I feel like 16 is a good age to start
I think we can all agree from personal experience the pressure that comes from dating at a young age.
In my experience I never had a boyfriend longer than 2 weeks because it was very evident in what they wanted. And while I was mature I was very modest. I could barely stand to hold hands with someone lol
Truth is it scares me to death hearing how young people are when they lost their virginity.
I’ll probably never let me daughter date only until she’s grown and moved out of my house
I want my kids to date while they are still at home. They can learn what a healthy relationship should be like under my guidance. We have very open communication about sex and relationships. They know they can talk to me about anything and so far have not hid anything from me. That I know of. Ha! If you completely cut her off from her boyfriend she will most likely sneak around.
16 is a reasonable age unless you’re me… tell you’re mil that there’s people out there that won’t allow their kids to date til they’re gone and out of the parents home… since she believes that you guys are in your KIDS business ask if she plans to take on her grandchild and great grandchild and the father if that happens since she wants to put her 2 cents in … overall it’s ur child and you make the rules not her but if you follow her rules then make sure you know the consequences I believe someone already stated them and that’s that she’s gonna hold you responsible for whatever happens
Neither of our kid’s were allowed to date in high school education first and foremost now in their 20’s without any unplanned pregnancies or regrets
Girl, I started dating at 15 and was knocked up my junior year in high school. Luckily I had a great support system and everything worked out but I think having the safe sex talk would be appropriate before she starts dating.
You do what you feel is right for your family. Don’t worry about the nay Sayers. If you made your oldest wait until 16. You need to make your youngest wait.
Ok first of all your child your choice… however, since you asked this is my unpopular opinion… unless you literally are keeping her in a bubble, what you allow her to do and what she does can be two very different things. If she wants to do something bad enough she’ll do it. I told my daughter’s best friend’s dad that the strictest parents make the best liars… they are hiding things from them, afraid to go to them and if they find theirselves in trouble, they don’t go to the parents. I did not want that relationship with my child. I try to help her navigate this world and talk about the choices she’s made even when I disagree with her. She will have consequences when she makes dangerous choices or things that aren’t allowed but ultimately my job is to walk her through life not shield her from it… if that makes sense🤷♀️
I think it should be the other way around. Your family and friends need to stay out of your business. You do what you feel is best for your daughter. What worked for one isn’t working for the other but you stand your ground. She will thank for you for it one day.
I have 17 year old daughter and a 14 year old kiddo. My 17 year old has a boyfriend from school but the only time she sees him is school and family get together but they can text and stuff. My kids are totally fine
That’s YOUR daughter. You know her best and what is best for her. I would tell MIL to shut her mouth and stay in her lane
My children won’t be allowed to date until they are 16 but I’ll explain to them why we feel the way we do etc. if there’s any sneaking around they will lose privileges (phones, hanging out with friends etc) I would want my kids to try and be open with me but we are not friends, we are parents for a reason and our job is to raise our children up the best way we can…
Kids are going to date if they want to. Your rules aren’t being followed. Not every kid is the same either. So meet her in the middle. Show her that you’re on her side and just want to keep her safe. 16 isn’t any more responsible than 15 so…
Your house your children your rules.and you say she is to immature to date stick to your guns! But definitely get her in birth control if you feel she is boy crazy…good luck!
I believe 16 is a fair age to date. You as a parent know your child the best as far as maturity. If they want to date earlier then they should be supervised dates. Either your home or their home with parents there. Going to a movie with parents in the same theater. Definitely try to meet or talk to the person they are interested in with the parents.
I say do what you want for your family, maybe start with giving her some trust by letting him come over and maybe y’all go out and do things together so you can still be a part of it but give her a little freedom. Mine is 20, her relationships have been online with people in different states or country. She isn’t into all the up close and personal stuff, or sex and intamcy just yet, I’ve always been upfront with her and never shielded her from it, we talk about everything and I mean everything, never even told her not to be sexual just responsible but she isn’t into all that yet, she still goes yuck to kissing and stuff lol. She is so not me at her age so I haven’t had to deal with the physical dating and now she is old enough to do what she wants but if she was dating back then I’d do it like I said, give her some freedom but be close by and observe and only get involved when you see something major you don’t agree with. Mine is not wanting kids also, and I’m sooo ok with that.
