Should my husband check his own pockets when I do laundry?

Am I crazy for thinking my husband needs to check his pockets for earbuds or other things not to be washed before he puts his clothes in the dirty laundry for me to wash? If I had to check every single pocket he has on top of the 3-4 loads of laundry every day and everything another chore along with a 6&7 yo and their distance learning, a 4month old going thru a sleep regression and teething, two old dogs that pee in the house because they either can’t make it outside in time or the need help to get up to go out and sometimes I’m stuck nursing, I think I might explode.


I don’t ever check pockets. They all know if they leave it then it’s gonna get washed. Not my problem.


Yes definitely. He is a grown man. I am having the same problem with my husband, but I also have to tell him all the time to put his clothes in the dirty clothes basket

Not only do I think he should check his pockets. He also should help with the laundry


Lol whatever you find after you wash the clothes is yours yo keep!

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Shit, I wish mine wouldn’t empty his with the cash he pulls out sometimes. I told mine years ago, any money I find in the laundry I will consider a tip. He cleans out his pockets as soon as he walks in.


I gave up that game. Its your pocket with your stuff…if its so important to you, keep a better eye on it. Btw…any cash that falls is mine! Call it a laundry fee.


Yeah no. If I wash your shit, that’s your fault. You’re a grown man. Empty your pockets.


Please find something more to focus ur mind on

Technically yes he should. I gave up on it a long time ago. If it gets washed, it’s not my problem. I’m not checking an adults pockets. Whatever survives the washer and dryer I put in his empty hamper in his closet. If it’s money, it’s then considered my laundry wench tip.

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I don’t even check the kids pockets, let alone an adults.


The person who does the washing should check the pockets .

You will be the one who has to deal with the tissue residue


My husband gets mad when I don’t check his pockets. He is old enough he should know to take everything out of his pockets before he puts them in the hamper. It drives me crazy.


He definitely should, but I have learned to check anyhow. My ex was a welder and there were times little nozzles or metal things were left in pockets. Better to check then to ruin a washer.

He’s a grown man. And you explain to him everything you just put here. He needs to accept responsibility, you’re not his mother.

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I always check my husbands pockets before throwing his pants in the wash. Sometimes empty sometimes money, candy wrappers, receipts. No big deal, I’m the one washing the laundry so I have no problem checking. He helps me fold and put away laundry sometimes. :basket: let the little things go ; )

I told my husband all the time check you’re pockets lol

My tip is to check his pockets. Any cash is yours but anything important to him that he needs daily. Take it out and let him panic he don’t have it. After a week show him what you gathered.

Maybe he will change. Maybe not.
My 12 year old is responsible for his things. We have a dog, if you leave it around and it gets chewed up. It’s his fault not mine. So same goes for husband. Actions.

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Can’t add much to this my husband does his own laundry.

And that is why my husband does his own laundry.

My husband empties his pockets before he takes them off. Thank goodness. Change and cash I scoop up and hide :joy::rofl::joy: cleaning fee :rofl::joy:


My husband does our laundry.

Yes he should :crazy_face::crazy_face: we don’t have time to check them lol

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I keep all money I find and my household knows it…so I check everything :joy:

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If you cannot have a adult conversation with a adult you live with an work together then STOP HAVING CATTY FIGHTS N LEAVE .

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Yes! He’s a grown man, he can empty his pockets. My hubby and All the big kids here know to check theirs too. There’s too many people in this house for me to be checking everyone’s pockets. If you leave money, it’s mine! Consider it my tip :sweat_smile:


Finder’s keepers. Anything is yours. If he doesn’t like it start a pile of his crap? He can do himself!

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I just wash the pants. If you lose something, that’s your bad not mine. If I find money in the laundry that’s your loss and my gain. They will eventually learn to empty their pockets before stripping down.


Your not his mother.


