Should I press charges?

Laying hand on you in any sort of way and threatening you is abuse

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Still abuse press chargesā€¦ he still physically touched you and damaged your property.

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File a police report f that guy

Absolutely abuse. :pray:t2:

Listen there is no reason to try and isolate the incident and say if none of the other days ever happened would this count . Can you imagine how you would feel if a stranger did this to you? You wouldnā€™t wonder, youā€™d know that that person should be in jail. Thats not how we act and treat each other this is civilization where we use . our words and not physical force and we also extend the respect to other peopleā€™s property even. .

Love yourself enough to stand up and not tolerate disrespect let alone abuse. You are worthy of LOVE. Make yourself available to receive love. First from yourself and your creator. Then from others.

Iā€™m my experience, go to the police ASAP! If you donā€™t it will continue. I dealt with this for 4 years now, all he wants is control and your giving it to him everytime you donā€™t go to the police. In these situation, this is the ONLY way to stick up for yourself!

You have grounds to press charges and you should do so immediately and also a restraining order then go to court and get full custody of your child and he can only have supervised visitation

Get out he just asulted physically and emotionally abused you. And property damage. Press charges on him while you still can.

Itā€™s abuse hun
Get him charge
If he dis this now what else is he caple of doing either to your self or anyone else

Abuse come in loads of things hun its donā€™t have to be physical itā€™s mentally nd amotoion abuse hun

Go get help nd good luck

I donā€™t even know why you have to ask. This is clearly abuse and worthy of charges against him.
Quit letting it go and lock that dude up.


Everybody that says to press charges etc etc. I was in an abusive marriage for four years. He would literally beat me and have punched me and kicked me in my belly even when I was pregnant. He would take my phone away to prevent me from calling for help. And let me tell you thisā€¦. The one time that cops came (thankfully the neighbors called them), well these cops that are supposed to protect you, they didnā€™t even believe what I was saying and mind you I had blood and bruises all over me. It just disgusts me how those people that are supposed to help you, blame you for something that you didnā€™t even do. And that is why women do not TALK.


You better put a v.p.o. on him, because this will get worse, even with a v.p.o. he can still come but if you call the police he will go straight to jail


Intimidation is abuse. This is definitely abuse. The threats are abuse. Please, PLEASE create a safe space and report him. Please stay safe x

He absolutely abused you!!!

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Without a doubt that is abuse.

Yes. The fact that you want to say any of the incident was an accident feels like you are covering up for him. He should never put you or your kids in any form of danger.

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Donā€™t let him in your house and call the cops if he shows up. Idk about pressing charges about past events . Just start now. If he shows up call the cops. If he does it again call the cops again. Have definitely some pepper spray or mace or protect your smoking area somehow with a locked gate or smoke out the window or somewhere safe. Or get the nicotine gum bc a cigs not worth it if you have to stand outside where anyone off the street can walk right up to you. And u donā€™t need em anyway itā€™ll save money to quit. Good luck . Make that decision. Start now. No more bullshit. Stay strong

Please go to the police, get away from the relationship and seek therapy. Iā€™m
So sorry.

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YES BABY THIS IS ABUSE!! Please run as fast as you can and report it to the cops

Girl get out,file charges ,if hes done it in the past and continues to hurt you and threaten you, definitely get out

Yes. He physically abused you. Yes, you have property damage. Yes, you need to call and have him arrested. Itā€™s about your safety and the safety of your kids.

Go to police now ,that is absolutely abuse my dear , donā€™t let this bully do this too you , you have a son remember that ,

Please get him charged. My daughters boyfriend knocked her out from behind, then totaled her car with his foot (Yes!) the district attorney told her she needed to follow this thru, because he will just elevate his abuse. Not a year later, he called up my daughters roommate and asked her to come by. He killed her. We were just in a small little community. Please please get help and do not trust him to change.

The definition of abuse isnā€™t just strictly physical it is mental, emotional and psychological, please not only for the safety of yourself but your child put a DVO against this prick

Get a restraining order and press charges hell possibly change your address even get the hell away before he ends up killing you

The fact he took your phone so you couldnā€™t call for help is against the law. He laid your his hands on you. File an ex parte and file a police report. TAKE PICTURES of all bruises and scratches if possible. Please press charges. If he is willing to do that to you, then he will do it to you in front of your child. Please take the correct legal actions

Did you get knocked in the head too many times.??? Obviously charge himā€¦ why are you even asking thisā€¦ geezuz

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Please file a police report. Additionally I would look into domestic violence resources in your area (the cops should be able to point you in the right direction.) going forward anytime he comes around Iā€™d call the police so that the harassment is documented and can aid in getting you a restraining order

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Every bit of that was abuse!!

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The minute he grabbed your phone that is abuse. You need to press charges and get a restraining order asap. I used to be a Domestic Violence Advocate. He will continue to do these things because he knows you wonā€™t call the cops or press charges.

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Yes file a report! Thatā€™s domestic violence, interfering with an emergency call, and destruction of property. My ex received jail time for all that.

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Please press charges! He abused you either way!

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It was an accident when you tackled you???

