Should I wait or get induced?

Induction doesn’t increase your risk of cesection. The fact that your baby is breach is the cause. She may not turn on her own at all, so even if you went natural, she couldn’t come out.
They can attempt to turn her but not always successful.
I’ve been induced and will be any time I’m pregnant due to diabetes. It was honestly easier labor than when I went natural

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You have 2 issues here. First the gestational diabetes causes babies to be bigger than average, thus you 7 plus pound baby at 34 1/2 weeks of gestation. That is the size of a typical infant at 40 weeks. Since babies tend to get bigger with each pregnancy (generally speaking) and you are now 37 wks certainly this child is larger than your previous baby. Can you birth a big baby without difficulty? Check with your dr., they can measure you to see if your pelvic structure will accommodate a large baby. Second issues is the presentation. If baby is lying sideways they will have to be turned inside of you for delivery. You can not birth a child that has a sideways (transverse lie) presentation. Turing a child in your womb to present head down is possible. Talk with dr. about that. The bigger the baby, the more difficult the process. You need to have a clear understanding of what you are facing so you can make a decision you are comfortable with. Good luck and wishing you a happy healthy birth, recovery and baby. Blessings

I had to be induced all 3 times. Even while in labor I wouldn’t dilate. I also had gestational diabetes and on insulin during pregnancy. I think being induced would likely end with a vaginal birth. Since you will get checked in and experiance the entire birth, they can get your baby turned correctly early on. Where as if you go in during labor they may not be able to help baby as much. This was my experiance w baby 2. We had a scheduled induction. They had to wiggle him around a bit. All 3 babies i birthed vaginally w induction. Everyone was healthy and safe💜

Start thinking about baby. This could cause undue stress on your child. Nothing wrong with having a c-section. You can have more children.

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Pardon me for stating the obvious…but you should do what is best for the child. It ain’t about your vagoogle or your tummy now. It is about the safety of your baby. At least it should be.

I was induced with my son at 39 weeks 1 day i did an elective induction . I had him in two hours. Nothing was wrong with him or I. He weighted 8lbs 2 oz .

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OMG!!! So what if you have to have a c-section. I survived 2 of them. Grow up and do what’s best for the baby. We don’t always get what we want.

I would suggest wait up until the 38-39 week see how you feel personally if you are in good health and the baby is in good health there is no need to rush. Let the baby come in due time when it’s lungs are fully developed and it’s ready to come out.

My daughter was induced at 8/22 with my grandson. She was due on 9/11. He was getting too big and would have needed a C section, so she chose induce.

Stop over thinking how your going to deliver or if it’s ok to wait. Have a C-section. Safest for u & baby. My first pregnancy I was 2 weeks over due. I was admitted to the hospital at only 3cm dilated because I was in labor & there was a winter storm on. I lost that baby in labor from gestational diabetes. The placenta separated from the uterus. Read up on what can happen to your baby before, during or after labor. I found out the hard way. My baby died because my Dr. wasn’t there & only had an idiot as a nurse who thought all new mothers to be worried to much & new nothing . The babies heart rate was so weak the last time she bothered to check it. When she did come back 2 hours later they’re wasn’t a heart beat. I went on to have 2 children done by c-C-section, healthy, a week before my due dates. I’m lucky my first didn’t die before I even went into labor.

I had 3 kids all c sections a csection does not mean you cant have anymore. If your dr suggest inducing I’d listen to him or her

There’s a reason to be induced at 37 weeks when you have gestational diabetes. There’s a greater risk of fetal death and fetal harm due to a large baby AFTER 37 weeks

Why would you ask non-professionals. You have a DR. who is educated and trained to do what is best for you and your chi ld. I personally would NEVER give anyone medical advice which might be different from their physician. You need to discuss your concerns with your OBGYN not the general public. Then YOU can make an educated decision.

I got a c-section with my daughter. That was only after 15 hours of labor and she was going in to stress. I would wait.

Let Mother Nature do the job. I wouldn’t ask for that pain unless totally needed. I’ve had four and hated that labor. Listen to your Dr. and he should listen to you.

I was induced and then had a c section because of how she was positioned. Doctor said that because it was just how she was positioned i can do a VBAC for the next baby

Csection doesn’t mean you can’t have any more. Doctors recommend after the 2nd csection no more. It’s more riskier. If the baby is at risk m, go ahead get induced otherwise wait.

My second one was pretty natural but if baby is sideways I would insist on c section

peanut butter is your best friend to stop the gestational diabetes. eat a thick layer of it on bread just before bed. increase your protein. it is what a friend did and stopped the gestational diabetes in its tracks. on top of that did the same wiht the next 3 pregannacies and never had it come back

Baby will come when ready, unless you go past due date or either health gets in trouble. Maybe they’re wrong about your due dat?

