Should my spouse still have to pay child support?

Let’s say S/O has 50/50 custody during the winter when he’s not working. 2 on 2 off then 3 on. Ex wants him to pay child support because she pays for child care while she works. On his working season he pays 1400 child support and has her every other weekend. Should he still pay child support when he has 50/50 during the off season?

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Yes…many tines daycare still charge even if the child isn’t there, in order to keep their spot.


Yes, child support is worked out at a yearly ammont based on the income information and then divided into either monthly or weekly anmounts so his seasonal income is already taken into consideration…
If the child support agreement is not done through the courts then do this so that the formula/amount is fair and based on his legal obligation

But yes he should still pay


Yes, the child’s needs for food, clothes, etc don’t stop just cause dad isn’t working. Tell him to go to court and have them decide it or let child support office figure it out.


Yes a home and such still needs to be maintained for her

A child needs financial support all year round. There’s no holidays from child costs


So then he should keep her to avoid the childcare costs


Child support doesn’t just shut off and turn back on. If it’s seasonal and daycare is still being used absolutely child support has to stay the same, sorry.


If there’s no court order saying him he does not have to pay the child support then she should not be getting anything

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Yes. Child support doesn’t turn off and on?

Why are you in their business. I’m sure you’re just tryna keep him from paying

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Why is that your concern? If there’s less money stays in your house maybe you should go to work. Did you knew he have kids before marrying? If you knew it should’ve been question here at all


Get a new assessment done,but in saying that dad needs to step up and help out with fees,lessons,schooling costs etc…as an extra…remember it’s not about the mum or dad or who earns more or less…it’s about that child and what they need…

Request an audit. His child support will likely drastically decrease. He is probably only going to be responsible for 30-40% of childcare cost and while it’s 50/50 his child support might only be $9 a week. That’s all my husbands ex gets. Despite trying to get it increased five times last year with motions. Even tried to change the custody agreement and take parenting time away from him in order to gain more financial support and the judge wasn’t going for it. He keeps bringing up that I make triple what he does which is true but I didn’t make that baby with her and she repeatedly says she doesn’t want me involved with her daughter so I feel like she shouldn’t want my money involved either

That’s between him and the child’s mother…. Further more if they can figure it out they can have the courts do so.

Is it through the courts ? If the courts have decided it then you can ask for a reassessment. If there’s nothing from the courts they come up with a number on their own… if it’s not working for HIM then HE needs to address it.