actually your friends after all :woman_shrugging:


You thank them for outing their own shittiness so you can keep that energy away from your family…then you block them

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You post your pictures with a statement saying you won’t put up with any negativity. You are not asking for anyone’s opinion. You are sharing your children with those who can’t be there. Delete/ block comments or people who don’t listen and comment negatively. I have never had any one disregard my comments when I have posted in this way.

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You ask them if the baby came out of their vagina and if the answer is no then ask why they feel the need to parent someone else’s child.

you just don’t…“handle judgy ppl” if they don’t support your family or you… are they even your “friends”? --quick way to weed the ugly out

Let him dress any way . Tell people to shut up . There nothing wrong with letting him express himself. Just be there for him and praise him . And if he changes to a girl then support . Ur a good parent to support him . Ty for not judging just because he different.

You don’t need to handle judgy people because judgy people don’t matter. The only thing that matters is you supporting your son and allowing him to be who he wants to be, and accepting him for who he is. If people judge him, then let them judge him. That’s their own issue. Have a talk with him and let him know that average boring people have a problem with bright colorful people who like to be different and help him understand that no matter what, you will be on his side. Let him dress how he feels the most comfortable and the most :sparkles:him​:sparkles: don’t set boundaries for him, set an example and I promise he will remember the way you treated him and handled the situation for the rest of his life. And he will appreciate you for it.

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Just support your son no matter what! If he wants to be more feminine, that’s fine; let him be happy. As for people who judge, fuck them! They don’t have to look at the pictures, and it’s your fault if you keep those kind of people on your social media

Just let him dress up xx

Simple. Block judgy people. Period.


Tell judgy people to f… Off

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You know you don’t have to post everything on social media right?


If someone on social media is judging your child, you should be worried about them, not your kid.


If they wanna judge your baby cut them out of your lives!!
Also, I’m happy he has such a supportive family :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


You block them if they say something cause you nor your kid need that negativity in your lives.


You post the photos and make it very clear you won’t tolerate any type of negative behavior or comments. If you do receive any, you block them. You don’t need that type of energy in your life anyway.

You’re doing great, Mom.


Who gives a shit what other people think the only thing that matters is you and your family love and support him.

As long as no one says any rude comments to him directly it shouldn’t matter.

Make it where no can comment on it. And if they do comment well take those people off. There’s obviously not there to help support your child to grow so they got to go, period

You shouldn’t care what people think! You’ll never truly live if you do.

Block the judgy people. Let him/they be comfortable as he/they are! :rainbow::heart:

Dress up with him and make it a family thing.

Yup, post with a note that says, “If you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” And how much you love your kid and their outfit. Make sure they look awesome! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::hugs:


First off It’s Halloween 2nd Fuck all the Judge People and their comments

Let him do it. He is who he is and people will accept it or not. If they choose not to, that’s their problem and not his to worry about. Plenty more people will choose to love and accept him than not.

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Unfriend everyone who has anything negative to say
You or your son should not have to worry about that anyone else thinks.


Tell them to mind their damn business. Unless they’re paying your bills their opinions don’t mean shit👌

If they judge you block them. If they can’t support your child then they don’t need to be involved in your life. :woman_shrugging:t2:


Proudly post those photos, momma. You owe no one an explanation for your child’s choices and interests. If someone says something on your photos, all you need to tell them is that they can either be supportive or remove themselves from your lives as you refuse to allow them to be negative towards your children. Hopefully they’ll all be supportive and you won’t need to. The world is changing and there is more acceptance and positivity out there now :heart:

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Well you block and delete these judgey people…


Plain and simple just another effing business

By deleting those judgy people because they don’t run your life. And it also teaches your son to not accept people’s judgment over their own happiness :v:


As long as he is happy that is all that matters


Hes a kid let him express himself. I would love to see his costume when he does


Screw what people think. Your sons happiness is way more important then some ignorant people on social media. I would 100% allow my son if that truly made him happy to dress up like that.

  • and post it without 1 fuck given!
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Why do you have to post any pictures?


Let your son be himself. And don’t worry about what others have to say.


Your kid you shouldn’t be bothered about anyone’s opinions, let him be what he wants sod the rest x x


Then let your kid be my little pony. He should be as free as the wind with his family. The world sucks bad enough without your support.

Ignore them his feelings are more important

Most importantly, if your “friends” judge you or your son, then they are NOT your true friends. Let you son dress up as My Little Pony with a wig and post it all over social media and do it proudly! No one matters, and no one’s opinion matters but yours, your sons and his siblings!!! :heart:


Whether your son wants to dress up as Princess Rainbow Sparkles Fairy Dust Spectacular, Dracula, or Michael Meyers, judgy people will always judge. Handle them however you would handle them if they were judging him for any reason.

