Should I press charges?

OMG women, what dos he have to do, stab you in front of your son, Yes, charge him, before he snatches your son from school or physically hurts You so Your son has No one… HE Abused You, He threatened Your physical person… Don’t wait to call when it’s too late!!!

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The fact that you used the phrase “this time” speaks volumes, honey. Please press charges before you end up seriously hurt or worse.

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Yes he did and if u dont do anything about he will continue till he kills u…it is not ok to put ur hands on anyone and not knowing he needs help but u do need to file a police report

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Absolutely! He abused you. Even if you decide not to press charges, file the report. He may get to the point where you need to put him away for not only you’re safety but his as well and the more you have on file for him, the better.

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If you gotta ask, then do it. Its obvious abuse. & if you don’t do something now about it, who’s to say it’s not gonna happen again, eventually it’ll get worse. Press charges, be done with the dude. Idc if he’s under the influence or not, that’s no reason or excuse to act like that. Get away from him!

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I hope you took pictures and YES you need to report him…I hope you did already! One day it might be your son or one day you might not live to tell anybody!

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Call the cops or go press charges. You wouldn’t have a burn hole in your arm if he hadn’t tackled you. No it’s not an accident!! Girl, this is how women end up dead. They keep sticking up for these abusers. Press charges have pictures taken go to the hospital so there’s records and get an emergency restraining order. Your daughter shouldn’t be subjected to this violent behavior. He’s threatened you already. He will follow through. Alcohol and meth are pretty bad concoctions. Get out and stay out!

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Assault does not have to leave a mark. Assault is unwanted touching. He is way past all that. Please tell us that you are calling!

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He absolutely without a doubt abused you mentally and physically. You should definitely press charges

Call the police and explain what he did. He did in fact assault you and should face charges!

If you have to ask yourself if that is abuse you need to get mental health help for yourself.

Run as fast as you can. What he did to you was horrible. I watched that happen to my mom.

Domestic Violence, press charges! Not okay. It’s a felony in itself to take the phone so someone can’t call the police

Any time anyone touches you by any kind of force … it is abuse

You are in serious danger from this person

You need to get yourself in a safe place and into counseling

TAKE PICTURES OF BRUISES AND BURNS AND ANY DAMAGE TO ANYTHING INLCUDING THE CAR WINDOW take his ass to court and press charges that’s abuse!!! File for a restraining order

I would press charges for sure but please don’t go though with pressing charges and take him back.

You need to leave him and run away as fast as you can away from him he’s dangerous he can kill you there’s women shelters there’s 911 there’s a police there’s hotlines call them

File assault and terroristic threatening charges and have him arrested. Do not allow him to beg you off either.

Abuse! Abuse! Abuse! All of that is Abuse. Call the cops and report it or it’ll just get worse from there and make sure to get a protective order.

Are you serious? Physically harmed you and vandalized your property. Yes!

You better turn his ass in!!! Don’t let him get away with it. You didn’t deserve that. And he doesn’t deserve to be out and able to hurt others

Its all abuse my ex did that a lot plus its verbally abuse you don’t need to have that

Any form of unwanted touch is assault. It could be an unwanted poke on the arm with a finger, still assault. Yes press charges.

U need to press charges no man should ever put hands on a women. U don’t need that around ur son. If u don’t do something what happens if ur son thinks it’s ok to do that to a women

Also let your neighbours know too so if they see or hear anything suspicious or unsafe to help/call for help

Let’s see what charges we can find here…
Assault and battery
Domestic abuse
it’s a stretch, but maybe grand larceny for stealing your phone.

In this incident, taken at face value, you were physically, verbally, and emotionally abused. Just because he didn’t “repetitively punch me in the face” doesn’t mean you weren’t physically abused. You have a burn and multiple bruises to show physical abuse, and the threat of additional violence is psychological abuse.

You need to get away from him. It’s going to get worse, believe me. Get a restraining order AND a gun. That piece of paper can only protect you so much. Good luck.

Get legal advice. He seems to have addictions problems. He needs to go to a 30 day program to learn about his addiction. And he has a hand problem.

Take pic of your bruises and ur damages and write down everything that happen is case u need it and call and press charges and leave

Absolutely he abused you. Assault on a female I believe is a felony!!call the cops!!

Yes report everything take pictures of the bruises and take out 50b on him to stay away from you and your children and change the locks on the house asap

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Yes that is absolutely abuse don’t put up with it next time he could do worse

It IS abuse! He tackled you, destroyed your property. Have him arrested immediately. No mercy for that kind of behavior!!

Yes call it is abuse! Go get a restraining order for him to stay away!

Call the cops lady…so what you love him he sounds very dangerous and IS very dangerous. Why you asking us anyway you call the damn sheriff

This is 100% abuse. Mental and physical abuse

Are you nuts? He tackled you, he bruised you and he threatened you and burned you. If your daughter asked you this same question what would you tell her? ABUSE PLAINLY

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Are you for real? Yes he abused and assaulted you. Press charges immediately before the psycho does it to your kid!!


