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"I recently visited my sister and her husband. They have been married more then a decade. They have children. For the second time in a row my brother in law tried to sleep with me. He was extremely wasted both times. This news would devastate her and destroy their family. I don’t know if I should tell her or take it to my grave."
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The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.
"I would tell her. Drunk or not people still know what they’re doing."
"She has the right to know"
"If it were my sister I’d tell her out of loyalty to her. F him. He doesn’t deserve her."
"I’d tell him, you tell her or I will"
"I’d say… I don’t know if your hubby was drunk and thought I was you but he hit on me when he was wasted."
"Yes tell her, I’d tell my sister if it was me and I don’t even like my sister"
"Definitely tell her! He’s probably slept with other women."
"Tell her!!! She has every right to know!!"
"Don’t give him the option to tell her himself. He’ll spin it and end up blaming you. She needs to hear it straight from you."
"Would you want your sister to tell you if the tables were turned"
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