Should I take another pregnancy test?

Sounds like Syphilis


Instead of asking Dr. Facebook, go to an OB/GYN. :woman_facepalming:

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Take this off my site

Go to the Dr we don’t want to hear this

There is a Facebook page Mommy2Mommy please go join that page and forget these haters. You can ask all kinds of questions on it and will not be judged.

Sorry people are so rude.

You should share this with your doctor, not the fucking universe.

Go to a doctor, you idiot!

Ok to all the people saying a bunch of negative bs- MOST women these days have been ENCOURAGED to discuss their NATURAL reproductive health and concerns. What the hell kind of gaggle of old geese are you bitches that a woman asking fertility questions grossed you tf out!?! Take that shit to WHOMEVER ingrained such negativity about the female form into your head. Miss us mature adult women with this shit. We talk about periods and orgasms and yeast infections and lumps over here, and we are all around healthier for it. Thank you very much.

This is not the kind of shit you put on Facebook

God y’all are a bunch of bitches :roll_eyes:

Talk to you physician

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go to you tube dummy

I’m praying that you never get pregnant.


Go to the doctor…

Your body might still be adjusting after having the birth control out. It could have messed up your cycle and you might be ovulating. Maybe do another test in a week to make sure.

discharge is actually COMPLETELY normal for any women. why did y’all feel the need to make this wonderful lady so uncomfortable. she simply asked a question, new mothers have no idea what to do yet! if you didn’t like this question, you simply could have kept scrolling. i’m baffled at some of these comments, leave her alone.

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I do not knpw why people are so hateful. If you do not have any good thing to say then remain silent. We do not know her circumstances. Maybe she does not have anyone

Question for your doctor, not Facebook


Take another test. Though hormones can be out of whack after stopping birth control so it could be just that if it’s negative again

Maybe you got an infection. Go see your OB/GYN


Honestly it sounds like a hormone changes. I would wait a few days and test again. Those of you that are being negative I have a question for you. What did women do before medical services were readily availible? They spoke to other women about it. This is exactly what this young lady is doing. Just because you don’t like the question, doesn’t mean she shouldn’t ask it.


On Facebook? Take it elsewhere. Not what I want to see on social media.


Is this for real??? Do you have no sense of propriety???


I took 5 test before i got a positive now she is 33 he us 29 both times had my period up til 5 months

Ignore the rude people. I spotted when I was pregnant. I would wait a week from previous test. Sometimes it might show up negative if tested too early.

Why would anyone put something so peronel

If you naysayers don’t like her questions, scroll on by. The old saying “IF YOU CAN’T SAY SOMETHING NICE, DON’T SAY ANYTHING AT ALL”!!! We are here to help.

Why would anyone purchase

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