I would say let it go UNLESS they replace it with a finger or thumb! The pacifier is much easier than the finger/thumb to “break the habit of”. I went to school with a girl who sucked her thumb through out elementary school…as a HS senior she had to get her jaw broken/rewired to fix the damage she had done. I get worse case scenario but it was why I pushed a pacifier over letting them suck on a digit.
leave him be better that he doesn’t want it than still wanting it at 5
If my child rejected a dummy I’d 100% stop using it and not force them… some babies don’t like them and you can’t force them to have it…
Both mine have had dummies my 5vyear old didn’t get rid of her till 3! And my youngest has jsut turned 1 and still got hers
Leave it! It can be a super hard habit to break in the future!
Be glad he doesn’t want it!!!
Be thankful for the gift that you don’t have to break that later
Leave it. At least you won’t have to worry about getting him off of it later.
Don’t force it. The baby is fine without. Hard to break later.
Does he nurse? Babies can get nipple confusion at times
I have a child who had hers until she was 5 years old…there was a small window of time before she started talking that she didn’t want any parts of her pacifier but I kept giving it to her to calm her…I wish I hadn’t. Fast forward to baby number 3, she’s never taken to a bottle or a pacifier and I haven’t pushed it. It’s both a blessing and a curse.
nope none of my kids cared for them
I would not force it… I think I’d be has not taken it yet he won’t.
Dont force it or u will have a hard habit to break the older he gets
Force? Why would you force a baby to take something if he doesn’t want it … farout you sound like our government forcing us to take a vaccine we don’t want
My kids only used it for a few months( nb stage just to break a little on the nursing) dentist recommended we didn’t use once they had teeth we moved to teethers.
None of my kids took one.
If he don’t want it, then don’t force it.
I’d just let it go and be grateful he doesn’t want it. One less thing to break him of later on. I never gave my oldest daughter (age 25) one. I didn’t want to give my middle daughter (almost 13) one but they did at the hospital and she took to it. Luckily after a cpl weeks she started refusing it. My youngest daughter, she’s 2 months old, I gave in and let them give her one at the hospital but she never really took to it. She’d take it once in a while but about a month ago she started refusing it.
My daughter did the same thing I let it be. Just remember to put them away, I didn’t and now she is 23months and is back on it.
May be split, pinches tongue
Why would you want your baby to depend on a pacifier? You do realize how hard it is to get kids off of using one and you’re asking if you should force it?
None of my kids would use them. It is a proven fact though that it lowers the odds of SIDS. But I don’t think you can force the baby to take one
Let it Go …u got Lucky
Neither of my kids would take a pacifier.
Ummm he doesn’t want it. Why would you want to force it
My daughter never had a pacifier even once. It’s not needed, if he doesn’t want it don’t force it.
HELL NO… Pacifiers are honestly the worst thing for a baby, specially once teeth start to come in. They cause bottle rot, and buck teeth. Dentists will even tell you that, better to dela with now,than he be 3-4yrs old or even older and being made fun of at school, or by others and his teeth be terrible and messed up.
Oh ,leave it out Momma. It’s for babies comfort and if baby can self soothe ,then Your So much better off. Ever see a 3-4year old with pacifier ? Smart baby !
Umm…why make him take it if he is clearly telling you nah…I mean read his body language and do your best to respect it…you should be thankful he is willing to give it up on his own I know people that have 4 yrs old still trying to suck a pacifier due to never wanting or being made to give it up…plus it’s really bad for them when they start to have teeth come in…I only had one of my 4 want a pacifier and they were done with it within 4 months of using them…but honestly it’s a dumb question if he doesn’t want it don’t force it it is not a necessity or something needed so just leave it be…
Depends on what he replaces it with: if he favors his thumb over the paci, I’d definitely push the pacifier. Easier to quit the pacifier than to get him to stop sucking his thumb (or fingers). I speak from personal experience. Some kids don’t break the thumb (finger) sucking habit.
Okay so my daughter depended on a binky till I made her throw them away at age 2 and a half and it was so hard to break her of it. . My son one took one till he was 5 weeks and now he doesn’t want it. Don’t force it. You got lucky.
No I wouldn’t force it I never forced it on my kids my oldest used it for a few weeks then that’s was it my youngest used it til he was about 11 months when I took it away.
I wouldn’t force it. Mine quit using them on their own. It’s a good thing cause you don’t have to fight them about it later.
Well don’t fucking force it you idiot:roll_eyes:
My middle didn’t take one and she was my hardest child lol. If they don’t like it they just won’t.
Probably teething. Try putting some water in it and freezing it
If he doesn’t want it he doesn’t want it
Get rid of it. Two out of my three kids had one and it was hell breaking the habit. It also isn’t good for the teeth.
My three never had a pacifier.
I’ve read that pacifier help reduce the odds of SIDs by 90%. If you’re going by that, maybe try a couple different kinds.
Leave it. They are painful later on.
If she don’t want it then I wouldnt
My three girls never took a pacifier.
He don’t want it! Leave it alone.
Leave it you’ll be happy when you arent fighting when they are older. I know kids that are two that still have one.
My daughter didn’t care for pacifiers. She used to give them to her babydolls.
3 out of my 4 didn’t use one and it was hell breaking my oldest from it
Leave it! I always took it away about 2 months old. One less thing to worry about losing
My 2nd child didn’t take one. Some babies don’t like them.
Just leave it. It’ll be better that way
We just got our two year old to stop using his 7 long night but I wouldn’t push it
Be thankful he’s over it. Means less fight later on. Why would you push it?
Looks like he’s outgrown it. I’d leave it alone.
I never gave one to my two.
I agree to not giving it to them at all but just in case you do I would like to add that (depending on what kind you use) there could be mold built up on the inside and the baby might be refusing it bc of that.
I have 4kids and never used one. One less headache later on.
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Leave it be. He may want it later when teething or has a cold but if he refuses it you don’t need to wean him from it at 5 or 6 or so. When mine got old enough to hold toys I found some toys especially a squeeky turtle that they could suck or chew on the headb or feet to replace the bank. Nothing I hate worse is to see a child of 3 or 4 running around with one in his/her mouth and don’t talk at all and if they put it down the mother stuffs it back th their mouth. .
Leave it alone!! 15,000$ later. My second didn’t even take a bottle!!!
I’d leave it. My second son wouldn’t take his after about 3 months and in the long run it was so much easier … something you don’t have to take off them later on. If he’s refusing he must not want/ need it anymore.
Leave it, it’s hard to take off them when they get older.
Be easier in the long run so just leave it.
Don’t start habits that you’re gonna have to break Later
Not one of my four kids ever took one and wouldn’t take to a bottle.
I would not push it. I rarely even offered my kid one. I think she took one a handful of times
Leave it It’s a good thing he doesn’t want it
My son never used a pacifier!!
Leave it. You don’t want them stuck on a piece of plastic
Leave it!!! Save all the grief !
Leave it. Don’t force it on him. Seems weened himself by himself. My 7 year old weened himself off by 3 months old and refused it anytime it was offered to him. I have a newborn about to be 2 months and he still loves his and wants it.
No , it’s also bad for your babies teeth…
Don’t force it. My son spit his out at the hospital, I tried one more time and he was just fine without it. Trying to get them off it’s a nightmare lol! It’s better for their teeth without it anyways