Should I warn my neighbor that 3 teens come to her house when she isn't home?

So I love n a apartment and my sister is in the one above me we have a neighbor who works a lot and has 2 teenage sisters that live with her (she also have 2 kids as well) well me and my sister noticed since before school ended and still now today when she not home there’s 3 boys that come they never go in (I never c them in) and only ever 1 of the teenage girls come out and talk to them on and off but basically would it b wrong if I informed her or should I mind my business I’ve never even seen her speak to these boys


Mind your business. They aren’t even stepping inside the home. They speak to each other which the adult living there may have that boundary and they’re respecting it. You don’t know bc it doesn’t involve you!!


I would leave it alone. It sounds to me like their mom has rules about no one being in the house while she is gone and they are respecting that (which is more than I can say for me and my sisters when we were teenagers).


I would leave it alone if the boys do not go inside.
If you start seeing them going inside a lot unsupervised or if they’re causing trouble outside then maybe bring up in a nonchalant way, like making conversation.
I feel like it’s fine for kids to have friends and talk to them in public spaces without “grownups” automatically jumping to bad conclusions.


Seriously…:joy::joy::joy: Please leave them alone, my goodness.


Back when I was young we could have some friends over if my parents were at work, but most of the time we had to stay outside!


Personally I’d mind my own business

My sister had a male best friend all through high school. He always hung out on the porch because he knew my dad didn’t want him in the house.
I’d say mind your own business unless you suspect foul play or have actual evidence of drugs/alcohol.

Mind your business she’s not letting them in ffs :woman_facepalming:


Keep an eye out. Strike up a friendship with the Mom but don’t say anything about these boys coming over, even if they stay outside. If those girls know their Mom talks to you…and that you can see their place, they may stay outside for sure.


What are you telling on though if they aren’t going inside? That they’re talking to/hanging out with boys on the front porch? It doesn’t seem like anything bad is going on (from the context given here) so I can’t understand what needs to be told. It seems like they all are respecting boundaries. The girls aren’t being disrespectful and inviting them in and the boys aren’t pushing their way in. They’re teens so maybe they’re friends. I have two teenagers, a boy and girl and they both have male and female friends they hang out with. :woman_shrugging:t4:

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In this day and age I think it’s perfectly fine to have a conversation with your neighbors. Your just looking out for the kids best interest and the Momma needs go know what’s going on. Just casually ask her if she was aware. That way you dont seem creepy and that makes her aware of the situation. As a mother I would want to know who is around my kids when I’m not home. It takes a village and no harm no foul if the Momma didnt know.


Girl mind your own business lol. We were all teens once. They’re staying outside. Unless you’re on a personal level with the mother—stay out of it.


Mind your business while at the same time keep them safe

Depending if it’s younger teens like 13 or older ones 17 or so. I’d mention it if they are younger

It takes a village…There’s nothing wrong with you just saying “Im sure you already know but from one mom to another… Im just looking out for you in case you don’t.” We are losing too many kids these days. We need to go back to the days where the community looked out for one another.


I wouldn’t say anything but I agree with one commenter who said build a relationship with the boys. Not like in a creeper way, just simply be polite. Ask them how they’re doing. Make your presence known but don’t over step your boundaries. Nothing wrong with being neighborly.


Literally none of your business even if they do go inside

I would mind your own business

They aren’t even going inside. I’d leave it.

Maybe she already knows and had discussion with her kids. Maybe only certain people are allowed in. That’s why the boys don’t go in. I would mind your own business. And just maybe build a relationship with them. Let them know you see them.

Nothing to do with you, don’t interfere unless they are causing trouble which affects you.

Why’s it anyones business the young girl has friends knocking on :weary::joy:

My sons 13 and his friends will come over even when we’re not home and they will sit outside the door waiting for him. Seem like normal behavior to me and you’re looking for trouble


It’s not illegal for them to have friends and she might know … keep out of it :rofl::rofl:

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As a mom and now grandma, I think I would want to know.
The mom may already be aware, but may not.


Mind your business. They’re not even going inside. Why are you assuming they’re doing something wrong just because they’re teens?

