Should we bring a candy bag trick or treating for our 3 month old?

Yeees dress up too take 2 bags for yourself n baby lol I did that awhile ago and am doing it again this year n my babies only 10 months lol she gets the sucker’s I get the rest lol n maybe I’ll share with daddy. Hahaha

I’m taking my 10 yo and 6 month old (as a black cat and pumpkin). We are totally bringing a bag for him. His sister will insist. They will assume everyone will split it, parents, kids. It’s all good. I’ve never had a bad thought about anyone in a costume out trick or treating. Enjoy!

YES!!! Its okay and you will get candy :kissing_heart:

I took my lo when she was 2 and if people had a problem with it they’d say something. She can lick some darn lolly pops I give her

When my 13 year old was 6 months old I did it. Now I’m going to be taking my 13 year old and my 6 month old together, and will have a bag for the baby.

Having a newborn is hard. Why people be hating on parents who are in the midst of newborn stage being kind enough to take older gets trick or treating. I’d be happy to give new parents a much deserved treat

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I think everyone should be allowed to get candy if they dress up. So take a bag. And dress up too, and bring a bag for yourself. Get in the Halloween spirit :slightly_smiling_face:


Yes my baby was a few weeks old and we took him with his older brothers 1, 8,9 to get candy

Do it. We always did when the babies were babies lol (they are now 17, 13 and 8).

I took my youngest. She stayed in the stroller while her sisters went and got candy. And they would ask if it was ok to have another piece for their baby sister.

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I would take one. When mine were little going with an older sibling people were still offering to give them candy. You know she cant eat the candy but saying that repeatedly will get old and start to feel like your being rude. Take her a bag then give the candy to the older cousins at the end of the night.

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I did my son was about 4 months by Halloween. I just bundled him up really good.

Nothing wrong with that! I gladly hand out candy to anyone who comes trick or treating at my house. Babies, teenagers, even adults.


I have to question the sanity of anyone that thinks a 3 mo old can eat can’t candy lo


I’m taking my 4 month old out with his big sister and taking him a bag if he gets anything I’m not sure. I took out my 8 year old when he was only 2 month s old and people would give him suckers

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I say yes, go for it.
I was 9 months pregnant when I took my daughter trick or treating one year and a lot of people handed me candy “for the baby” :heart:


You’re adults - buy your own candy if you want some.


Omg! Go buy your own damn candy! This drives me nuts!

Yes, people love seeing the babies all dressed up and putting candy in the bag knowing mom and dad are getting it. Go have fun and get that candy


I wouldn’t. Adults can buy their own candy.


I’ve seen parents who walked around older kids and also a baby with a little bag for the little baby . The first time I took my youngest she wasnt as young she was like 7 months. And she slept the whole time in a stroller and she got candy lolol

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My 3 month old is going as a fox and I’m dressing up as a deer. We bought her a vampire hello kitty bag and we are going trunk or treating at my church. It’s fine. People think it’s really cute to see a baby in costume

When I was preggo with my son his sisters insisted on takin a bag arnd & got candy saying it was for their brother so it was really for me & him…Lol! An last yr he was 5 months old & they did the same thing

Why not? If the person passing out candy doesn’t like it then they won’t give u any, and u go to the next


It’s like 10 bucks for a huge bag of chocolate

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Go for it. It will be a fun family outing. Plus you get candy.

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I personally wouldn’t until they could at least walk up to a door or open up the bag. That’s just me… but I wouldn’t not give a baby candy if the parents did this


If you are going around the block its no big deal. Its when you have entire pillow case full for a small child that its over taking. IMO

All my daughters, (born in june) were 4months old when I took them trick or treating and of course it was me eating the candy, but it was more for the experience of their “1st Halloween”. Most of the houses we went to, the homeowners would let me pick the treat and the ones that were doing cans of pop would offer me a juice box for my kids

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That’s a joke on us. Right?

Mine will be almost 2 months. I’m staying home with the lights off lol.

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Eh… this seems inappropriate. I mean you can take the older ones and have the little with you but unless a parent offers you some I wouldn’t expect any


Im a big fan of if you are in costume have some candy. Tiny baby have some candy 17 year old out with friends here have some candy 70 year old using a walker here have some candy. Fun is for all ages my kid is 12 i still eat her candy


Please… I’ve always taken my infant. Always got alittle candy. It’s good fun! Geez people


I take my fully grown diabetic Autistic child trick or treating every year too… of course he can’t eat all the candy. But it’s fun! It’s good family time too


Personally, I would do it! I went trick or treating with my kids last year, dressed up with my own candy bag!! I mean, what’s the worst that could happen? They could say no?!