Call the cops.File a report. Have him arrested.Get a restraining order. Buy a gun and learn how to use it.

Yes for sure it only get worse he need to know you mean it when you say leave

Of course. All of that is abuse. Your self esteem is extremely low and this is what you need to do: purchase a firearm and pepper spray. Get a restraining order. Make sure the locks on your doors work and do not go outside at four am in the morning.

Run, as fast & as far as you can before you are a statistic

Absolutely report it! Protect yourself and your children. You may have gotten lucky this time. But you may not get lucky next time.

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Of course he abused you!!! And he will continue to if you dont press charges.


Good lord girl! Yes this is abuse, file charges. I’m sorry that you have lived your life not knowing this is abuse. 🥲

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Please call the police I lost a sister because she thought he would not do it again. Last time he killed her. Please don’t wait!!!

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Yes yes yes. 100000% call the police. Next time it could be worse. Pleaseee call the police.

U need to get protective order and then next time u can call police he automatically goes to jail…they last 2 yrs

Yes he abused you. Yes file charges. Get a restraining order.

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Press charges and don’t drop them before it is too late

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Press charges! If you don’t, his abuse will only get worse.

File police report. Press charges.
If this escalates, your son could end up without a mother.

Uhm hello! Yeah he abused you. He freakin attacked you!!! Come on girl open your eyes. Get that man in jail and away from you and your child.

Definitely Press Charges. You dont deseve to be treated this way

Press charges and get a restraining order! He is a dangerous person!

Absolutely that is assault!! You need to press charges!!

File a police report. Go to victims advocate, get a restraining order.

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Please have him arrested and press charges against him you don’t deserve this

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press charges get restraining orderand stay away from him

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You know the answer to your question. If you just admitted he abused you in the past. Get outta that situation fast!

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You know its abuse now call the police get a peace bond & charge him

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Press charges on him and now because if he’s acting like this it will only get worse as time goes on

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Yes he did abuse you hon protect yourself

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From a retired Police Officer. He assaulted you and charges need to be filed.

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Hon he definitely is abusive and did abuse you. Please get help

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call the police , file a report. get a restraining order against him. he needs help

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Doit press charges send him to jail if you can go far away from him do it

What the f----- kinda question is that he abused you!!!

Get away from him before something worse happens.

Restraining order please make a police report.

Run, don’t walk. Go NOW!
Let me tell you how they “change”: THEY GET WORSE!

Hel# yea call the police, so they will have a record of him and if he ever comes back and try to hit you, you pick up whatever you can and hit him with it and run to neighbors to call police

YES! PRESS CHARGES. Don’t be a DUMBASS. Abuse is abuse.

Absolutely! Yes press charges!!!

Tackeling you is abuse run run run as fast as you can

Yea get rid of him! He will repeatedly abuse you! And tell you oh I’m sorry I want do it again

Call the cops and file a report he did assault you

Press charges. if he did it once he will do it again

He burned you that is abuse

Press charges and get a restraining order

Um yeah that’s abuse and verbal abuse.

Yeah you should file a report and get a restraining order immedialtey afterwards.

File a report. If he dose it again you will have documents.

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If he touched you without your permission, he is guilty of battery. File charges. Also for destruction of private property. Trespass. Lots of other possible charges.

Yes press charges and get a restraining order!!!

Sounds like you know the answer to your own question.

That absolutely was abuse, no doubt. Press charges for abuse AND property damage!

yes you need to file a report now!

There worst thing you can say to the father is “You are not welcome here” in the spot. That conversation takes place in advance. Ask him what he wants to do for the kid’s B-day. And tell him you will have him ready. He does not need to be around for a party you plan. But yes, since you told him too late. He 100% abused you as in “to hell with you”! Arrest him.

Yes. You should press charges. Yes, he assaulted you.

Why the fuck wouldn’t you call if stuff has happened before?!??!?!

Yes. File charges and quit smoking. It’s gross and bad for you.

Really? Dont make excuses. Press charges!

Yes, press charges. Immediately.

Are you serious??? This is definitely abuse and im really sorry you even have to ask. :woman_facepalming: YES file charges before he kills you.

Call the police n put restraining orders against him dnt play games

Call the police. If he does this to you, what makes you think he won’t do it to your son?

I’m sorry but you can’t be that stupid (or you can) but my point is what part of not abused don’t you understand ALL OF IT??? From the point he tackled you to being burned is ABUSE. And yes he WILL do it again next time you might not be so lucky. You need to have him locked up then you and your son need to move away other wise your son will lose both of his parents. Father in Jail and Mother Dead your choice…

You call police and press charges. Yell for help. The neighbors

Appears I’m the only male commenting again. If he’s hurting you In anyway he’s a punk and should be put in jail. No if ands or buts. Men should not hit women and if they do they need to pay the consequences. Call the police now before he escalates and kills you and your kid