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For all you know the mom knows … I would stay out of it. The boys aren’t going inside… what are you going to say? Hey your two girls have these 2 boys that come over but never come inside? Kinda sounds like tattling. But you should do what you feel is right, especially if you have a bad feeling. 


Mind your business unless someone is in danger.

Mind your own dang business.

If the boys are not going inside then I wouldn’t say anything. If they were going in and spending the day there while she was at work that would be different and I would say something. But if they are just hanging outside with one of the girls I don’t see a problem.


mind your business they’re talking

Id mind my business they don’t even go inside.

They don’t go in the house so I’d leave it , girls just Talkin to her friends. My friends were nearly all boys as a teen and older,

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They’re staying outside? Mind your business. If you were worried about her safety that’s another story, but doesn’t sound like that’s the case.


Idk I’m the person to yell out the door “does Ms. ****** know you’re here” just to see how they act :rofl: but really if they’re all outside and not doing anything dangerous or illegal don’t say anything. We all did crazy things when we were teens

Stop being nosey you never know she could know all ready. Pull ur nose in

Why would you tell that they have boys outside? Nothing bad is obviously going on quit being nosey unless something bad is happening.

Turn on a soap opera . “She talks to the boys ive never seen her talk to them “ . Which is it ?

Mind your business, Karen.

Personaaly i would make my presence known when the situation arises…maybe ask the girl how her moms doing in front of the boys. Just to let them know your savy to the situation without being a trounle maker.


If she isn’t in any harm I would mind my own business


It cost nothing to mind your own business.

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Mind your business if they’re not in danger.

I would say if you do not see any boys going into the apartment or any others I do not see a reason to say anything if they are just standing outside talking and nothing is going on .

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Lol when I was a teenager I was a latchkey kid. I was told that NO ONE was allowed in the house, so I would sit on the porch and talk to my friends. It was a compromise my mom and I came too. I wouldn’t get involved because it doesn’t seem like she’s doing anything except talking to friends. Just because they are boys doesn’t mean something nefarious is going on.


If you see anything that doesn’t look right, or something that suspicious I would definitely inform them. Honestly if it was the other way around I’d bet they may inform you. I had kids my son age couple years ago come into my house, took my son stuff and opened a Christmas present. And nobody was home. Safe than sorry.

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They are being respectful and not letting the boys in

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They ain’t in the house, whats the problem? Kids not allowed to chat with friends on the doorstep?? I’d rather my teenager had his friends outside when I’m not at home.


She talks to them but u have never seen her talk to them . Most confusing post iv read :rofl:


This reminds me of my neighbor! His grandsons girlfriend would park a block away and walk up to house during the day! Grandpa decided to install cameras covering the driveway and entrance! No one mentioned it but he knew!


Mind your own they aren’t going in sounds like a hi bie situation there talking outside as long as there not doing anything illegal like drugs or talking about robbing ppl I don’t see the issue

I had to read this a few times to comprehend. It sounds like a teenager may have wrote this post . Mind your business. They are not going in so it isn’t that big of a deal.


Mind your own unless they actually go inside


Mind your own businessss smh :joy:



Nobody likes a snitch Karen

If you ain’t never had boys visit you on the porch…just say that!
Mind ur business! They aren’t doing anything !

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Yes cause they could get in a lot if trouble


Not your household not your business

I think the girl is being respectful and keeping the boys outside so I see no problem it what the teens are doing

No you should mind your business Jesus


Not your business. Don’t be a Karen.

Nah they stay outside leave it alone. If it was 3 in the morning and you see them sneaking out then that’s an automatic yes.

I’d let the mom know. The old say “It takes a village…” If the mom knows and is ok with it, no harm done. If the mom doesn’t know, she may need to. I would let her know that you have never seen the boys enter.


As long as they aren’t selling the girl drugs or trying to harm her, they stay out of the apartment, leave it be.
Maybe make your presence known by saying, hey boys I notice you here a lot, my names_________, what y’all doing today. Build an relationship with them where they respect ya just enough to not cause issue’s and know you know they are there.


Yeah I would just mind you business.

All you people saying mind your business remember that when it comes to your kids, grandkids, we live in a different world now…


Leave it alone. They didn’t go in.