I’m mean… so I’d tell anyone who had an issue to STFU and mind their own and then I’d cut them off. Cause noone needs that kind of negativity

Let him wear the costume :ok_hand: Anyone who has a problem aren’t worth your time! :heart:

I would answer any judgy comments with that’s what my child wanted to be and leave it at that you don’t owe anyone an explanation


Tell them your kid looks great and its halloween! Who cares!

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Tell them to shove it where the sun don’t shine. If it makes him happy thats all that matters.

Let him wear what he wants and dont worry about people judging a child, they obv have their own issues to work out.

Tell “judgy” people to tend to their business and you’ll tend to yours and your son’s business! There’s only One who has the right to judge!!!

He’s a kid lol. Be proud of how cute he looks and point out how happy he is. If anyone says anything, block them.

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Let that baby be what he wants to be. Don’t worry about what others say. They ain’t his momma. YOU ARE.

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Screw people, life is short…let him be which ever character he wants. My son love my little pony for years. Also the whole bro-nies thing is real lol. Men like ponies too hahaha.

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Tell any judgmental person to fuck off, and worry about their own family.
As long as he’s happy, that’s all that matters💙

Always love him let him be who he wants to ne who are we to judge anyone

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Raise your head above the judgement & ignore those who can’t see past their own noses, what matters is that your son sees the love & respect you have for him

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Who cares what others think. All of us should be are Authentic selfs

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If You don’t want Him judged on f.b. DON’T put it on f.b. !


I was Batman one year and I’m a girl. He’s a kid. Who cares


You don’t need to handle those judging people you are a wonderful mom’s supporting him


If they comment something bad, delete the comment and block them :blue_heart:

You are doing an amazing job, mama. Your children are growing up knowing you will always be there for them, no matter their interests. And that’s so important :relaxed:


You delete judgy people.


Don’t answer them
just delete them


I think I would get put in Facebook jail if I told you what to tell those people. Just move past those judgemental POS and make this Halloween one to remember for that baby!!! My little girl wants to be super Batman (mixture of superman and batman) or Spiderman so I see absolutely nothing wrong with him wanting to be a my little pony character!!!

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It’s Halloween. If he wants to try on something different this is the perfect excuse to do it. Tell haters to mind their own business.

It’s a new world out there. Your beautiful baby is going to be met with more acceptance than they ever would have before. Get them what they want and keep being the best support parent you can be. If someone tries to come at you side ways stand your ground and let them know that their opinion is misinformed and not a consideration in your life or family so they can buzz off.

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My 4yr old grandson has long curly blonde hair. I loove it. As does he.

Tell them to F**K off… that’s how you handle them


I love how supportive you and your other children are of him :heart: Post the pictures, and silence any haters. People will always have something to say but their opinions don’t matter! All that matters is your child is happy in his costume and is loved and supported at home. Everyone else can kick rocks.


Tell them to mind their business and you will mind yours.end of conversation

This is a good time to find out who needs to be deleted from your circle.


Let him wear his costume and if anybody on your social media has a problem tell them f*** off and delete them. That’s your child. His happiness matters not people opinions

People are jerks, don’t drink their poison. It’s your business and other people’s opinions are non of your business. instead of posting, print the picture and frame it

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You tell them to mind their own kids and hit the block button ASAP

Plenty of men like my little pony it’s a thing

You can’t shield him from ugly and judgy people. The only thing you can do is make him feel loved and accepted by the ones that matter, and tell him he should pray for the people with such hate in their heart. Hoo he has a fun and safe Halloween… :grin:

If people judge your son or you for allowing your son to be what makes him HAPPY, tell them to either f* off or kiss it. If you don’t feel comfortable saying that, reply back to a negative comment saying something like “Although you may not understand, my child’s happiness comes before the “societal norm” so if you cannot accept that and want to judge, you can see your way off of my friends list :relaxed:”. Or you can delete + block them without commenting back. I say commenting something back so that way others KNOW and RECOGNIZE that you aren’t going to play that game with them. If it makes your son happy, let him do it! :heartpulse:

This is the time u weed out fake friends
Whether or not they agree or not real friends will support u and ur son

Support them! And help them come up with witty comebacks just incase

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Tell them to fuck off

Let him be the character! It’s Halloween. The literally whole point of wearing a costume is to be a character/person you are not! Let him dress up as his favorite character and have a great time!

Tell them to get f@#$d not there business and that kind of thing is pretty normal these day I say let him dress how he wants and show him that he can be proud

Tell em to f off, also use it as an opportunity to get rid of the haters

just let him, you are supposed to be his rock who he can lean on without getting judged and if anyone gets nasty just tell them to start watching ru paul drag race and get an education that we are all the same no matter how we dress and choose to live our lives

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It’s a costume, girls are “allowed” to wear anything…why not boys?


Aww that is so great to support your child. When you do take pics I’m sure plenty of us would like to see his beaming smile. All that matters is that he has the support of his family who cares what other thinks. The important thing is that he is happy and comfortable.