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If more people didn’t let their kids date until 16 there would be less teenage pregnancy. A teenagers hormones are going crazy and they don’t understand or are ready for the responsibility. Teenagers should be focused on school and just going out in big groups of friends. They don’t need that extra stress of breakups and drama. We always incouraged our kids to hang out with big groups of friends and just have fun instead of worrying about dating.
Well, honestly your wrong and right. You’re right that you want to protect your child buy making sure she can be responsible for herself while she’s out. But you’re wrong in just flat out staying 16 and that’s all. At 15 she should be able to double date, or date in a supervised seeing.
I told my kids I would like it for them to start after they have a job and there own car so they can pay for there own meal and can drive them self’s because it should no always be up to the other person to pay and drive and it also shows that there responsible
She needs experience now on how to carry herself. Of course she doesn’t know she had never had the chance! Let her figure it out while u still have that opportunity to b near & around her or else she may push back & sneak around or if by chance u r successful in keeping them compliant until age of consent she could go wild lose & crazy once given freedom
Stay true to your own parenting style… what’s right for one kids isn’t another and you know you children best… your mil is trying to help but ultimately she’s your child❤️ good luck
If u don’t let you just a little she will sneek and do it anyways. Why not just some rules down for her and if she breaks them them she is done.et her go out but only if she is in a group. If she proves to be trustworthy then allow her to go alone. But tell her she just be on by a certain time. She will find a way to do it in which I stated she already has. So why not stop the sneaking around and let her know you are watching.
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16 is appropriate. Anything younger is just “hanging out”. They don’t have the mental and emotional capacity to hold an actual relationship at a younger age. 16 is even pushing it.
My kids will not date until they are at least 16. 1 girl two boys. It’s a decision you and your husband have to make not your MIL.
I was 15 when my father said I could go to Sonic for a drink (coke) and right back. So it started with that coke, then out for dinner then later the movie. I always had to be home by 12. We dated for 5 years then got married. Ha, we have been married for 39 years. I did the same with my 3 girls.
What exactly do you mean by “dating”? I think kids having “online boyfriends” is way more dangerous that having a date with a boy that has to show up at your home, and introduce himself. You can identify him and his car if she isn’t home at the appointed time.
Online relationships are what need to be prohibited. They could be anyone.
Consider permitting “group dates” until she is 16, but no relationships with anyone you can’t meet in person.
I explained it to my oldest daughter, she will be 18 in 2 months, like this. I took a piece of paper and ripped it piece by piece. I told her every time we give ourselves to another person, I don’t mean just sexually but giving them our heart, you are giving away a piece of yourself. Then I tried to put it back together and obviously it will never be completely whole again and that is how we end up. I told her I wanted her to reach adulthood whole so that when she starts her life she starts whole and not broken. To wait until she had the maturity to handle that. So far she is not interested in dating, only her GPA. I trust her wholeheartedly to make the right decisions for herself.
Tell MIL mind her own business. They are your children you raise them how you feel. Its great her granddaughter has her to confide in and talk to but she should be reinforcing your rules not undermining them or trying to change them.
Tell her to back up or she can take a break from coming around since she doesn’t understand boundaries.
You as the parent do what you feel is the right thing. If you say your daughter isn’t ready than maybe she isn’t. Your with her day in and day out. You know what’s best for your child and what they can or cannot handle. Stick to your guns. You’ll do what you know is right.
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In idea world i would say 16. My daughter is almost 17. I decided several years ago i would rather know of a boy then find out when trouble happened. My daughter has snap and has only had it for 6 months so she was 16 when she got her first social media. I would be more concerned about what is being said and done on social media. With the boy make a rule that the have to meet you and you need to know where they are at. We opened our home and then we knew more what was going on.
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So the grandmother is still trying to tell her married son how to live his life and raise his children? And her advice is to stay out of your children’s business?? Kindly ask her to then remove her nose from yours. And no. She is a minor. Until children are 18, they don’t get to make the choice. They can have a say I think, but they don’t understand, hence why they have parents. To teach them and raise them and keep them from making to many dumb choices so young and end quite badly. She will thank you one day. There is no need to date at that age.
