Should I let my son wear this Halloween costume?

If hes happy and your supporting him than let him be what he wants but talk to him about the fact that there are people out there that are not going to support it and may have negative things to say. And not that he shouldn’t do it because of those reasons but hes going to have to be strong when it comes to the people who will bully and be terrible. There will always be judgemental people. Block them out. And don’t let them ruin who he wants to be.

Let that baby be the cutest little pony! To he’ll with those that don’t like it. Kids should have wholesome happiness. And just because adults cant handle it doesn’t mean you should worry mama. If it is too much of a problem delete those people. The world needs happiness not judgment . :grinning::smiley:

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You delete or block them. I just wanna hug you for letting your child express themself :heart: you’re awesome momma!

Everything does not need to be posted on social media!
What goes on in your home is no one’s business

Oh honey, anyone that judges him does not deserve to know him. Fuck em. Delete them. Let the trash weed itself out.

Just let him be a pony and tell anyone who don’t like it it’s your son they ain’t gotta like it you raise him and put food in his belly no one else


Let him wear whatever he wants ! But I would not post photos that might entice attention or trouble for your son or family from any crazy or violent people. Sadly the climate in our country these days can be violent. Other disturbed people might use your photo for the wrong purposes. Enjoy Halloween with your family and friends.

Don’t worry about other people. This is your child, if people don’t like it get rid of those people. That’s your baby let your baby be happy to hell with everyone else and their opinions.

If they say any shit you block them. Family included!

If people don’t support YOUR CHILDS DECISIONS they don’t belong in your child’s life :slightly_smiling_face:


By ignoring them…their opinions
are of no consequence .There will always horrible people…you cannot do anything about them.So ignore them and do what is right for your child.

You stick this finger up :fu:t3: and say fuck all your opinions

Let that Baby where whatever he wants and who gives a rats ass about what others think or say!

Your son is your heart on your sleeve and it will be hard to think of him getting hurt. However you backing him up will mean the world now and years from now when he knew no matter all the judgy people you were the one who loved him for being himself. You will be building strength and character to help him through the rest of his life. Kudos to you mama bear. :clap:

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I think you’ll be surprised of how open minded people really are. I wouldn’t worry too much about it. When my daughter came out as trans I thought it was going to be a big freaking deal and I was going to have to explain all this stuff to people. The I realized the ones who really care, don’t care.

No judgement but from my observation, that seems to be the effect on boys who watch that my little pony series.

Let him be him. Frankly I am against putting pictures of kids online anyways, too many sick people or there. It is far better to just email the photos to friends and close family.


If someone on social media judges a child, delete them. They don’t deserve to a part of his life or yours.


our kids happiness matters more than the pta moms opinions. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Absolutely support him.
And anyone in your life who doesn’t, Silence them. ….Don’t allow them to have any type of impact on your child, this can mean ignoring, deleting, blocking or simply not feeding into whatever they may have to say.

If people judge you and make ignorant comments cut them out of his life! He don’t need that type of negativity

You block them as soon as they judge your child. Easy as that. I don’t care who they r. Gone.

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Dude for real anyone that does anything less than support him doesn’t belong in your social media or in your life. You let him dress up how he wants, and then you prove to him it’s ok by not letting ANYONE in your lives that wants to bring him down. There’s no rule that says MLP is ONLY for girls.

Support the little one. He is making style choices and being himself. Let him!!

If it will make him happy, let him be who he is. As long as it doesn’t cause damage, what’s the harm?

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If someone says something on YOUR social media, then you block and delete them, even if it’s family, friends, etc. He’s doing what feels right to him and these moments are what he will remember when he gets older. That you supported him, that you stood by him and were proud that he’s exactly the way he was meant to be.

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You tell them to f#ck off and mind their business and continue loving your child for exactly who they are, great job momma :heart::heart:

My son loves MLP too, his favorite color is pink otherwise he’s ALL boy - cars, trucks and monster trucks, bugs and dirt, wrestling and being a tiny menace - adults project masculinity/femininity onto kids when their little minds only see something they think is cool; he’s my sonshine and if he wants to be a pony, I’d let him but he told me he wants to be Mario this year. Let kids be kids and tell the nags and judges to F*** off! Making a mountain out of a mole hill doesn’t help anything and he’ll appreciate Mama having his back :heart:

If they love him then they should support him. End of story!! I hope you keep loving and supporting him in what makes him happy good job Mom

It is a Halloween costume… where you are supposed to be different than normal right? Let him have fun and forget what others think.

