Should we bring a candy bag trick or treating for our 3 month old?

My baby girl is going to be three months for Halloween and was dressing her up as a little deer and was going around the block with her big cousins (7 and 9). is it appropriate for us to bring a small candy bag for her? (obviously, her father and I will be eating the candy, not her). but like, we really want some candy lol


Do it I did it with both my kids. Itā€™s fun

I wouldnā€™t. You will look pretty silly collecting candy for your 3 month old. Eat some of your nieces and nephews


We did last year our baby was 6 days old :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

We didnā€™t go to every house for candy and when we did everyone oohhed and ahhhed at my son and said here you go tossed the candy in the pumpkin pale said thanks and was on our way.

I am more than happy to give candy to anyone who comes, including babies, teens, adults.


Hell yeah always. Either give it to the nephewā€™s or take it to work and fill candy bowls

Everyone loves candy. Who cares if mom and dad eat it. Itā€™s fun! Enjoy!

Just do it! Appropriate or notā€¦Halloween happens once a year. Who cares if itā€™s silly. My opinion.

I always did with my littles an of course we ate it,i think itā€™s fine

If you walk up to the door, your baby will get candy whether you have a bag or not. So I would suggest take a bag or else your baby bag will get filled.


We did for my daughter 1st Halloween she wasnt old enough to eat the candy either so we did. She loved it.

I think you would look silly with a 3 month old. Yes mom and dad could eat it but once people run out they shut their lights off. Leave the candy for the children. The baby will have many more years to take a bag.


Oh please! Have fun. Go take the baby out and get some candy. Ignore the spoil sports. Who the hell said adults canā€™t trick or treat!


Itā€™s a joy to see the kids on costume of course bring a bag for candy.

Shit, Iā€™d do it. Of all the years Iā€™ve handed out candy, I personally never turned away anyone. Get your treats!

You deserve candy!I deserve candy!we all deserve candy!:clap::clap::clap:

Of course itā€™s okā€¦just be nice and admit yourā€™re the ones eating the candy.

I took my daughter at 2 weeks and she was given candy nothing wrong with it

I say go for it girl

Candy is for everybody, not just kids & babies. Letā€™s face it, when it comes to candy, we are ALL kids!!


Well of course you can! Havenā€™t you ever heard of he parental candy tax before? As a mom, you are entitled to at least %15 of your childā€™s Halloween candy :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::jack_o_lantern:


Yes! Yes! Yes! Halloween is for ALL ages!

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I hand out candy and give candy to every one. Iā€™d give candy to a baby plus most the time they are dressed up and its their first Halloween :jack_o_lantern::black_heart:

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Do it. I did lol :woman_shrugging:

IPad 3 kids and one grandson and I will tell you we Bought a trick or teabag with us every single year mommy and eddies think candy to you know.

Definitely take a bag!! I did when my kids were babies. Thereā€™s plenty of candy out there for the other kids. šŸ¤· Have a great time!

Look at all the candy hoarding under the bridge trolls!:eyes::laughing: Talking 'bout, ā€œI retaineth the sugary sweets; therefore, I holdeth the power to judge whether ye is worthy of the sugary sweets I hold dear.ā€ Ffs itā€™s a sweet & fun holiday for all to enjoy! Happily give out candy to your trick-or-treaters [WITHOUT judgement] or keep your dang porch light off & swim in your candy hoard trolls!


I have my own bag I use and trick or treat with the kids.

I give the babies all the candy on account of thier sheer fucking adorableness


I say no ā€¦that candy can go to a child that will eat it

I took my one month old out with her two yo cousin and brought a small bag. Adults need candy too! Lol

Taking a baby of three months too traumatizing for them

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Get her some rattles, some little toys to play with and make a halloween basketā€¦ I would also make it a very short walk or pass out candy this yearā€¦ Its going to be coldā€¦

Haha, I always did!
Mom of 4 here so someone was always too little for something but trust me no one is judging you. And if they are, they wonā€™t drop candy in her bag :rofl:

Go for it. Better than that you and dad can dress up too. Make it a family thing. Halloween is for everyone.

my hubby and i dressed up when we took our kids out they used to offer us candy and we had no bags so I say go for it have fun there will be a time when they want to go out with theyā€™re friends

Iā€™m doin it :woman_shrugging: my baby will b 4 months


I say heck yeah! Lol

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I didnā€™t. Unless my kids could walk they were just out for fresh air.

