Should my friend marry a guy she just met?

I dated my hubby for 3. Months… married just recently lost him after 47 years together. Any doubts doesn’t sound good to me.

coming from experience very bad idea

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My husband proposed like a few months after we first met, we married in his way (Islamic) had our first baby the year after, then planned our wedding and I had our second baby 4 weeks before we got married. Been married now over 4 years and together 9. Sometimes it works, there is no time span on life

My husband proposed to me just 12 days after we met. :flushed: we married a year later :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: we are happily married for 13 years.
Here is the thing, it could go either way. No one really knows. I know people who have dated for a decade, got engaged and ended up breaking up in the worst way. More importantly, your friend shouldn’t be looking to you to make the decision for her.

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I know several couples who got married after a few weeks/months of knowing eachother that are still together 20+ years later. I also know couples who knew eachother for years, got married and divorced within a few years

She needs to wait. It’s too soon. I had two very long relationships both. 8 years and And the first guy became a jerk and controlling after 4 years l. And the second guy kept wanting to rush it and after 4 years he became very abusive to the point I was afraid to leave cuz he threaten to hurt me if I ever did. Soni stayed another 4 years out of fear. So my point is you don’t know what love is that soon. In my experience. And my bf now we been dating for 4 years but I have known him for 18 years and we’re happy and in love. I fell in love with him after a year of dating him so it took me 15 years to fall in love with him. And my long term relationship I wasn’t in love I was just dating to have someone

A year is plenty of time and not getting married until 2022 will make it 2 years


Don’t know why people can’t just take their time? I understand the impatience of it because it’s all new and fun but people shouldn’t get so many deep and heavy emotions for someone right away. That’s why divorces and relationships in general normally don’t last long. No one likes to be a lone but they shouldn’t rush things either… BTW, my daughters name is Emily and my oldest sons name is James lol. I do have three kids. I’m glad there wasn’t a Brandon mentioned in this lol.

I knew I was going to marry my husband 2 weeks after meeting him. We have been married almost 12 years and together 14.

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Remind her that marriage is supposed to be a lifetime commitment. If they can commit to that and they love and respect each other then God Bless them!

Husband and I dated 6months into out relationship. Got married 1 year after we started dating and been together for 13 years. And we now have 3 beautiful kids.

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I knew after a month with my honey we are going to be together for ever 4 years strong 2 kids later not married just because of taxes

She met him a year ago not yesterday. Tell her congratulations and wish her luck. They’re are people who been together for years got married and it didn’t last a year. They’re are also people who were only together a few months and their marriage lasted years. Depends on the couple


I got engaged after 2 weeks of meeting my now husband. We have been together 13 years this year married for 11 and have a house and 2 beautiful boys and I couldn’t be happier!!

I moved in with my husband after a month of dating. 10 years and 3 kids later. Every relationship is different and unique. She definitely needs to decide if she wants to marry him but a prolonged engagement is a good alternative while she figures it out!

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By the time they get married it will be 2 years. But either way I think you should…


Its her life let her make her own decisions.

It’s her choice and by the time they get married they’ll have another year accounted for. My mom remarried after dating this guy for about 4 and a half months. I thought it was too soon but she’s gonna live her life the way she wants to.

My parents married 6 months after dating and have been married over 35 years.

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If she’s genuinely happy then tell her you’re happy for her and want her to have the best in life and marriage.

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I only knew my husband 6 months and I was only 18 when we got married. 9 years next month. While my friends who dated their husbands all through school and then after school got married years later are divorcing etc. Sometimes you just know. Say congratulations and focus on your own life

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13 years ago I met a man was wirh him 1 year and got married im 57 now I don’t really see a problem unless there red flags showing

My dad wanted to marry y mum after 3 months but got told to wait for a year before getting engaged…they were together 58 years and married 55 years

From what you have said their relationship will be least 2 years together. by then they both should know if its for real or not…just wish lots of love and happiness…as old sayings go only time will tell…

Well I’ve known some people to get married that fast and be good…but if she isn’t sure if she’s agreeing to avoid being alone she needs to tell him

