My dad provided a car U had to maintain!
Does he plan on putting the money given to him away to give back to her at a later date, or plan on keeping the money for his leisure? I can understand the former. I still disagree with it, but I’m more understanding of that. The latter would just make him an azzhat. That is her hard earned money. She needs to be saving every penny earned before she goes out into this world on her own. I side with you mama. Imagine being a parent who charges your kid gas money or rent money and proudly boast about it online. Idk about anyone else, but I’d never.
Pay. Learn to budget
Learning to pay your way is not a bad thing
Yeah, maybe when they start driving on their own.
I think this is great personally and I’m so glad too see more saying as well. This teaches responsibility earlier. Not to mention price of gas anyways. She’s going to have to pay when she gets a car unless you plan on paying for it, it will teach her how to budget early.
Also have you even talked to your husband on why he’s making her pay?
I charge my son 5 per day when I drive him to and from work.
If you don’t need the financial help…drive them, charge them if you want to teach them a lesson. But put the money aside and gift it to them when they get their own cars… that way they learn the lesson an will then have gas money for when they start driving.
Gas is expensive…and it don’t last like it use to…they’d pay more using uber
Why not? It’s called responsibility. And it is something every young person should learn for the rest of their lives.n. Because when they get their driver’s license, I am sure they most likely will be borrowing someone’s car & they need to learn they have to put gas in it. I also thing they should pay for insurance also.
my mom gave us a tank a week for school and back, if we went out and used that gas before the week is over then we had to cover it till the next week. it taught us how to save our gas and not run the roads lol
Once i started driving my self & i would borrow my parents car, me & my friends always gave gas money. But not before that
Yes! Made my niece pay $5 a trip a day. Gas is expensive and should be taught responsibility.
I don’t Think they should have to pay . I never made mine . When they bought a car , they had to pay for the car and gas etc . But , your kids need to be able to save for those expenses.
A little contribution maybe one full tank a month or something small so they can learn the value of money… my big ones have always been surprised when they start paying for things at how quickly things add up
Absolutely. Maybe 20/ week. Just so they can learn how the real world works. It keeps them responsible!
I would make them pay BUT I would put the money away for them in a separate account so I know that they have what they need when they venture out.
No I dont make mine pay that’s ridiculous but they do put gas in when they have the car with out me themselves and without me asking.
I’d make them pay but save that money and once they get their first car give them all them money don’t tell them that’s what you’re doing it will teach them responsibility and be a sweet surprise
Was given a car for my 16th birthday I was responsible for gas and upkeep on the car. Paid for oil changes tire rotations, gas and new tires when they were needed. My parents paid the insurance as long as I didn’t get a ticket. Never asked my parents for money. Filled my tank up on Friday when I got paid. Lived 2 miles from school and about 15 miles to work after school. Even when I went to college got a job on campus college was an hour drive away. I worked every Friday and Saturday where I was working during high school.
No i never charged my daughter gas money when taking her to work.
He could always charge them and then give them the money back towards their own future car/gas/car maintenance.
Yep they should… Gas is not cheap and it teaches them responsibilities
Let those kids keep their money CTFO
I mean are you guys really hurting that much to have to charge your 16 yr olds gas money? If not then why?
No they should not pay the Dad to get them to work.
No, I wouldn’t make someone pay money for a ride when that is their only choice? It’s not like there are other options for them to choose from… as parents we are responsible for making sure our kids get where they need to go, not their job to help us get them there. When they start driving themselves, yes they should put gas in the car… but let them be kids for as long as possible, this world will make them grow up way too fast anyway
I’d compromise. Charge about half so they can start budgeting for when they start driving.
Despite fuel costs being high you don’t want to discouraged them from working by feeling defeated that the majority of their check goes to expenses…They’ll learn that in time.
Once they get their licenses and start driving there’ll be fuel costs as well. I would suggest setting an agreed on shared budget for fuel costs.
We made our boys pay gas then we would transfer it to their savings account that they could not touch until they were 18. We never kept the money.
No I would not make my kids pay yah it does show them responsibility etc as gas needs to be had. But no I wouldn’t charge my kids unless I had no gas and I’d pay em back
They are 16 ! Absolutely not !
Especially if they are in School and good responsible kids.
My foster parents made me pay $80 a week to drive me literally 1.2 miles to work & back a week, if I didn’t pay them then they wouldn’t drive me.
I personally think they should save.
My daughters pay gas money…if they were driving they’d have to pay for gas.
History says they will benefit by having to pay their own way.
Life is expensive and their is no free ride.
My mom made me pay her a little when she’d take my brother and I to work as waitrons. Was a good lesson. Doesn’t have to be the full amount but something to teach them that it costs you money to go to and from work.
Absolutely… I did. My Mom showed me how to stretch a dollar. How to budget. Yes it’s a small thing. But teaching your child the value of a dollar makes them hard workers and willing to save more.