The second anyone touches another person out of rage, ITS ABUSE. It doesnt actually have to be physical to be abuse

:100: yes he is abusive in every damn way!!!

Yes press them charges he definitely did abuse you not only physical but emotionally as well and its only going to get worse

Hiii.! Iā€™m a MAMA COP.! I donā€™t know what state youā€™re in but Iā€™m from Kansas and I can count several charges that he racked up. First things first, make the report.!!! And get a protection from abuse order put on him for you and your son.!!! Second, he did get physical with you. Pushing and tackling is physical. Just because it wasnā€™t a punch to the face doesnā€™t mean he didnā€™t batter you. And he might not of meant to burn you but his actions caused that injury.!! Still falls on him. Abuse comes in all different shapes and sizes. Him taking your phone so you canā€™t call for help is another charge. I can count of 6-7 charges and possibly a trespass case. Please protect yourself and your son. Also, reach out if you have more questions and when in doubt ALWAYS call 911 to make the report.!


Mammmmm, thatā€™s abuse eh

Didnā€™t technically abuse you!? He tackled you to the ground ,threatened and caused much property damageā€¦idk what you call abuse but all that IS ABUSE! Charge his ass and get as far away from him as possible. Immediately before he does something even more drastic to you or worseā€¦your childā€¦

Any time he puts an unwanted hand on you thatā€™s abuse

Sweetie, you keep saying ā€œthis timeā€.

For one, no matter how many people tell you to leave or press charges or whatever, ONLY YOU can make the choice. I spent 12 years with a man that put his hands on me, broke things, smashed my phone (during a 911 call-which is a felony!!) and he would leave before police showed up so nothing would happen. He was put in jail one time because he couldnt leave that time. Nothing changes. Nothing ever will. Youve got to decide for yourself if youre ok with this happening again, because it will.

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This is ABUSE. nothing else. U need to call the police


Wowā€¦you need to report it. File charges and get a restraining order.


I believe she is asking, because heā€™s trying to make her believe that he didnā€™t abuse her. Very common with abusers, to convince someone they didnā€™t really hurt them, they are blowing out of proportion, etc.
I donā€™t think calling her stupid is right; she sounds like she has been manipulated by this person, and may not have a good support system.


A lot of times guys or girls will damage ur property or hit a wall. The other person thinks ā€œwell thatā€™s better than hitting my face like thatā€ NO ITS NOT! If they are putting holes in walls or kicking ur car, they are simply restraining themselves temporarily from smashing ur face! I promise. Yes taking ur phone so u canā€™t get help, also very abusive. I learned that the hard way!


Itā€™s definitely abuse

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Ummā€¦ why are you even here asking!!! :unamused:


Yesā€¦report itā€¦heā€™ll be back if you donā€™t get a restraining orderā€¦be safe for you and your son!

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You need to press charges for sure. My ex was abusing me for 3 years I ended up leaving him one day because it was getting worse I regret every single day not calling the cops on him or even not pressing charges.


Youā€™re seriously asking if you should press charges??? Is this a trick question? Likeā€¦I canā€™t even believe youā€™re even asking this.


You should be able to charge him with the destruction of the phone because you couldnā€™t call for help. Not sure where youā€™re from, but in Michigan I believe that is a felony . You have to be able to prove it though.


Um yes. This is most definitely abuse!

Did his body touch your body meanly? Yes? Than, yes. Call the cops and make a report

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What do you honestly think and why the hell are still making excuses for him


From past experience PRESS CHARGES ASAP!!! I dealt with it for a long time before I did anything because I was scared for my life! If you have bruises then he can and will be charged with criminal domestic violence. If he did it once heā€™ll do it again! If you need someone to talk with feel free to message me! Prayers!


Definitely abuse and definitely need to press charges.

I was in a very abusive relationship and Iā€™d find myself doing the same thing. ā€œHe didnā€™t choke me this time so does that count? He said sorry this time so maybe itā€™s not really abuseā€¦ I made him really angry and thatā€™s why he kicked me in the headā€ if youā€™re having to ask these questions at all, itā€™s abuse. If heā€™s touching you in any way that is aggressive it is abuse. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL HE IS ATTACKING YOU WHILE YOURE HOLDING YOUR BABY. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL YOU ARE UNCONCIOUS BLEEDING IN THE BATHROOM. Press charges now. Distance yourself now


Yes call the police. Just him taking your phone so that you couldnā€™t call for help is a crime. And get a restraining order.

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Also you need to get an emergency order of protection for you and your child! And if he comes within so many feet of you he will go to jail!

Move away to keep the child safe if you can. Iā€™m sorry youā€™re going through this.

If you donā€™t have him arrested, youā€™re nuts! Itā€™s abuse once he lays a hand on you it doesnā€™t have to be a hit, he tackled you and you got seriously hurt in the process! Donā€™t wait until itā€™s too late


Get rid of him abuse is abuse

He technically did abuse you! Report it!

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He absolutely abused you again. You need to press charges, and get a restraining order against him. This is NOT acceptable!!!