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There’s nothing wrong with a long engagement. Don’t marry for the wedding. Marry for the lifetime love and respect. However. Sometimes when you know. You know. My grandparents were married almost 40 years. Then my grandfather passed. They met in a bar. He was the bartender my gramma ordered a sandwich. They both knew right then and there. That they would be it for each other. 6 months later they were married. Thee love was that of fairytales. Sounds corner. But it does happen. I was friends with my husband 4 years before we got together. We had loss contact for about a year. We reunited by chance, and he came to visit me that same night. And never left. That was almost 17 years ago. Granted we knew each other before. Not in that way. I knew a week after reuniting with him. That he would be the man I spent the rest of my life with. I love him more now, then I did then. Just tell your friend that marriage is hard. And it won’t always feel this way. To keep that kind of passion, excitement, and “honeymoon” phase takes commitment and work. Stay engaged for a while. Don’t just marry for the title, and the party. Marry for the lifetime of love that takes place.

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Uhmmm, I met my husband October 2007, proposed to me April 2008 got married September 2008. Everything within a year. And guess what? We’ve been happily married for 12 yrs going on 13yrs this September and we have 2 wonderful kids together (6 & 5). Best thing that has ever happened to me.

Well her wedding is set for 2022 over a year from now. So they will be together over two yrs by then. In my opinion not to soon. Alot can happen in a yr. Be happy for her being happy and don’t piss in her cheerios

I met my hubby on the 27/01/98.
Got engaged 13/06/98
Got married 10/10/98. We will be celebrating 23yrs of marriage this October. I think it depends on the people involved. Marriage is continuously working at it from both sides.

It can Work or not…:woman_shrugging:

I thought u said she just meet him she knew him over a year. If she questioning it then she should get our of the relationship

When I think of just meet like recently in the last month I knew someone who got married 2 days of know someone and no that didn’t last but she’s known him over a year if she said it’s too fast and she not ready to get married that When it time to move on

I married my husband after first meeting him 6 months earlier. Oh during 5 of those months we were 650 miles apart. We are celebrating our 32 anniversary in July and couldn’t be more in love

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A lot of it depends on their life experience. How old are they? Are they college educated? Are they in a very strict religion? Have either of them been married before? These things statistically make a difference on how likely they are to last. Also, how well do they communicate? How do they handle their problems? Is one of them always bending to the other? Is one of them controlling? You’ll hear plenty of stories of people who dated for 6 months, got engaged and married within the year. That doesn’t mean anything.
It’s already been a year, and it will be almost 2 by the time they marry… that’s may be plenty of time to know it’s right if they are on their 3rd serious relationship and pushing 30. It may not be enough time, though, if they are 19 or 22 and this is their first love. It just depends on so many factors. There’s not enough info. All of these people’s examples are pretty meaningless as every couple is different.

Just give it time. It’s easy to fall in and out the honeymoon stage. Love and marriage is hard enough. She has until next year to decide. Just give it time.

She will have been with him like a year and a half before they get married, I’m sure she will know for sure by then.

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My inlaws met in November/December and were married by May. They’ve been married 32 years this weekend.
Sometimes it’s just meant to be. However if your friend has reservations about actually getting married, she should absolutely discuss it with her partner.

If she thinks it’s to fast she should tell him how she feels and that she would like to wait, perhaps suggest a 2 year engagement from when she speaks to him and then after 2 years if they both feel marriage is what they want then plan the wedding after that 2 years.

Met my husband 10-2001 started dating in 12-2001 was married 2-28-2002 going on 20 years of marriage!! Time stops nothing if they are both committed to each other!

