Should kids be forced to play sports?

I’m sure there’s plenty of activities out there he can try until he finds one he likes, even if that activity is gaming.

Have a conversation with your child and find out their interests. There are plenty of activities out there that aren’t sports related.

Ask your child what he would like to do, the decision should be his not the parent’s.

I was a sporto in school. I played baseball and switched off to play tennis and run track in the summer basketball in the winter as well as wrestling. I have to tell you…I still got into trouble…its just what kids do. But that being said…the damage the sports did to my body and joints later in life I would give all those sports up to have my healthy joints back.

He shouldn’t be forced to play sports

Should, but you can’t force sports. Find another hobby.

I mean the husbands got a point but I don’t know about sports there are a number of hobbies that would keep him out of trouble

If he’s not gunna do sports then I would require straight A s in school then he can do what he wants .

Be a parent and don’t pawn them off to the school system. To “keep him out of trouble” you keep Jim out of trouble you fucking made it.

There are plenty of outlets for your son to “stay out of trouble.” Start by asking him what interests him and go from there. Music lessons, dance, and hobbies galore are available, he doesn’t need sports if he has no interest in them.

Maybe dad could hangout with him and find out what he likes or is good at and persu that bc sports do not mean a kid will stay out of trouble

My kids just have to pick something and finish it. Could be a club, lessons, or sports. Sports are not for everybody.

No. But we required our kids to do one curricular activity. We have 5 children. Our oldest played softball, our second played trombone in band, our third and second played football and our last played flute in band. We did require them all to learn one instrument.

Don’t force your kids to be someone they’re not. Have you tried asking him what he’s interested in? Pretty simple.

Yes they should whether they like it or not they spend to much time inside rather than playing

Let him try out different things till he finds something he likes! Music, arts ,theater, different types of sports, cooking, anything! Its being busy that keeps you out of trouble, not sports themselves lol

He should be encouraged to try SOMETHING anything. Sports or a club, bowling, church stuff,. Anything to keep him social. Doesnt need to be a sport

Not all kids are into the same things! Maybe he’d rather study music and play an instrument or be in drama club or other activities his school offers! If he’s not athletic , forcing him to do something he’s not good at or not interested in will probably have the opposite effect on him! If he feels inadequate about himself because he’s not good at something, he will get into trouble!

He might not be very athletic. He might be like me and is the kid picked last. This might make him feel bad about himself or embarrassed. I’m sure you don’t want to do that. If you really want him to get into some sport why don’t you find one that’s not a team event. How about archery? What else can give him confidence?

It should be his choice to play or not. Offer choice of activities. Doesn’t have to be sports.

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They won’t get anything out of it if it’s forced upon them

One extracurricular activity. Anything band, choir. Sports. But at least one

Everyone is different, dont force your child to play sports if they are not into it, maybe he has another hobby he may like, like model building, computers, carpentry etc, sit down with him and have a conversation and find out what he likes

I think an activity should be mandatory. Could be an art class, a sport, something fun even. Taking the time to learn something and dedicate energy to it I think is really important. I also think that they should have a say in what it is. Right now my son is in a bowling league. Once the season ends he’ll have the choice to either continue or find something else.

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No! Would you want to be forced to do anything? Horrible idea.

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Not forced but introduced and encouraged.

Ask your husband to get up on a Sunday morning at 5 am every week to make you breakfast in bed. When he bitches about it. That’s how his child feels. He’s not interested, find his his hobby. He’s not his brother!

Find what his passion is and promote that. Sports like swimming ,or golf are really life skills.

He should do something interactive outside if the house, but doesn’t need to be a sport

If it’s his niche fine but not to force it on him. If not find something else he’s into to keep him busy.

Find a different activity he loves, photography, art, music, metalsmithing

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Find something he IS interested in “to stay out of trouble.” Auto mechanics, 4-H, shadow a professional in a field of interest, volunteer at an animal shelter… Do NOT allow him to become a couch potato playing video games.

There are a ton of other things he can do besides sports. Gaming, cooking, debate, so much.

There’s other things to do to keep a kid out of trouble. Ask him what he likes or if he wants to join something at school. Nothing can keep someone out of trouble If they don’t like it.

There are other things he can do to stay out of trouble besides sports

Shouldn’t be forced, but definitely should nudge him into things. If you don’t make him at least try different things, you won’t make him move out of your basement when he’s 40 and has YouTube channel about fort night

Kids need physical activity but should have a choice of how that’s done. I wouldn’t force a sport per say but getting out a skipping rope or hula hoop daily would suffice if they can’t go play on a playground

No there are plenty of other hobbies to keep him out of trouble. If he is forced he will resent it

I think there are so many things you can do besides sports! Robotics, 3D modeling, theater, learn an instrument, writing club. The list goes on and on! I always say I want my boys to do SOMETHING. I don’t care what it is, just do something lol. lol

How about just doing an outside activity with him. Gets benefit of out doors and being with family. Win, win situation.

What about music, chess, cars-racing, volunteering? There are lots of other activities to “keep him out of trouble”.

So sports is the only way to stay out of trouble?! That’s rather narrow minded!


