Should I press charges?

Press charges and look into your states concealed carry laws and process to obtain protection for you and your young.

Call the cops and press charges. It appears to be and occurring thing. You and your child/children are in danger

Anyone who has been through this will tell you - Go Now! He will only become more violent. Think of your child & go. Make sure to file all charges.

100% abuse and trust me they donā€™t change it only gets worse!

Yes he abused you. He assaulted you. I would be calling the police. If some random person did this to you what would you do?
Teach your kids that this is not ok and that you will stand up for yourself.
Sending you all vibes that help you find the courage and strength to stand up for yourself. Its hard and scary but worth it

Just because heā€™s done worse to you in the past does not negate the abuse he inflicted on you during this encounter!!

Abuse takes many forms and should never be tolerated. You have to decide what you will tolerate.

Not only has he physically abused you but emotionally too

Yes he did any man does that it is abuse call the cops tell them what he did get him behind bars that is not right Do not take him back that is crazy he might not hit you but he did hurt you that is not right keep him away from you and you baby

Call the cops and press charges, take pics of all injuries and property damage and get a restraining order in place.

Yes you should be filing charges
And getting a restraining order as wellā€¦it is never ok for anyone to treat you that way ever

This time!!! One time should be enoughā€¦Itā€™s probably too late to call now, but never hurts to call and askā€¦

Definitely press charges. Plus get a restraining order. He could possibly kill you.

yes press charges get a restaining order no excuses honey what once was is goneā€¦ be safe your child needs you and dont need to see this kind of abuseā€¦

Call the police/ go to hospital so thereā€™s documentation of cuts/bruises. Donā€™t let him get away with this.

Your account is very good, of a disgraceful and frightening event. Repeat all you told us, and ask your question of your legal council. That should let you know where you stand.

Its abuse run run run. It will only get worse and more abuse

Press charges, get a restraining order, and file for emergency full custody of your son. Donā€™t take any chances on your safety if he does it once and gets away with it he will probably do it agin.

Are you waiting for him to kill you ???!!! Take charge of your life !! Get away from him and donā€™t look back !

100% call police. You have 24 hours. Also restraining orders are just paper. Get a gun and protect yourself. Know from experience.

Are you seriously asking if he abused you? Iā€™m sorry this happened and I will pray for you, but YES honey this is abuse. Get out now no matter what it cost. It could cost your life next time.

Do it while you still have the bruises and marks.

I canā€™t get past the, he burned me really bad and I have a huge hole in my arm, but it was an accident.
Um, no it was no accident.
This is abuse and if you donā€™t donā€™t press charges against this pig he will continue to abuse you.
Your enabling him to abuse you.
Press charges. Get out.
Good luck.

They donā€™t change! It will only get worse!

You mentioned in this text that he punched you twice and here you are in a public forum asking if you should press charges on somebody who has clearly been violent to you are you serious right now or are you stupid as hell and just looking for attention???

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Why the hell are you asking? Go get yourself some help to keep this person away from you and your son :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

There is no technically abused youā€¦ HE DID ABUSE YOU! Absolutely press charges. Like asap

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Abuse isnt just physical! Protect yourself and your son

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Absolutely abused you!! Take pic s go to police. Stay away from this guy. Restraining order!

Call the police. Donā€™t wait for him to kill you or/and possibly turn his rage on his kids. They WILL.

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He put his hands on you thats abuse file charges, get restraining order!

Definitely press charges. So sorry youā€™ve had to go through this

Let him get by this time and he will continueā€¦
Trust me been there done that

PRESS CHARGES! Just went to a funeral yesterday for domestic abuse. Take care of this now honeyā™„ļønone of that is okay.

It was abuse the minute he laid his hands on you !!

Immediately file charges and seek medical attention for your injury.

Press charges , put a protection order ASAP the cops should be able to issue a temp one until it can get to the court

Press charges get a restraining order and never look back

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Have his ass arrested and press charges on him!!

Even if he didnā€™t tackle u that mother fuka abused u

Press charges he might do more than beat you up next time. Save yourself and your children

Press charges all the way down the line. Get a PO to protect yourself and your kids.