Look up covert narcissism. She should tell her fiancé that she wants to wait. Literally just kinda put the brakes on everything. People can manipulate you and emotionally abuse you little by little and before you know it 3 years have gone by and you don’t recognize yourself. I thought the guy I met was honest and would treat me right. Just see if there are any real red flags. Tell her you’re concerned for her well-being now and in the future and you’ll always support her no matter what. And if she doesn’t listen to you still be there. And if he does get abusive then don’t hate on him. It’ll just make her defensive and shut you out. Just be her safe place so you know she’ll always have an option. Becoming so serious is a red flag. Ppl with pathological narcissist disorder try and love bomb you and mirror who you are find out all your secrets and what makes you you and when they know they have you hooked they devalue you, start fights, sabotage things for you including good events. Like if you had a wonderful day with them and you say how happy you are and then the next day you have to work or go somewhere. They’ll bring you down a peg by shutting your alarm off or something. I was going on a trip with my family and I couldn’t find my license all of a sudden. I got a new one. A little later after I found my license where I definitely looked thoroughly. And you won’t know they’re literally evil until it’s too late. When you go from having such a loving person to someone slowly becoming a trickster and a bully it messes with your head. He says one thing and does another. I just really hope this man your friend loves also truly loves her. Always focus on your friend and her well being and never give up on her and she’ll be better for it. She’s already so lucky to have you. Also she clearly has doubts and if she was to marry this person she should be able to share this with them. So maybe suggest that and see how he responds. If he doesn’t care about how she feels and tries to convince her to feel another way then that’s gaslighting. A person you marry should always put the persons wants needs and boundaries as a priority over their own selfishness

My fiance says he knew he was going to marry me the day he met me. And I was in a relationship at the time. Here we are 4 years later planning a wedding. If she was really mature and felt even a glimmer of doubt she wouldn’t and shouldn’t have said yes. That’s just wrong.

Im confused are you jealous

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My husband and I knew each other for years, but we started dating in October of 2018, engaged March of 2019, and married in October of 2019, so it could work… we been married almost 2 years now and its still the best decision I’ve ever made…

Met my hubby in the end of 2007 engaged early 2008 married in 2010. We will celebrate 11 years of marriage this May! Hope it works out for your friend!

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I knew I wanted to marry my SO within a month of meeting each other. We both did. Here we are 4 years later… Sometimes you just know. Although we never rushed the actual walking down the isle part. We’re still planning our wedding and don’t actually know when it will be. :woman_shrugging::laughing: No rush to sign a piece of paperwork for us because we’ve been married previously and don’t really see the need to rush. We only have forever to figure it out lol. We’re thinking about getting married on the USS Enterprise-1701 from Star Trek TNG one of these days. :heart:

Mind your own business

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My grandparents were only together a couple of months before they got married. She was engaged to someone else when he asked her out on a date. They were together for over 50 years until he passed away. Just be a good friend, wish for the best, and if it doesn’t work out be there for her.

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If they’ve been together over a year, they didn’t just meet.


Could he have fallen in love with her that soon, and feels like he knows her well enough for marriage?.. Sure.

Could he be an emotional vampire narcissist in need of a new host, preying on her because he knows she’s a bit unstable when it comes to relationships…Sure.

This could go either way, and as a friend… I would ask her what the rush is, and would suggest taking some time to get to know him better. You will have at least planted the seed.

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Google up his name
Do research could be a sex offender that he’s not talking about

I mean by then she will know. Either they will still be in love or the honeymoon will be over.

To me that’s to soon. But every relationship is different. I’ve been with my man for almost 8 years now and were still not ready to get married there’s no rush. But if she truly is happy then just be happy for her.

First of all being with someone a year is not just meeting. I was engaged less than a year in and we had a long engagement. This is going to be our 11th year married but 15th yr together.

FYI people can be dating 10 yrs, get married and end in divorce. It all depends on the people.

She needs to find out if it’s love or lust or loneliness now or it will end badly. I have been engaged 3 times and luckily married the right one.

Everyone is different and it’s not up to you to decide what’s best for your friend. I married my husband after 4 months of knowing him and here we are 8 years later. :woman_shrugging:

A lot of ppl do- some wrk out great some don’t 🤷
My only advice here is to be engaged for a few more years to be 100% sure.
A year is a pretty long time, I read somewhere a man knows he’s found the one after about 3mos, a woman after 6.

My husband was a one night stand that turned into 20 years in January.

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My now husband and I were only together a couple of months I started staying at his place regularly.
Together 6 months when I officially moved in.
Together just over 2 years when he proposed…after we had a child together.
Together just over 3 years when we got married.

