Should I push the pacifier on my 2 month old?

My 2 month old has been refusing his pacifier. Up until now he loved that thing. He hates it now. Do I just leave it be or keep trying?

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Should I push the pacifier on my 2 month old?

He doesn’t want it. Why push it?


Leave it be. Never force something

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Leave it why force it? You he complaining in two year you can’t get it away.


Why would you push it?? Most moms spend months trying to get rid of it.

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Don’t force it just one less habit you will have to break later

Just leave it. Pacifiers are not a necessary thing.


Leave it be… don’t push it on them.

Don’t push it my son never had one never wanted it

Why push it if he doesn’t want it. Leave it alone him not wanting it already is gonna be easier on you bc you won’t have to worry about breaking him of it when he’s older


Why would you force it? Its not a need. Beside most parents struggle even a little to get their babies/toddlers off a pacifier

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Be grateful he isn’t addicted to it, he trained himself to stop using it.


2 of mine did that at 2 mo. I was happy. This 3rd one im trying to get off now.

Leave it, its such an unnecessary thing some babies become addicted to.

Both my girls refused pacifiers and they were totally fine without one. I’m glad it wasn’t a later issue for us as far as weaning them from one.

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Leave him be, like everyone else has said, it’s not worth the hassle in the long run. Don’t force something that really doesn’t need enforcement!!

Leave it! No battles at 2 or 3 yo to get rid then. See this as a blessing and find a different comforter like taggy blanket or teddy

Leave it be. One less habit to break. Some babies just don’t like them. My son was one that didn’t. And it’s ok that they don’t. Edit to add: I tried every paci known to man and my son hated them all. He had a blanket for a comfort item.

No if he doesn’t want then why force?

Don’t push but it also may be a sign of something bothering the baby. Check for hoof and mouth and redness in the throat. Sometimes they will refuse it if they are congested too because they can’t breathe out of their nose while sucking on the pacifier. Just a couple experiences we had with my girls.

Leave it, he doesn’t need it. Mine dropped it at 4/5 months she lost interest, wish she didn’t have it in the first place.

Why push it? It’s not like it’s necessary.


Don’t force be thankful won’t have take of him later on lol.

Coming from a mom that had a baby that loved his pacifier, don’t push it. Leave it be. It was awful getting him off of it.

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Leave it. If they hate it why force it.

Leave it be, saves the trouble of taking it as they’re older.

My grandmother hated giving us those lol I say no! If it needs to be forced then it won’t serve its purpose of calming the child. Find another comfort like a fav toy or blanket maybe music!


Leave it. It will be 1 less habit to break. When my son kept spitting his out I just let it be he was perfectly fine

Leave it. The pain of trying to take it off of them later is not worth it.

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My first was like that and I realise now it was the best thing to happen. My almost 3yr still has hers and takes it everywhere. I don’t even know how to begin getting it off her. Though I’ve just started throwing them away because she chews on them. She is aware that it’s happening so maybe one day soon they will all be gone

Leave it. Neither of my granddaughters wanted a dummy, its not the end of the world. Also, if the child doesn’t want it at least you don’t have to wean them off it!!

My son did the same, it was best just to forget about it :slight_smile:

My oldest loved it. When my youngest refused it I didn’t push it. It is not easy breaking them and it is more painful to you than them when you do.

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Both of mine so far stopped using one around 3 months. Straight up would spit them out lol. Just leave it be, saves you trouble down the road!

Leave it alone if he doesn’t want it. Why push it. Better now cause they get very attached as they get older

It’ll save you the cost of braces from deformed teeth.

Let it be. My son never ever took a pacifier not even in the hospital when he was born they tried he wouldn’t so I decided against them completely n the nurse said that’s a good thing because it won’t be a hard habit to break later on with him

I don’t like forcing anything.

I wouldn’t keep trying. It’s good he’s willing to move off the paci on his own some kids won’t go without it for years and end up relying on it.

I have 4 kids my first 3 did this at about the same age. I let them it was one less thing to break. My 4th who is 4 months old loves his and honestly it’s gonna be the death of me. I have had to go to the store in the middle of the night cause we lost his. I wish he would have been the same cause something so small gives me so much anxiety it’s insane.

Throw it away and don’t look back

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My eldest stopped after 6 weeks and my twins were bout same. Best thing ever as didnt need to try get them to stop when older

Leave it be and consider it an act of God (lol).
My first wouldn’t let hers go until she was almost 4. It was hardddddd. My other 4 gave theirs up on their own, and man was I thankful. 2 of them didn’t even want them most times.

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I always let it go. One less habit to break later so if they refused I let it go. My son is my first baby to actually take his binky this long & hes 4 months lol. My other 3 stopped super early. It was around the same age you’re saying they quit. My third didn’t take one at all right from the start.

I did not give them to my two children. No problem.

Leave it. Unless they’re switching to thumb sucking instead, which is such a worse addiction to break, because you can’t just throw away their thumbs when you want them to stop. My 6 yo still sucks her’s before bed sometimes and I can’t get her to quit and it hasn’t been the best for her teeth :upside_down_face: (I also think pacifiers aren’t as rough on their teeth as thumb sucking in the first place tbh). However, if baby has learned to self soothe without it this young, that’s a great thing. It’ll be so much harder at 1 or 2 to try to take it away yourself when they’re so attached to it.

Leave it be! It’s so hard to wean then off the pacifier… if he’s sick of it now, take it hahah

Let him learn to self soothe if he doesn’t want it.

