Should the person with COVID have to care for the newborn?

Is it fair for the only person in the house who has covid to get up every couple hours to feed my newborn and early in the morning to look after both of my kids. I’d like to add that Im in alot of pain the bf (father of our children) doesn’t seem to care because he’s sexually fustrated he’s not getting any


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Should the person with COVID have to care for the newborn?

I would just wear a mask it’s just a cold/flu keep washing hand that’s all


What a self-centered man! I’m so sorry.


Part of being a mama… unfortunately even when we’re sick we’re expected to keep right on :confused:


Sounds like a selfish douche


I took care of all 3 kids (9,3 and a newborn) with COVID and I lived lol. Daddy had to work :person_shrugging:


Throw him a bottle of lotion and tell him to get the f*ck over it.

It’s a mans world terrible carry on but sure on ya go mama ur doing great

You need to RUN! I’m sorry but what would happen if you end up worse and in the hospital because of covid? He’s frustrated gtfoh… you’re sick and need to be in bed! Sounds like he really needs to grow up! I’m truly sorry you’re going through this. Sending prayers for health and healing :pray:


So sorry to hear this :cry: he should be taking care of u all.

Just hand wash and wear a mask around the baby. I’m sorry you don’t have help. Maybe it’s time to take the trash out (your boyfriend) for good :woman_shrugging:t2:

It’s never fair for one parent to be doing everything when the other one is capable of helping.


Wow. Just wow. Yes, he should help with the kids but he is legitimately sexuallt frustrated cos you just had a baby and have Covid? Don’t reproducing with jerks!!!

I can not believe how many people are telling you this is ok and you should just accept it. No, this is not a partnership you’re in. He’s being incredibly selfish and is telling you exactly how much he cares. Is he like this in other areas of life? Because that’s not husband material at all and you absolutely should not accept it as a woman’s role. These people telling you to just roll over and accept it are high af. You are a human being, his partner, and the mother of his children NOT a door mat.


He should’ve thought about that before he decided to have a baby. It ain’t your fault…. It’s doctors orders


When you recover from Covid, and postpartum, please drop the deadweight of a “man” that lives with you :white_heart: You should never have to do it all when you have a partner!


Wtf is wrong with men??? No your sick and you definitely shouldn’t be around the kids w covid. He’s a complete idiot apparently. I wouldn’t let him rest if you aren’t.


Sounds like this dude is a waste of space.


It’s your kid. Quit complaining and quit using Covid as an excuse. It’s getting old.


It’s not one or the other. You are both parents and should both be taking care of the baby. Sick or not.


Throw the whole boy away.


:rofl: hes not a man, he’s a boy who thinks nothing about anything other than his dick. throw the whole dude away that shit won’t ever change

He’s a man that’s how they think everything is based on sex!! How would you manage if he wasn’t there !!?

I still would. Because I breastfeed all our babies, and cosleep with my babies.

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I got Covid and barely left my bed. My boyfriend did everything he could to help me get better and took full responsibility of our kids!


That’s how the newborn ends up wit covid


That’s is no damn excuse for his ass not to help. they aren’t just yours there his too. He taking a risk for all the little ones you have plus him. Getting covid. You need rest from covid. Plus just having a baby. Maybe this is a moment you should rethink the choice that you picked him to be your better half.

His first concern should be supporting you and his children not about his "sexual needs ". He needs to sort his priorities out


I had COVID and had to get up with my 8 year old to do zoom and pump for my baby (boyfriend had to work). I didn’t feel great nor was I knocking on death’s door and my boyfriend’s mom helped but I think both parents have responsibilities sick or not

Well when he ends up with it next, make sure to give the kids all the pots & pans. Start a band.

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Whoa talk about a narcistic alert! Sorry you’re sick, I really hope you feel better. As for BF he can go F himself figuratively and litterally.