No one should be force to do anything!

I don’t think they should be forced but encouraged to try things. You don’t truly know what you like and don’t if you don’t give something a chance. There’s other activities to get involved in other than sports too. :smiling_face:

Get your children involved in what they are interested in!!! It does not have to be organized sports for heavens sake.

I wouldn’t force them. Have them join a club or play an instrument, there are plenty of non-sport activities.

Only if the child wants to.

You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink

Find a joint that’s not sports related. Just try different things u til he finds what he enjoys.

Every child is different let them choose what to do

Maybe his interest is different. Ask him??? Music,art whatever

I don’T think he should be force it is up to him what sportshe wants just my opinion

Forced? No… introduced to sports to see if they enjoy it? Yes.

If he wants to play then he should play…but don’t force him…maybe he’d rather be in the chess club.

If he were younger he should try it. My Dad made .e okay football when I was in the fourth grade. Was one of best things that happened to me growing up. Still love football.

Never ever force a child into sports. There’s other activities to keep busy. It’s about finding out their interests.

Dejar a los niños ser niños los padres ya fueron niños y algunos NO son buen ejemplo.

Hell no, why is this a question?

don’t force the kid. there are other things and ways to keep him out of trouble

Each kid is different. Not fair or reasonable to expect one child to do something that is not his interest. Let him be himself and chose his own interests. Sports aren’t only thing productive kids can do.

Ze moeten al zoveel. Bewegen is super goed. Hoe maakt niet uit

Let him get a job or volunteer somewhere he likes. Never force a kid to do something they do not want to do!!!

Sports are good for the kids, it does keep them busy and out of trouble.

Encouraged, but not forced. I hated sports.

Shouldn’t be forced but certainly encouraged

Don’t force him. Let him decide what he’s into and support him.

Find something he is interested in and find ways for him to do that.

I don’t think kids should be forced no

Find other things that HE wants to do.

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He should not be forced to do anything

If you force him he will resent it all his life, let him find his own paths in life

You could try asking him what he would like to do!!!

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Do not force him…ask him what likes

Science… kids should be forced to do science

Don’t force a kid to do something they don’t want to

Encouraged … sure, forced … no.


Encourage anything like that. Even trying out for plays, choir.

Do not force him. He probably will get in trouble if he’s forced.

Get him involved in an activity he enjoys other than sports!

Don’t force him to play

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Then get him a hobby he actually enjoys, don’t force him into anything, Jesus

Ask your son what he wants to do

It’s up to the kid in my eyes. We have this with our grand kids. Some do, some don’t. Make a child do something they are not happy with & you will have added problems. My son growing up played no school sports but he was big on Sking, Snow boarding, skate boarding, fishing & outdoor stuff. I did baseball 9 years, track & cross country in HS because “I” wanted to. As long as they are not spending the entire day on “electronic games” ask them what “they want”…


No – I hated the one sport I played – found a million excuses not to go. I am a bit klutzy and didn’t know the rules – embarrassing and just one more thing I didn’t like about me.

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He should be encouraged & supported to pursue an interest of his own, what does he like to do? For example, a kid who likes technology or science should be encouraged to go to a science camp, or to join a group that takes trips to museums & other places of interest…

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I went though similar situation with my son. Found some 2 alternatives he enjoyed martial Arts and horseback riding with competition games. (They are sports too just not school sports)

He can do something else to keep him occupied; art, music, drama, chess, robotics, etc…there are so many options. And maybe have him join some kind of workout group just for his health

Sports no but yes some sort of physical activity ia good

of course not- my brother is tall & was constantly asked, ’ you play basketball, right?'- he HATED it- played music instead- find something else for your son to keep him occupied- that he’ll actually ENJOY!! ~

Find a different activity that HE will enjoy. Sports isn’t the only way to keep them out of trouble. Even at that, student athletes aren’t always squeaky clean in their behavior.

There are many other activities he can do to stay out of trouble that aren’t sports.

Let him join something he likes. Sports aren’t the only hobbies that will keep us out of trouble or teach teamwork and other lessons that people claim you only get from playing sports.

If the kid doesn’t like sports but instead video games tell your husband about e-sports or competitive video gaming

Look at famous athletes, college athletes etc and their constant problems with drugs, domestic violence, etc. Sports don’t keep people out of trouble who want to be in trouble. Why don’t you see if he’d be more interested in choir? Art? Maybe he’d be good at skateboarding? Pottery? Theatre? What I’m saying is, maybe sports just arent his thing and he would like another activity that suites his wants, interests, and talents a little better. :woman_shrugging:t2:

No child should be forced to do a sport. There are many other interests to keep busey.

Maybe an alternative like dance or music lessons

What does he enjoy doing?

:roll_eyes: I wasn’t forced to play a sport or do any type of activity I didn’t want to do and I didnt “fall into the wrong crowd” or “get in trouble” I liked to read I sat at home and read. Maybe dad needs to stop trying to push his “boys do sports” stereotype on to him :woman_shrugging:t2:

Ugh. Do not ever force your children to do activities YOU want them to do. All them what they want and listen to them!

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