Not your business. Besides you said they don’t go in only talk outside. Obviously there must be rules if they aren’t being invited in

mind your own business this is none of yours

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I would leave it alone you already observed the situation and they not going inside and they not making a lot of noise being outrageous then just mind your business. Don’t he known as the nosey cat lady :woman_facepalming:t4:

You might wanna get yourself a hobby. You sound bored.

Mind your business!

Unless you suspect illegal activity it’s not your business.

Mind your business. Jeez you’re definitely a snitch huh. Those boys aren’t even going inside so what harm or problem is it that they stay outside chitchatting? None so mind your business.

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stay in your lane… worry about your household…

Well if the boys aren’t going inside then I would think you should mind your business

If they aren’t going in the house I would say mind your business also the mother could know that they come by .

They aren’t going in. Mind y’damn business.

If they were going in, that’s a different story. I’d stick my nose all up in that business.

If they have never been inside apartment and they are not disrupting anyone, MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS

Mind your own dang business. :woozy_face:


Mind your business and leave them kids alone!

I mean I’d definitely approach the situation very gently, but I’d let her know. Just say something like, “I’m not sure if you’re aware of this, and I really hope I’m not overstepping, but there’s 3 teenage boys going into your apartment while you’re at work. I don’t want to start any trouble, but we all know how teenagers can be, so I thought it best to give you a heads up just in case. They’re not causing any problems or disturbing us in any way, I was just letting you know in case they weren’t supposed to be there, it takes a village” doesn’t have to be exactly that, but the point is approach it gently.


I think you should mind your business, they aren’t going in, sounds like the girls are probably babysitting, which means they don’t get out a lot, don’t ruin visitors for them… it could be that the woman knows. I had a neighbor all up in my business years ago, she would come up to the window and tell me how to raise my kids when she would hear my teen daughter and I argue (we lived like 20 feet apart if that) it looks to me like the girls maybe know they aren’t allowed in and they are following the rules, otherwise they would likely let them in

Keep your nose out of they business

Um ya mind your business.

They’re talking outside for crying out loud lmao mind your business


Leave her alone and stop watching her :upside_down_face:


I’m a Mom. I’d want to know. If harmless…cool. Couple issues. If brought up appropriately…it let’s me know other women/sisters have positive eyes on. ( It takes a village ). It also let’s the teenagers know the same thing. If they’re in trouble…they know who they can come to in an immediate situation. Also…teenage boys are active in potential “grooming” for sex trafficking…NOT ALL…and that’s…where it starts. Again…if approaching out of love and concern…it’s a good thing. Have the conversation with the Mom.

Nope let her no …lol she’ll appreciate it before a teen pregnancy or a run away lol not saying it’ll happen


I didn’t know you could get pregnant from talking to a male on a porch! Cancel porches! :woman_facepalming:


Leave alone sounds like boys are not disrespecting anyone there not going in house so what’s there is no problem .teenagers can have true friends u no

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Leave an anonymous letter, but be she’s to mention you haven’t seen them enter

It costs absolutely nothing to mind your business!

I wouldn’t bother unless u feel the girls r at risk in anyway or mayb if the girls come to u asking for ur help cuz of sed lads. To ba fair if noones bothered by them and they ain’t bothering or disrespecting anyone there’s no issues like others have sed prob her friends from skool and no boys allowed unless she’s home so this a compromise x

Mind ur business. Quit bein a nosey nancy an let these kids be kids. Theyre not your kids

Unless you strongly suspect drugs or something is involved,or you think she’s being harassed or threatenedI’d leave it alone.
Those boys are likely friends of the one teen.
The adult probably has rules about having boys inside the apartment, but may be ok if they’re hanging out outside the apartment.
The teen isn’t going anywhere.
Her and the boys are in view of everyone inside the apartment complex.
And it’s likely this is a compromise between the adult and the teen


Are you going to report back that 3 of her sister’s friends stand outside and talk to her when she’s not home? Seriously?

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Mind your own business!

Quintessential nosy dang neighbour! They’re probably friends of the girls. They’re not hurting anyone or anything. Damn

Mind your own damn business