This September will be 6 years together. Married 3.

Knowing someone a year…isn’t “just met” and 6 months isn’t “just got together”
I dont believe that’s really a factor here.

But I understand her concerns about wondering if she’s just doing it so she’s not alone. I think that’s a common concern after divorce.
The thing about that is…she’s the only one who can figure that out. The best advice you can give her…
Is to do some self-reflection…
Think about thier relationship. Think about him. Why specifically has she fallen in love with him? Or what specifically made her realize she loves him? What makes her want to live with him for the rest of her life? Is there anything about him that makes her uncomfortable? What is it? Why does it make her uncomfortable?
I believe considering questions like this…answering to and for herself will help her figure her out what to do.

Also…its entirely possible to have a long engagement so even if she says/said yes…there’s no real rush to get married just yet.

Not to sound mean but how old are these friends

Thats not your business or your question to ask. Just support her happiness.

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Everyone’s relationship is different. My husband and I moved in together two weeks after we met, got married a year after we met and that was ten years ago and I love him more now than I did then. I’m happier than I’ve ever been.
There’s really no way of knowing how things will work out but if she feels like she loves him and is ready to be married then I say she should follow her heart

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I married my husband 1 year and 2 days after our first date. We now have 5 children and have been married for 16 years.

My advice is to not meddle and just be there for her. If she’s excited then you’re excited. Listen to her concerns and give advice but don’t put your opinions in her head.

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I knew my husband for only a month when we got engaged and got married the following year. Will be married 31 years next week.


I don’t think it’s a matter of how long you know someone, but the complete certainty that you want to spend the rest of your life with that individual. If SHE is unsure i’d suggest she wait until she is. I met my husband and was engaged within 4 months, married a year later. I cannot imagine being with anyone else.

I did it we’ve been married almost 15 years
It does work as odd as it may seem

I married my husband 2 months after we started dating. I knew him for years prior to dating but still…2 months… We’ve been married for 2 years and had a child of our own together on top of the other 2 kids of mine that he treats like his own…

I understand your concern for your friend but you sound very negative towards her relationship. You havent stated anything negative about him, just that she’s had bad luck in the past… Majority of people have. She’s been with him a year… They didn’t just meet and you could be part of the reason she doesnt get married to him because she doesnt want to hear your negative comments but does care for your opinion… If she is not ready, then she is not. She needs to really think about her relationship, if she wants to be married and whether or not the only reason she said yes is because she fears being alone… She needs to reflect on that on her own! That’s the only thing you should be telling her. She’s marrying him, not you.

My husband now said he was marrying me after we were together a month we knew each other in our younger days but weren’t close or anything like that and we got married after two years together relationships are different for everyone my ex I married after 13 years of being together and it was the biggest mistake ever made but just be there for your friend be the one she can talk to but not be negative

My friends got engaged 3 months after first dating and they didn’t know each other before. It’s going fine other than they fight about a lot of stuff.

Me and my husband got married 6 months in we have been married 3 years mayb26th

Have them get marriage “counseling” to be sure they ask and discuss the hard questions. Maybe one of those in-depth questionnaires they can do together to see how each feels about money, finances, budgeting, chores and gender roles, children or no children, how many, expectations for kids, discipline, experience with kids previously—the reality is often far different from the expectation! If they foresee children, have them babysit someone’s child/children for a night and then maybe a weekend. Everyone pictures kisses and cuddles vs screaming, back-talk, sneakiness or kids who hate being affectionate.

What are their personal and professional goals in life, what are deal breakers, how much togetherness is too much or too little, what is an ideal vacation: time with extended family, extravagant national or international getaways, historic reenacting, major cities vs. wide open spaces, amusement parks, historic sites, lots of cultural events or decompressing on a beach, camping, staycations, or “what’s a vacation”?

Do they have similar spiritual beliefs? What happens if one becomes disabled? How will they divide time between families? What are their holiday traditions and how will they mesh?

What religious training does each foresee for kids? What does each think about porn, sex toys, fantasies or kinkiness? What are each looking for from marriage?