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Make sure your girls know there worth before they date set the standards high and make sure they respect them selves, values and morals there isn’t a certain age but rather a type of person that makes bad choices
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Your child, your rules! 16 is perfectly fine, while even older is ok if they aren’t capable of handling a relationship within their age/maturity.
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Honestly my plan is for my children to understand their bodies and what relationships really mean. My husband and I have talked about them both getting jobs at 16. So I’m sure that if they can maintain their GPA and job plus home responsibilities then dating a person they have introduced to us and have spent a decent about of time at our home for us to get to know. We have spoken to our children about liking someone can make us blind to red flashing arrows.
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I was never allowed to go out until I had my matric, now a days it is very dangerous to let our kids go out as we lofe in a totally sick world. Kids must realize that we as parents only wants the best for them we don’t want to feed them to the wolves. Unfortunately friends is a huge impact on their lifes as well. Keep up being a good parent and a caring one, one day they will thank you for being a cautious parent
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I would tell your MIL to mind her house. But if your youngest is boy crazy, then I would start letting her “date” only in a supervised situation. The boy could meet y’all at church but they have to sit with you. The boy could come over to your house but only if you plan to be in the room with them. If she’s pushing boundaries now, in a few months when she turns 16 she’ll push further. Make sure she’s comfortable with how to handle dating before she gets turned loose on her own.
Let her invite boys to the house until she is 16. You tell your mil to mind her own business or she can deal with the problems. Let your husband tell her if she doesn’t agree to the rules to stay away from your girls until she does.
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I dated at 15 and didn’t do the right thing. Neither one of my daughters dated until they were 16.
I’m the mom, I’m responsible for teaching them and trying to keep them safe. Absolutely no one told me what to do or that I was wrong.
I would have flipped out on a person (any person) if they told me to trust her and let her grow and stay out of it.
You have your convictions and you need to stand by them. You didn’t set that rule and say unless they give us a problem. You set that rule to keep your child safe even if it’s hurting her fifteen year old feelings.
Also, above all advise you read or hear pray, pray and listen.
I was 13 when I went on my first date with parents at a restaurant and dropped of at the movies and picked up after. Other times was only at one of our homes to hang out… when I was 16 I started dating a 19 year old but first 3 months was his house or mine or family dinners out until my DaD got to know him and put the fear in him as dad called it lol… We were engaged after I graduated and married 4 years later… But times have changed and so have kids… I think a compromise may help keep her safe but give her some freedom of choice… my dad’s compromise when I was 13 was one of our parents had to be with us when out or at each other’s homes and we stayed in family area of the home or out side in site of the house(we lived in open country side). I have 2 young boys and they will be doing the same as I did. I feel that as you are the parent it is your decision, but try to look at it from there point of view also…
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Please don’t doubt yourself as a parent sorry but mil is overstepping the mark big time 15 yr olds do not need to date it is a recipe for trouble your daughter can wait until she is 16 and if she can’t abide by your house rules then I would be removing privileges including phone and internet access you may need to have a further discussion with your daughter about why your rules are important and appropriate and are primarily for her safety and well being she is a child you are responsible for her and you are managing that responsibility very effectively don’t doubt yourself and if mil starts up tell her to pack it in and mind her own you know what you are doing and you are keeping your daughter safe
Well she has no right to tell you what to do with your child. You know what’s best I started at datimg 14 but our dates were pretty supervised most the time. I think around 16 I was more able to go out and be unsupervised. I think your doing great your a great mom and dont worry about what someone else says. Heck I still had to be home at 8 when I was 18 cuz I still lived with my parents and in school
It’s your kids and their business is your business. They aren’t grown for you to stay out of their business. Your mil needs to mind her damn business and let you be a parent. It’s not her kid.
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Tell the mil to butt out and don’t be polite about it, if she can’t abide by the rules that you set for your daughters then she can raise her great grandchildren when your daughter gets pregnant, as for daughter I agree she’s definitely not mature enough to be in a relationship yet, with my girls I had the same rule unless they proved that they were mature enough and that mostly consisted of them coming to me and talking to me about it, not sneaking around me to do it behind my back. I also started them going on group dates first then chaperoned dates before going out alone with a boy.
