Should I unblock my baby daddy to send him photos?

Me & my baby daddy is not on speaking terms, but I took the cutest pictures of our daughters and want to send it to him. We have each other blocked ( I have him blocked on Fb. He has me blocked on ig). Should I unblock him and send him the pictures and block him again. It’s best we keep each other blocked right now regardless if I send the pics or not.


You can’t text them to him?


Can you send to a neutral party who can forward them to him?

There an app you can use to do this in. And it keeps a record of everything sent

Send them through family or friends. If u don’t feel comfortable.

Soo, from the outside…seems like you wanna talk to him and this is your way. If he wants pics of his girls, let him take them. If you need to apologize, use your big girl words and communicate.

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Also, the whole blocking thing, I understand. I have one of my BD blocked on everything because he and his family do nothing but put their noses where it doesn’t belong and makes my life miserable. Everything we discuss is via text message.

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That it a choice you can make long as the child is safe sometimes it’s best to out how you feel aside for the kids I’m unhappy with my kids dad but never stop them from contacting him and he can see them anytime but I know they are safe and will be looked after when hecsoends time with them how I feel about him isn’t important but the kids having a good relationship with him is important to me as they need that

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You both sounds very very mature


If he is involved, I’d have a mutual pass them along (or thru the court ordered app if ya’ll use that). If he’s not involved then he can go without.
But I’d keep him blocked for now if that is what the two of you has decided is best for your girls. I know it might be the unpopular opinion but sometimes the mature thing is to not interact at all if all you’re doing is fighting every time. Better for the kids to have separate relationships with the parents if it means they don’t just see mom and dad fight constantly.


I would send them to someone mutual and have them pass them along. That way there is still no contact.

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Txt them to him. There should be communication between the two of you for your child regardless

Part of moving on is realizing things like this won’t be a part of your life. It hurts, but if you guys are no contact it’s probably better that way. One of the hardest things for me was wanting to share my child’s life with their dad, but the sadness of it goes away.


No. I would find a way to communicate such as our family wizard or mail him copies if you really want him to have them. It’s a really thoughtful thing on your part but it will probably end badly considering you said it’s better not to unblock each other. Listen to your gut.

Just remember, if you unblock on FB, you can’t reblock for 48 hours. I think the same goes for IG

Send them in the mail to him.

Can you just have photos printed and mail them or have a mutual friend pass thr photos along ?


If he wants to be and shows he wants to be a good dad do what is right and let him be a father because you want what is right for your child.

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If that is the case can’t you just print the pictures and send it to him?

maybe set up an email just for photos, or a photo sharing app like family album

I wouldn’t. And if you unblock him you can’t block him again for a few days


You answered your own question

Maybe text them to him. You should have his number. If he blocks you on his phone. Then he isn’t worth your time.

I am not into a person that only wants to be a dad when it’s convenient.


He has a right to see them.dont let them be inbetween yalls issues.they will grow up feeling they are responsible


Why not grow up and be adults


Nope. Let him take his own pictures.


Sounds more like you want him back…go to court, get child support, set visitation, let him take his own pictures on his own time.


If it’s toxic I don’t think I would possibly send them to someone you are both close to

A father should not evennn be waiting for pictures of their kids…he needs to go pick them up himself so he can be creating his own memories for them!


We don’t know the story and your judging her she said it was for the best we head each other block so until you know the whole story leave the pour girl alone she was thinking of a nice thing to do


If he has you blocked also he probably won’t even see it. I’d hold off honestly if you guys aren’t on speaking terms.

Well how he see the child???

Jesus… baby daddy is so ratchet lol :laughing:

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A little heads up… when you unblock someone on Fb… you can’t block them again for a certain amount of time.

Unless his a danger to your child think it’s unrealistic to have a child with someone and co parent but have each other blocked

Send to a immediate family member (Parent or sibling)

Maybe make an email specific for him in regards to the kids and have him do the same and then that way you can communicate only about the kids.


Print them and when he sees his child give them to him

I understand why people are saying grow up as you have daughters with this man. Though I can also see your point especially if the relationship between you both was toxic. Now as for pics of your babies if he is in their lives use a third party so no one is blocked and unblocked. I hope you and girls are ok.

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Aside from you two not getting along, is he a good father? If so then I would send him pics. If he isn’t then I wouldn’t bother. Sometimes you have to put your own personal dislike for one another aside when you have a child together. It’s about the child, not you.