When does each want to retire & what would that look like? Moving or staying in the same place forever? Downsizing vs. buying a big place to host lots of family? World travel? RVing? Quiet life in a warm climate/beach or living next door to grandkids? Working until you die, starting a family business? Having a more fun career?

What role and authority do grandparents, aunts & uncles, friends have? How much time spent with friends vs at home is too much? What is OK & not OK to do apart from each other, like drinks, bowling, strip clubs, gambling, weekend trips with bros/girls vs. week-long ones? How does each use vacation time? What constitutes slacking and workaholism?

How clean is a clean house, with and without kids? How does each person deal with stress and conflict? Scream it out and be done, go to their caves and think about it? Discuss situations daily or weekly to pre-empt conflict? What happened when their parents/guardians disagreed, how did they resolve it (or not), and what would they do differently?

Encourage them to discuss the hard questions now. Doesn’t mean neither will change their mind later or behave differently in the heat of the moment, but so often we make assumptions and then the reality is far different. Maybe encourage them to do Myers-Briggs testing as a place to start discussion. I’m sure there are many books on the subject, some religious leaders offer marriage preparation, etc. Best to reserve judgment on her decisions, but do ask lots of questions and be there to listen to her uninterrupted.

If you were on a face book group posting about my life and how you think you know me better than I do I wouldn’t wanna be your friend. Mind your business and support her or end the friendship and move on.


I was engaged within 6 months of meeting my now husband (we just celebrated our 3 year anniversary last month) he purposed to me December 30th 2016 and we got married March 26th 2018. My husbandalso told me on the 3rd weekend we were hanging out he knew he wanted to marry me. . I honestly didn’t want to ever remarry after my 1st marriage wasn’t the best and he ended up passing away at way to young of an age and I never wanted to go threw that again. But after 3 years of being a single mother to my kids I met my husband and we just clicked everything felt right. I have honestly never been happier. But if your friend doesn’t feel ready to do it then maybe she should take some time to see what she really wants

My husband and I pretty much knew early neither one of us was going anywhere, we didn’t rush into it we were pretty young and still getting some ducks in a row. We were together 4 years before he proposed and another 2 engaged.
A friend of our knew she was the one, and proposed after a short time and married shortly after that…granted they were married 8ish years it was a freaking roller-coaster!
We have another friend that were married quickly and baby quickly after they are on 11 years.
Definitely depends on the couple. :woman_shrugging:

Me and my husband were married after 7 months knowing each other.

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I married my husband a year and a week after we met… Going on 8 yrs and couldn’t be happier. Some people just know. It’s her life let her live it

When you meet the right person, you will know. You can know someone for only a month and know them better than someone you’ve known for a year! My husband and I got married about 10 months after we met at 18 & 19. We had a lot of people doubt that our relationship would last, they would tell us “you’re too young, you don’t know each other that well” and yet we know each other better than anyone else. I feel like I know him better than I know myself some days lol but here we are 3.5 years later, been married happily for 2.5 years. We met our soulmate and didn’t want to waste time being apart. Best decision we ever made was getting married sooner rather than later, I wouldn’t trade it for the world. It really just depends on the couple. They know their relationship. If you have concerns you should sit down and talk to her/them about it. But at the end of the day they are going to make whatever choice they want to. You can either be there and support them and get to be by their side or you not support them and not get to be there for either of them.

My husband and I both knew we were going to marry each other before we even made our relationship “official”
Sometimes you just know.
Marriage is a commitment and takes a lot of work. Being with the right person does make it easier.
This decision is ultimately your friends decision. She’ll have to decide if it’s what she wants or not. I’d say after a year of being with someone you should kinda know if it’s something you want to continue or take to the next level.
My parents met at a New Years Eve party. Moved in together that same week and we’re engaged and married by May 15th of the same year. They were married 25+ years when my mom passed away.

A year isn’t “just met”.

I was 13 my husband was 15 when we got together in 2006. We didn’t get married until 2018 and 3 kids later. When she is ready, she is ready. Some like to wait and see. Some just jump right to it. It all depends on you. Unless he’s abusive physically or mentally. Let her learn and be happy. You never know, it just might work out!

