Should I press charges?

This is how women end up DEAD. PRESS CHARGED. GET A LAWYER ASAP


Have his ass arrested before he kill u. Do it now

Absolutely press charges

good grief!! Go to the police!!

Why are you even asking ?

Yikes. You are really asking a bunch of strangers for advice,?? Take steps

Call the cops now!!!

Absolutely press charges

Please please seek help before it gets worse.i promise you it will

Absolutely you should

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Should I press charges against my ex? - Mamas Uncut

Take it from someone who should have pressed charges but didn’t



Yes I would press charges

Get a police report and have him arrested immediately none of that is acceptable


Yes he friggin did abuse you , get out whilst you can


Absolutely tell the police. You must.

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Um yes just because it’s not a hot touching someone in any way that harms them is abuse charge the pos and get a restraining order on you and your kids before that’s your kid the next time

C’mon. You already know the answer to this question. He absolutely was abusing you, physically and mentally. Call the police. Seek domestic violence counselling. I pray you you out orders in place to keep you and your kids safe

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Yes press charges also get a restraining order and no contact order have it both for u and ur son


That’s mental abuse !!! Toxic and unhealthy!

Press charges. Yes its abuse he doesnt have to punch u for it to be abuse. He put his hands on u period, plus he can get charges for breaking ur phone so u cldnt call for help.


That’s abuse. Press charges

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Press charges and get protective order for you and kids

Get out now! It wont get better…

Go to the ER get it all documented properly ask to press charges.

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You need to press charges. He’ll do it again if you don’t and it could end up worse. Restraining order and patrols should help. Keep your son and yourself safe!


Uhhh yeah you should definitely press charges.

Is this a joke? Call the police.

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Press charges and make sure you get a protection order

Press charges and have your friends stay with you until you get a restraining order

Press charges ASAP it it 100 percent domestic violence

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Yes call them file report

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Press charges this is not acceptable behavior

Get out while your still alive report him

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Do you even have to ask??? Get away and never look back!!!


Yes, he definitely abused you!! Press charges, file for a restraining order, and get as far away from that toxicity as possible!


Call the police and put his ass in jail

Yes you should before it gdt really bad sweetie they will say sorry n sorry n sorry nope put his a…in jail

Press charges and restraining order ASAP! There are advocates that will help you file paperwork and help you waive the fees. Protect yourself, your kids and your home. Praying for you.


Call the police!!!
That is a domestic violence felony!!

Definitely abuse! Get out ASAP! Press charges & get a restraining order.

Yes press charges!!! Next time could be worse!!!

Call the cops and leave

Get a restraining order

Took a restraining order on him

He pushed you down causing bruising and a burn
…that’s assault

Yes call cops make report

Abuse only gets worse! Report him! One day he will kill you.

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If he burn u & threw u down & any body harm, I suggest u do take action & get a restraining order, u should know this. I am sure he will return & it may be worse, walk with your feet & used your head​:pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2:

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Ring cops and have him charged and put on an DVO

You definitely need to get a restraining order and stay far away from him…

absolutely press charges- they will take pictures(police) of everything- the car window, of you and bruises and cig burn. phone smashed. Document everything and def get a restraining order… He will def do it again- have a back up plan if you can- maybe a throw away phone for just emergency hide it only you know where.

100% he abused you and is a dangerous human for you and especially your child to be around!

PRESS CHARGES now before next time it’s worse…and it will get worse sadly.

That is abuse! Press charges!

You call the police.
That is not only domestic violence but interference with a 911 call

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Yes that is abuse. Don’t be gaslighted into believing otherwise. He threatened you and put his hands on you breaking your phone when you were attempting to get help is another serious charge. I am sorry you are going thru this. Definitely report it and take the steps to stay safe

Please press charges!!! You not is telling him as long as he doesnt punch you its okay. It is not ok. Any kind of abuse is NEVER okay! Do not allow him to abuse you ever again Mentally, physically, emotionally.

Yes. Press charges.

Get out call cops put a restraining order on him

U have bruises, he hurt you. Call cops. Gosh

Go to the police now!!!