Whether he checks his pockets or not, I always check them again. After he works a long 12 hour day I dont feel the need to bitch about something that will take an extra minute out of my day. Washing and ruining things that could be of value just takes out of both your money in the end… And yes I have a 10 and 3 year old, pets and remote learning going on. :woman_shrugging: don’t sweat the small stuff and you will be happier :blush: what ever happen to couples being a team?


I wash my clothes and his separate for the same reason. I did it the first 2 years, check his pockets and everything, also I was picking his clothes from the floor. I got tired and told him that the clothes that aren’t in the basket I ain’t picking it up, if he doesn’t check his pockets neither will I. “Oh honey you left a receipt there and your clothes are full of paper so sorry that it’s your fault”.
That’s how he learned.
That’s the only thing hes supposed to do, since I’m the one already washing and folding and putting away his clothes for him

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Yes he should, but as the laundry do-er you should also double check all pockets. I do and don’t find it a difficult task…
ETA… it is a known rule around here…if I find it in your laundry pocket, it becomes mine. This is mostly to do with money, however is applied to all things.

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I never put things in my pants pockets. Like ever in my life, so when my husband and I started living together and I did the laundry I never though to check pockets cause I never put shit in them, washed his wallet and countless other things enough times that he now empties his pockets himself. :joy::joy::joy:


My Husband knows to check his pockets! Im not doing it, Ive got enough stuff to do. If he doesnt like it make him do his own laundry. I bet he will change his tune real quick

The real question is y are u doing 3 or 4 loads day? I have currently have 6 ppl in my house and only do laundry once a week, sometimes 6 loads but usually only 3 or 4. That’s with changing crib bedding, playpen sheets, changing table mats, and 5 sometimes 6 ppls clothes. Use puppy pads in the areas the dogs pee most see if that helps lighten ur load a lil. As far as him checking his pockets my husband doesnt either so whatever gets ruined in his pockets just gets ruined. He will learn eventually. I’m not saying ur a bad person 4 wanting 2 be clean but maybe try 2 plan ur day a lil better. Try 2 prioritize what’s more important throughout the week and spread chores out. The 2 older kids can help when not doing school work. Things like feeding dogs and helping round laundry or drying dishes if u hand wash them or even if u have a dishwasher maybe they can help load it. I have the same issue my kids on a hybrid schedule right now so 3 days a week I have 2 stay on top of her 2 do the work required 4 the day. I dont get much done on top of the school work I have twins so it makes it a lil harder 2try 2 take care of them but they are almost 9 months so their a lil older. Still teething though.

I mean no im doing the laundry then im checking the pockets. Its not gonna take but a second to do.
But why all that laundry in one day?? You dont let it pile up?? Like a weekly thing
It sounds like your overwhelming yourself. Do what you can and learn to be ok with what gets done.
If anything id get rid of the dogs but thats just my opinion lol

I found out my first husband was cheating on me by checking his pockets for laundry. Found the hotel receipt. Never checked someone else’s pockets again.

How else is he gonna learn not to do stupid, childish shit like that if you do it for him?

Alternatively, finders keepers for anything he doesn’t take out himself. That’s him tipping you for doing the work. Intentionally or not. :man_shrugging:

You ain’t his mama. She can do his laundry if he needs all that babying.

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Hey think of it as finders keepers makes it more fun when you find a quid :joy::thinking:

He should absolutely check his own pockets…regardless of what you have on your plate, you married an adult. He wears his pants, and uses said pockets, you don’t.


I used to until my hand got sliced from a piece of metal.

I do sometimes it pays good


Told my sons I would keep money from pockets. I did, only took twice to make them believe it . After that , no more screws , box cutters Change . All clean after that.

By cleaning his pockets you are treating him like a 2 year old. He will take advantage of that & other things. Stop it NOW. Show respect for a grown man.

Is this for real ? I think you are doing more than enough by washing his clothes, like are you his made ? lol :joy:

It’s the woman’s place to do those things for her man.


I don’t think Arvin really believes that. , just giving fuel to keep discussion going. ???

My fiance does the laundry every week so he empty his pockets.