My friend and her significant other are having their first baby in a few days. She has been talking about her staying with the baby while her partner is at work and then when he gets home, he will take over with the baby and she will go to work. He works three days a week and she works five days a week. Has anyone else tried this and it work out really well? Just wondering how many people have success with this.
This all depends on scheduled hours too. So it’s hard to answer. We’ve done this and it works. Even better that he works only 3 days!
My husband and I do this. He works days 5 days a week, I work nights 3 12s a week. I like it because I don’t have to call off in case of a sick child and I can do dr appts, I just lose a little sleep
The more you want something to work the better it works. As long as both places respect them and keep their hours and days the same they should be good. The best of luck to them. It’s always good to have a back up
Yes! I did that for two years, and if we came into conflicting schedules his mom or my mom would keep the baby for the hour and a half until his dad could pick him up when he got off.
we didn’t call it a parenting plan back in the day. You do whatcha gotta do to keep food on the table, and make it work. Or you don’t, and go without food, shelter, utilities, etc. We called it life, and we just did it. It will keep the child out of daycare- because paying for daycare would be pointless — people have been doing this for several decades
Who cares? If it works for them it works for them
I work 3 12s midnights so I work weekends my husband works Monday thru Friday days. We have done it for 6 years now and just had baby number 3🤷🏼‍♀️
Yeah… it absolutely can work! My husband and I do it…
I’ve seen it work. It doesn’t leave much time for the couple to have time together but if it works for them, great. Both would need to be willing for it to be that way. Daycare, especially for a newborn, is expensive.
People make anything work…
This will be my plan once I deliver in a couple of months
But I work from home so it will be a different. My partner works early mornings to mid Afternoon. If I can’t work around the baby’s schedule. Then I’ll work once he gets home
We both work 40 hours during the day and kids go to school or daycare and then 3 nights a week I work a night job and 2 nights a week he works a night job. If my night job could give me 40 hours I’d switch just so no one would have ti worry about calling in for a sick kid or school holidays
We’ve always done this other than for a bit while I stayed home. I work days, he works nights.
We only really see each other on the weekends but we’re used to it at this point.
The baby will nap alot on the first months so she should be fine when the baby gets a little older I’m sure they can find a babysitter or daycare to help out
It can and will work make sure to communicate between switch up if both of u’s get a day off together utilize it make it a date day so u’s have time together
It worked for me. We worked opposite shifts .Way better then paying for daycare.
It can work. Not anyone’s business but theirs so not sure why it’s your concern
I’d worry about myself and not my friend and their family lol
Mine works 8am and could be or should be done before 6pm so I can go to work at 6 then work til 230am. I lose lots of sleep since I have a 2 yr old and 2 month old. My other kids are school aged.
My bd worked days and I worked nights it worked out good for us.
It’s up to them on how they want to do get threw life it’s not up to u or anyone else
That’s for your friend and her partner to deal with and work on.
It’s what works for them as a family no one else’s business.
My husband works 6 days a week and I work per diem at night. It’s not ideal but it saves us on childcare costs and honestly I think it’s helped him bond with the boys because he has to be solely responsible for them while I’m gone
You do what you have to do as a parent. Harder on your own relationship but baby is safe
They need to so what works for them. Ppl work all schedules & hrs & make it work.
Well one not your business to me asking abunch of people their opinions on it. Two- fathers can take care of their kids just as much as a mother can. It also doesn’t matter who works more then the other. Both will be helping take care of that baby. They will figure out what works for them when the baby comes and if home and it’s time for them both to be working.
Sounds like your friends business and problem. If she says it’ll work dunno why you need the opinions on her business.
Yes it’ll work and if it don’t, they have you there to assist since you’re such the caring type.
Not your business how they are planning on schedule their time .
It can absolutely work , and is perfect that the baby will be with one of the parents always and not a stranger.
They should just try to have the same days off as much as they can so they can spend time together.
But again , not yours , mine or anyone business what they decide to do
You mean… Are you asking if parents have both worked and supported their household and children and sharing responsibilities? That happens every single day
My husband and I did it for awhile and we did just fine. It depends on the family really
That should work for them, if that’s what they want. It’s not for you to ask if it’s a good idea
A lot of people work opposite shifts to keep from paying for daycare. Both parties have to be on board 100% for it to work and it absolutely can work
Just curious how this concerns you? It’s none of your business really.