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Im a single mum so if i get covid theres nobody else to pick up that slack baby still needs feeding

Sounds like he needs to man up.

Break up with the immature boyfriend, take care of yourself and your kids, and don’t get involved with guys that are only concerned about what they want, hopefully you’ll eventually find a real man.


So, because he’s sexually frustrated, he’s acting like a selfish child? He’d honestly rather hinder your recovery time and put an infant at risk? I’d say this for any illness, not just covid. Are you sure this is someone you want to invest more of your time with? I wouldn’t.


I had Covid and still had to tend to both my kids who also had Covid. It’s doable, a little difficult but you got this! I’m sorry you’re not getting any help I understand your frustration 100% but don’t let it defeat you❤️


I mean, it is both your responsibilities to care for said baby. Parenting doesn’t stop just because your sick. He should be helping, yes. But it is also still your responsibility as well. When my kids father had Covid, he didn’t help any less. We presumed as normal & all was fine.


I got Covid when my daughter was around 2-3 months old. I was stuck in bed. I could barely move or eat. My fiancé took care of her the entire time. I kid you not I slept the days away when I had it.


That is not ok at all. And for those of you that are ok, you just told The Whole thread, you have a piece of shit husband.

Manchild. Im sorry you have to deal with him.

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I send him packing. Why would you even keep someone like that around? He can’t help out because he’s not getting laid? Is he 16?


He’d be frustrated looking for a place to go with all his shit too…

I think you know the answer and what you should really reconsider once you’re better

I had covid only had stuffy nose but my bf did not want the kids to get it so he stayed home from work for 5 days and did everything around the house helped the school kids do work and took care of the baby while I stayed in our room and binged watched TV. Did I still go out and help yes he just shooed me back to room

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You’re dating a child. Leave


Bye :wave: Felicia to him

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Where do you find these men? Go put him back where you found him.


Get your ass up and take care of them babies. You shouldn’t even have to ask him to help, he should be doing it automatically and if he isn’t well that’s your fault for choosing a loser. Power through the sickness. Reach deep inside thy soul and find more power bc they won’t be babies long.

Not much of a father, sorry hun. A good man would have stepped up and helped with his child.

No you are not selfish for wanting help you’re not selfish for wanting help when you’re sick you’re not selfish for wanting help when you’re not sick everyone every parent should be lending 100% to the development and care of any children if he can’t then you may need to reevaluate everything and have that discussion with him it might be a hard one he may not know he isn’t helping as well as he should good luck

Find someone who does care, dump his selfish sorry excuse for a man, and start living, and getting to love your self, because you are already doing it alone, you just have a parasite weighing you down.

Depends really on your level of sickness with covid. Some people are quite sick and can hardly function where others have no more than a cold. If it’s the latter than I’d say parenting doesn’t stop cause your sick, help sure but if your extremely sick then he should take on more if not all to help.


Communication is key. Discuss your feelings with him. Hopefully he will see it from your point of view and help you :slightly_smiling_face:

Only thinks of himself , no empathy

Honestly it depends on the situation. I honestly need more to the story before judging your boyfriend. I get your frustrated, but does he have a job & providing for the family. Does his job allow him paid days off? What hours does he work? I mean I need more information.


Tell him to go get some and come home and do what he’s supposed to do

No, he can put on his big boy panties, rub one out if needed, and grow tf up and be a man. He made the kids he can help care for them too.

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That’s not fair at all :frowning:

He obviously doesn’t have your back and never will. You would be better off alone!

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I wouldn’t want him to watch my kids, daddy or not

Red flags!! When they show you who they are believe them.

You gotta give more information, kinda one sided at this point…. Need more information to properly give advice


Honestly I STILL took care of my kid when I had covid. Didn’t have a choice. I’m a single mom. Does the BF work?


Can you call on grandparents or friends to come get them for the weekend maybe? It might be a slap in the face saying “I need to rest!!”??? Good luck hun, im sorry youre having a hard time.

