Should we rehome our dog?

Let him go to a doggie daycare a few days a week


Potential solutions;

  1. Get up an hour earlier and take him for a walk in the morning
  2. Hire a dog walker to take him during the day.
  3. Ask a friend/neighbor if they would him for a walk (I’ve done this for several neighbors)
  4. After dinner take him out for a half hour and on weekends take him for morning hikes.
  5. If your area has a local community pet group see if you can trade off dog walking with someone local or trade someone else they’re in need of.
  6. Pay a neighbor kid to walk your dog - it’s a great way for a teen to make money in summer/fall after school.

If you have a treadmill, train him to walk on that

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Studies show dogs would rather hang out with their humans. The sadness is probably more because of your new job than it is the lack of walks. No need to make him sadder!


Please don’t rehome your furbaby simply because you can’t take him hiking and to the dog park. There’s a lot of evil in this world and you never know what kind of people he will end up with. I’m a foster for 3 shelters/rescues and I’ve seen some horrific cases of animal abuse/neglect. That dog loves you unconditionally and trust me, he would rather stay with his family and sacrifice a few trips to the dog park than to have everything he’s ever known taken from him and placed in a strange environment with people he doesn’t know.

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He loves you he will adjust just like we do.


Right now rescues and shelters are so overwhelmed that rehoming might prove to be difficult. I honestly would keep him and maybe hire a dog walker, maybe a high school kid looking to make a few bucks to help out when you can’t. Doggie daycare which was also suggested is a good idea as well just do your research to make sure they will be good to your pup while he is there.

There’s absolutely no reason you can’t find 30 minutes at least every few days to walk him. And you say your husband lost his job but don’t say he found another so am I to assume he’s at home ? There are an almost infinite amount of options to help the pup.


Do what’s best for him and for you.


Keep him, he wouldn’t unerstand why you would rehome him and not be with the family he loved.


To be honest, I totally understand your concern but I have had to rehome before. It is one of the saddest things I’ve ever had to do and I didn’t want to but when I moved, I couldn’t find anywhere pet friendly. I ugly cried about it because they were adult Pitbulls too. Which can be really hard to rehome by the way. Nothing broke my heart more than watching my fur babies chase me out of their new homes because they wanted to come with me. They went to good homes but still……If anything, I would really try to make as best of an effort as you can to take him out more. I understand it may not always be doable. But you’re their family now and it really is hurtful for both you and the other animal to let them go like that. Just think about it. Hope this helps. :black_heart:

Keep him…our pet’s love us so so much! We are litterally theie entire world, I’m pretty sure he would be much happier in a calm home with you guys- his family. Than in a super Fun Home with people that are not you.:heart:

He is your baby he deserves a date night every now and then make time for it. Even a 10 minute walk before work after work or before bed will warm his little heart🥰


I’m actually in a very similar predicament with my son’s dog. We have 8 dogs, 4 are rescues, including his. He wound up at our house one day when he was 7 mos old. We were not looking for anymore dogs but at this point, what’s one more? Animal control knew who he was as he was a frequent flyer from the house across the road. They called and basically told us we should adopt him after the owners didn’t come get him after 10 days of being notified. This was 2 and a half years ago. My oldest son took him and has trained him beautifully. He takes him everywhere he can- skateboarding, bike riding, to the track when he runs, hikes, to the river, camping, literally everywhere. Now he’s 18 and leaving for the Marines the end of this month. He doesn’t want to leave him with me because I have Lupus and can’t keep up with the activity level he’s used to. He’s a pitbull so she doesn’t need it like a husky might, but I plan to reach out to family members to maybe take him on adventures and see how it goes. I feel like he would be more depressed if I my son were to rehome him rather than him stay right where he’s at. Unlike people they love unconditionally, no matter what our situation is. Trust me your furbaby wants to stay with the family. :heart:

I’ve never understood someone that rehomes a dog because “they don’t have time.” I’m sorry what?

You mean you’re just irresponsible?

Dogs are family not just something to keep five minutes and then get rid of.

There are so many things that you could do differently.

-Get up earlier
-stay up later
-Dog sitter or dog walker
-Doggy day care
-YOUR HUSBAND (depending on illness)

Never get rid of a dog because “you don’t have time.” I’m pretty sure that dog will be happier by your side than anywhere else.


Hire a dog walker! It’s best for the doggie! :heart: :dog:

This might be an option. My daughter did some house sitting for a couple of dogs recently, that’s how I heard of it.

