Should I report my nieces car seats?

Dont report them, buy her new ones! I would never report anyone!


Buy them carseats then. Jeez.


Ask them why they are using them. If they don’t seem to care that they are in such poor and unsafe condition then yes report it.


How about using kindness and helping out if they need new carseats


I mean are they unable to purchase decent ones? If they can’t I would get together with some people and try to get them for them. Why does everyone have to report everything instead of trying to help the situation?? I don’t get it


Maybe that’s the best she could do right now. At least she had something. I would call around and see if you can find her a donated one. Or look on FB Market place. Sounds like she could just use some help.Did you ask about them? Maybe she was cleaning the covers.


I would talk to them first and see if u can help them understand it or may be help get another one

How about helping out instead of creating more problems? This page stresses me out.


People like YOU!!! That’s what is wrong with this world!! How about instead of jumping straight to Facebook to ask a group of strangers what in my opinion, is the stupidest bull$hit I’ve ever seen maybe take that same energy and go straight to the source and see if maybe they need help getting them one… I mean we can tell your sooooo concerned because I mean what better way to show concern that this :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3:

I can’t believe how a family would report on another. Show some compassion. I seen this happen and it’s not nice bloody terrible human beings. Go buy some or find agency that will help


Hows about politely pointing out that they’re not safe instead of going behind peoples back to report them


Really? You’re thinking about reporting because of carseats! How about have a conversation with the parents, buy the kids new car seats or help parents pay for new ones…I don’t understand people who think they should go straight to authorities before speaking to the adults first… especially if they’re family :roll_eyes:


Oh and also, I don’t know who your sister is,but I would just like to say on her behalf to go shove a lamp up your ass and lighten tf up!!!

Yep I’d find them car seats being your nieces shouldn’t be a big dead even if u find free second hand ones


Damn Karen….maybe they were dirty and needed washing. Calm down and stay on your lane….don’t let that be the reason you call cps. Wtf is wrong with you….seriously, do you really care about her kids or your just a jerk….

There is a difference between being a Karen and speaking up when something isn’t right. Seems like you got some good advice above.


Seats don’t really expire but should have all it’s covers n padding tbh x

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In our community they have car seats clinics. Usually someone from the fire department runs it

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Instead of reporting them. Talk to them about safe car seats or maybe try raise the money for new ones I don’t think they deserve to get their kids taken,they might just be ignorant to the matter


Buy them proper ones. The patents might be struggling.

Obviously she is having a hard time…maybe try helping your family out instead of making their lives more difficult…smh


Why don’t you act like a good daughter and buy him the car seats he obviously needs but can’t afford. Instead of turning your father in to the authorities.


Just get new carseats and install them for them.


Yes, because thats really better than talking to the parents or offering your advice :woman_facepalming:t2:


What if they’d taken the padding off to wash it? Did you see them being used this way? A lot of this crap can be solved by just speaking to the people involved and getting facts first.


Be a good human being and go get some better car seats! Obviously your family needs some lessons in taking cate of one another. Your moral compass is way off.

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How about just having a polite conversation and explaining your feelings and the dangers ect, if they’re the main car seats then be compassionate stick your hand in your pocket or go find a good will somewhere and help everyone out instead from being a judgemental dick

The best thing you can do is try and help them get safe car seats for their children. They are probably unable to afford new ones or ignorant of the laws in their state.

Seriously?! Maybe try talking to the grandparents/ parents or, better yet, just buying them new car seats!

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,Family should help take care of family. Quit judging and start helping. Safe car seats do not have to the most expensive. Quit looking down your nose and go buy them. Evidently they must be short of cash. Some agencies donate seats. Try telling your Dad. You sound like a trouble maker.


Just sad you’d want to report them!! Why not do something nice for your niece’s and Buy Them New Ones??
Maybe your sister or brother is going through a rough time & can’t afford new ones? Maybe like others have posted they could be in the wash?
How about asking why & do you need help getting new ones?
Can’t understand wanting to report your family member instead of helping them??


