Should I stop allowing my daughter to sleep in bed with me?

Hi I knwo this is for mums but I’m a dad and have a question… my girl is 3 unfortunately me and mum ant together and my girl likes for me to sleep with her which I don’t think is a problem but my ex thinks it’s too much as she is too old and that’s why she is clingy with me…any thoughts would be appreciated


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Should I stop allowing my daughter to sleep in bed with me?

They’re only little for such a short time. Lap it up as much as you can while you still can


Your child , you do whats best for your situation.


Nope, she needs u, soon enough it will end, just love ur baby


I told mine she can’t sleep in my bed cause I fart​:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: she sleeps in her bed across the room with a can of air fresher on her night stand incase I cut one lose she is 4


I don’t see a problem. My son Co sleeps with me and his 4 years old


I think that you need to follow your gut and listen to your daughter. If she wants to sleep in the same bed as her Daddy do it. She will only be little once and having her Daddy there when she needs him will teach her the type of man she needs in her life and the bond between you two will only grow stronger. Kindly explain to Mom your feelings and that of what your daughter wants/needs. You have got this!


I’m 21 and still sleep in the bed with my dad when I’m sick


The connection with your little girl is a special one don’t let it be ruined by upsetting her and putting her out of your bed, she will go when she starts to feel a bit weirded out by it probably around 7 years old or so.


Lap it up while she is still young!

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My daughter’s is 7 and I just got home home from work and my hubby and daughter are knocked out together… soon she will be to big… enjoy it while you can😁


My daughter is 5 and still sleeps with me I think of it this way one day she will get to the age that she will find it embarrassing to hug or kiss you goodbye in public doesn’t want to hold your hand anymore let alone sleep in your bed so cherish these moments while you still have them because when they’re gone you will miss them.


Sounds like she’s jealous of you and your daughters bond


I never had my kids in my bed but that’s personal preference.
Lots of parents cosleep.
Especially at that age.
Mind as well get your cuddles while you can

Snuggle your little one for as long as possible.


My daughter is 4 and sleeps with both me and my husband (her dad)

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She is 3 not 13, its fine

Is it possible to break up with your ex again!? :woman_facepalming: you are doing a great job. When your daughter is ready to sleep in her bed she will let you know. Enjoy the cuddles!


Girls are daddy’s girls. She will decide in her own time when to stop sleeping in your bed. My son is six and slept in my bed last night

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My youngest son is 3, he still sleeps with me.
My oldest son (18) slept with me off and on until around 15. We would stay up watching movies and talking. I know… some people would frown upon that, but sometimes, a kid just needs their momma or daddy. Listen to the needs of your child.
One day, they won’t need you as much… so breathe it in! The bond that co-sleeping creates is undeniable. Children need cuddles, to feel safe, and to feel you next to them.
The opinions of others do not matter.
Don’t let ANYONE make you feel weird about it.

  • I will also add that my oldest sleeping with me until he was almost grown didn’t mess him up… Totally normal 18 year old. Just in case anyone was wondering. :rofl:

My daughter is 3 and still climbs in to bed with her dad as soon as I leave the house.
It’s very normal for kids to crawl in to bed with both mom and/or dad.


For me personally, absolutely… but, when come to you and your child, you can only know best.

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Biologically Normal Infant & Toddler Sleep is a great place.
And screw your ex. Let your child sleep where they are comfortable. They’re only little for so long. My son slept on a Montessori floor bed next to my bed until HE was ready. We have never had a nighttime issue


You and mom aren’t together so when she’s with daddy she’s not in her comfort zone maybe bc its all still new to her? She’s still young a baby so at first it’s ok but soon you will need to maybe lay with her in her bed to get her used to her space when she’s with you?

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Our son sleeps in between us every night! I don’t see the problem, baby’s love the security

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If she feels comfortable & safe sleeping with you it’s fine … No different than a little boy sleeping with his momma feeling comfortable and safe …

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Let your baby sleep with you! I think once she’s older (possibly over the age of 5), then I would be giving it more thought. But, even then, I don’t really see the true issue until around puberty.

I personally don’t like kids in my bed, for NO other reason that it makes my life hell :rofl::rofl::rofl: I’m a single mum, health condition, I sleep poorly at the best of times and hate anyone in my bed… So for me… Don’t allow it, never have, never will.

I also believe that by 3, any child should have their own room and own bed (OK, as soon as they are out of a bassinet) but that doesn’t mean it’s wrong.