Why can’t your husband walk him if you’re the one working now? Dogs all over the world stay home alone during working hours, but getting ATLEAST an evening walk in is important for them. And multiple potty breaks.

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And I agree that you either get up earlier and walk him, go to bed later to walk him, pay a teen a little money to walk him. And utilize your husband!!


I don’t think it’s a good reason to rehome a dog. You can take a hike on a day off, and go for walks in the evening. You can bring him on car rides. Or even just having a buddy can help. I have 1 dog, 3 cats and 1 ferret. They keep each other entertained lol. Sometimes they are a little pissed at each other, but they never act depressed or seem lonely. Doggy daycare, and a dog sitter are also good options. When we go out of town, a neighbor comes over to let our dog out, feeds everyone and gives them some attention.

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Is your husband not able to take your dog to the dog park or for hikes? Since he’s not working and you are?

If husband is home can’t he walk/ run the dog? Seems unfair

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I got my first dog when I was 18 and I then moved to the biggest city in my state and had to work a full-time job and live on my own etc. etc., I still found a way to made it work even when I was struggling. Dogs are family and when you take a dog on you need to accept the responsibility as though it is another child. You would make it work for your child, so just imagine it in that sense.

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Keep him he is family and sometimes situations change and family has to change with us you will be able to take him agaim

Please don’t rehome him.
There has to be another way…
Walk before you go to work.
Walk straight after you finish work.
Walk last thing before going to bed.
Hire a professional dog walker.
He won’t understand. I really do appreciate that circumstances change but you must try to work around them. There is 24hours to a day. You can do this♥️


No. He will grieve for you. Could hubby manage taking him out? Could you take him to doggie day care once or twice a week or hire s dogwalker too take him out a couple times a week?

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Keep him he’s not a dog he is family…use a dogwalker if your hubby can’t but plenty of teens would do it cheaper

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Take him on evening walks

Look for a dog walker

Your husband is home can’t he walk him atleast around the block

Do you have a fenced in yard? Could your husband sit out back, throw a ball and let him fetch it?

Before making him suffer through not understanding why you’re abandoning him even if it’s for the right reasons you e had him for an “x” number of years now so it would be a huge stressor on him to start with a fresh family… try a dog walker, doggy daycare, or even one of those vans that comes around with treadmills in the back for doggy exercise. Ultimately you should be able to make time for him to at least go for a walk a couple times a week.


What would you do if the dog was a child?


you can’t rehome him he is part of the family. having a husky is a big job. they need that exercise so they don’t get bored/depressed. he needs that in his life. i get life gets hard and you might not have the time to do what he needs every day but you should at least try. even if it’s a 15 minute walk early morning. you can wake up a little earlier for your pup he is not just a dog he is your son. you can do this! don’t rehome the lil guy you guys will figure it out


I think if you are an animal lover you make some time. If you didnt have time to help your kids with their homework would you rehome them? No, u would find time to help or employ a tutor. Same concept here.


Do NOT rehome him ! It will do more damage than good ! At least take him to dog park or a walk for at least 15-30 mins maybe twice a week ! Make time for him !


Highly recommend a good doggy daycare a couple times a week! I board my girl at a place that does doggy daycare and she always gets sooo excited when driving up the street to the place! It makes me sad because she’s so excited to leave me, but also happy that she loves it!

He is still your dog and wouldn’t want to passed on to a new group of strangers. Wtf…make time for him, he’s a family member. If you don’t think of him as family then yes rehome him after thoroughly vetting a new family.


I wouldn’t rehome him based on thinking he is depressed. That’s not him but guilt as a human. Maybe see if anyone would be willing to walk him. A teen looking for a small side job. We have a 1 yr old Texas heeler. I understand bc I’m disabled and know that he needs to burn off that energy. I take him in the backyard and throw ball throughout the day. My husband will walk him in the morning before work and my daughter and I will take him around 9pm to calm him for the night.

How about one of those ball throwing machines to keep him occupied while you work and it doesn’t have to be long hikes. A brisk walk in the woods, frisky throwing in the park, a run at the beach or even a stroll through the town. He’ll be happy just to be with you. He will never understand if you get rid of him. Carve out some time each day. Leave the ironing or the dishes. They’ll still be there.


Don’t rehome him. You can send him off to a doggy spa or a doggy daycare/boarding service. :disappointed:

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Can you hire someone to play with him for a little while you’re gone? My sister does it on an app.