It could work just fine.
You do what you have to as parents period. If that works for them it works for them. Will they be exhausted sure but it’s not forever. They’ll adjust. All in all I don’t think it’s any of your business. I think if you were my friend and I found out about this post I’d be pretty annoyed.
And he only works 3 days a week so not like they won’t have plenty of time together. It gets hard when they work opposite 5 + days a week.
After I healed yes we switched shifts and I got a job opposite of his hours! It worked great.
How me and my husband have always done it. Saves on childcare.
Lots of families have no choice other then to do this
What about breastfeeding? Mother to baby scent and voice contact? I understand that you probably don’t want to lose your friend updates or adulting conversations but what about your mother to child talk time? I’m sure that you would want that.
Seems weird you’re worried about how they plan to take care of their baby. Take care of your own business and let them figure out what works for them
Works as well as they want it to work
Luckily for you, it doesn’t effect you
All they can do is try…what works for someone else may not work for them. They will learn as they go along.
Why are you worried about it🤔
How they decide to parent their child is none of your business. People do it every day. When it comes to your children, you do what you gotta do to make it work.
Some of you are super c*nty telling her it’s not her business. You don’t know why shes asking. Maybe she wants to get opinions because she might want to do the same. Or maybe her friend actually said…oh yea post in that weird group w all the uptight and judgemental chicks to see what they say
My husband works nights and I work days and we have 5 kids between us. We’ve been together 10 years
It can be hard but it can work out. My husband and I both work for the same company but in different mills. We got lucky enough to be home for our kids.
I did this most of my marriage. My marriage lasted 20 years. I wouldn’t consider that a complete failure. 20 years is good! Yes! It can work.
Did it for 10 years, worked out beautifully, until hubby got Covid and almost died.
This is how my husband and I did it for years, only we both worked 5 days a week. I worked 1st he worked 3rd. It worked for us until I got too sick to work and my husband became a truck driver. It was easier than him being gone for weeks at a time like he is now.
If their schedules are 100% consistent in start and finishing time, it can work. Its hard doing opposite shifts like that, but as long as they’re a team, they’ll get through it.
always worked till 7 am husband worked until 4 pm it works for no extra daycare paid
My husband and I did this with our first, it worked out just fine.
You could help by bringing over casseroles. But overall they can figure it out.
You need to stay in your own lane. NONE YA BUSINESS
It’s different for every family. Hope it works for them.
Why are you asking? Sounds like you’re a friend meddling in their business. Let them try it. They find out if it works for them.
My dad worked second shift. My mom worked 1st. He stayed with me during the day & she did at night. But I was older 4+. They need to figure out what works for them.
l gÂeÂÂt pÂÂaÂld oÂvÂeÂÂÂr $ 13Â0 per hour wÂÂ0ÂrÂking fÂÂÂroÂm hÂ0me. l never ÂtÂÂhÂoÂuÂght I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $ 14714 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
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What the hell is a schedule when you have a kid together she works he is home with the kid and when he works she is home with the kid, I work mornings 6 days a week and my wife works mostly evenings 6 days a week we see each other for maybe an hour a day right before bed and Sunday mornings when I get to sleep in with her
Damn let her have the baby and recover and worry about it In 6-8 weeks🤦🏻‍♀️
l gÂeÂÂt pÂÂaÂld oÂvÂÂeÂÂÂr $ 13Â0 per hÂour wÂÂ0ÂrÂking fÂÂÂroÂm hÂ0me. l neÂver ÂtÂÂhÂoÂuÂght I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $ 14714 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
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Duh, this is how it works if you don’t want to pay childcare or have your baby with a childcare facility.
I used to worked nights waiting tables…and my fiance worked days shift 5 days a week…we did that for several years til our daughter started school. Now we both work days… saved alot of money on daycare
We’ve done this schedule for almost fifteen years now. It’s worked for us. I did it a bit different with the last three kids as they were back to back to back so instead of trying to afford daycare and assistance I ran an in home daycare while they were younger and once they went to school full-time I went back to work full-time. We have done all three shifts but I do prefer first and second so we’re home at night with each other. Although as they aged I hated doing second shift because they wanted to join activities and I didn’t want to be the mom that missed all the games and practices.