You go get that candy girl… Moms get hungry after dressing up babes for trick or treat too…

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It’s the experience I’m sorry I love seeing babies in costume!! I’d give you candy if you came to my door!! :sunglasses::grin::+1:t3:


I do not give candy to grown adults. Tell the 7 and 9 year old you need to “check” their candy. Kids end up with wayyy more candy than they need.

Do it! People love to see your beautiful baby!

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If your using a stroller just put it in the cup holders you’d be fine

I didn’t and i didn’t when he was slightly over a yr. He’s 2 now and I’m doing the mall trick or treat i think it’s safest

I did :woman_shrugging: but i was also a teenager myself when i had my daughter…lol

I’d do it and for all the haters lol lighten up mom’s and dad deserve to get a lil candy too for having to walk around all night lol


Do it. :sweat_smile: my sons are only going to be 10 months old so obviously won’t really be eating the candy but hey, I’m taking the kids out, I birthed the kids and bought their costumes so if someone hands them a little candy while their older siblings are getting some and I end up eating it. Oh well :woman_shrugging:t2:


Do it! Last I checked there no age limit on trick or treating. It a fun holiday for everyone

Do it. Who cares what others think.
If people handing out candy don’t want to give any to the baby they won’t. It’s that simple.

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When my son was 2 months old I took him trick or treating and he got all the same candy his big brother did.

Lol definitely do it I’ve done it before with my kiddos!!

that’s EARNED candy! take a bag!

I always considered it a perk of parenting… Until they’re old enough to want it all… Then I still take a tax cuz I gotta walk around with them. :slight_smile:


I wouldnt do it personally. Because then ppl might run out on other little children plus some ppl might think adults should buy there own. I’ve have adults come to my house and they were dressed up and i didnt mind giving them candy… I do suggest going to friends/family’s houses though they will want to see the baby all dressed up. Or dress up in matching/coordinating outfits take lots of pics, chill watch scary movies and hand out candy to all the neighbour hood kids. Now that my kids are going out every year I miss handing the candy out

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My friend did when he daughter was about 6 months old

Can your 3 month old eat candy?

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I took all my kids and will for my two month old as well… :woman_shrugging:t2:

My baby is 4 months and I’m dressing her up but I’m not collecting candy for her or for “her” meaning me… cause that takes from other kids :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:
But whatever floats your boat


I’ve done it before (twice) and I’m doing it again this year. You gotta get that mom tax somehow. :joy:

No lmao. We did this with our 3 month old baby.

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Yes u better get that candy

If your brave enough to knock on a strangers door & dress up than I dont see why not.:tipping_hand_woman:

:woman_shrugging:t3: I let my 4 month old have suckers

No, go for the fresh air and buy candy on the way home.

My daughter was six months old her first Halloween and we trick or treated at halloween. I think just family friends and coworkers.

If your given some just put it in the stroller cupholders. If you get any you prob wont get much

I went around the mall with my cousins kid, my babe was 2 months and i got 5 suckers and a chocolate bar

Oh my goodness people!!! Does it really matter. Life is wayyyyyyyyy to short to fuss and fret over something so small. IT IS CANDY!!! It is also about making memories. Hush, please. Lets all enjoy the SMALL things in life.


Hell yeah take ur stroller with baby in it n “treat or treat” u got other kids with u its halloween enjoy…

Of course! Mom and dad need to get candy somewhere

My daughter is 9 months will be 10 months when Halloween gets here you better believe I am collecting candy for “her” :joy:

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Isnt that why u have kids??:joy::joy: Once they get bigger they dont share get the candy while u can!!


Go for it! My eldest was 9 months and we went and she got some candy (she was also walking at that point so I think that helped). My youngest is 6 months and we will be going trick or treating with them both.

i did… mainly asked for suckers as she was 6 months

If you dont there will still be some handing candy out and ask if mom and dad want some anyway I know I run into that situation often lol

What I find strange about these answers no one is worried their child is going to catch something because they haven’t had there shots , I am just smh in our state we have had a big mumps outbreak and you people are selfishly thinking about what you can get out of it . Go buy your candy the day after , you act like you have never had any , but don’t jump on here a couple of days after when your baby is sick I am JS