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I took my God Daugyter out when she was 4 monthsā€¦she was a Lamb, and I was a bee. I had a bag. She was asleep. Lol. When I brought her home, me and her mom and dad had a candy binge night lol.

nope, not appropriate. Go buy your own candy if you want some. Smhā€¦


O yeah not like she cant lick a sucker a few times or somethingā€¦lol

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Why not! More for you :joy::joy::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Youā€™ll get weird looks lol but I did it when my son was a month old in his little ninja turtle costume. :joy:

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Yes and even I bough my double stroller with me neways :woman_shrugging:

Go for it. Your memories made with your baby and no one elses.


My son was 7 months when he went.
Two things happen: 1 if they have lollipops your baby will get those. 2 you may get asked what your favorite candy is because everyone knows youā€™ll be the one eating them :slight_smile:


My daughter was less than a month old her first Halloween so we did not partake in trick or treating, but her second Halloween we did and we got a lot of candy. A lot of people gave us extra because we all went as a kangaroo family :joy:

No problem I did it when my kids were that young

I believe any age can trick or treat as long as your in costume. So if your eating my candy you better be dressed up. Lol

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We did it for my sons first Halloween and he was 4 months! Nothing wrong with it lol

You definitely should be able to. My little one is two months and we are just gonna hand out candy this year

My philosophy is every family member in costume gets a candy bag
If you do the leg work for a small child and get them all costumed up you deserve candy

If your Breastfeeding: Yes.


I say yes take it and fill itā€¦lol itā€™s Halloween :jack_o_lantern::ghost: everyone can dress up and have funā€¦ Sheā€™s gonna be so cute in her costume. Congratulations on your baby!

I did that with my son. He was 8 months old & we ate all his candy. It was great :joy:

Can she eat it? Obviously not. Dont take from other kids who can enjoy it please.

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The joys of parenting. Be prepared for some critism because some people are just rude. Happy Halloween. Or should I say , trick or treat !

Girl you better eat that candy lmao i got two kids who are 3 and 6 and i still eat some of their candy too :yum::yum:

:joy::joy: i mean you can but itā€™d be a little silly

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I have a co worker taking his 7 month old lmao do it who cares

Go for it. There is no age limit in my book, young or old.

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Tbh I wouldnā€™t my Son will be 3 months old for Halloween n we sent bringi ng a bag for him but my 2 year old we are


We took our son out dressed as Batman when he was just 4 months old. We were basically just saying hello to the neighbors but he got some candy & we got our pictures. :jack_o_lantern::baby:t3:

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I go trick or treating with my child. Some people find it rude of me, but until my 8yr old is ready for me to stop coming to the door with her my ass will have a bag too. I took her out when she was 3 months with my youngest brother at the time, she was able to walk at 3 months so everyone thought it was cute. She didnt go up to every house and we had the stroller tho. Some houses we went to had a different stash for small kids, we got a rattle and juice boxes, but that was rare.

Heck yes! I took my daughter when she was a month old. People will be happy to fill her bagšŸ˜„

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Yes!! Who cares what other ppl think!! Do it for the memories!

Just go buy yourself a bag of candyā€¦


No but I wouldnā€™t take a 3 month old out even just walking around the block Iā€™d stay home with him/her dressed and hand out candy. Candy is for the kids and no way the baby needs candy.


I took my son trick or treating when he was 4 months, we went with a few friends and we brought a candy bag, free candy for mama lolā€¦

Yes! People seriously dont care. My son was 3 months old his first Halloween and they gave us extras cause we came and dressed up šŸ’

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No. Just buy yourselves candy.