Do you not have eachothers phone numbers? Or just send them to his mom or someone mutual. Both will definitely need to start acting like the adults cuz ur hurting ur kids in the long run, like sure u don’t need be friends on apps ect but should have contact info n be able to maturely discuss n share stuff about the kids.

If its best yall stay blocked, then I would say no. Stay blocked

Could you send the pictures to a mutual friend who could pass them on? If you unblock on Facebook I think it takes 24 hours before you can reblock again.


I’d say no just give him copies on a flash drive or prints. There’s a reason yall have each other blocked. Let him stay that way for the harmony n give him prints or a flash drive with the images that he can go print. That’s what I do for school pictures n such for my ex if he doesn’t have any money to help I buy the disk to give him copies at his convenience to make copies.

I’d keep the social media blocked.

Have some prints made and send those the next time he has visitation.

This comment section is a dumpster fire of judgmental Karen’s :roll_eyes:
OP, don’t send the pictures. If he wants pictures, he can take his own. There’s a reason you have each other blocked. Keep your pictures for yourself


You have to wait 24 hours after unblocking to block again so… given your game plan… I wouldn’t.

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Sounds like you both need to grow up and co-parent.


You’re both immature asf. Grow up.


Sure, and while your at it scribble on his pee-chee, smear poop on his locker, and shoot spit-wads at the back of his head when your ridin the schoolbus

Regardless of your fall outs, unless dad is a danger to the children, I believe in coparenting. You don’t need to speak to each other unless it’s about the kids, but y’all should be putting your differences aside for the babies!


Just to let you know once unblocked takes 48 hours before you can block again

Girl he’s blocked for a reason.


I think y’all both need to grow up because like it or not you have a child together and need to be able to contact each other you don’t have to be on each other social media and be in each other’s business but y’all should have each other’s phone number you don’t have to respond to anything unless it’s directly pertaining to the child and you don’t have to send him anything unless it has to do with the child. Any other conversation is unnecessary drama so I understand you not wanting to deal with it you shouldn’t have to but you can’t ignore anything he sends you if it’s not regarding your child. You will share a child for a lifetime so y’all need to figure out a way to communicate when it comes to your child. :person_shrugging: And don’t put your kid in between y’all’s drama and mess because y’all can’t get it together you don’t want your child not having a relationship with them because of you and vice versa. Like I said I don’t think you guys need to be on each other’s social media but you need to have contact on the phone through text messages in case anything ever happens or you can email the photos to him or make copies so whenever he gets to see the child he can have the photos.

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If u unblock u can’t block again for 48 hours :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

I wouldn’t. U won’t be able to block him For a few Days so I wouldn’t Bother still I can unblock him Fully

Why can he take his own pics?

“Baby daddy” give me a break. You sound like a real winner!


Is he apart of your daughters life? If so then I would. If not then I wouldn’t bother.


No, send pix in text if u want, but it sounds toxic so dont talk yourself into accepting that or opening doors that need 2 stay closed.

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Only paying for both of you childish parents is the real child Jesus !! You all need to start being choosy instead of popping in bed with someone every chance you get !! Jesus take protection !!

Omg grow up. At least for your child’s sake. Please.


Sounds a little childish . Block unblock … block again …. I mean, if you’re willing to share pictures with him then it shouldn’t be a problem for him to contact you unless he’s harassing you personally.

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No, he can text you and ask.

sending pics might compel him to contact you, maybe that’s what the motive is and your in denial. Send the pics if it’s in your heart to share them but be self aware of what your doing and the outcome that might follow. A personal dispute shouldn’t alienate a parent from thier child.


Print them and send them when they go visit

Does he see his kids? If he doesn’t then why bother letting him see pics? He’ll just pretend he took them & show them off pretending to be this great dad. If he does see his kids then just show them to him at drop or pick up. If you do safe switches print them & have your daughters or counselor give them to him.


You literally answered your own question at the end there. The pics will never go away so if you do end up unblocking him in the future, send them then. In the mean Time and in your own words “it’s best we keep each other blocked right now regardless if I send pics or not”

Maybe print it out and give it to him when he comes for visits. Personally I wouldn’t block baby daddy and figure out how to make it work for all 3 of us. If you have him blocked how do you communicate if kid is sick or hurt ? Or does he not ask how the kid is doing when he isn’t around?

If he has you blocked will your pictures go through to him?

Sounds like you both have problems…

You can’t reblock for 24hr. I have my daughter’s father blocked everywhere but text.

