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"I received a call from my sons daycare, the teacher called me… she said I’m just calling to let you know me and your child was walking across the rug holding hands (my child don’t like NO one touching his hands) and your child decided to jump up and drop on the ground… I think they hurt their arm it’s been about 15 minutes and your child is still favoring their other arm. So my response was so should I come get my child… her reply was that’s totally up to your discretion… so I went and picked my child up… my child is 3… I went to put my child in their car seat and my child couldn’t move their arm! I went straight to the ER… we’re in the ER and in the triage the nurse is asking my son what happened… mind you my child is 3! My child tells the nurse my teacher grabbed my arm and I tried to pull away because I wanted to play and she hurt me! So the hospital told me I should file a police report, and I’m torn on what to do… I know that sounds crazy, my Child’s elbow was out of socket and it took them 3 tries to get it back in… and he still won’t use his arm… I just don’t want to cause someone to lose their job if it was really an accident, but I don’t see a 3 year old making up so many details… what would you do in this situation?? Please any advice is appreciated"
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The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.
"Do they have cameras? If so demand to see them."
"Demand to see the cameras and police report."
"Always trust your children when they say someone did something to them like that!!"
"Omg …u make a police report…she dislocated his elbow"
"I would def file a report as per the childcare center they will do an investigation and see if there was any foul play on any employees part… they wont necessarily be fired but your child had an injury occur there, it could at least cover any incidents or issues in the future"
"I would def file a report as per the childcare center they will do an investigation and see if there was any foul play on any employees part… they wont necessarily be fired but your child had an injury occur there, it could at least cover any incidents or issues in the future"
"Advocate for your child, the teacher can advocate for herself, trust your kid always, even if he’s misunderstood the situation he’s telling you how he feels x"
"My child had nursemaid’s elbow…easy to dislocate…it did several times on my account…you don’t have to pull too hard…but if it was me id file a report…teacher should not be rough with a 3 year old…the teacher should listen and let the child play…"
"The ER nurse/dr should also be liable for contacting children services."
"File and let the police determine what went down."
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