First of all, all kids are different. You’ll never have two or three kids act and behave the same way. Everyone has different personalities. Some kids doesn’t have a problem with the rules in the house or showing their parents respect. What may have worked well with the 18 yr old may not work with the younger one. I think 16 is a good age to let kids start dating, but responsibility, being trustworthy, and respectful has to be a part of that. If she can’t cool her jets and show you guys those things then I think she’s not ready for freedom. But if she insist it be her way then so be it. I hate to sound harsh but she’ll have to deal with the consequences if she chooses to make a stupid, irresponsible choice. Of course you guys need to have a serious talk with her before she starts going out. And as for Mil I would tell her to get out of your business.
If you have set family rules then stick to it. You know what is best! It’s our jobs as parents to protect and set boundaries. If need be take the phone away. It’s not a call for your MIL to make! It’s up to you and your husband.
This day in age dating is scary at 30! Stand strong!
I don’t have kids but I didn’t date until I was 18 (granted I was homeschooled and not interested) but I was super nervous to tell my mom I liked a boy but she already knew and was ok with it
She’s your child. You do what you feel is right! I would say something to MIL because that’s terrible that she embarrassed your daughter like that. How awful!
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My girls are 10 and 12. My 12 year old claims she’s had a boyfriend (they saw each other in school and texted…that’s it.) My girls will start really dating when they are older and I feel they are ready. Not until then.
i met someone at 14 and when your parents tell you no you sneak out to see them even more. Sit down talk with your kids tell them you want them to know you care and love them and worry about them but hope that they can come to you for anything. She is going to Grandma and feels safe with her. Make yourself the same way don’t get mad try to listen to them and voice why if something isn’t the best idea. I think to many go behind backs as they feel they have to. The ages are where they are seeing the opposite sex and their friends may be dating there not to young.
My daughter is only 3, i would like to let her date once she gets into high school. But that could very well change im sure. My dad and mom didnt have a set rule for me.dating, and i had my first boyfriend at 13, we broke up and then not another till a year and half later when i was 14 turning 15. That one was a serious relationship. Broke up with that one and i started dating my now husband when i was 16.
Your kids your choice. Me personally I’ve let my kids “date”. My two oldest are 13 & 14. The one “dated over Covid strict lockdown so she never seen him, my other dates two boys that she has went to the movies and brought them to a few of brothers baseball games. I never put age limits but am very open and honest and there are appropriate rules in place with the “dating”. Neither have been in a serious relationship yet
She’s going to do it anyway… my first boyfriend that I lost my virginity to way too young came from a strict family and wasn’t allowed to date… we found ways around that… we might have been safer if we had been able to be honest with our parents about what we were doing
Stick to your rules unless you feel she is ready. 15 or 16 was the age of our girls when going on dates. But they were mature enough inour opinion. I feel 14 would be too young.
It is your decision. If you do not think she is ready than stick to your rules. There really is no right or wrong. You have to do what you think is best.
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I think it’s your choice , your daughter isn’t 18 so it’s your responsibility what she does and making ground rules . I think 16 is a good age, as for your MIL she is being made a fool of by your 15 daughter telling her what she wants to hear to get some body on her side to see things her way as a fifteen year old would OVER dramatic at times and your MIL should mind her biz but being she could not help herself but to blab that it’s your fault that he dumped her I would be putting it out there to her that IN. FACT good riddance he wasn’t worthy .
My kids are son 11 and daughter 5 and my rule is they can’t date till 16. My son needs to be able to understand how to treat women before he allow to date. and my daughter needs to be able to understand to not settle for an ass
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I think it should be how mature she is. Each child is different. None of anyone else business but yo parents and child. And who she is wanting to date.
I couldn’t date until I was 16 and we did the same for both of our kids. We allowed them to have guests over at 15 with one of us at home. I turned out just fine and our kids will as well. Stick to your guns. They are your kids.
Stick to your guns, your the parents and if this young girl hasn’t shown maturity in your opinion,. One more year , or less till she can date by your rules. Tell MIL to stay out of it. Explain to your daughter that confiding to grandmother brought on the drama , that embarrassed her. Try to guide her in who /what personal information she gives . Good luck!