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You are first and foremost in charge but, Would always listen to the dr. Ultimately the goal is to delivery your baby safely so…my prayers are for you and your child to be safe and healthy.

You can have a VBAC - vaginal birth after csection but in my experience not all facilities or doctors will do it

37 week with a girl is fine for a boy they might thg have breathing issues

I was induced nothing wrong with it but was harder labor I would have a c section which u still can have more children

That souds tricky and Im sure doc knows best. I dont know about diabetes complucations but maybe by Mon you wont be 3cm yet! Id want to give it another week if its safe to see if she can turn. Ive had 2 V and 1 c-sec and Id much rather go V too. My 3rd was breech and he had run out of room (very low fluid) to turn. Either way, it’ll work out ok, momma.

If you have a c section it is possible to have a vaginal delivery on your next child.

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Your only 37 weeks. Your doctor is stupid. 37 weeks is term. And there is no actual way of them being able to the exact weight. If you want to deliver vaginally and you can safely than tell your doctor that. Your body!!!

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I would listen to your dr. I’m sure they have a reason for their decision. They will explain they feel that way

I’d wait until labor started…unless your health declines… having a c-section doesn’t mean you can’t have more children

First…this is something you need to discuss WITH YOUR DOCTOR. you need to discuss all the risks of waiting/not waiting. Second… if you end up having to have a c-section you CAN still have more kids!

Something else to consider is that the longer a baby is in the womb of a mother with gestational diabetes the bigger they get. It may end up being a csection delivery anyway if you do not get induced because the baby may be too big for you to deliver vaginally. The baby is already 7 lbs. They usually gain 1 lbs. or more a week. A baby girl’s lungs are more mature than a baby boy’s at this stage. May you be blessed with the best decision for you and your baby.

I would go on the induced side to be on the safe side I would think by now the baby should be headed down tell ur doctor ur worries an tell him what u want

C-section r not bad first 1 is but i have had 3 C-section if u having problems with ur health get induced

You don’t think that you can have more kids if you have a C section? I’m confused how that would effect your decision

The doctor should be the one to help with this decision, he’s the one with the education and knowledge!

They wouldn’t induce you with a transverse lie-they would do a c-section.

Also could you slow down for a pit. One at 16 and now 20.

I had my first one with a c-section. I had my second one with a natural birth, vaginally. It can be done. I was only in labor for 5 hrs.

Especially with G. diagnose…CAUTION ASK ???

Why aren’t you asking your Dr. these questions?

You can have more after a c section. I suggest doing what your Dr feels is best.

Do what your Dr thinks is best for you and your baby.

I would take your Dr’s advise …good luck !

The position of the baby is worrisome.

My daughter had 4 csecs.

Do you trust your doctor? If you do then follow his advice.

My first was transverse. I had her turned. I had almost 2 full days of labor it all ended in a c section. Both me and my daughter had to get meds. My advice is have a game plan in order. You want a vaginal birth but that just may not happen with this baby. So be prepared for the surgery. A healthy baby is what you are after. Let her grow and let her lungs get more mature. She’ll come when she’s ready. Also the next baby can still be delivered vaginally after a c section.

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Wait. My doctor said when the ape is ripe it will drop !

Take your doctors advice ,

Let nature take its course!

I had my first by c-section and my second by vaginally

Decide with your Doctor

If you had a baby at 34 weeks and he/she was over 7lbs, then this baby will be even bigger as you are already at 37 weeks. The doctor might be concerned that your baby will be too big if you wait, which could cause more issues for you and baby. I had a friend with gestational diabetes and her baby was almost 12lbs because she waited. It almost killed her son. She was in surgery for 4 hours after to basically put her organs back where they belonged. Do what is in your heart, just be aware there could be complications.

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Try lots of walking over this weekend!
That should help

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I was induced for my 5th child. She came down fast and didn’t line up right. She came out face up which made it the largest part of her head to squeeze out. She was 9.5 lbs and I had a horrible labor with her. Not only that my contractions were so much worse and the epidural didn’t work. If I was to do it again or have another I would NEVER be induced. No


Go with the c section

So sorry for you a hard decision.

Hey, you need to be asking a medical professional, not this group. Happy new baby :heart::rose:

I’d do the C section

You know your body and you know what you want. You don’t have to be induced if you don’t want to be.

I was induced two out of 5 times once w my 1st and then my 3rd. They were my fAv births! You’ll do great either way. You can always have a VBAC after a c section!!! Good luck

If u have a c section u can still have children later on hita dont worry the good lord has ur back

Do what your doctor thinks is best for you. Gestational diabetes can lead to srokes. Trust your doctor. Also, just because this baby may be a c-section does not mean the next baby will be too.

Inducement should only be done as a last resort. God’s plans are best