Parents got Married after 3 months of dating. Still together after 33 years soon to be 34 in October.

My grandparents married two weeks after they met! And they were married over 50 years before my grandpa passed…

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Im assuming you’re single or with Mr. Right now. If you were in a happy relationship this wouldn’t be a question.

So my husband and I dated for 6months when he asked me to marry him and we married 3 months later. We have been together for 23 years now and it is still the best decision I ever made besides my salvation. I will say this though, if she has any doubts at all she needs to settle them before she marries him. Short relationships can make beautiful marriages but it must be the right relationship. Counseling would be a great idea, actually it is good before any marriage.

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Me and my husband meet March 17 2007 got married April 25th 2007 been married happily for 14 years

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I would say the problem isn’t the length of time she has known him. The problem is she isn’t sure if she wants to be married. She needs to resolve that. Marriage is not easy for people who are 100% sure. It would suck to wake up a few months in and realize you didn’t want it.


The good thing about being a fiance is she don’t have to start planning a wedding right away I’ve known people to be engaged for years before they actually got married. There is no rush ever!!

I’m not sure she’s ready yet. Next year is a while yet for her to continue to get to know him. Otherwise, why marry at all if you’re unsure. Nothing wrong with dating longer.

I met my now husband and 8 months later we were married and I was pregnant. We’ve been married 4 years on 5/20

It depends on the situation. Works for some people

Me and my husband got married after 3 months

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a friend of mine kinda did same thing i told her i thought she was rushing it in my oppion. they lived same state different cities but job traveled him here so didnt matter. they havent been together long when moved in together. they did get married couple yrs ago and still together. it worked for them. i believe been together 6 yr now.sometimes this works for people sometimes dont its the feeling and actions i might work for her it might not. i told my friend my feelings about it. but she still did what she felt . she new how i felt concerned for her.she was single for long time divorced. and the guy she married lost his wife.they came together as family ready made both have kids

Was with my now fiancé for 4 months before we got pregnant with our first daughter and decided to get married. 3 years later and we just had our second baby girl and loving our family! Sometimes it is meant to be, I don’t think the amount of time matters!

If she is unsure if she’s ready to get married, she needs to talk to her fiancé about that. There is nothing wrong with pushing out the wedding date and staying engaged a little longer. With that said though, it doesn’t matter how long she has known him, if they’re both happy. I met my husband March 29th 2019, when we were both out to celebrate my best friends birthday. He was friends with my best friends husband. So we met March 29th 2019, we started dating May 5th 2019. We got married July 2nd 2019. So we knew each other just over a month before we started our relationship and we were together less than 2 months before we got married. So we were married within 3 months of meeting. I can’t speak for my husband, but from what he tells me, he’s never been happier and I know I’ve never been happier. We both came from shitty pasts when it came to relationships. He is an amazing man and I regret NOTHING. If your friend is happy, be happy for her. Support her, because time measures nothing!

Me and my husband met and got married 2 weeks later still married 36 years so it can work


I got married 7 months into a long distance relationship. We’ve been married for going on 13 years and have 4 awesome kids together. 🤷

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I don’t see the issue with getting married after that length of time (my hubby proposed to me after 3 months, married after 6 months 20 years ago). The issue is she doesn’t know if she wants to her married x

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I mean the problem here isn’t that she only met him a year ago. The problem is she doesn’t know if she really wants to marry him or not


My husband and I started officially dating in jan of 2020. We decided to get married the beginning of dec 2020 and tied the knot jan 9th of this year. When you know, you know. Im super happy :woman_shrugging:

My husband and I were married 10 months after meeting we r still together 23 years (in June ) later :heart:

I knew my husband for two years and a half years casually and dated him for six months before getting married. We are going on seven years of marriage. With children and a home etc. I know people that have waited for years to get married and got divorced in less than two after being married.

I started dating my husband of Dec of 2001 and got married May 18th 2002 . but I would say she should wait cause after 19 year’s next month I may be getting a divorce I didn’t really know the real him .