Of course itā€™s abuse! Call the cops and let them decide

Yes. Press charges. If you donā€™t do it now, it could be worse next time. Act now!

YESSSSSSSSSSSS a million times yes he abused and threatened you. Have him arrested

I work for a police department, feel free to message me

Omg. Call the police and file charges now. This is abuse.

if you need to ask the question, you know the answer! Make a police report!

YES! Call police! Press charges & get a restraining order NOW !

Press charges now !! Why you asking ? Assault . Get him away ! Stay away from drunks .

He assaulted you hun. Call the cops and press charges. Also demand an order of protection

He DID abuse you. Call the police and file a report. Now!

Howā€™s this even a question? He came back to hurt you and tried to take your phone so you couldnā€™t call for help


Girl. Drop the zero and get with a hero

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Press charges to the fullest extent possible

Press charges and get a protection order.

What kind of mother has that round her kids . :yawning_face::yawning_face::thinking:

File a police report asap and get a restraining order fast

Throw his a#$ in jail so repost it nowā€¦

Press charges girl. He will continue this pattern. Protect your child.

Pretend you are someone else and read your post. Now, get the heck away from him!

He put his hands on you and your things. Heā€™ll yes

A restraining order is a piece of paper. Learn how to use a gun and get one. And also the mindset of either you or him, choose you. Do not waver. If you donā€™t think you could pull the trigger stay away from the gum cause he sure as shut will take it away and kill you.

Donā€™t let him near the kids

File a report. Press charges. Donā€™t hesitate.

Press charges now donā€™t wait you will regret it for you and your child.

How in the fuck can you even ask this question yes it was abuse gdm do you live under a rock? I am in no way trying to bash you but geezus you are physically injured and your property is destroyed. He didnā€™t punch you that makes it ok?? No no no none of that is ok.


Are you kidding even asking the question? Fuck yes itā€™s abuse, and the guy needs to be in jail.

Yes he abused you!! Are you seriously asking that question? He assaulted you when he decided to tackle you. šŸ¤¦

What do you call ABUSE??? Broken bones

Omg woman. If you have to ask this question then you need major mental help.

Press charges. Get an EPO too.

Yes! All of that plus the no doubt name calling IS ABUSE! Leave his dead ass.

You need to call the sheriff , have him arrested, get a restraining order against him. The courts will deal with him , and for Godā€™s sake divorce that slime ball son of a bitch, maybe next time you wont get away with your life or your childrenā€™s life. Do I have to say any more.

I understand your confused you need to get the cops involved and get a restraining order on him to keep you safe/ alive

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You need to call the damn cops and have him put in jail then you need to take u and ur child and get far away from that nut case

I canā€™t believe youā€™ve typed all that and think that anyone would tell you not to press charges. Please do it! Heā€™ll think he is untouchable and you arenā€™t serious if you sit by and let this slide. Please stop him from hurting you or anyone else again

Sweetie all that he did is abuse. Throwing your phone tackling you kicking out your window thatā€™s all abuse. Bruising you you said you had black and blue bruises thatā€™s abuse honey Iā€™m sorry youā€™re going through that I hope you get out and help before itā€™s too late .

What would you tell your daughter to do if this had happened to her?

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U need t out next it happens or kill he. Need anger management

Dead man walking in my neck of the woods :woozy_face:

You donā€™t seem to be too bright lady.

Call the police. Lifeā€™s too short to deal with bullshit and some Bich putting hands on you :100:

Absolutely press charges.

Um. Yes. Press charges immediately.

Yes you should press charges

Leave him before he murders you

Yes you should bit clearly itā€™s happened to you multiple times and you will just be that idiot and go back to him againā€¦your just asking for it is all.

No doubt about it sis!

Get the fuck out!!! NOW

Yes press charges!!!

Definitely do it - take out an AVO & press charges

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make a report immediately!

Restraining order!!!

Yes make a police report

Shit let that SOB go to sleep get you a baseball bat and go to beatin that ASS ASSSSSS I beat he wont mess with you again than call the cops.

Umm file charges & get an order asap!

Hugsā€¦ this isnā€™t loveā€¦ get help

Stop sugar coding it! Itā€™s abuse and get away fast!