I think you should separate yourself from him for a bit. Get someone like a family member that can help out. If your boyfriend gets sick, don’t help him!


I did this wit my baby and she caught it but caught other things alsone side like croup viral infection burnin up would eat or drink so on and forth x

I’m so sorry to hear this, surely as a new father he would want to do most of the work to try and stop the baby getting it, bless you this isn’t nice, all because he’s sexually frustrated! He sounds kinda selfish, I hope you at least have some sort of support network :pensive: sending hugs!


Find a partner with better standards


Don’t have any more children with him!!!


Uh wtf he needs to man up and help, not only do you hv covid but hm all day taking care of the kids, he can wake up and help thats called being a dad and a loving boyfriend smh


He sounds like a total a**hole!

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Don’t be shocked. Most of them are like this.


Um you have bigger issues than this. And should probably leave. It will not get better

Yes. Your newborn needs you and will do better with you. Newborns are not a high risk with Covid (and you pass valuable antibodies if you’re breastfeeding). As long as you are physically able, you caring for the newborn child makes the most sense. He should certainly help, though. Most guys don’t help. It’s not cool, but it’s a sad reality of being a parent. Men are not nurturing in general. Take some ibuprofen or Tylenol for pain relief.

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Maybe it’s my singledom talking but why the heck do y’all settle for men that are giving you less than the bare minimum? I need you to go to the mirror and tell yourself that you are worthy of supreme love. That you deserve the world. You give him those kids and you get some rest.


Can you say “loser”?

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Time to throw him out with the trash

Sounds like your man needs to grow the hell up and step the hell up when you need the support

He sounds like a child who’s having a tantrum


What sane person would want their newborn exposed to COVID?!?

Dump him.


If you’re the parent. Yes. You should care for your child.
You don’t stop caring for your child because you’re sick :joy:


Well then he better get used to hairy assholes cause men seem to think they are some kinda way right now. Little do they realize they are just pissing off more and more women and we apparently have some sorta power with our vagina’s.

All you women saying this man ain’t shit without knowing the full story, you literally have the tiniest bit of information from an angry mama! This man could be busting 12 hour shifts and she could be expecting him to do the most. Honestly, if you read this post and comment ‘run’ you need to grow the fuck up :joy:

Stop having kids with this idiot. Find a real man

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No and honestly you should be planning an exit strategy. You partner can’t parent bc he hasn’t sex??? Wtf is wrong with him. He can fully function without sex he’s choosing not to. He’s a crap partner and parent. Take the precautions that you can but obviously you can’t trust him. Get rid of him.

So you got three kids. One of whom you don’t have to keep.


He sounds like a fkn loser…


And he wouldn’t get any

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The person who has Covid should be isolated from the rest of the family to avoid spreading this dangerous disease to the children… especially the newborn. What is wrong with the father? He needs to stop worrying about dipping his wick and take care of his children!

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I just got poverty my covid. and through my exhaustion I so got up with the babe.

maybe you need to tell him point blank that he is going to be doing the feeds through out the night.

I did /do all the feeds cause its just easier on our end. now im sure if i told hom point blank. itd bdidn’t erent story. but i dixnf

I had covid during birth and baby born with covid I had helpish but I mean it’s a newborn so if really needs the mom so it’s a hard thing to say. But his attitude because of no sx is childish I personally wouldn’t give him anything no text no talk no nothing silent treatment

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Sounds like you’re already doing it all on your own and he’s just adding to your stress. Been there. Best decision I made was telling my ex overgrown man child to hit the road.
Because if you’re going to do it alone anyway you may as well lessen the stress of hearing him whine about sex, watching him sleep all night and not having to make another plate of food for him come dinner time every night. You’ll have the whole bed to yourself too. The place will stay cleaner longer without him contributing to the mess. It’s literal heaven!

If breastfeeding I would carry on to pass antibodies onto baby

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