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:100: call police now!!!

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Abuse on so many levels… unfortunately I can relate and it only gets worse

Yes if you have physical bruises call the police and make a report / take pictures

U need to call the cops because next time he could hurt you worse

YESSSSSSS you need to press charges! Why is this even a question. Protect yourself and your child.

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If you’re gonna go back to him, dont waste time or taxpayers $ pressing any type of charges.

Call the police then a domestic violence center the police will help you leave!!

Abuse never stops… Dump him

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Not to be disrespectful. But if it’s a back and fourth relationship what’s the point of calling them now if it’s continuing and you get yourself back with him? Again…NOT meaning to be disrespectful but if you call the cops make sure YOU are truly done and seek an OP. IF you keep taking him back it’s going to continue to get worse.


Oh love that is abuse

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U are getting good advice get help & press charges before your children as no mother, common sense, good luck


I CAN NOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH. I learnt the hard way, if he can’t be sober, mentally stable and present he doesn’t deserve to be there!

Girl, you know what needs to be done for your safety, your sons & your property.

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Fuck him. Press charges. If you don’t, he’ll keeping dicking around

Anytime he gets physicall with you it’s Abuse! It dosen’t matter if he didn’t punch you this time. He tackled you causing you to get bruises and burn yourself. It is his fault if he hadn’t tackled you in the first place then you wouldn’t of burned yourself either. Press charges and get a restraining order, also I would take him to court for supervised visitation with his kids. Until he gets help and proves he can control himself then do what you gotta do to protect yourself and your kids.

Call the police and let them know what happened . Get a restraining order.

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Why are you making excuses for this guy, that’s he keeps coming back and he’s manipulative also ,he demaged your property with intention and hurt you purposely and yet you are still unsure of his behaviour, report him and get a restraining order against him

Honey, lay off the attention seeking on Facebook and find the courage and the strength to do the right thing for yourself and your son.

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Those of you saying ‘ you should already know ‘ blah blah blah have obviously never been in an abusive relationship. For shoving or tackling they’ll likely spend 24 hours in the drunk tank and released to do it all over again. Girl the best advice I’ve got is to take pictures of the property damages and pictures of all the bruises and burns. Get a ppo and make a police report. I would look into moving and cutting off all contact. If he’s done it before, he will do it again. And continue to do it again. You’re a mother, you’re a mom first and this man sounds like he will end up killing someone so please don’t let it be you.


Press charges order of protection

Yes press charges. He will do it again.

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Police Now Why are you waiting?

Call the damn cops.They are here to protect u

Yes ma’am that is abuse he physically assaulted you…

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I came from an abusive relationship and until you’re ready to go, it never gets better, I put in years of hoping and praying… if you would not want your son to do this to another woman or to think it’s okay then there’s your answer.

I had to come back to this because THIS SHOULD NEVER EVER FUCKING BE A QUESTION!!!

Girl…he put bruises on you. He grabbed you and left bruises. He threatened you and told you that you should be scared of him. The he took your phone and broke it. Smashed out your car window…I mean come on now…YES call the cops and get a restraining order against him and keep him away from you. Abuse is abuse and it will only get worse. What you allow will continue…stop the abuse now and stay away from him.

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Yes he abused you and you need to get out its only gonna get worse from here if you dont leave

Girl go get a restraining order. Now!

If he put his hands on you and left a mark he abused you…Put his but in jail :flushed::flushed::flushed:


Press charges now and keep your distance. It will only get worse

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Call the police. Restraining order. Learn how to use a gun. Cut him out of your life.

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Well… every single bit of that is abuse momma… im sorry you are going through this

In ohio it is considered a felony if someone takes ur phone

Make a report for sure.

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Have him charged. He may not have hit you, this time, but there WILL BE a next time. Do you want to take that risk?

How is that a question?!

Whoa!!! Call the police! Get help now! It does and will only get worse. It never gets better! Protect yourself and your kids. Hoping the best for you :purple_heart:

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Yessss…how the heck don’t you know that this is abuse!?