The amount of people who believe the children needs being neglected is okay is fucking ridiculous. If you won’t provide a safe way to transport what else are you not providing for your children that they need? It isn’t their aunts job to go out and purchase new seats because their parents apparently aren’t worried enough to :roll_eyes: I understand struggling, but no, I don’t understand childrens needs being neglected. I completely understand why she’s questioning whether or not to report their seats, she’s at least taking notice how unsafe their seats are. But nah, as long as there aren’t bruises then it’s perfectly fine to neglect your kids needs? Or do we only ignore it when it’s family members we talking about? Y’all gotta be the same kinda people allowing anyone & everyone care for your kids too.

In my opinion offer to help, see why the hell no one else in the family seems to be concerned about these babies safety. The police station or fire station sometimes also have car seats they’ll give to those who are in need, reach out? But nah, calling authorities isn’t necessary unless there is other forms of child neglect going on.

None of that is safe in any way, shape or form. You are absolutely valid in being concerned. I wouldn’t jump to reporting. I would first try talking and educating about car seat safety. There are tons of resources out there for educational purposes. And then offer to help get new seats. You don’t even have to offer money if you don’t have it. There are also lots of resources out there to get free seats. If you aren’t able to get any for free, buy buy baby takes Afterpay and has car seats. Afterpay doesn’t check your credit so virtually everyone is approved. They split the total into four equal payments with no interest or any of that. Buy buy baby also offers 20% off when you sign up your email. The only time I would report anyone is if you have given the information, actively tried to help and they choose to be ignorant continuously putting the kids in danger. She may not know any better yet. There’s a difference with not knowing and choosing to ignore. Hope this helps.

Each family member/friend contribute $10 & buy the little ones some nice car seats that will grow with them. :blush:


GO BUY Those kids a new one!!! Don’t complain if you don’t help what you see is wrong !

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Seats dont expire but they could of been recalled. Thats prob not safe. Theres agencies who will help get you proper car seats if you cant afford them. But the kids bring 1 & 2 they should be in a proper carseat for there age and weight with the padding. No child wants to sit on a hard ass seat.
Before you report talk to them see what happened the children could of spilled something on the fabric or something were they had to take it off to wash and couldnt get it back on. Anything could of happened… First try to fix the problem the situation and then if you cant and they dont give you any really good reason then maybe report them but try to help first

Why report them? Could you start a conversation with the parents about your concerns instead?

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Why don’t you talk to the parents first and find out why there carseats are destroyed to begin with and I would try and get evidence if they are really riding in those carseats like that then maybe report them

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You would
Rather report it instead of helping with car seats…:poop::poop::poop::poop:


Why don’t you buy proper ones ? Why nark in family!!! HELP !!! Thats what family is for !!

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I don’t think this went the way OP thought it would


If your so concerned go buy them some new ones


Idk that’s kind of messed up. If those are your nieces then maybe help by buying or talking to family about pitching in to buy some. You could even call your insurance to see if they offer you any, or check out offer up if money is tight. The last thing I’d do to family is report them. Not even if I’m not cool with them. You never really know what someone’s going through, family or not. If another story is they’re legitimately harming them

Maybe help and buy them car seats. :thinking:


Sometimes humans can be shocking …like you …how about you buy them something better and stop being a Karen!

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Why can’t you talk to the parents first? instead of reporting them behind their backs smh just plain nasty imo


It’s not safe. But why report them? Why not try to help? If you can’t afford to get them proper car seats, then find a local car seat exchange, or see if there are any posted on a local buy nothing group?


You don’t even wanna help your own family just report them? Girl get tf out of here what is wrong with you. Gonna be a dirty delete :woozy_face::woozy_face:


Personally, I’d buy them new seats to use. They may not have the money or they may not know what is supposed to be safe. Either way, I’d want to make sure the kids are safe.

Not sure but police stations used to give car seats out to under privileged families.


Is it possible the covers were just being washed? People do that sometimes ya know.

If they’re missing covers, most companies, you can order new ones. Which is something not many people know
Car seats aren’t entirely cheap either. So maybe you could just politely say “hey I noticed this. It’s not safe. Do you need help getting new ones?” And maybe help them out. One that has the sticker, depending on brand, some companies will send a free replacement seat in the event of damage from general use. For sure Diono and Cybex do this.
If after a conversation they still think it’s okay and just fine that their kids are being dangerously transported, absolutely report them.