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There is male ponies in my little pony too, don’t worry what other people have to say, everyone has there own opinion and no matter what someone will find something negative, forget other people and let your son dress he wants too, just make sure he has a fantastic Halloween all the best xxxx

You block them and keep loving your son. Idgaf who you are if you come for my kids happiness you are no longer in my life.


Block all the haters, if they aren’t there to love and support you and your family they don’t need to be there :100:


Let him wear his costume. The fact you even had to ask Facebook this shows your disgusting mentality and that no you do not actually support your child. Give your child real support.


My son is the same way. He loves to wear things I do. Like he frequently wears my headbands (they are the 1950s style with the big tie) or liking more different things and as long as he likes it that’s what matters. I always tell him that as long as he loves it that’s what’s important and he will always have momma bear and daddy bear to support him and have his back. And he’s always all smiles after hearing that.

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How do you handle it? You buy him the costume and the wig and he’s a My Little Pony!

As for judgey: “F**k off” works well


Turn off the comments. And if anyone comes at him wrong in person, remove them from his life.


Block ANYONE who comments with a judge comment

Cut that person out of your life and make it VERY clear if there’s any judgement on your Facebook, in person or any gossiping on the subject and you find out, you’ll be cut out not questions asked.

Tell them to mind their business he’s your child not theirs make your child happy that’s all

You let that baby do what they wanna do! And delete and block anyone who has a problem bc they shouldn’t even be around your kids with that attitude!


Let him!
Don’t be the parent that stops your child from expressing themselves.

If people are judgmental then that’s their issue and they don’t deserve to be in his life anyway.

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You tell those “judgy” people to go EFF off! That simple!

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Let him. My brothers went as girls two different Halloweens. No one thought anything of it.

Tell your judge “friends” to stfu. Kids are gonna do what they like, it’s your job to support them, not judge them. It’s a Halloween costume, not a life choice, and honestly, THAT is no one elses place to have an opinion on either so 🤷

Fuck what they think! His happiness is so much more important!

Power to ya lil guy! :smiley:

Block the aholes. Let him have the mlp costume. Hes a brony and thats ex husband who is 34yrs old is a mlp fan/brony.


My 6 yr old son is doing the same. Dont worry about what others think.

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You don’t “handle” judgy people… you block that s#$! outta your life and love your kid. You have to be your kids biggest supporter and safe place.

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Full blown republican here very against all the pro noun bull crap BUT if your kid wants that and it’s not him being brain washed let him be it! As far as social media becareful of what you post because maybe it is a phase and maybe he doesn’t want that out there forever, however Always show off your kids and never be ashamed of them!


You tell judgy people to F off and you let your little one be happy in his skin. NO MATTER WHAT ANYONE ELSE THINKS. Support him and love and protect him. That’s our only job as parents.

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He’s only little for so long. Let him be happy :relieved: that’s what matters

Forget anyone else. Let that baby live his best life!! My son has been Elsa and Anna in the past.

You’ve supported him all his life. Stand behind him with his choice of costume.

My son is 8 & likes to wear “girls clothes”. I say let him be him. If adults on social media are making fun of your child they aren’t your friends. Delete them from FB & your life. You might be surprised. My son spent the whole day at 6 flags in a tutu & pink cape. 4 people told him how awesome it was that he was expressing himself. We got looks but no negative comments. In my immediate neighborhood he got a lot of crap at first more from adults critizing my parenting than from kids. Now they just don’t care. Boys like ours are going to change people’s mindsets. Remember not long ago (the 50-60s) women didn’t wear pants. When they did they got critised the same way our boys are critised. Now it’s normal.


To be fair the new MLP movie is awesome! I would let him be whoever he wants. He might lean towards one of the more masculine ponies anyway :slight_smile:

Just tell the judgy people to keep their traps shut. As long as your kiddo is happy and he has his family as a wonderful support system, who cares what the haters say!

Let him and if people don’t like it tell them to take a hike.

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If someone says something stupid then block them🤷🏻‍♀️ not difficult


If anyone has anything negative to say, throw the whole person away and unfriend them on Facebook and off social media.


It’s Facebook, so you have all the control on who sees what. You can hide comments, ignore them, or respond to any negative comments and let those people know that they are what’s wrong with the world.

Let your son be the greatest version of him he can be and if that means pony costumes and wigs then pony costumes and wigs for him!


