Im 25 weeks pregnant. Inwas wondering if it was normal or if anyone else experienced/is experiencing this. Ive noticed my babys movements are less if I have had a busier day then some. Ie: if im just relaxing at home all day doing nothing, i feel him moving quite a bit, but if I have things to do i dont feel him at all or very few. Is it because Im doing more so I just dont notice or could there be something I need to worry about?emphasized text
It could be where baby is sitting. If you are busy then you may not notice the lighter movements either. Start doing kick counts and mention it at your next appointment!
When/if you feel like your baby is not moving much, get a cold sweet drink ( if not diabetic), lay down on your left side in a quiet room and count movements. 8-10 movements in an hour is normal. If you don’t feel enough movements, call your provider and follow their instructions.
Kick every two hrs is what they require at high risk and placenta positions and your position could be a possibility
Think of it this way…if you’re busy moving around, you’re rocking baby to sleep in there. When you’re inactive, things are still and baby is ready to wakeup and play. As long as you’re feeling baby move, the right amount, when you’re inactive, you’ll be fine.
If you’re that concerned, slow down and do a proper movement count. Contact your Dr as necessary.
I had sooo much amniotic fluid. I never felt my 1st daughter move.
Don’t ask us. Ask the doctor.
The way my doctor explained it, when you’re up and moving a lot it’s like rocking your bay to sleep. Sitting and relaxing they are then more active.
If you don’t feel baby move, sit down and relax for a few minutes, I’m sure he/her will move, it’s just like rocking a baby to sleep when your moving around