Should I pump and dump?

I’m going out for the first time since I had my baby, and I still breastfeed. I was planning on having 1-2 drinks. Should I pump and dump after?


Give 1 hr for every drink you have after that you’ll be fine to breastfeed


From google…If a mother has consumed more than a moderate amount of alcohol, she may choose to wait 2 hours (per drink) to breastfeed her child

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If your Walmart is open they should have breast milk test strips, they test if you have too much alcohol in your milk for baby should have instructions on how to use inside the package

From my doctor - unless you plan on getting wasted you are fine. A drink or two isn’t a big deal.


Don’t pump and dump. If you are ok to drive you are ok to breastfeed.


No. If you feed or pump right before you drink then you should be fine to feed 4 hours later.
Pumping it doesn’t get rid of the alcohol. You have to wait for the alcohol to leave your blood stream.
If its still in your blood then it’s still in your milk.


My doctor told me to just wait 1 hour for every drink consumed before breastfeeding or pumping milk to drink. 1 drink = 1 hour… 2 drinks = 2 hours…

No. Alcohol only leaves the breastmilk after it leaves the bloodstream so it is not necessary to pump and dump. They say if you are okay to drive then you are okay to feed.


Nooooooo! If you can drive and safely handle baby on your own it is fine!

If you don’t feel comfortable with that you could always save for other things such as milk bath or jewelry!


Absolutely not!!! Alcohol doesn’t stay in breast milk… if you have two drinks you’ll be fine to nurse in 2 hours…


Can you pump and save for milk baths when they have a bad diaper rash?? It’s works wonders!

No never waste the liquid gold if you do not feel comfortable you can buy strips to test the alcohol level in your breastfeed milk


nope!!! unless you are feeling the effects … otherwise it’s fine i’ve been breastfeeding for almost 4 year

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It filters out of breastmilk! Never pump and dump!

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No reason to pump and dump the alcohol dissipates after a few hours… as long as it’s in your blood stream it’s in your milk. Two to four hours after your last drink depending on how many and alcohol content.


No do not pump and dump!!! Having one or two drinks will not impact a healthy baby. If you are drinking at home have your drink while you nurse as your little one will be done eating before the alcohol is full absorbed in your system. If you are really worried (thought you don’t need to be) pump and and split into a couple bags/bottles to be mixed with milk on a day you didn’t drink… the concern is not with the amount of alcohol in your milk if you are having 1 drink an hour, it’s with you being able to safety handle the baby


Don’t dump! Use it for milk baths! I wasn’t comfortable with feeding after drinking but would save it for baths! It’s so good for their skin!

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You can buy strips to test your milk at Walmart


No dont pump and dump! 1-2 hours per drink depending on how fast you metabolize it. Get the strips to ease your mind but don’t waste your milk its unnecessary

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There is not enough studies on breastfeeding and the safety of alcohol consumption so it’s really up to you what risks you find acceptable. Breastmilk is constantly being replenished though so pumping and dumping is going to do nothing if alcohol is still in your bloodstream. Once it leaves the bloodstream it leaves your milk too. Studies done on how long breastmilk stays in the bloodstream have shown that it’s roughly 2 hours per drink. If you want to have a few drinks then pump ahead of time so that you can feed baby, and only pump a bit out if you’re feeling uncomfortable and engorged.


I never did!!! Was told by many including healthcare workers it was not necessary at all as someone else said such a tiny percentage will pass through unless u plan on shots of Jose or Tito’s all night long hahah otherwise you will be totally fine and even then

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DO NOT PUMP AND DUMP. I pump before hand and wait till morning or until I feel completely sober to nurse.

Don’t! Just wait a bit longer than normal to pump and the alcohol will
Be out of the milk

Keep the milk and put it in the baby’s bath. Just label it not to be used for drinking.

No you don’t have to pump and dump. As long as you pump a couple hours after you finish your drinks.

Get the test strips from Walmart to test your milk. You should be fine, but that would give you extra reassurance.

Aslong as not legless 1 or 2 is fine to feed anyway

if you wait at least 2 hours before you breastfeed you should be okay but if you need to pump or feed I would say go ahead and pump. You can also test the milk with one of those alcohol strips for breastmilk.

They have alcohol test strips to test your breast milk

No. I was told as long as you’re not drunk you can still feed. There are test strips you can buy to test it. I never drink that much so I was always able to feed.