U cant handle judgey people what u do is ignore them you shouldnt be embarrassed u post your pics n stand by ur son thats the best way to handle it

You tell all the Karens to piss off. I applaud you for supporting your child! :slight_smile:

You shouldn’t have any friends on Facebook who judge a child for wearing what makes them happy. If it happens that you do then let the trash take itself out :relaxed:

My mom let me dress up as boy characters all the time. It’s no different in reverse.


You just tell them judgment people to fuck off

It’s not their baby

If someone is going to judge your son’s choice of Halloween costume then they have no place on your Facebook at all. They are not your friend… Your son sounds awesome :ok_hand:t2::heart: let him be a My Little Pony if that’s what he wants! To be that age and sure of what he likes and to have your support is also amazing… :unicorn:

Forget the judgy people! Do what makes you and your kids happy!

Block the negative people. Life’s too short.

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You tell the judgey people where to shove it. Dont make your son hide who he is, be proud with him!! And anyone who judges a 10 year old on that doesnt deserve to be apart of your lives.


It’s Halloween! Perfect time to dress up as anything!

I mean it’s Halloween soooo kids can dress as whatever they want. I was never anything cute and girly. I was always scary, dead, bloody guts, every. Year.

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That sounds so cool! It’s a costume so anything goes. The wig needs to be the right colour for the pony. As for social media…you’ll be surprised how chill most people are. People who care about you are accepting. Why would you want to be friends with people who are bigoted and narrow minded?

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My little pony is a great costume idea for children no matter what gender they are. I’d block whoever had a problem with it.


If someone wants to judge a child for his/her costume then they don’t need to be in the child’s life. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Tell them mind their damn business. Children commit suicide over stuff like that to. Make sure he knows you love and support him no matter what

Anywhere public people will judge. Just support your child and what makes him happy. People who are against it can go somewhere else. Me, I’m a tomboy, I liked boy things ever since I was little. Spiders, dinos, cars … ECT… It’s no different reversed. Stay strong and shoe those who want to judge who you are, your the mom of a child who knows what he wants.

Tell the judgy people to suck it

My boys have both dressed up as girls for Halloween. Of course that was in a different day and time. People were not as judgemental as they are today.
Let him be hisself.

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Why would you care what anyone else thinks, support him no matter what!!

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If it were me I’d go ahead and let everyone know “ he’s going to dress as this for Halloween and if I see any rude comments or remarks we will no longer be in contact. I support my son no matter what and as his family/friends you should too.” Cause I’m sure someone will say something. Most people have issues with stuff like this. :roll_eyes:

Defriend any judgy people. He is your son , love him let him be who he is!

You tell them to fuck off.

Let him live his best life. No judgment here. Life is hard enough for our babies. Embrace it and watch your relationship grow. I am an adopted child. Trust me.

Easy tell them to Fuck off! Your child is happy, and has a very supportive family. Be proud of who he is, and show him that other people ideas of him don’t matter, as long as he is happy being himself they can take their judgments and shove them where the sun doesn’t shine!

Thats the magic of Halloween to be able to be whoever they want! Dont take that magic from him.

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How about try standing up for him and telling people to shut the hell up who are judgy 🤷

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You block their asses from your social media and you real life

My daughter as the mad hatter

My daughter as a nerd boy

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Why you gonna worry about what other people think and feel? The only feelings that matter are those of your child. Who cares if he wants to dress like a pony. Let him be who he is. Forget the haters. Support him.

My daughter as Trump.

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I know its a little different but my son wanted my little pony figures for Christmas one year and I got them :woman_shrugging: i won’t dictate what makes my kids happy. I say let him be what he wants. Delete or tell people from the get go not to say a thing

It’s actually a perfect opportunity to weed out the crappy ppl because anyone that can’t support your sons happiness doesn’t need to be in your lives


If your “friends “ judge you then you don’t need them!

I agree with everyone else. Nothing wrong with letting him me my little pony. Lots of kids are like that. Its Halloween kids dress how they want! My daughter wants to be a dinosaur lol. It doesn’t mean they are any different from their kids. They just like different things. Let him be what he wants

this is where you don’t let others bother you. is your son happy, you support him others can say things from outside looking in. the main thing is to allow your son to express himself and never make him ashamed for what he likes.

Screw everyone! It doesn’t matter what he is!

If girls can dress up in boy costumes then boys can dress up in girl costumes!

It’s Halloween, the whole point is to dress up and have fun!

Screw what everyone else thinks. If they are judging him, then they don’t need to be in y’all’s lives!

It’s Halloween they can be whatever they want and shouldn’t be judged for it