Here is my take, I have a 13 year old daughter that is very.much interested in boys, she has a “boyfriend” week to week. My rule is no dating until she is 16, her so called boyfriends are boys at her school that she hangs out with at class… she gives me grief on the whole no dating until she is 16, other parents also raise the eye brow at mu decision to not let her date until she is 16… BUT, none of their opinions matter!! You see, she is my daughter and I will raise her as I see fit. No one has the right to tell me how I should raise my daughter and further more I have no problem NOT listening to people that try to tell me how to raise my child… and you should do the same, your child is yours, no one (that gives you advice) is going g to fix the issues thier advice creates!!! Follow your instincts mom, you are doing just fine. Stick tou your guns when 8t comes to raising your youngins, they are yours no one else’s
I have 3 girls my oldest 15 has a boyfriend of a year. They can hangout together supervised. But actual dates are at 16 when driving is ok. And we have town curfew which hers wilk be before that.
I think 15 is to young to be around a bit by herself maybe double date are have movie night at your house are his with parents in the house. That’s my opinion. But what really matters is what you feel is right you are her parents it doesn’t matter what other people think you do what you feel is best for your child.
Those are your children and no one else has and you know them best think back to when you were a kid and some of the dumb s*** you did and then make sure your kids don’t do that same dumb s*** we have nine children and our house rules and you cannot date until you’re sixteen anything before that must be chaperoned by a parent it’s a good role to have pictures of your bone marrow it also gives our children an entire year to get in the habit of taking their birth control regularly don’t let them grow up too fast and you’re their parent not their friend they’re not supposed to approve of the things you do you do those things to protect them because that’s what’s best for them because they are too young and naive to understand what is best for them no worries they got their whole life to screw up
My mil would always stick her nose where it didn’t belong. She actually helped a niece of mine go behind my sil back to see a boy and go places where my sil said she couldn’t. How awful.
First of all the meddling mil needs to mind her own business. There’s really no right or wrong answer here, each kid is different. Just be prepared for rebellion if you choose to be too strict. Maybe start out with having the boy hang out at your house and get to know him. He may turn out to be a respectable young man. If everyone is comfortable then move to letting them go hang out outside of them home. My daughter is 13 and starting to be interested in boys and we have made our expectations clear. She hasn’t actually gone out on a date yet though. I was meeting up at the movies with friends and boys at that age and my mom trusted me to handle myself appropriately.
I’m pretty sure you MIL didn’t let her daughters date so early and do all that freedom, of your daughter and the pain is worse, just tell her not to get involved in YOUR family matters. My parents didn’t allow to date until I was 18 while my brothers dated by the age of 12, I still did my things cause it was double standard with my siblings. Now that I am a mother I am setting boundaries with my family and my kids private life
I think your chosing the right way to raise you girls. I have one girl and boy she was a got mess in her teens. She is 21 now but she suffered alot of different types of abuse from 15 on till she was 19 she finally got away from it. Keep your girls as safe as you can. You never know what kind of creep is out to get them. I thought everything was ok between my daughter’s bf and her come to find out the night I got the call she has been in trouble for a long time but was too afraid for her families safety. The girl is 15 she is still a child in my eyes. Keep her home maybe have the interested boy come over to your home to visit her. But make it clear you have eyes everywhere.
As much as I wish I could agree with you it seems that you’ve already lost your argument. She clearly is already having relationships behind your back and she’s not telling you because she doesn’t trust you. For me trust is everything, and if you haven’t built that trust between all of you by now then that’s worrisome. When she’s 16 is she miraculously supposed to trust informing you about who she’s dating? You have to let kids learn on their own. Personally I feel like 15 is a good age to start dating and just make sure to have that open communication.
I think each child is different as far as maturity goes, however, I’m also off the opinion that no one on one dating/ going places alone should wait until sixteen. I remember being 14 and the only way I was allowed to go out places with a boy was if my or his parents were gone be there. Open communication about what’s acceptable and what’s not is important.
I like the age of 16 because then she can drive herself. With a license she is in more control and has a little bit more maturity hopefully.
I think 16 is a reasonable age to allow her to start dating. Follow your gut, you are her parents you know her. If you don’t feel she is responsible enough yet stick to your guns. Your mil can give advice all she wants those are your children and she doesn’t have to approve of how you raise them as long as they are safe, loved and provided for. She needs to respect you as parents.