Time for them to get a car
I love how parents these days will do the most so kids HAVE to struggle like they did.
No. And if you do make it small and maybe start a savings account it goes in to for them
I wouldn’t make them pay for gas until they get their license and start driving around other places too. My daughter will also pay her part of the insurance
No, not unless it’s a situation where he doesn’t have the gas to get them there…
I think it’s teaching them responsibility. When they have their own car they will have to pay gas too. And since they are working it will help them learn not to depend on you guys for everything and to be independent! If it’s just to and from work it’s fine but if he was charging them for gas for other things that might be excessive.
No… he’s still their parent is still his job to provide for them. He can make them pay for gas when they begin driving.
No way they are only 16 for goodness sake.
Absolutely not. They should save their money. Set them up for success.
Yes he should. They are 16, and only 2 years away from the real adult world. Maybe if more parents taught their children instead of trying to hand them everything the world wouldn’t be such a mess.
Yes. Nothing extravagant. 10-20$ isn’t going to kill them and will teach responsibility.
No. I doubt the DG is even that far of a commute to even consider charging them for gas! Not to mention, they are just starting their working life. As their parents, you help any way you can to teach and encourage them to save their earned money for what they need (car, gas, insurance, oil changes, etc) that will keep getting them to and from work in the future!
To learn responsibility with in reason. Gas money no but learning to pay bills and stuff should be a priority learning to budget is a thing. But let the girls save money to buy a car
My teenagers pay my mother gas money to take them to school. It’s either pay the gas money get up an hour earlier to catch the bus. And will they be spending gas/money when they drive themselves? Yes! So make them learn now!!!
As long as it’s a reasonable amount (what they would actually pay if driving their own car) I’d say yes.
If I were there parent I’d have them give me the money for gas but rather than use it for gas I would put it in to savings for them. To build them a little nest egg for when they move out.
They should definitely pay for gas once they’re driving alone.
For now, personally I wouldn’t charge… a good compromise could be $20 a month to contribute
It depends on if he absolutely needs the gas money in order to be ale them if he doesn’t then no.!
No. They are going to school & to work. They are learning responsibility. They aren’t adults yet. They deserve help without having to pay for it. They’ll be paying for their own gas soon enough.
I mean it’s understandable. He’s teaching them responsibility, and the understanding that people won’t give handouts. Gas is still kinda expensive too. Now if he’s charging them DAILY, that’s not cool. Once a week when they get paid they should be able to manage $20 a piece. Even if it’s not a long commute, gas is gas.
Sounds reasonable although I probably wouldn’t do it myself. It’s not worth fighting over. It will teach the child that in the adult world, nothing is free.
Not saying everyone can but I bought my first truck w no help when I was 16.
Every family’s different, what works in my house might not work on yours. Seems odd dads asking for money though
I would have them pay and put it away for them to use later when needed
They ate working and doing grown up things and growing. Why would he do this? It’d be different if they couldn’t drive bc of something they did. They literally aren’t able to yet so it sounds like a petty way to take advantage.
He’s teaching them responsibility. There is nothing wrong with him asking for gas money.
Yes. Maybe not the full amount that the gas actually costs but you do have to teach them that everything costs.
People really out here charging teenagers gas money to take them to school and work. That’s ridiculous.
I mean having them pay is no biggie if you guys match it and save it maybe! At 16 and first jobs no I wouldn’t be charging them without making it a reward in some way. They don’t have to know you’re saving it but I’d match it for sure
No. That’s his responsibility till they are 18
I have a 16 yr old daughter. She started working at 15. She volunteered to give me gas money because she knows it costs money to run her back and forth to work. She now has bought her own car with her own money she has also paid for her plates, her car insurance. She bought the car before even having her temps. She told me mom i want to do everything on my own and she has. Every family and everyones situations are different. But my opinion is its teaching them responsibility.
What is wrong with you parents? They’re 16 if you want to teach them responsibility let them pay their phone bill
As a parent I would ask them to pay “gas money” but then save that gas money for when they are ready to buy a car for themselves and have a down payment set aside ready that they have unintentionally saved themselves.
I’d take “gas money” and put it into a savings account for them
When did dollar general start hiring 16yos? My son worked at DG when he was 17. It was a whole thing having to get special permission under “emergency conditions” etc. He couldn’t work the register.
Anyway yes they should pay for gas. It’s not free. They’re working shouldn’t set their father back. They should also be saving. A 16yo doesn’t need much spending money. Allow them X amount to waste as kids do. Then put the rest into savings. Or charge them rent & save that money for them. That way they will learn to pay bills & that you usually don’t have money for fun reasons.
Wow. Gas money from your children? That’s messed up! Especially at just 16!!!
Absolutely my teenage drivers are responsible for gas money and we pay for insurance and repairs. Of course we will give them money if they are running low on cash and need gas for that week but this teaches kids responsibility…Way to go Dad!!!
