If you were laid off knowing your plan is to get a part time job by the end of June and a full time by the end of July and enrolled for certification classes to help further your family’s future. Would you pull your kids out of a preschool / daycare where they are doing well ? To afford it I will be getting unemployment as well as doing books , marketing, shirts and working on growing a client base for his ( my husbands company ) And looking for a part time job to supplement for my commission and cover the cost of daycare and maybe a few extras. Their also are no spots left and daycare is not cheap by us, they are one of the best and the most reasonable in the area and our toddler loves it she’s a very thriving off routine kid. Thoughts ?
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Should I pull my children out of daycare? - Mamas Uncut
I wouldn’t pull them cuz when you do go back to work their spot at the daycare may no longer be available.
I wouldn’t switch their schedule if they’re happy where they are.
If you can make it work, leave them. The waiting list to get them back on may be full. And the wait will stress u out.
Keep them in if you can. Good daycare is hard to find.
School socialization is very important! If you can swing it, leave them
If you could afford it I would by all means leave them in. They are learning and developing social skills which is very important I think
If you can afford it I absolutely would leave them in there
Leave them in if you can
No because good daycare is hard to find and get in to. Leave them
As long as you can afford it keep them in a safe comfortable environment and routine as long as possible.
Definitely leave them in daycare. They will prosper there. Usually lots of learning in daycare
Leave them enrolled. There’s also nothing wrong with taking them either if you’re not working, it helps keep their spot and they still need the interaction with other children. Good luck
Doesn’t realky sound like you will be unemployed at all…keep them in preschool
Wouldn’t pull just yet, you’ll need your time for work and if you lose it you may screw yourself, pay until you know you won’t need it and I’d still suggest a couple days a week. Transition for both of you.
I think you as their momma know absolutely what is best for your kiddos,dont doubt yourself. Do what you know is best.
I think I’d like to pull them out and spend as much time with them as I can before I get that busy, plus those extra bucks could be spent elsewhere. It’s just daycare and preschool, it doesn’t even count on a personal record nor will CPS be called. There’s nothing they can teach them there that you can’t at home, and you can socialize them yourself at the park or with friends and family. I know it won’t be long, but you have a plan that sounds very full. Take advantage of the small window of time you’ll have.
Don’t sever ties with someone you might not be able to get back!!!
No if you pull them out you may not be able to get them back in because you pulled them out and some other kid took the space.
Is child care is hard to come by and kids are happy there, might not be smart to take them out
Leave them in. Might not be a spot available when you need it.
If you can, leave them in it
If you plan on going back to work then why take them out? I’d leave them in
Sounds like you already know what you want to do. Reading this definitely screams that you want to leave them enrolled. Plus, take it from me… you will NOT get all that work done in a timely fashion with kids at home.
I feel like you already know what you want.
I wouldn’t pull them all together. See if you can drop down to part time for a few weeks. If not. Then I would keep them with their schedule. Pick them up a few times early and let them have a couple long weekends.
Most daycares have a waiting list. So I wouldn’t take the chance
If you can afford to keep them in day are and they enjoy it I would do just that!!!
Sounds like even if you’re not at work, you still have your hands full… keep them in.
If you can afford it, let them keep their routine.
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Can you do a few days a week instead of full time?
I wouldn’t risk it maybe part time?
No way, if they’re doing well and you can afford it, I would not disrupt this time in their lives. Not only that, but would you be able to get them back in at the same place or somewhere like it? Worth the money if it were me.
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If the kid is thriving NO
Leave them in as you may not find another spot when you are ready
No, if you know they’re good there and have plans to work in the near future I wouldn’t pull them because when you need it they may not have the availability and you will have to find something else that might not work for them or you.
nope. Sounds like you’ll still be busy and doing ‘work’ stuff at home. you also gotta choose for yourself if that time is important to you.
If you will be on unemployment you qualify for state help for daycare talk to your local health and human resources family
Um you can’t collect unemployment while you are working. If you are starting a business for your husband that’s work. By the time u even start receiving unemployment u could have found that part time job 5 times over. I don’t think u have really thought this through. Use some common sense.
Why would you want to pull her out of the daycare she’s currently in if she’s thriving she is obviously happy and settled there keep her in her routine as others have said if you pull her out then need to put her back in there might not be any availability then you will have to look elsewhere
If you can afford it keep them in because you will just have to look for a spot again when you need it