Should I take pads to my daughters school?

Hi everyone, I got a question. My daughter, M is about to turn 10 and she started her period. Would it be bizzare if I take a pack of pads and give it to school for her? Incase it starts at school. With of course a change of clothes. I’m just trying to see what would be easier for her. Discreetly going to the nurse office or calling me in front of everyone.


My daughter has an emergency bag in her backpack that has, pads, panty liners, panties and leggings in it in case she ever starts during school hours or just simply bleeds through and needs extra clothes

My mom put them in my bag and change of clothes just in case ALWAYS!

My daughter has a small period bag in her backpack with two different sizes of pads and a small travel pack of personal wipes. I check it weekly when she is not on her period (in case she gives any to a friend) and daily when she is and make sure it stays stocked.

My daughter has a little make up bag in her back pack with supplies. If needed I’d just run her up a change of clothes

An emergency pack with a pad and underwear to keep in her bookbag and maybe the nurse can keep a pair of pants for her in case.

When it was close to that time for my oldest, we made an emergency “period pack” for her bookbag. It had pads, wipes, and an extra pair of panties in like a small make up pouch. It stayed at the bottom of her bookbag until she needed it which happened to be over the summer 7 hours away at church camp lol.

Speak to the class teacher as I know they allow them extra toilet breaks what they are on. The school will also have pads so they should give her some to keep in her draw in like a pencil case type bag. That’s what they do in my child’s school x

My daughters also 10 and her school nurse has some already available just in case I’d talk to the school nurse and just make her aware and pack a little secret bag for her with change of underwear pants germx extra pads and even wipes in travel sized items

I keep a little (non see thru) bag, like a small makeup bag, in my daughter’s backpack. It has a pad, a pair of undies and a pair of leggings. That way if it happens she has what she needs and just needs to excuse herself to the bathroom.

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Just put some in her backpack…

Wouldn’t it be easier to just put them in a little bag and place it in her bookbag

My grandaughter has a little sanitary pack in her back pack

We did a small personal care bag with some pads in it for her to keep in her back pack.

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I put some in her back pack

My daughter is in middle school, she started when she was 8, she’s 14 now. I always kept a small pouch in her backpack with period supplies. Unfortunately, at her middle school, they aren’t allowed to carry their backpacks from class to class. Only their books. So, I got a pencil pouch that has two compartments, one for her pencils, pens, etc., and the other holds a couple pads. She doesn’t always have time to get to her locker and then to the bathroom during passing period. So this way, she always has some on her.

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It’s actually very helpful to the schools to have donations. When my daughter was in high school, I went at the beginning of the year and donated all sizes and shapes of pads and tampons. They get a limited amount from the district and it never lasts as long as it should. I’m in Kansas but I guess it would be the same in a lot of places.

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Absolutely not! Take them to the nurses office put her name on them she can go get them when she needs. But it’s always good to keep a couple in her bag for emergencies.

I just put them in a makeup bag in her backpack


I always just made sure my daughter had them in bag pack. That way only she and I knew they were there.


I did a little makeup bag/pencil case with a small travel pack ofsanitary wipes, a thin pair of leggings folded tight, panties and 2 pads( she had an extra just incase she had a friend in need) and a couple of small garbage bags( to put her soild clothes in to take home. This was placed deep down at the bottom of her backpack and her teacher knew about it. We would replenish when needed

Put it in a plastic bag at the bottom of her back pack. That’s what i did with my girls and it worked great. I put a make up case with pads and wipes in it. So if it’s seen no one will know


Nooo… my girls have a pouch in their backpacks that contain several. I have my 11 year old who has not started keep a couple in her bag just in case she starts at school. But there is no need to have a whole pack for her at school. But I agree most schools have an emergency stash in the school nurse office.


Neither make her an emergency bag that she keeps in her backpack so she can go get it herself without telling anyone


I teach 4th grade and always had a cute bag with extra pads incase the girls had an accident or started unexpectedly. . they always knew where it was…


Most school nurses have pads for this scenario however my daughter preferred to keep a couple in her bookbag just in case


Not weird at all!

My daughter is 10 and she just started her period.

I reached out to the school and asked both the teacher and the nurse about bringing her a care package into school.

She has pads, extra underwear and extra pants.


Our nurses and most teachers always kept some on hand but if she’s anything like me, I was too shy to ask. I’d have her a little bag with options in her backpack.


Can she keep a few and extra clothes etc in her back pack? I packed extra clothes for my son in his pack in kinder and 1st grade incase he had an accident or something. That way she just has them and doesn’t have to say anything.

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Make a kit for her and put it in her backpack.

When I was a teacher, I kept pads in my classroom. Now I have an office in the school and I have some in there as well. That said, she can either carry a small purse, or you can send some!

Make her an “emergency pack” for her to keep in her bag with pads and a change of panties and pants


Ask your daughter what she prefers.


I always just carried my stuff with me. Guess times have changed.

The school nurses office should already be equipped with pads for this very situation.

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Why not put them in her backpack??


Get a small makeup bag and make her a supply kit- pads, wipes, change of underwear and keep it in her backpack


What about a small crossbody purse? Surely the school would let girls carry one.