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Nothing is by accident. My daughter has finally seen this. Press charges and stick to it. You want your kids to have a mom who is aliveā€¦

He put his hands on you. There are marks to prove it. He assaulted you. Period. Document everything. Press charges.

Call the police. He imprisoned you. He assaulted you. This is NOT the type of person you want around you and your Son. You could get well end up dead.


People might jump me for this but I have to be blunt. If he put his hands on you by taking you to the ground and he is under the influence, press charges. What is your baby going to do when this dude knocks you out and possibly ā€œaccidentallyā€ kills you? What is your son going to think when he finds you on the floor or ground? Press charges, pack you and your sons stuff and move away. Get some help from family or friends with moving. Itā€™s not worth making excuses for a piece of shit for no reason at all. Even if there was a reason, itā€™s futile because heā€™ll just do it again. Come on, girl! This is about you and your son.


Not allowing you to call for help is against the law this is coming from an officer when it happened to me. Get a report of the abuse so you can file for a restraining order whenever you feel it appropriate

Why are you asking? Just FILE CHARGE!!! He attacked you!!! This doesnā€™t get better and have a happy ending!!!


If you donā€™t press charges your an idiot! Why even ask?? Just do it! Gezzzz

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Interfering with an emergency phone call is illegalā€¦ Been there done that, the police picked up the charges

#admin You know who this is. Report this crime before this women ends up dead!!


The first thing you should of done was yell so someone could have called the cops it looked like he was really trying to hurt you mainly when he burnt you it could have been worse I wouldnā€™t want him around my kids I would have to get some kind of protection for myself my advice to you is Keith from as far away from you as you can I really hate to say it but next time you may not be as lucky as you was may God bless you and keep you please be safe

Def abuse. If you would like to u can inbox me

Woman have been killed by spousal abuse in the time it took the write this comment. If he tackles you heā€™ll punch youā€¦if he punches you heā€™ll kick youā€¦if he kicks you heā€™ll stomp you. This is serious. Donā€™t convince yourself itā€™s not or itā€™s an accident. He might accidentally kill you next timeā€¦ that happens all the time. Report it. Get a restraining order and protect yourself and your child. He needs to be held accountable.

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Nobody can answer that question, except you.

Report it so he knows youā€™re not scared to do so. At the very least itā€™ll make him think twice before trying something like this again

Awe honey. This is 100% abuse!! Just because itā€™s not as bad as the other times doesnā€™t make it less. I hope you find the strength to leave him. Iā€™ve been in your shoes!!! It gets better after you leave.

Yes. That is physical assault. ANY TIME someone puts their hands on you in some way intended to do harm and it is not a consensual act it is physical assault. Property damage AND you may even be able to justify false imprisonment or kidnapping since he isolated you and didnā€™t allow you to call for help.

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You have grounds for a restraining order and emergency custody if needed right there to keep you and the kids safe


He burned a hole in your body and threatened even more bodily harm so yes. That is abuse. 100%


In most states itā€™s a crime itself to take someoneā€™s phone to prevent them from calling for help. Pretty big deal in Indiana for example. Him taking your phone and breaking it to stop you from calling police is enough to get him arrested. The threats are enough for a protective order and tackling you and leaving bruises is 100 % abuse


Press charges! Donā€™t normalize abuse! It sounds like its not the first time, if you canā€™t do it for yourself do it for your child!

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Call the police and have him arrested he has assaulted you and left physical marks. But please leave the relationship x

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Report it. That definitely qualified as abuse.

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Defiantly physical abuse ( assault ) press charges and get rd of the rat , you donā€™t deserve that no one should puts hands on you if you donā€™t want them to , if you donā€™t do something now what happens next time? God forbid your little boy is there next time to witness it or possibly getting hurt , your gut is telling you what do listen to it , I hope your ok beaut :kissing_heart::kissing_heart:

Please go file an emergency VPO (victim protective order) it might take a couple hours and itā€™s hard man but as someone who has been in this situation I can only tell you it never gets better. Please take care of yourself.

Report that!!! Yes thatā€™s abuse, he should have NEVER EVER put his hands on you out of anger, Report,Report, Report!!!

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Girl you better get a protective order and a gun. He doesnā€™t need to be around you or your kids ever.


Wow tht hits close to home

Yes, he assaulted you. The burn wouldnā€™t have happened if he hadnā€™t assaulted you. Report it. There needs to be a paper trail. It will only get worse.

I feel like there is more to this storyā€¦ā€¦

Report it and ge a restraining order on him asap

Dude, yes thatā€™s abuse. He has done it once, now he will do it again. For your and your childā€™s sake, you need to cut that off real quick or risk losing your child.

ABSOLUTELY!! And take away his rights & get a restraining order next time could be way worse!

Get a protective order asap and stay away from him. He needs serious help with addiction before he can ever be a good enough father.

Get a protective order. Press charges and donā€™t back down. There is a hotline for victims of abuse. Call it. I was put in a coma by a drunken abusive ex. Donā€™t back down. Be strong sister. We are here for you.

Word it however it makes you feel better, but thatā€™s abuse

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Yes abuse, physical & mental & verbally

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