Your child is a toddler, not like she’s a teenager or young adult… There’s nothing sexual, so nothing wrong.

I would definitely start the transition into her own bed / room, but not for the reasons your ex is implying.

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Hope your girl knows that’s your kid and you do what you wan with her !!


Some day she won’t want to…


My daughter just turned 3. Her dad and I are not together. We both cosleep. I don’t see am issue. We will be transferring her to her own room at each of our houses VERY soon though because she SLEEPS LIKE A STARFISH and there’s never any damn room on the bed :rofl:

Kids can cosleep with parents. No big deal. I think the issues come if it is a child in cosleeping with a parent and new partner or new stepparent that would usually strike a cord tbh.

Please try to keep her.

HA my mom tried to stop my sister from sleeping with her. My sister still slept with her up to the day our mom died. You being a dad has absolutely nothing to do with it she’s just jealous. She’s clingy with you because she’s a daddy’s girl, just like my sister was a mama’s girl. Your ex needs to get over it.

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My son is 7 and loves to sleep with his Dad. Nothing weird about it. He’s a daddy’s boy and has Always wanted to snuggle his Daddy💕 I’ll sleep in bed with him if you fall asleep watching movies or something but I don’t like to because he moves too much and I like my space lol

Wow,is the ex her mom? Sounds jealous of a seemingly awesome connection you and your daughter have. She’s three. She’s still so young. Do what works for you and your daughter.

My son is 3, and he sleeps with me still. He won’t be little forever and someday he’ll be off with his friends and not wanting to hang around me as much.

So I soak up all the snuggles I can get. They’re only young once. :heart:


They grow too fast. My babies sleep with me when they’re with me. I love and appreciate every second with them. Especially having to take my baby to his new School to walk around. I miss hugging them more! Don’t listen to anyone. The bond you have w your daughter is what will matter💖

No, that’s not too old at all, I would allow it, clingy kids is a good thing because she needs extra support rn for whatever reason… she will get past this but she needs you rn she’s just a baby

Uhm no I slept with my dad in bed till like 10 lol. With my step mom as well. Find someone to love your child like you. Children only get so many years like this. It makes them feel safe and decreases anxiety

Honestly there is nothing wrong with it at all thats your baby and if sleeping by her daddy makes her happy then I would let her. They are only little once :smiling_face: my girls still sleep next to their dad they are coming up 13 and 14 and I still let them sleep by me to as well as my 10 year old son. I love that they still want to sleep by us cause one day soon they will be to busy caught up in their own lives and to busy for us.


Keep co sleeping. Nothing wrong with it. Our daughter Will be 4 in June and still sleeps with us and no issues.

Love the moments while we have them :heart::raised_hands:t4: I’d give anything to even just lay with my dad and have a hug and I’m 32. It’s ok she’s a daddy’s girl so be it :heart::blush:

My daughters 9 and still lays with me and her father. She’s always slept with me.

If you are her comfort zone and security there’s nothing wrong with it


One day she won’t even wanna hug you so I say let her !


My son, who is almost 5 sleeps with me still, my almost 10 year old would too of I let him, on occasions I do…


I don’t see the problem. My daughter is 3 1/2 and still wants in my bed. Sometimes I think they just want Mom or Dad near them. Nothing wrong with that. She wants to feel safe and know Dad is close by. Your X needs to be understanding she is after all 3 years old.


Have been co sleeping for 11 years

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Sounds like your ex wants to disrupt your relationship with your daughter.

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My daughter is 9 and still sleeps with me. Nothing wrong with it


I see no issues with that but for me it became a issue when I tried to get my child in thier own bed as they aged

My 6yr old son sleeps with me. They’re your child, as others say, one day they’ll be grown up. Cherish these moments while you can :green_heart:

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Let that baby sleep with you and tell her momma to stop trying to make it seem wrong that your little girl feels safe with you.


Honestly I say enjoy it while it lasts. I lived with my grandparents growing up so my situation was a little different, but I’d always go pile up in bed with my papaw (they had separate rooms cause my mamaw snored like a freight train) & I’d sleep in his room because he’d put the tv on for me at night :joy: that went on until I was around 8 or 9 years old.


My daughter is 7 and still sleeps with me and I will let her for as long as she wants

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Would it be a problem for a boy to sleep with his mom?


I have 3 children. Oldest who’s now going on 15 slept with me until 8. My 10 and 7 yr old still sleep with me every single night.There’s nothing wrong with it at all.