They are working it doesn’t hurt to have them help out with gas
Getting to n from work isn’t going to be free after they r grown
That’s absolutely silly. Why would you make your teenagers pay gas if they don’t even have their own cars yet? It is not teaching ‘responsibility’ as some would say. If you want to teach them responsibility, help them actually save up for their own vehicle and then use their work money to pay for their gas.
Why do people bring children into this world and act like they should owe their parents just for being born? Absurd.
My son (16) worked Monday-Friday 8am-3:30pm $100 a day so $500 a week cash. over 30 mins away… he has his permit but not his license. I drove him there, and then came back and picked him up. I drive a Ford Excursion 6.0 diesel. Cost me $80 a week, so he gave me $50 a week for gas. That’s fair, too me they can split the gas $. Or take the bus/walk.
I did $20 a week for my daughter and if she got shit hrs it was $10. Because she wanted the job and it would sometimes become a conflict with my jobs and or her brothers after school activities
We didn’t have to drive ours to work as they already had their license , but why not drive them ? You have to take them to school or to a dr’s appt . So I don’t see why you’d need money to take them to work. Let them save their money so they can use it on gas when they can drive.
You mentioned they were waiting driving class so when they start driving they will have to pay anyways. Kids need to learn responsibility however since they are working I say let them save and when they drive have them pay for their own gas.
You know what…
Yes. So they see how much it will cost them in gas when they do start driving.
But save the money and use it for something fun for their car when they get it… like seat covers.
yes, they need to learn to budget and be responsible. maybe only $15-20 a week but something
Part of learning responsibility …
Yes. They can help pay. They have a job so they need to be taught to have to pay for the bare minimums. It’s not like you’re all of a sudden making them pay for all of their food and rent and bills. But when you start doing grown up things you have to start paying your way some. Our country is too soft and entitled and making them afford their own luxuries, as in driving, and having to pay for it teaches them that not everything comes for free and if they want luxuries, they need to be able to afford them.
Having a job is learning responsibility. Paying for thier gas is part of the learning process.
I mean they had 16 yrs of a free ride sooooo
I definitely paid my mom gas every week working at McDonald’s when I was 16. She didn’t ask for it but it’s HER gas being used and her time taking and picking me up from something I chose to do.
Hell no. They might as well just take a damn Uber then.
My husband doesn’t even charge his employees gas money (he picks them up and takes them to whatever job site he’s working at). We would never charge our children under 21 gas money to go to work. The whole point of working as a teenager is to learn the responsibility needed to grow up and save money for the things they need (like a car) to be fully responsible. Why would you make your kids life harder before it needs to be. I think they need some breaks at this age so they can get a leg up and not have to start adulthood on the lowest peg. Let’s get our kids working, at least they are working and trying to get theor lives started. Gas money should be their responsibility when they have their own car. If they want to pay gas or insist on it I would save it up for them. It’s absurd to say that’s teaching them responsibility. Maybe to some ppl. But a 16 year old is still 100% the parents responsibility in every way including financially. I don’t understand why so many ppl won’t just give their kids a break so they can start life off easier not harder.
split. best of both worlds
I never ask but my kids offer! They understand how expensive things add up quick!
No they should not have to pay
Either way is acceptable as far as I am concerned.
If you are able to take them to work, and it doesn’t cause any financial issues for you, then do it and don’t make them pay. I think if you’re able to help your children, you should.
If it is causing any financial issues (gas is expensive) then yes make them chip in. You shouldn’t struggle so they can work.
Personally, my grandparents paid for everything. They bought my first car, paid my weekly gas, my insurance, registration, gave me spending money, everything. It didn’t hinder me at all. I moved out and married at 17 and we’ve been just fine.
I’ll help my kids as much as I am able but they already buy some of their own things. They always have.
For example, my ten year old loves cherry coke. I don’t buy it often. So he buys his own cherry cokes every week. He has done this since he was five. If a five year old can grasp the concept that he may have to pay for things he wants, a sixteen year old can.
At the end of the day, there isn’t a right or wrong answer here, just what works best for your family.
My dad got gas money from my little bro when he was younger and he saved it for him. Until my brother would borrow it back .
Yes. My kids have been paying for gas money since they were 10:pleading_face:
My parents never asked I just always did it. It teaches responsibility and taking time out of their day to take me to work, teaches them not everything is free and don’t expect handouts. You work for what you have.
I never paid my dad for gas I was about 21
Its up to the father if he is driving them. Who knows, he can probably be saving that money and also teaching them responsibility. Why don’t you drive them to work?
I paid my cell my lunch that stuff
Looks like dad is teaching them a valuable lesson, if anyone else we’re taking them to work besides mom and dad they would have to pay for gas.
They’re 16 now, He’s teaching them a valuable lesson that nothing in this world is free they will thank him later.
Ew parents who nickel and dime their kids is gross imo. You’re supposed to help them. Why have them pay for gas when they’re working? They’re showing responsibility by having a job. No need to make them pay for it.