Should I make contact with my daughters fraternal grandmother?

I would make the attempt for my daughter explain the situation to her let her decide.

If u keep her from that side of her family she can u. If she is asking at least attempt it

Well from the grandmother behavior we can see why he’s a deadbeat ,if never allow my sons to do this to their kids and think they are going to come live my house ,I think you did your part but if she’s curious I guess maybe reach out but she also needs to prepare herself to be rejected

Stay out of it… Back up and back up your daughter… God bless her…

Don’t do it just leave it alone. Explain to her why and tell her the truth

No. Leave it alone. Why would you want to allow these people the opportunity to hurt your daughter? I promise that, ‘if they just knew her’ is only valid in YOUR mind. Those people aren’t thinking about your girl nor do they care, as they have had a million chances to talk to you or her for that matter. Let it go. Start shopping somewhere else. You’re wasting your time and more importantly you are risking your daughter’s heart.

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No, absolutely no. Teach yourself and your daughter that if someone openly doesn’t want them that those people don’t deserve you or her. And sadly, they clearly don’t want her or you. Your only teaching her to be needy and disrespectful of herself. And honesty, part of this explanation feels as if your looking for the attention and acknowledgement of them accepting your child here too. She is accepted… by you, her stepdad, your family, and his. ( I assume ) and she and you shouldn’t feel the need to be validated, wanted, or acknowledged by them at all. LET THEM GO.

No she don’t deserve to she her

Paternal grandmother? My 8 year old is the 2nd youngest grandkids on dad’s side and has had his feelings hurt many times by that side. I protected him from them and did not let him around them alone very often. They never physically hurt him but he knew there were favorites and he was not one of them. Since he was 4, I have let him decide if he wants to be around them. To an extent. He has such a huge loving heart and keeps giving chance after chance but most of the time his feelings get hurt one way or another. He’s very observant so when he gets his feelings hurt, he won’t even ask to go over there. But when he does eventually, I let him. There have been plenty of times that when something that really upset him happened, I’ll make up excuses to distract him from wanting to go. But again, when he really feels ready to try again and see if things may have changed, I let him decide. His dad is around though so being that she’s 11, I’d let her attempt and see how she feels. Maybe it works out perfect and she will get to have that relationship. Maybe it doesn’t work out and she decides she doesn’t want to anymore. But she is allowed to ask and try. As far as your husband, I feel like it doesn’t matter what he says because you really shouldn’t keep her from exploring that possible relationship so he really has no right to step in between this.

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Since nobody made an attempt except you, you should have just gone on with your life. If somebody wants to see their child/grandchild, they’ll make the effort. I did read you said he left at 7 months and no contact right!