I have two (now adult) children.
If either one decided they didn’t like the binky anymore, more were bought to try. Sucking is soothing to a baby and in my opinion, teaches self soothing. Neither had troubles giving it up nor did they have to have braces or extensive dental work.
It is your choice…

I let it be. None of my girls had pacifiers it would make them gag so terribly.

Out of all 4 of my kids, my daughter is the only one that sucked one and it was super hard to get her off, I would leave it.

Leave it alone… it’s good sign!!! :slightly_smiling_face:

I never allowed my kids to have one as it will mess with teeth developing. Throw it out and forget about it.

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I see you are a first time parent… Lol be grateful! A pacifier is a horrible habit that parents start! Parents like me🤦🏻‍♀️


Leave it! Do you like when someone pushs things on you and you dont want it?

He won’t take it even if u keep pushing it. I have a 20 month old that used pacifier up until 2 month then suddenly the thumb and ever since then she uses her thumb and never again the pacifier

Are you for real? If he doesn’t want it, let it go.


Definitely leave it be.
One less thing to wean him off of.


Leave it be. My son didn’t take it. I haven’t bought any for the lo due 1/4. I’m hoping they’ll be fine w/o one too. One less thing to wean them off of :slightly_smiling_face:

I would count that as a blessing. Because taking it away when they actually care about it later down the road is way harder


no u just going to make him dependent on something that’s not good for him just leave it otherwise ul struggle to get him off

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My kids never used a pacifier. I sometimes see up to 3 year olds still using a pacifier. Smh

Throw them away. It’s a blessing


Definitely not! Neither one of mine took one so I didn’t push it

I hate those things. If your baby doesn’t want it, save yourself the trouble of taking it away when he’s older. lol

I would leave it out none of my three kids used one it’s honestly one less thing to have to take away in the future

Actually the docs will recommend u give it to them. They think it helps with sids. So why all u ppl r saying smart remarks, must not know your shit lol

Let his go with out if he doesnt want it. Nothing i hate seeing is a kid so attached to them that they are still sucking on them at 3 years old and older. Knew one kid 6 years old still wearing one around her neck and sucking it in church.

Babies use it for comfort. If he doesn’t want it that’s a real good thing. Throw them all away

Leaveeeee it… My daughter only took hers until about 5 months…its a blessing lol. Dont have to ween them off of it then. Long term use causes teeth damage in many ways…count ur blessings lol. Throw them out.

If hes happy without it dont force him to take it. Just watch he doesn’t start thumb sucking instead…much harder habit to break and more damaging to incoming teeth

Don’t push it. Just another habit to break


Leave it, him not wanting it anymore is him breaking the habit on his own.


Don’t do it lol. Save yourself the sanity for later

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Why would you push it? Lol. My first daughter had hers until she was 2 and her teeth luckily corrected themselves but it was a nightmare. I am about to have my 5th and none of my other children used one except for superficially maybe for a few seconds here and there or to teeth on. It’s so much easier without them in your life! You don’t have to quit a horrible habit… your whole day isn’t ruined if you can’t find it…. Endless trips and money spent on a nuk. :woozy_face: I’d be thankful!


That’s the baby moving on from the pacifier. It’s a good thing when they give it up on their own like that.


Some kids never take to them. My 3yo rarely did when she was an infant. I’m glad I didn’t have to deal with taking it away when she was older.

Why push it if he doesnt want it?

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My youngest baby didn’t like them she’d rather had a bottle she was the only one I let sleep with a bottle also smh don’t do that it was horrible to break her from, just leave it be they’ll eventually learn to self sooth

My daughter rejected hers at 4 months old. Id leave it and encourage a stuffy or something else for comfort preferably not a bottle… my 2 year old wants hers all the time

My kids never used them . Why would u make him

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Noway.if he doesn’t want less thing to break them of.


My kids never took them and I did not care. This way I did not have to break them of it.

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Leave it… way easier to be done with it now than fighting him over it at 1 or 2 years old. My son was like 6 months old and threw his last one out the car window… we just didn’t buy anymore and he never seemed to care…

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Why push it, you’re just gunna have to wean him off it in a few months anyways - he’s basically giving you a gift lol


Leave it… Easier to stop it now than later


Leave it be. It’s a hard thing to take away, and when you do, you often wind up with a thumb sucker, who will need orthodontic work later.

My Daughter only ever wanted a Specific One. It had a hard rubber handle/holder in the shape of an “O”. She used to turn it around and use the handle to gum on for her Molars.(!!)

Neither of my girls took one and it’s nice not to have to break habit I’d let it be


Leave it. My oldest always refused them and preferred to be soothed by music instead. (Specifically, Ink Spots)

It will make your life easier if he keeps using it. Maybe try a different style.

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My eldest rejected at 8 weeks the following 3 didnt and I wished they had cause they were a nightmare ,I would trust baby and follow the q

Nope, neither of babies ever wanted a pacifier. Didn’t push it on my three year old and not pushing on my three month old. Makes it easier in the long run. If baby is crying and won’t calm down, try using white noise instead if they won’t take a pacifier.

Definitely don’t use it if you don’t have to! It’s a hard habit to break and isn’t mentally healthy for them if not broken early enough…

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Some babie need more suck time. Some don’t. Take your cues from the baby. You don’t force feed if he’s nor hungry, just because years ago they used to suggest a scheduled feeding. He’ll be ok if he rejects it

Unless there sucking fingers I’d wouldnt push a paci. Now it is easier to take a paci away vs their fingers.

My oldest didn’t like it my middle child only took one for maybe 2 months n my 3rd child only took one for maybe 3 months if that

Be thankful let it go ……

Why push it!? If he doesn’t want it, get rid of it.