We are taking our 11 month old, but we also have a 2&11 year old. IMO you should just be doing the grandparents house at that age. Especially if itā€™s your only child. If you want candy nov 1 is 50% off lol

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Go for it! I dont see the issue

We attended Halloween events but didnā€™t take candy unless someone gave it to us and then we put it in the diaper bag. Our daughter was 4 months. She did not have her own bag.

If you can Iā€™d just buy my own candy. I didnā€™t want to take from kiddos.

Now if you are paying to attend an event see what the policies are. If thereā€™s nothing against it carry baby and get candy.

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Um duh. Do it. I popped out a kid so I could continue to get free candy.


People do this in my neighborhood every year. I like it. The whole reason I spend so much money on candy is so I can see all the cute costumes, and babies are the cutest!


I mean if sheā€™s in costume and youā€™re going door to door and saying ā€œtrick or treatā€ Iā€™d give ya candy.

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Why not lol I took my daughter lmao she didnt eat it I did Iā€™m glad this year shes finally old enough help us enjoy her candy lmfao :joy: last year she was only old enough for a bit of chocolate cheesyā€™s and lollipops

No. And just go buy yourselves candy. Leave the candy for the CHILDREN.


I personally wouldnā€™t, but I dont think its absolutely horrible to do so either. Around me people always run out of candy early, so I wouldnt want to take from the kids. Id just raid the other kids bags :joy::rofl:

My daughter was born on the 26th of October and I had to take my oldest trick or treating. I say go for it.

Iā€™d totally bring her out with you but wouldnā€™t troll for candy. Pretty obvious she wonā€™t be eating it! The candy is for the kids.

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Took my son to a trunk or treat when he was 3 months they still gave candy they knew it was for the parents but they didnā€™t care

I think that if the child is not old enough to eat the candy, the parents shouldnā€™t be taking the candy thatā€™s meant for the kids that can eat it. By all means, dress your little one up and take them for a stroll, though. The fresh air is good for them and the sensory stimulation from seeing all the bright colored costumes will be enough for them until theyā€™re big enough to eat the candy.


No more inappropriate than teenagers trick or treating

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Lmao yes :joy: Iā€™m making my daughterā€™s and sheā€™s only gonna be 6 months old. I have no shame in using my kid to get candy lol


I did it for my son he was 5 months

At least youā€™re honest about itšŸ˜‚. I donā€™t see a problem LOL. Especially if itā€™s the last hour of trick-or-treating as most people want to get rid of the candy anyway and donā€™t really care who it goes to


Why not? Itā€™s a night for family fun!

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I no longer pass out candy but always did put some in the baby bag, so mom and dad would enjoy a little. Itā€™s halloween, we donā€™t have to ā€œgrow upā€.

Absolutely, then take a picture of her laying with her candy haul after.


If you expect candy then youā€™d better dress up too :laughing:

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I did it! šŸ¤· No one said anything

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We did neighbors we knew in my parents neighborhood his first Halloween, Iā€™m talking those who have known me for 10+ years and watched me and my brother grow up. His second Halloween he was 13 months old, we did a couple streets just for the fun and we actually gave him tiny bits of candy to try over several weeksā€¦but we ate most of it. This year we are teaching him to say trick or treat since he will be 25 months. It gets progressively more fun.


I didnā€™t when my 2nd was a baby and ppl gave her candy anyways.:grin:

I never took my kids that young. My youngest turned one in august and I THINK we are taking her. But if doors are crowded Iā€™m not rolling a stroller up to it for her to get candy she wonā€™t and canā€™t eat. I can raid my other 2 kids bagsā€¦ plus get Halloween candy half off the day after Halloween :joy::joy:


Go buy your own candy.


I donā€™t think itā€™s right unless your child is at an age to walk on his or her own. I had a 8month old last year and did not bring him up to the door only our older kids went. He was dressed up but sat in the buggy. Why would you want to drag a 3month old up and down stairs of houses all night? They want to sleep and rest at that age. Take a few pics with pumpkins and go and visit family.


Well be taking our almost 5 month old and heā€™s using a candy bag! :woman_shrugging:t3: our 4 year old daughter is going so itā€™s only fair they both have one, lol. We told our 4 year old she could have her brothers candy.