Why don’t you buy them new car seats instead of reporting??

I guess it all depends on whether you want to help your niece, or you think the car seat issue is part of a bigger issue. Perhaps you could help her purchase suitable car seats?


Why can’t people mind their own business like I was taught


Baby, report your family to who? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: can YOU help your niece and nephew? Helping can even be you voicing your concerns to your family.


You could offer advice and or resources to get new ones…help her be better if she needs love and compassion not to be reported

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No you offer to help before being an absolute peice of crap. If you can’t afford to help bring it to the attention of someone who can.


It could be all they can afford
Best joy to judge soo harshly

What’s your REAL problem with these parents? Why not just encourage them to get safer ones or find out why the kids have u safe ones? Or better yet…talk to your parents and the rest of your family about just fixing the problem. If you care so much about the kids fix it instead of talking shit about them. If you plan on just turning your head after you report them why bother. Your spiteful ness helps no one in this situation.


How about buy them new ones. Obviously they need some assistance. Be a caring human being. Not a karen human being. Much peace and love ☆


First off I’m sorry that everyone’s jumped on you, first I would speak to the parents and find out if they’re deffo the car seats they use, if they are I would show or send them a video explaining how safe it is about rear facing and safe car seats!!
Car seats can be expensive! If you can go out and buy them both safe car seats… I wouldn’t report them as nothing would probably get done as you can actually put a child in a car without a car seat (taxi, bus) but car seat safety is so important!! So we’ll done for spotting and noticing ! Xxx

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Ok, these are your nieces!!! Would you really want to report this to someone? Unless there’s more to worry about but Callimg on her could cause some really serious problems!!! Why not just try to help out with getting them something safer for them!!! I’m glad I dont have a sibling like you!! Straight shady af!!!


You could talk to them ,maybe they need help buying proper ones.

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What a blessing of a sister you are…:woman_facepalming::rofl:
How bout, talk to your sister and maybe help her out with sourcing some new seats that are up to your standards…


Help them instead of reporting it! Well seems like you may not like your family!


I can’t believe what I am reading!!!:rage:Shame on you!!!


You can get free car seats at police stations in a lot of date look it up in the state your in


What is reporting it going to do. If you that worried about it go buy them new ones. Who knows what struggles mom might be going through. Offer to help not make it worst.


Why not be a good aunt and just buy them good car seats instead


Report them? The fuck?.. Try educating them or just buying them new seats if you’re so concerned.


Why don’t you help them get 2 new car seats instead of reporting the parents of your nieces? I think the outcome would be much better.


Who needs enemies when you got a nasty malicious sister. Sounds like you is jelous of her an this is nothing do with seats’ daaaaam … report them? Wtf :flushed:


Report your family? Really? Why do you want to get them in trouble? Shouldn’t you want to help them? Can the parents not afford car seats? I can’t imagine reporting my SIL and she’s a POS. Why wouldn’t you help them acquire proper car seats? Wth?


Maybe instead of judging. Help solve the problem, ask yourself how can I help this situation be better? Maybe go buy your nieces a cheap 2nd hand car seat. What is wrong with you


So you’re questioning if you should “report” your brother or sister, instead of questioning how best to go about helping them buy new carseats? If it truly were the kids you were worried about, you wouldn’t be trying to get their parent(s) in trouble. Sounds to me like your priority is getting them in trouble.


There was many a time I had to strip my car seats down to wash the covers.

Why do people hate each other so much in this world now a days that they want to report people for everything? It’s just sheer nastiness. Is there really any need!?


You think car seats expire. Let that marinate before you contemplate turning your sister in instead of having a conversation with her.


Unfortunately it isn’t your business… car seats are so expensive all you can do is notice but be aware if you do say anything you most likely will be told to mind your business.

