Should I look for another daycare?

My daughter will be 3 in September. She’s currently in a home daycare that charges $55 a day plus $10 for potty training assistance. She goes either 3-4 times a week 10:30-5:30. A third of my paycheck literally goes to daycare every week. Is this the norm? Should I look for actual preschool? I make to much to get childcare assistance. I just don’t know how anyone is surviving. We really love our daycare lady but the price is just not sustainable. I live in Colorado Springs if anyone has any preschool recommendations.


In NY, that’s a bit high for in home daycare. Where I am it ranges from about 140-200/week. But childcare centers are a lot more expensive. Also, the potty training fee is weird. I mean it’s part of the job when you have a child that age. I’ve never heard of that.


Where I live, if the child is 3 by October 1st, they can enroll in Pre-K3 through out public school system… not sure if they offer that where you live, but it’s something to look into

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7 hours a day for $55 is extremely cheap, where i am it would be around double that amount


Omg… i thought child care was expensice here!!! The norm where I live in kansas is $25-27 a day 8 to 5pm. Thank goodness with my oldest two kids their grandma runs an income daycare so we only paid half price. With having my 3rd I decided to be a SAHM and now expecting my 4th. Preschool here 2 to 3 days a week is only $110 a month thank goodness!!

Preschool is 240 a month where I am but daycare is 240 A WEEK where I am too. My baby goes to daycare and my 5 year old just finished pre-K. She gets free pre-K because she has an IEP but I would say that’s the norm.

I wouldn’t switch if you love it. Sadly not a lot of people are trustworthy. The price is normal. I didn’t have family to help me either. I’m sorry for you.

That is absolutely the normal. Regular daycare for my two kids that are one and three years old is almost $2300 a month. I also don’t get state assistance although I do find it weird to charge $10 for potty training lol that should just be included in the care for your child.


The school year after she turn four she’ll be eligible for universal pre-k in Colorado which will help offset some of your costs.

Daycare where I am is 170 a day.

Check around your area for cost at other places. Compare what is offered, times, days, teaching etc. In a private home I’d guess fewer kids so less exposure to illness. I know this isn’t the popular opinion, but maybe stay home for these early years. Work from home opportunities are out there

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Pre school is cheaper, sometimes free. Head start has great programs. Daycare Is expensive. Some headscarves eenhave early head start for 18 months and older.

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Girl I wouldn’t give up that spot . I’m a nanny I get 20 an hour. If she is good to your child keep her . Good luck


My son goes to a church daycare/learning center. We pay $200 a week. They provide breakfast, lunch, AM & PM snack. They also potty train at no extra charge. I’m in VA.

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My preschool is over 1,000 a month and she had to be potty trained first.

Live in western ny and that’s a great price!

I worked at a daycare last summer. They charged around 240 or so per week depending on the age of the child. That is normal what they are charging you.


The price sounds normal because where you live does make a difference but if it something that is causing you hardship then I’d look into something else. I wouldn’t sacrifice care for cost though so as long as you find another place you are comfortable with environment wise then save the buck momma it’s rough out there. Good luck :four_leaf_clover:

In Massachusetts, it’s usually $300.00 a week

You can apply for assistance

Look at headstart and pre k my daughter will actually go to headstart in the morning and be bussed to pre k after lunch this year.

Childcare is so expensive right now its ridiculous. What I don’t get is why is she charging an extra $10 just to help potty training?


Daycare is usually 150 a week and they don’t charge for potty training. I wouldn’t do home car, heard too many horror stories. Ask around for prices and make sure they offer camera links so you can watch in from time to time

That’s kind of expensive. My twins go from 830/6 and it’s 1800 a month that includes snacks and I provide the lunches. Maybe check local churches for pricing. Mine go to a church and they love it. The school has curriculums and special events

Pretty average cost to me. Seems like cost will go down for having her potty trained. Most preschools require potty training be done before enrollment I wouldn’t rip my child away from care she was accustomed to if I didn’t have another option.

$270 a week. Per kid. I’d double check if you qualify for assistance though, daycare vouchers have a way higher threshold than ebt or Medicare.