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As a mom of four sons, who was a single mom. My boys slept with me often. Yes at times usually weekends often all four. These are some of my treasured memories. Watching movies on the weekends and all four would end up in my bed. You are a sense of comfort and safety. Probably when she gets her best rest. Your ex is making it weird. Thats her issue. Absolutely nothing wrong with it. I miss those days. Although, now periodically I have a grandchild or two to hog my bed. Lol. Much peace and love ☆


All of mine have slept with me on the occasion until around 6 years of age, my youngest is 2 years and 4 months and has been in my bed since she was 4 hours old. As long as everyone gets sleep and your children are safe and loved there is not one problem with this. Keep doing what you’re doing :revolving_hearts:

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my 10 yr old daughter still dose

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Why are you even listening to your ex Hun ? Do whatever feels right for you and your daughter :heart::heart: they grow up so fast.


Tell her to mind her own business. I don’t see any issues with it at all. Your baby mama is thinking something else and she’s ridiculous for that honestly. So tell her to mind her own business

My 11 yo boy still sometimes (most the time) chooses to sleep with me, my 9 yo daughter has been banned from her dads bed by his nana. My daughter comes home from the weekend with him exhausted because she needs the comfort of some one else in the bed with her. She’s been like this since she was born and I miss them the nights they are at their dads. As long as everyone is getting a good nights sleep that’s all that matters

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It’s fine she’s your baby :two_hearts:

Not at all,if your comfortable with her sleeping in your bed, them no issue…ive sons and daughters and all allowed to get in my bed if they need/want too.

The appropriate age for stopping allowing your kids to sleep you is when they STOP WANTING TO DO IT , she still very little, ignore your ex and enjoy your daughter while she still little because those special moments do no last forever


When my kids go to their fathers house our 8 year old daughter still crawls in bed with her dad. He’s her sense of comfort when she’s away from home. She is comfortable sleeping at home in her own room because she’s here 90% of the year. She adores her dad but she’s uncomfortable sleeping alone there.

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Nothing wrong with your child sleeping she just wants to be close to her parents we always slept on top of the sheet and dad under the sheet just for each others privacy or a blanket works but if she gets used to sleeping beside you then it will be harder to sleep alone herself

As long as it doesn’t interrupt your life then who cares I love cuddles from my daughter she always askes me to hop in our bed and cuddle but then our son wants to hop on and becomes a bit squishy with 4 of us lol she probably just wants to spend all the time she can with you :heart:

well its time she getts weened on her own bed


It’s important to keep that bond and co-sleeping with your child is normal and fosters the parenting bond. However, after having my own two kids, I would suggest that 4yo is when they should learn to sleep alone. Do it gradually, and I have always found that leaving a shirt I’ve worn that day in their crib or something that smells like me always got the kids to sleep soundly

I asked my 4-year-old to come to my bed one night because I was the one having bad thoughts and nightmares. :sweat_smile: She’s 3, FFS. Let her find comfort with you. Treasure it. :heart:


This wouldnt be a issue if it was a mom and daughter! My son is almost 3 and sleeps with me

Widowed single ASD/ADHD mom of two ASD/ ADHD boys here: my sons are ten and seven years old respectively. They still seek me out in the middle of the night. They still want bedtime cuddles most nights until they go to sleep and sometimes I play what I call musical beds, meaning they end up on MY bed (at least one of them, sometimes both of them) so I will go to one of THEIR beds with certain of my things and go to sleep again there. Your daughter is three. If she feel safer, more comfortable and more secure next to you, then for both of your sakes, either wean her off of your bed (which can look like you cuddling with her in her room until she goes to sleep or it can look like getting her a small bed for the foot of your bed at first and gradually moving it closer and closer to her room or even a few other methods) or let her sleep with you.


My 5yo still sleeps with me. She can move to her own bedroom when she is ready.

My 29 yr old daughter will still crawl into the bed with me if she can catch me in the bed! Like someone said let them decide… their only our babies for so long.

I’m torn with this really I am my daughter still sleeps in bed with me and she’s 14 and if my 18 year old son still wanted to I’d let him they grow up fast. But with that being said Unfortunately in some cases things happen that shouldn’t maby talk to her find out why it’s bothering her so much I know a friend of mine who did the same thing and spoiled his lil one and when mom would get her back she would refuse to sleep alone which took a tole on the relationship she was in. Idk but I’d speak with her for sure.