My daughter had a peoird bag in her locker for pads and change of clothes

My daughter has a period purse she keeps wipes, pads, and extra clothes with her basically at all times when she’s ofd her period she just sticks the purse in her backpack

Yes it is bizarre, give them to her, her school don’t need to know her business

No it wouldn’t. I teach 5th grade and I keep a pack of pre teen sized pads in my cabinet. I have a few girls who have started their periods and they know if they need it they just go grab what they need then go to the restroom. That way they don’t have to go ask the nurse every time. No one wants to have to talk about it every time. I’d love it if parents donated to my stock so I didn’t have to keep buying them :rofl:


Amazon search Period Pouch … there’s tons of cute choices …

teach her to make a care pack. that’s a very awkward time and transition for her, allow her to keep that private

Lol when you get in grade 10 you’ll be going to class like yeah who got a tampon I forgot mine … periods should be normalized. It’s life teachers SHOULDNT question why a girl above 10 goes to their locker or backpack on the way to the bathroom. It’s common sense.

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Pack period undies in a wee pouch or bag with a zip and sew the pouch to the bottom of her bag and put them in her bag With a wee nappy bag in there as well so there is no chance of it falling out

Why wouldn’t you just put them in her bag. She will have to get used to carrying them around anyway


Get a small makeup bag or something similar and put a few pads, a fresh pair of underwear, a ziploc baggie (for the dirty pair), and a small travel size pack of wipes (the ones that have just a handful in a small plastic pack). She can keep it in her backpack for when she needs it. There’s no reason to make her go all the way to the office or to call you.


Keep some in her backpack or locker


Make her a feminine pack to keep in her backpack? Pad or two in a ziploc bag, change of underwear, etc.

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Pop them in her bag. Much more discrete than going to the school office where possibly she might leak more

Call her school and ask to speak to the nurse and go from there but make sure she has a change of clothes in her book bag

Emergency bag!!! Get a little makeup bag put some pads underwear and leggings or pants and have her keep them in her bookbag

I would place a small bag inside her bookbag with feminine hygiene products that way she doesn’t have to ask anyone

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Yeah, have them available with her stuff so she doesn’t have to ask anyone. I remember being embarrassed at that age. She can always wear panty liners (unscented) daily and that way she can see if she starts and it saves her pants since she can exchange it for a pad when she goes to the restroom.

It’s nice if you can donate supplies to a school so they can provide a basket of period products in every girls room used by those in 4th grade and above.

Girls are starting periods so early due to hormones in our food. Try going with organic/no added hormones meats and chicken and/or eating more seafood and vegetarian meals.

My kids (boy & girl) liked anything with chickpeas, black beans and rice, refried beans, Mediterranean veggie options, quinoa )cheap & a complete protein) and most other whole grains.

I’d sneak organic tofu (another cheap, high protein option) in dishes, which is another way to skip or buy less meat: use it to make tofu scramble like eggs, purée it to make cream soup or in spaghetti sauce, use 1/4 crumbled tofu to 3/4 hamburger in burgers, meatballs, meatloaf, lasagna.

You can even get mixes in packets to make chocolate and lemon pudding (lemon is much better), like the tofu scramble packets, at Whole Foods, Mom’s Organic Markets, health food groceries or online of course.

I have a little personal bag with undies, leggings and pads they bring with them usually

My dad did this for me. :green_heart: although he ended up picking me up that day anyway

I just pack a few in her backpack with extra pants and underwear

Put it in her purse . Or backpack. We carried our own as teens

I send my daughter with a little baggies of things. One stays in her locker and one for her book bag. I always make sure it’s full even before she started. I knew some of her friends had and wanted to make sure everyone had some just incase, they all know to go to her if they need to. The school nurse also had a locker full of different hygiene products everything from pads, to tooth brushes. All donated from parents or the community.

My daughter just takes a pencil pouch full of pads and keeps them in her backpack

Girl for the best thing ever carry tampons or pads in her backpack she will have them available when she needs them and if the teacher says something you can tell him to f off but yes if you want to do that and feel more comfortable with that do that but also keep some in her backpack

These should be available in the clinic…

Ruby love period panties, their first period box is great!

She should keep some in her backpack. I’m sure the school nurse also has several options available.


I’d say put it in her backpack or get her high absorbency period panties!

Period panties. Just have her wear them all the time. Did that with my 12 year old daughter and she ended up starting shortly after. No embarrassing first time for her.


I’d do it .nurse might have that stuff .but I have seen some girls have that stuff in there locker are 10&11 yr Olds are in the middle school so our middle school grades are 5th -8th.and our kids can’t carry book bags in school don’t really think aloud to carry purses.dont see girls carry small back pack purses.

Pack one in her purse or backpack. Not that complicated.

That would be a good idea

Mine was 9. I bought a cute period small pouch. Loaded it with pads and packages of butt wipes. The little individual wrapped ones. A pair of underwear. Extra pants in her backpack. Period bag small enough she would take it with her to the bathroom. Had a talk with the teacher. Letting her know, ifa my kid needs to use the bathroom a lot, to allow it, until she gets use to it. Worked out. Also, period panties work great for young kids. They have awesome prints and different cuts.

Put them in her bookbag???

Tell her to keep a stash in a pocket of her bookbag, but also make a donation of feminine products to the school if you have the means.

Send them with her after you show her how to use them. I started in fifth grade and told my female teacher but she didn’t help me at all and I had to use toilet paper. It’s embarrassing when you’re young she shouldn’t have to ask anyone.