Headstart and public preschool is great but public school around my area they only allow 2 times a week for a 3 year old. If there’s speech issues or anything you can free preschool…head start is an awesome I hear.

That’s cheaper than where I live. It averages to about 400 a week where I am. But, if you could get her fully trained (most preschools require that) you’d most likely be financially better off getting her into preschool once she’s 3. A lot of places offer assistance with the payment and the government can give financial assistance like vouchers if you could qualify!

I’m in Idaho, and that’s the price I pay per kid each week. I’ve got 2 Littles that go to daycare 4 days a week from 7:30-5. We don’t qualify for any assistance, and are paying more for daycare than we are for rent.

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I paid $600 a month for each of my kids. I have used the same one for all my kids and we loved it. Have you checked out the boys and girls club in your area? They usually have reduced rates and are such a great resource.

That is a little less than what people here in central Maine pay. Private childcare in your home is between $15-$18 an hour. Price breaks for larger families. Organized daycare elsewhere is about the same as you pay.

That is alot, you r to far away to offer any help. I only charge 25 a day for one child. And no extra for potty training . But I’m in rome ny.

I was paying 400$ a week when I had custody of my grandson… it’s just absurd. Not that they charge that much but that no one makes enough to afford it

I paid $20 a day for my youngest (5 yo now) in childcare. He did 3 years at pre-k which cost $400 a month. We decided to keep him at the private school for kindergarten which will cost $200 a month. After reading some of these comments I’m no longer going to complain about paying it :joy:

That’s the norm unfortunately. I was paying 50 a day for my son at the center luckily during summer my teens watch him and he’s in school now so my hours r the same as his

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I’m in Missouri work at a daycare and for un potty trained we charge $27 a day state license daycare and no charge for potty train assistance and for potty train kids it’s like 21 a day.

I paid that for 2 children at a home daycare. I live in Indiana

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Thats cheap. Have you looked at how much the daycare is making. I had 4 kids at 35 a day… thats $700 a week to make and i buy all the food and supplies And work 11.5 hour day. Break it down what it really is hourly.

My 10 year old costs 140 a week and my 4 year old is 160 a week so 1200 a month plus monthly activity fees, semiannual registration fees and more. This is why I’m considering taking a position within a school district.

The first thing you need to do is get her potty trained. Should have been done by now.


I would look into preschool for the upcoming school year I know here they let them start at 3

CPCD in springs is great and they help potty train its a head start

I’m in Colorado and it’s a minimum of $75 per day here. My husband is a SAHD because we would lose money paying for childcare.

That’s cheap AF but I also live in Washington state where it’s average 20 bucks an hour. We would be paying 1200 per month if you lived here vs. under 600 per month you’re paying.

That’s cheap, cheap. I work childcare and it’s ridiculously expensive.

Those are extremely reasonable prices. Hugs. Living is expensive!

In ms I was paying $275/ week. That was the cheapest I could find.

Definitely look into a preschool! Most start at 3

Daycare here is $150-175 per week out of pocket. $65 a day is insane.


That’s cheap… In my area your looking at $125 a day

I wish you lived closer I babysit in my home charge 30.00/35.00 provide breakfast, lunch,and snacks.I have also potty trained many without additional charges just help so they get out of pull ups and diapers.My hrs.are 7-5 Monday through Friday…and I felt like I was charging too much.:wink:

$65 a day is the norm here in MD!

Apply for daycare assistance…it’s for working parents…

i used to pay 1,100 a month 6 years ago in NJ. daycare ain’t cheap.

Hi! I’m in Maryland and pay $225/week for my 1.5 year old who is starting potty training.

I’ve found in home is cheaper. Ours is $250 a week

Ontario Canada and we’re $45-50 a day. I’ve seen even $55 in some of the large big cities

Okay I work in childcare… I’ve worked in multiple places in the years and have never had them charge extra for potty training… the one I’m at now we do give a discount to kiddos 3 who are potty trained

I charge 125 a week for potty training kids… I have 1 little boy that I am potty training and it’s 125 weekly.