Girl you are fishing for a case. Idc what problems you grown adults have between each other, but trying to drag innocent children into it is disgusting. Stop trying to justify a petty decision made by you and you alone by consulting a bunch of randos like us on Facebook, only to use it as justification for the foster home you’d land those kids in unnecessarily, down the line, because you’d rather make a REPORT than attempt any possible and plausible, hell fathomable, fix outside of a legal system over something thats probably financial. Don’t feel proud. Something like this shouldn’t come into question. Theres lines that need be and be not crossed. This is a clear cut case of common sense and basic human decency. OP definitely didn’t pass this vibe check. :no_good_woman:


NO. You should be a human being and talk to the parents about your concerns. Don’t be a karen… :roll_eyes:


How do you know the covers weren’t being washed? I mean I take mine apart and wash regularly.

Call around and get new ones for free

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All these people talking crap to you. I’m a single ass mom with 2 babies I paid thousands for in fertility bills. I was still paying for the second baby until after his birth. I have no second parent. My Mom and family didn’t ever supply me with anything for either child, and I’m now on disability due to work injuries and sudden, unexplained, worsening hearing loss. If you work out how much I get month and divide it by working hours, I basically get paid $6 an hour. I also live in a very expensive city where the cost of living is super high. I managed to provide both my children with brand new proper car seats. I also managed to get a grow with me seat for my first when he was too big for the infant seat, and an entirely different 5 point harness forward facing and brand new seat when his old one didn’t fit in the van I purchased. Now he’s in a booster seat with no back that I also provided.

The new baby is in a car seat that came with a stroller which I purchased brand new. And I’m now searching for a grow with me seat and he’s 5 months.

There is NEVER an excuse to not provide your children the proper car seat that is safe to use. If you can’t afford one you’d better be walking your ass with them
Or have them in a wagon and just you walk. It is never acceptable to put your children’s lives in danger because it’s less money for you. Nor is it YOUR responsibility to fork over hundreds of dollars to give them each a car seat.

I’d 100% call the non emergency police line and leave an anonymous tip about it with the make model and license plate of any vehicle that’s risking those children.

She could purchase used if need be, she could contact her nearest church for assistance if she needed some, access pregnancy centers etc. There never an excuse and don’t ever feel bad for doing what’s safe or right for your family because people are so disgusting they will come online and insult you for not parenting someone else’s kids. She knew having kids would come with supplying them
Basic needs such as a car seat.

Maybe the covers are being washed ? Quick to judge especially when it’s your own father in question. I can’t believe you would come on Facebook to put him down and ask strangers for approval to report him
Maybe talk to your father about it and tell him why it’s not safe or ask of the covers are being washed


Why not ask them before taking that big leap and reporting them. Maybe they can’t afford new ones


Have you even tried to talk to them? The parents? Don’t be a Karen and just help them out.


Why don’t you buy them new ones instead of blasting them online or getting dhs involved. Help them for gods sake fuck it’s not that heard.

If you really care you should help instead of reporting.


Report them? Why not help her out . Jeez !


Our great grandparents survived without padding in a car seat and u wanna report to CPS if u did that to me I would disown u


As an aunt myself, my first thought would be either talking to your family around why the seats are like this (as others have said they may just be washing covers etc). Otherwise going out and getting new seats for the kids, even ones on the cheaper side would be more comfy/safe for the kids!! Rather than reporting them!! Unless there is issues with your family you haven’t mentioned?!


If you haven’t tried talking to that family member prior to calling than you’re making a huge mistake. If you have talked to them and they are flat out unwilling to make their child safe then by all means make the call. But if you haven’t tried to help prior to potentially hurting, then you are just compounding the problem.


How about instead of reporting them help them buy new ones :woman_facepalming::woman_shrugging:


I personally would just replace them myself if it was my niece or nephew :woman_shrugging:

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Just buy her new car seats idiot


No that is not safe but in saying so, If you cared about these kids you’d do something about it to help. What happened to speaking directly to the person instead of posting it on social media? My kids no longer use their seats and they are still in date and great condition. We would be happy to give them away to someone who needs them more. :heart: Less judgement and more helping!!


A friend of mine lost her kids because her sister called cps now she will never see her kids again they were adopted out sad part is she was a fantastic mother and she was in addiction but never once used around her kids but sister made up lies then wouldn’t take in kids and let state take them

What is wrong with you people !!! Mind ya fucking business, or maybe politely raise concerns with father in a pleasant manner!!!
You, whoever you are :thinking::thinking::thinking: are a freaking grub!!!

Just tell their parents.