Should I switch to formula?

Due to stress I couldn’t produce enough milk for my youngest. He was in the icu for a couple of weeks when he was a month old so we had to switch to formula because the stress was taking a toll on my body. He is healthy and happy and a tank. You do what’s best for you and your little one.

Do what’s best for you. You can always if you want, try eating foods that help with milk production and you can always do both. Either way as long as your baby is fed, happy and healthy then that’s all that matters.


Do whatever you need to do to feed your baby! I’ve formula fed since my baby was 3 months for the same reason and he is perfectly healthy and happy. Also if you have an instagram theformulamom is an AMAZING support for transitioning, general formula information, and she also does a q&a box to answer other questions.

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I’m making 12oz for my almost 2 month old who is premmie. Very traumatic birth experience and couldn’t get to my child for 5 days. So much other stress and I don’t feel adequate. Plus she’s not even home. I haven’t been able to even breastfeed. I want too so yet I don’t bc she has GI issues. Severe issues. Completely single mom of 6 kids.

Do what is best for your baby! Fed is best! No matter how you choose to feed. Babies thrive on breast milk AND formula BOTH. It’s not really a competition it is just what works to get your baby fed. Best of lick!

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Bottle feeding is fine. Do what works for you.

Babies thrive on formula.


Healthy happy momma can equal a healthy happy baby … breastfeeding is great for the baby… but if its killing mamma :woman_shrugging: theres formula for a reason and your baby will be fine

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Formula is just as good were under producers or empty

Babies thrive on formula!

fed is best. you’ve done great making it this far , it’s an accomplishment to be proud of. if it was me, i would switch. but that’s such a personal decision to make. you matter too :heart: an over exhausted momma is no good! coming from a mom of two formula fed babies, they are great. and through this pandemic haven’t even gotten sick once. weigh your pros and cons but don’t feel guilty if you quit pumping

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With my son I dried up at 1 month and with my daughter 3 months. They then went on formula. They still have the antibodies in their system. Also, if you’re immunizing you’re child he already started them so he’s building up his active immune system instead of just having the passive immunity from you.

I would do the best you can. It doesn’t hurt to do both. Maybe pump 2 or 3 times a day and formula feed the other times. Just stick with the same times a day that you pump so that you continue to make the same amount. I have some good videos on my YouTube channel about how to get the most out of pumping. You can also check out my instagram breastfeeding tips each day. If all you can do is breastfeed a few times a day its better than nothing at all and you are still getting those antibodies and health benefits. Do what is best for you and your baby. My YouTube and Instagram are below

My Youtube Channel

16oz a day for a three month old is not enough. Continuing with just that amount can end up leading to dehydration and failure to thrive.
Babies need to be hydrated and nourished, they’re at a bigger risk for getting sick when they’re not no matter what they’re eating.
Fed is best. Period.
Personally I would combo feed.

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I pumped for a year! It can be done. I had some meds to help with my supply. At the beginning I did both breast milk and formula until about 6 months when I realized I was pumping enough for him. But fed is best do what your comfortable with! 3 months is still a long time for them to have had breast milk! Way to go!!

you need to choose what’s best for you but I noticed that with some of mine I could pump and I would have like an endless supply some of them I could only pump for a month or two and some of them I just refuse to flat out pump at all but I did breastfeed all of them by choice and you know formula cost money but I did notice that with my daughter or my son that when I would try to pump it would not produce anything but I could still breastfeed so maybe try to breastfeed if you can or if you want to

Any little bit for breastmilk will benefit. But if you stop that is your choice too. A fed happy baby is best. Google ideas on how to boost your production. Don’t give up momma

Although pumping helps, you need to actually breastfeed to encourage the milk to flow. You will produce the right amount. Think about your baby just before feeding. If it’s all getting too much, maybe switch some feeds to formula and pump the milk.

I had the same issue, decided at 3 and half months when I was struggling even more to just switch to formula. I was tired of stressing about it and wanted to enjoy her infant hood as much as I could. She’s 18 months now, extremely healthy, meeting all her mile stones and thriving. Honestly, do what’s right for you and baby! Don’t feel pressured or guilty whichever route you choose. Fed is best!

Hunny do WHATEVER works for you! Formula is not as healthy, but holds all the key ingredients a baby needs to thrive. If breastfeeding and pumping is taking joy from YOUR MOTHERHOOD, then dump it and get you some formula! Btw, they have baby vitamin things that you can supplement for extra immune support if you are super concerned about immune health.

I think pumping is way more difficult than breastfeeding, you must be totally exhausted! Give yourself a break, you’ve made a terrific effort for three months. Formula is fine and you can supplement with vit. D etc.

I never breast fed any of my 3 babies. Not even once. It was a personal choice. My kids have all grown up just fine and are very healthy, getting sick a lot less than other kids I know. You should do what YOU decide is best. And people saying that large amounts of breast milk at one feeding is too much are speaking from their own experience. I have an in home day care and have fed many babies their mothers breast milk. Some would drink 3 or 4 oz every 4 hours and some would drink 8 to 10 oz every 3 hours. It all depends on the baby and the milk. Pay attention to your baby and you’ll know what he/she wants! Whatever you’re doing, as long as your baby isn’t starving, you’re doing it right!!!


Remember at the end of the day we all grow up to be adults. No one can tell who was breast feed or had formula… so to put you at ease it really does not matter. :hugs: Do what works for you. I tried to breast feed all three I gave up after a month with each and everyone was more rested.

The first step to making this decision is too educate yourself on how antibodies in breastmilk work because it sounds like you are misinformed on how they really work…

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If youre worried that you arent producing enough then try making breastfeeding cookies. Look up the recipe . ive heard great things about them and for my friend, it trippled her production .

I breastfed my 1st for a day my 2nd for 6 weeks, and my 3rd 2 weeks. I hated it! Was uncomfortable, inconvenient, and made me nervous in various ways. Do what is best for your life and baby!

Do what is right for you mom… Great job!

So much misinformation in this comment thread