All the more reason to wait until she is 16 plus it would not be fair to the older daughter. She will have plenty of time to date once she turns 16.
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Tell mil to mind her own business, she had a chance to raise her own kids,your a good momma do it your way ,go with your gut instinct.You guys are the parents…dont let others decide for you.
Stick to your guns. You’re right about dating. And your mil should stay out of your business / raising your children the way you see fit! On your side 100%!
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That’s your child… Not your MIL. If that’s a decision you and your daughters father have made them stick to it. She won’t understand right now but trust that you are doing well. She’ll understand when she gets older. You have to stand United with your husband and know that it will be ok. So if she can date at 16 then that’s just a year. Trust your process!!!
I am with you. I dont understand kids dating before 16 and then it should be in groups and with a plan and limited time out. Trust me, I am sure I am called overprotective and maybe harsher but I am responsible for my kids and will have to answer for how I raise them. Let no one guide you otherwise. BTW maybe pull back on the social media with your daughter that is certainly playing into her desire to be desired in ways that are probably more mature than she can handle or is ready for.
My oldest couldn’t offically date till she was 15 but had had wanna be boyfriend since she was 13… the way I see it she can’t date until the young man has the balls to come to my door and ask for my permission. I’ll be the same way with all my kids
Let her date… i know it is hard and she could be immature but making it something prohibited for her it ain’t gonna stopped her. It is better to know where and with who she is dating than her doing it on your back.
I know I’m going to be the unpopular opinion here but… My daughter is 12 and in 7th grade. She has boyfriend they have been together for almost 7 months. They started by just talking at school then they started texting and then she invited him to her birthday party in July. Me and dad meet him and she had been open and honest with us as well has him. He comes over and hangs out with the family and she goes and hangs out with his family. They are both good kids and get good grades and are very respectful. They are not allowed to hang out alone and have to be in public places with adults around. That’s just the we way we handled and we talked all about it and what the expectations were going to be. I wasent ready for boys yet but what mom or dad is . Just my thoughts and the way we handled it with our 12 year old.
My mom never told me an age I could date and I didn’t have my 1st boyfriends til I was 15 almost 16. If you show kids you can trust them they are more likely to make good choices then not trust. But its still your decision.
Stick to your guns. You are raising a responsible young lady and she needs to know that there are boundaries and yours is the age of 16 to date. She doesn’t have that long to wait and thankfully you kept her from being serious with a cheater. Tell MIL to mind her own business.
Shes your child. You know her better than anyone. If you do not believe she is mature enough to date, than so be it. I would rather be called overprotective than deal with the consequences of her immaturity. Its not like you are forbidding her to speak to boys. You are just keeping it in control.
She’s too young and yes it is your business and she’s not mature yet to have a boyfriend if she’s boy crazy there has to be limits my son is 15 and I told him when he’s ready to date I don’t want him go see his girl outside my house behind my back she has to come to my house so I can keep an eye on both of them
The more you try to control them the harder they’ll rebel. Its better to let them do it so they know they can come to you when something goes wrong or advice is needed. She’s going to find a way to do it no matter what you say, might as well tell her its okay to so youre not left out of the loop.
The thing is, it doesn’t matter if she’s right or wrong. Bc she’s not the parent, you are. And I can’t stand people that think parents shouldn’t be involved in their minor children’s relationships. That’s your job. I have successfully raised two respectful young men and trust me, I was all kinds of in their business. I’m sure they hated it sometimes, but they also come to me for advice, they trust me, and they both made it through high-school with no babies. As for my daughters (13 and 6), we haven’t even discussed dating (with the 13 y/o obviously, not with the 6 y/o) and she hasn’t brought it up. We’ve had the sex talk, she knows I’d rather her be safe than pregnant or catch something (same talk I had with my boys–come to me, I’ll get you condoms/birth control, etc) but my way is based on the kid. It really depends on their level of maturity, etc. She could try to sneak around, I suppose, but there’s nothing she could do that I haven’t done…and that was waaay before the days of cell phones with nifty little trackers built in!
As for your mother in law, tell her to go pound sand (as my mother would say!) Your house, your rules. And if she ever helped my kid sneak around, she would lose contact with them real quick. I would never allow a relationship between my kid and someone that helped them defy their parents wishes. Especially when those rules are put into place for their safety. Stick to your guns, mama. Bc no matter what the rules are, they’re your rules, PERIOD.
