Should I tell my husband I am already saving for Christmas?

One year, I just paid 10% more on each and every one of my bills. Then in November, I have no bills for that month and can use all of that for the holidays!


Saved money isnt the same as spent husband an I both are always stashing funds away.i never know what he’s saved and he never questions how I handle our long as the Bill’s are paid.i guess it all depends on your relationship and if your worried that his knowing you have savings put away he’ll want access to it and might want to use it for other purposes.


I’d definitely tell him, I mean id want to know and I’m sure my boyfriend would too, especially when it comes to finances.


Why wouldn’t u tell him?

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Wait so he isn’t less determined to pick up jobs to help with bills.


Keep it to yourself xx


We save for Christmas year round, but instead of saving money we actually buy the gifts year round. I try to pick up restaraunt gift cards in bulk when I can, and we save them for bday/christmas time. Our kids we pick up things for throughout the year. And our credit union and my hubby’s job both have reward programs that we use our points towards getting giftcards.

My husband is currently the stay at home partner right now as well.but it worked the same way for us when our roles were reversed.

You dont have to tell anyone you’re saving money.

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I guess if he would question you or get mad, maybe more tell him more in a demanding way you are doing it, rather then a hey FYI im.doing this…

I dont understand why this is a question honestly, I mean is he bad with money? Because in that case no don’t tell him lmao

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No. Surprise him with the gifts when it’s Christmas time. :heart::heart:

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I wouldn’t tell him if you think he’s going to secretly spend it… Other than that I don’t think you should hide it if it comes up.

No, let it be a surprise.

No keep it a secret until Christmas

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Guess it depends on your relationship and how money conversations usually go. Are you worried that him knowing you have money stashed away will make him even more relaxed on not getting steady work to help pay for bills? Personally I’d mention that I was saving but wouldn’t disclose an amount.

If you share funds, yes you should tell him. If you don’t share funds, no you don’t need to tell him.

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Too early maybe start in like March. Or save it for a home project.

I mean as long as you don’t hide it if y’all need it for an emergency I don’t see why hiding Christmas money is an issue

I wouldn’t tell :rofl: if they know there’s money they’ll try to spend it

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If you feel he will get mad keep it to yourself it’s your choice cause it’s your money

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They want to spend it of they know it’s there

When did saving money become a concern? I say that as long as the priorities are met setting aside some money shouldn’t be an issue.


Personally I would tell my husband.

The fact that you have to ask if you should tell him you’re saving\buying for Christmas says A LLLOOTT.


Don’t say anything just do it. It’s always good to save something back incase if an unavoidable expense anyway

Dont tell him yet wait until u have a bit saved up as everytime something breaks or is needed but not neccesarily urgent he will say ohh we just use this and put it back later then never happens :joy::joy:


I say you do whatever you feel is necessary to ensure your kids have a decent Christmas. How could you possibly go wrong?

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I would say just save and not tell him, so that he thinks he needs to save also.

What would it matter if he knows or not? You are doing the majority of supporting him. If you had left out the “mental health” part, everyone would be saying leave him and do what you want.

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I’m concerned to why this would be an issue in your home. I hope everything is okay :pray:


If he’s not a good saver, & money burns a hole in his pocket— don’t tell him. Saving money isn’t a risk like spending money. If anything, it’s a security that I think everyone should try to do. So since you’re not endangering your family, I don’t think you have to feel guilty for not telling him. You never know, it could be a relief for him in the end.


My husband and I started Christmas shopping just last week

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My wise old grandma used to always say “men don’t need to know everything. They just need to eat everything” :grin:


…what happened to communication


Does he not wonder how you made xmas happen? Let him know you Save money for the kids/his xmas but instead of gifts for your husband I would save what you would spend on him in an account he knows about then you both decide what you want or need as a household at xmas time. New time? House updating? Down payment on a car? Etc

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I don’t think there is any reason to tell him. I don’t mean that in a “Sneaky way”. You aren’t doing this for yourself your doing it for your family. I think it would be a nice surprise at the end


Just save and not say anything.

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You need to sit down and discuss it, otherwise it’s not a partnership.
Putting aside $ for presents and food will help a long way.
If it’s only for Christmas look at doing a supermarket xmas club, that will free up some $ for presents.
I start buying Christmas presents in June as after that prices get increased so they can “sale” them at full price.

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Why not just open a Christmas club account or buy gift cards that you know you’ll use next year?

I don’t like keeping things from my hubby but it’s ultimately up to you.

Just do it!! It’s for your kids :relaxed:

I started Xmas shopping today.

Keep it as a secret present for him as well. Worrying you can’t afford Christmas is stressful. Wait til you go shopping to get gifts.

I’ve already started shopping for this year nd I haven’t told him anything about it he dont ask as long as Bill’s paid nd he has what he needs

I wouldn’t say anything

Why would you hide that from him…


You’re obviously worried otherwise you wouldn’t have asked the question. Is it because he has mental health issues? I think if it is not hurting anyone and it is done in good faith then go ahead.

I started putting $20-$40 a week away In an envelope at my moms house for Christmas next year. I have 6 children and when I don’t save it’s overwhelming and sometimes we just can’t do much. It easier for me to save all year. I also don’t tell my husband about it, because as soon as something comes up he will say oh well use that money you have at your moms instead of trying to figure something else out.


It’s your money. You do what you need to do. If you tell him it’s he going to complain and wine you should be spending it???

I save for Xmas through q savings club for vouchers (this year mostly pre paid cards) I save a little into credit union each week aswell… this is the first year I have started savings hoping it relieves some stress in December

U need to ask yourself. If you told him will he want to spend will he be angry?

Or will he just be like ok its for kids anyway what difference does it make?

I would tell him but say it’s a rainy day fund. But also say that if you don’t use by Christmas that’s what it will be used for.

Maybe put his odd job money into a pot for High Days and Holidays (where you would put Christmas money) and say it’s lovely to have money to put towards treats (aka Christmas).

Why would you hide it from him? The fact that you are even thinking about lying to your husband, especially about money, is really not okay. You should tell him. And you should also try to work it out with yourself on why you would feel the need to hide it from him.

You should save without telling anybody. I mean it’s just Christmas money.

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Why would it need to be a secret? I’d feel fine telling my husband. It’s planning ahead together?

I wouldn’t tell. Let it be a surprise at xmas.

I kept something secret from my hubs a few years ago. I had commissioned a portrait of us with our dog to give him for his birthday. The problem came when trying to stay in contact with the guy as the portrait was in progress. Super stressful! One day, he finally asked me what the hell was going on, so rather than make something up, I just spoiled the surprise for him. I realize it isn’t the same thing, but my point is keeping a secret (even a good one) can blow up in your face.

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I have money that hubby doesn’t know about . This year we will celebrate 39 years together.
It’s never too early . I say go ahead .Always good to keep for a rainy day

Is there a reason he needs to know?.. is there a reason to sneak it?

Save the money. Don’t hid it, but if there is no reason to tell him why?

I have a savings that my partner doesn’t know how much is in it. Came in handy a few months ago when we needed to fix some high end stuff in the house… i was saving it for other reasons but helped to have a space that “is not part of the regular pay”

They also calculate part of their bonus and put some aside for Christmas.

It can be a surprise when the time comes.

My hubby and I are very open about our finances and make those decisions together. We both have our ‘allowance’ that we can do with as we please, but saving for things like our kids Christmas gifts, birthday parties, special occasions, etc. we come up with a budget together. If it’s a gift for hubby like valentines or Father’s Day, I save my allowance up if I need to

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I’d tell him gives him a chance to contribute