Should I warn my neighbor that 3 teens come to her house when she isn't home?

Mind ur damn business. Unless that girl looks distressed or bothered why would u do that? Stop being nosey.

MYOFB… go touch some grass or something, sounds like You need to get outta the house :woozy_face:

girl mind your business .

Them teens are doing great keeping them outside to be fair , I was a teen and barely kept any rules, so these seem fine to me

Why should this bother you …they are not being a nuisance to you …let them be …

Nah I’d want to know especially since she has kids other than her sisters in home.

Try to bring it up in convo with her

If they’re not going in then I wouldn’t worry about it.

Use your free time to go to school .YOU NEED IT!

Girls can’t have guy friends?? Leave it alone. Mind your business.

If they arent going inside, mind your business.

Mind your own business! Smdh.

Mind your business. The girl isn’t letting them in.

Mind your own business wtf lmfao

Uh you were never a teenager? Lol
They’re staying outside the girl is safe. I say it’s not your business one bit. Don’t make something out of nothing

No no. I’m going thru this crap. It will get worse for u. The agrivation that comes with it

Normally I would say mind your business. However, just in case the boys are bringing the girls marijuana or other drugs I would make her aware. I have smoked weed and done pills, fake pills are a big thing these days and they may think they are getting one thing and they are actually getting another. Maybe anonymously, if that makes you more comfortable. For the simple reason of marijuana isn’t like it was even 10 years ago, at least in the south, and they could unknowingly sell the girl’s marijuana that is laced with fentanyl and it can and will kill them. Especially if say the boys ran out from their regular dealer and they got some from someone else. Or sometimes they may make it to strong, could be nothing like that but, it’s better to be safe than sorry when 1 dies.