Wtf, why did you not shut that sh*t down at the family get together when she embarrased your daughter?? A simple “EXCUSE ME KAREN, my child did not come out of your lady parts, she came out of mine, how dare you------”
As my best friend says, dating starts at home. When her daughter and sons turned 16, dates took place at home. It will apply to mine as well.
Whether she’s mature enough to date or not at 15 vs 16 depends on the individual, and is up to your discretion as her parents. But it’s not up to your MIL, and she needs to butt out, period. Ultimately your daughter will be fine either way, and it sounds like she probably dodged a bullet with her ex.
Every parent is different. We would invite the boy to go to dinner with us but never alone until 16. You do what is best for your family. Not whats best for everyone else.
My rule is 16 because if they end up pregnant then at least they will be old enough to drive and work a job. I’ve seen 13 year old kids pregnant that’s not something I want for my children
The fact that she is boy crazy tells me she isn’t mature enough for dating and as a parent I would keep the reigns on it. With all due respect mil already raised her kids, it’s your turn and your child- you and your spouse make the decisions when it comes to your children. Sorry if I overstepped… I am big on making them wait for dating- it won’t hurt them. It also gives them a chance to see peers mistakes and learn from them. Talk with them openly about peer relationships and ask what they would have done in that situation…
Teenagers are hard these days i would let her date but i have to know everything about him who his parents are where they work you are just being a concerned parent if he can’t comply maybe hes not the one but we have to make our kids comfortable to talk to us because you dont want her to sneak off an do something as a parent you have to wear many hats but at the end of the day the most inportant one is mom
I was dating at 14 and looking back I didn’t know what the heck I was doing and did a lot of things that hurt me in the long run , even though they were done to me. I don’t think 16 is unreasonable but I also think it’s better to have an open relationship with your girls and if you think they are mature and you’ve taught them to be smart then you should give them some freedom if they’re there.
Not her child!!! 15 is too young!! , & she needs to focus on her education and future. There will be plenty of opportunities to date a little bit later on down the line…
I would have gone right at mil if that were me!!!.
I was aloud to date at 16. I feel that is the appropriate age. My mom on the other hand got married at that age, and not because she was pregnant. Married in July and had my sister in May.
I have 2 boys so I k ow what you mean but they get to a certain age and you are not going to be able to prevent it…so unless you want a relationship to go south with your child I’d reconcider your parenting…if you want your daughter to confide in you and talk to you about everything and not keep secrets from you…you need to have her prepared for the day it comes so you dont end up with a child having a baby…
Dating at 16 is fair and responsible relationship is hard they must be emotionally ready good call stuck 2 ur guns
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Our children had to wait until they were 16. If you can’t drive how is it a date? If you’re not mature enough to drive a car how are you mature enough to navigate a relationship? There’s enough gatherings for kids to be around the opposite sex and hang out. Sporting events, school events, chaperoned group parties/outings. With that being said…My daughter is our 3rd child and she liked a boy in college when she was a freshman. We knew this boy since he was about 5 and he came from a good family. We allowed him to come over to watch movies, play video games, shoot hoops in the yard. They have been married for 9 years and have 3 sons and they both have amazing careers. My daughter became a PA-C and has a medical practice. She is turning 34. Sometimes you just know when the relationship is the right one❤️ and the rules get bent.
Tried to stop my daughter til she was old enough,had a child at 16. They’ll fight you every step of the way and they’ll lie,sneak out,run away etc. Give her firm rules and plenty of knowledge (protection,saying no etc etc) and cross your fingers. Our hormones dictate when we feel “ready” not our legal age. If you don’t trust her she won’t trust you. Be open bit set boundaries. As for mil,tell her to butt right out or she’ll be cut off. Nanna’s are Nanna’s not the parents,know your place and stay in it. She has no right to gaslight you like that or embarrass her grand daughter. Bet grandie won’t tell Nanna jack now that she broke her trust and confidence.
Let your daughter know if she shows maturity and self control with obedience she can date after introducing her date to you and her father. You are the parents no one else. Leave everyone out of your household decisions.