It can work, but the couple needs to set aside regular couple’s time.
Is it unusual for both parents to work and watch the kid? I’m not understanding. I thought this was like the norm. One works other has kid and vice versa.
The question you should really be asking is, how does their life, jobs, and baby affect you?
I don’t know many that it worked well with. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do, but it does issues.
My ex and I used to do that as much as possible it was very difficult because I worked nights and had to be up with 3 kids 5, 2 (with disabilities) and newborn. I got less than 4 hours of sleep a day. It was hard on the relationship and I was exhausted.
Isn’t this what a lot of parents do?
My cousins do that. It seems to work for them. They have 4 children and from what his parents (my aunt and uncle) have said they rarely have someone else watch the kids. I figure it’s an adjustment but it can be done.
Not sure how this is your business but me and my husband did it this way. This way our kids didn’t have to go to daycare.
It is only 3 days a week. If he is sleeping when she gets off, why not? People make sacrifices for their families. My coworker does it.
Yes it works just fine people do it all the time why are u so concerned??not your child
I work nights and my husband works days. Works fine for us.
It works…better then childcare
Just depends on the people. She worked at a medical office and he was a fireman/paramedic. They both did an excellent job.
Make it work… it’s doable. You have to now days safe every penny. Both has to be dedicated.
My bf works first shift and I work second been doing it for years no need for a babysitter or day care both work 6 or 7 days a week we don’t see each other much except an hour before I leave and Sundays
Maybe she’s the breadwinner??? Mind ya business
My bf works first shift and I work second shift. We see each other for about 15 minutes before I head to work in the afternoon and then we have the weekends together. It has worked out well for us so that we didn’t need to put our son in daycare/find a babysitter because one of us is always home with him
That’s how most people have to do it working 5/7 days a week
It hard work me and Mr do allerntetive days different jobs 4 on and off so one always home wit baby other at work … But end of this month I join his place but same thing he wil work his 4 and I’ll do my normal four at his / my new place
ATM it is me 6am/12pm
Mr 530am530pm
Soon it Mr is 530am/530pm
Me 7am to 7pm
l gÂeÂt pÂaÂld oÂvÂeÂr $ 13Â0 per hour w0rÂking fÂrom hÂ0me. l never ÂthoÂuÂght I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $ 15243 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
Me and my man do this. He works weekends shift and is the breadwinner 10000%. I work part time during those shifts I have throughout the week. It has ups
And downs and a lot of “us time” Is spent staying up during the week when he doesn’t work late to watch tv and spend time together
My sisters been doing it that way since her kids were born they are 16 and 13 I think…her and her husband dont see each other much during the week from what I understand but I dont think that bothers them. They’ve been married for 15+ yrs
Generally speaking each couple and each family is going to be different.
What works for one may not work for the next. That’s really ok.
If the parents don’t want the child to go to a daycare and they don’t have any other good childcare options…then this is probably the best schedule available to them.
That’s ok. It’s their perogative as parents to try this and it’ll be their responsibility to adjust it if it doesn’t work.
And before you “speak” to her about it…Did she ask for your opinion? Are you considering this for yourself? Is there a legitimate reason you’re so concerned with your friends schedule with her baby?
If all of the above answers are no…then i would suggest you leave it be.
Just because it’s not what you would do doesn’t mean you get to weigh in on what they do without being asked or have a legitimate concern (health/safety)
actually yes it did work. i worked a 8-2 and he worked 3-3. we did that for 6 months. then i got a second job so we put her in a family daycare.
This definitely works if your partner is willing it works trust me
Me and my partner do this with our daughter, it works out fine. We both work 5 days a week (lately I’ve been working 6) but normally have weekends off and he’s on call during the weekend as well. Works better for us and gives us parents time away from eachother
My son and DIL did this with their kids. They would literally swap kids in the parking lot at mom’s work. Mom would drive to work with kids and dad would pick them up on his way home in the parking lot before she had to clock in. Did it for years.