I don’t see an issue

Yall aint together, dont tell her…my kids sleep with their dad, heck, sometimes we wake up with 3 kids in bed with us…my son who is married and has a baby, came and stayed one Saturday night with us, guess where my son and grandson slept, with my husband…your daughter is “clingy” because she feels safe, secure, and is comfortable with you. She is 3, she is still learning who she can trust and rely on and you give her that comfort. The mom has no reason to know what happens at your house, so quit telling her things. Look, she just making you worry over something that should be natural for a parent and their child, and you dont need that. You love your daughter the best way you know how. And dont ever let anyone make you feel bad about it.

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My daughter slept in my bed until she was like 10. As long as you don’t have another women in your bed, then snuggled away. She is your daughter too.


3 is still pretty young. I’d say start to wean her off when she’s 4 and have her sleeping by herself by 5

I don’t really see a problem with it. My 4 1/2 year old still sometimes falls asleep with my husband when I am at work (nights) or comes to sleep with me in the morning when my husband leaves. Usually we will just put her back in her room once she’s asleep. It used to happen more frequently when she was around 3, but doesn’t happen as much anymore. We realized that she would usually come get in our bed once her TV turned off. I found a kid streaming channel that plays 24/7 & doesn’t turn off, so now with the background noise, she’ll usually go back to bed if she wakes up in the middle of the night. At 3, I don’t think it’s a huge deal.

Your little one might also not feel super secure in her own room at this age, if she does not live there all the time.

My husband and I are still together but I work nights. My youngest, 4 years old and sometimes my middle, 6 years old sleep in my bed with their dad.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with it. She feels safe with you, you’re her dad. She has gone through a lot of changes with you and mom separating. It’s a lot to handle and it’s probably very comforting to have you there.

Also, was mom ok with it when you were together and all of a sudden not now?


I never let my kids sleep in my bed all night but if they came and layed in there for a while to watch TV with me or when they didnt feel well I didnt mind. I just didnt want them getting used to not being able to go to sleep in their own bed. Nothing wrong with a 3 year old being in your bed as long as they dont make a habit of it and wont go in their own bed

My 18 year old daughter has jumped in bed with me the last 2 nights running. It’s a treasure to me. I’ve always loved my kids wanting to cuddle up with me to sleep. It is time she has her own bed and just allow here every now and then. There’s definently nothing wrong with it.

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My baby slept in my bed or in my room next to me in her toddler bed at 3 and continues to at 5 almost 6 even though she has her own room and big girl bed now she still comes in my room if she realizes she’s alone. Let babies be babies as long as they want! Lord knows they grow way to fast


As long as both have cloths on, sure…
Glad she feels safe being with you.

Let her sleep with you! Sounds like the mom is jealous. Your daughter is clingy because she loves you and probably has a lot of fun with you

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Treasure every second with her


Your ex is just jealous because the child is not hers… Some women with unnecessary drama. She will end up separating you and your daughter one day!


I think mom just doesn’t want the child sleeping in her bed. And children like consistency and routines. So if you allow her to sleep with you she probably won’t sleep in her in own bed when she is with her Mom. But you need to do what works for you and your child when she is with you. She is still very young and as long as you aren’t sleeping nude or with a partner sharing your bed, I think you just listen to what your child needs at the moment. But working toward the goal of having her sleep in her own bed and room should be something you’re working on.

3 is still young I don’t see a problem with it…all my children have slept with me in my bed…at different points…I wouldn’t worry about it as long a there’s no one else in the bed with you both…no problem

The schedule my daughter’s are on at home (ages 2.5 & 5) with how I do things with them are totally different like daylight & dark from how their daddy does things with them & that’s totally fine with me…they learn to adjust to the differences between how mommy does thing & how daddy does…I say you do you when u have her & mom can do the same…afterall it’s a totally different bond between the two parents!

The ex needs to mind her business. If this is something that works for both of you, then keep doing it, because they are only little and “clingy” for so long. Then you’re going to miss the days she was asking for comfort from you.


Horse pucky!! My son will be five next month and still likes to sleep with me. He has his own bedroom and twin size bed, he lays in his own bed all the time but when it comes time to sleep, he’s in my bed. Does she have her own bed available to her? If so I’d say just give her time, she will transition to it when she is ready.

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My youngest daughter slept w me untill she was 11 and as long as they feel comfortable and chose to do so it isn’t a problem unless u make it a problem.

She’s clingy to you because you are her mom. My almost 2 year old is clingy to me and sleeps in her own bed in her own room. :roll_eyes:

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I think its fine, she’s still young. My son is 6, almost 7 & he still sleeps with me a lot.

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