Wow if you 2 can’t put aside your problems for sake of your children then neither one of you should have the kids

Ok well you need to grow up a bit. He’s either a parent or he’s not. These social media block unblock stuff is silly. Send him the cute pictures. Be respectful. Be kind. Leave it at that.

Just create a yahoo email account, give him the sign on info and y’all email and share stuff that way. Enough with the social media foolishness. Send him pics of his kid. And you need to be “speaking” to the other parent. Y’all get over your own BS and put the kid first.

I mean they are his daughters so yes I would still send him pictures

Sad what the world has come to. You can send it via text and not have to ask such a silly teenage question. You two are suppose to be showing this child maturity.

Blocked on social media isn’t the same as not a part of their lives. Honestly, send them to his mother so she can pass them on if you wish. If he visits… print them out and give them to him when he gets the kids. If he doesn’t do his visits then he doesn’t deserve the pictures.

Grow up. You are participating in messing up your kid.


You should go to counseling and get past the blocked bs and put those babies first.


For the longest time I kept my kids dad blocked on Facebook but we recently started co parenting and I unblocked him because we have kids now that has facebooks so if I tag them aleast he can see photos of the kids

Grow up. Co parent or don’t. Just print them and give em to him at visitation. And ffs stop saying baby daddy. You sound immature. Your kid may read that and see you disrespect him. Never do that.

If you have his cell number, text the pics. I guess you can send them through Facebook and block him again but the block might not happen immediately.

Nooooo, if he was around and involved he would have cute pics of them. Don’t baby a deadbeat

If he wants pictures of his child he can do that on his parenting time. Your not responsible for sending him pictures and I wouldn’t.


If you inblck u cant block forv24 hours. Just text him or his mom and call it good. Or keep it for years then show him . My ex delete my phltos and kept them hotage still… i refuse to beg for them.

Why even send pictures if you gotta block again right after? I’m assuming he doesn’t see the kids for whatever the reason may be if this is how it is over some simple pictures. But yeah this sounds weird. Not even trying to be mean but sounds like you both need to grow up and get over yourselves. It’s not about either of you anymore. It’s about your daughters so how about you unblock each other, share the photos, leave each other unblocked and get the “F” over yourselves. Act like mature adults and parent your children together.
Obviously if this man is abusive or something else terrible then I’m all for having no contact but if he is terrible to you and doesn’t see the kids then there is no need to even send him pics.

If you have each other blocked the why on God’s earth would you send him pictures of his child that he doesn’t see :person_shrugging:t2:

You don’t need to communicate thru social media.
Just email him the pictures.
If you have each other blocked on everything, I’d suggest creating an email just for communication between you for the sake of your child.
If that’s not possible, send the pictures to a friend who can pass them along.

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You both sound immature af…neither should be blocked in case of an emergency with the kids at least… if y’all can’t be adults an speak than maybe y’all should have one of the parent apps to communicate

This is so childish :woman_facepalming:t4:

She was just asking advice. All this grow up advice seems like the people who say that need to grow up. My lord no one knows her circumstances. She’s trying to take the high road but with men acting like grown ass children some of us moms have no choice but to break the cycle of abuse. You haters should be ashamed. If it were you dumbasses it’d be a far different story. Such disgusting people in this world. I say fuck that guy he wants pictures take your own. Sorry people suck so much. Obviously they are ignorant asshats probably sucking off the state with multiple baby daddies. Do you momma.

You’re obviously both too immature for a child :woman_facepalming:
You should be CO-PARENTING and you should have his number to send the photos, social media isn’t required

Omg please start putting the kids first and stop the foolishness. BOTH of y’all have alot of growing up to do. How do you have a parent blocked on anything? :woman_facepalming:

Sounds like you need to respect the boundaries set by both of you.

Y’all need to grow up period🙄

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Idk but y’all should be able to communicate peacefully for the kids if y’all aren’t together. What’s there to talk about besides your kids? If y’all aren’t together?

You sound like you’re 12 years old… I couldn’t even get past the first sentence. Grow up!!! He is your child’s father.


It won’t let you block him again right away. You’ll have to wait a little while

People are so quick to judge if only it was that easy to coparent but sometimes the other person won’t and you cant do anything about that me and my daughters father are the same have each other blocked don’t speak it’s through a family member instead if needed and when I’ve had the same thought and sent him pictures and videos I’ve been ignored/it’s not been acknowledged I wouldn’t bother again now he can take his own photos/videos