You get up earlier , you go to bed later, you take longer walks on your days off. Your husband could help …unless he’s incapable of walking due to his health …a neighbour /friend / local teenager you can trust could walk him.
Dogs don’t ask for much and they dont understand when we let them go.
Theres 24hours in a day…make time for your dog


There’s NO WAY IN HELL I’d get rid of my Bella!!
She is my heart., my life!
Make time for ur fur baby!!
I’m super busy too but I find the time for Bella just as I do my other family members!!


Why try to force this beautiful pup on someone who clearly doesn’t want him…your husband lost his Job so why hasn’t he taken over with the walks??? Give him to someone who will step up and adore him

This has crossed my mind but I couldn’t imagine leaving them and never knowing if they truly had a good life. I just changed my lifestyle a little bit to ease my own lazy guilt. My boys ride dirt bikes so I started having them run both our dogs around the neighborhood twice a week. I play with them in the yard and do family walks with them as well it’s a good family or couple bonding time to take a minute to walk the neighborhood. Just schedule them in and stick to it. I’d rather know my dogs have a yard, a bed, toys and fed then pray they didn’t end up in a small kennel awaiting death on a concrete slab. And even if you fully vet the new home what happens when they decide they can’t? As stated above many times just make time.


Too many commuting read but can you note a dog walker ?

Do you have family who can help take him on walks? A neighborhood teen needing an extra $20 to play with him? Or at the end of it all, family who can take him in while you work? Doggy daycare?


I think you need to give yourself some grace here. You’re learning a new schedule and your guilt means you care. I think you could start by working small hikes into your schedule. It may not be perfect but he’ll learn his new schedule :heartpulse::heartpulse: and you’ll in time learn how to manage it all. Just like with our kids. Some stuff falls off the schedule but we learn how to wiggle it back in. You’ve got this :heartpulse:


Take him on the weekends. It’s better than nothing. He would feel like he did something wrong if you gave him away. Do the best you can. Pay plenty of attention to him when you’re home. Play with him in the house and yard. Then take him on outings on the weekends. I know you‘re tired and have things to do around the house on the weekends, but spend a little time with your Furbaby. You won’t regret it and he’ll be happy to be with you.


I work full time, and I’m a single mom, and I make sure I make time to walk my dog or take him on hikes. Make the time to spend with him, it could be he’s depressed because he isn’t getting any time with you guys. Sometimes if it’s not in the cards for me, I just throw his ball for him in the yard. He’s a part of my family though so I make sure to make time for him.


I used to be able to take my dog to work, until one customer decided that he was going to complain… pretty sure because my dog is a pit mix. Anyways, it has been a few months since he has just been at home and I have noticed he is sad looking sometimes… I decided that he needed a sibling to play with. So I am on the lookout for a little sister for him… maybe your dog needs a friend to play with too.


He would rather be loved by You when you are there than without you. Quality time.


What would you do if your child was depressed? Consider re-homing. them ? Would that not make it worse? Or would you find time to deal with a solution. Dogs are very emotional. Please consider all options . I also work.and have grandkids. My dogs are very happy. But find time to balance it .


Find a young person who wants some pocket money to take your boy for walks. There are people who hike and walk but unable to have pets due to where they live who may love to take your boy for outings.


HELL NO not unless you want him to die of a broken heart


Find a friend or teenager in your neighborhood that will do this for a few bucks. Win Win


No way should you rehome your dog for that reason. He loves his family and his home also. Idk if you’ve ever seen a dog grieve from being given away but it’s horrible… maybe pay someone to take him on a walk or to the park once a week. Invest in a ball thrower forbyour yard if you have one, buy a flirt pole for dogs. My dogs love those and it’s just something you can do while standing in your yard, you don’t have to go anywhere…

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You said your husband got sick. I’m assuming that’s why he hasn’t taken over the responsibility. Could you hire a dog walker? Idk about rehoming because of this. To me it would be rehoming a child because your life has changed. He may feel abandoned by you & become more depressed. I’m sorry you’re feeling this way.

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Don’t rehome him. You said your husband lost his job. If hey home, couldn’t he walk him? If not, walk him on weekends.

Tell your husband to help take care of him and no it’s just a change he’s adjust

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Please don’t even think about giving him to someone else, his heart would be completely broken, and he would die from a broken heart because he would think he wasn’t loved, I would never ever give my fur babies away, they love us as much as we love them, it would be like giving a child away…


Can you take him to doggy daycare a couple days a week?

I wouldn’t rehome. He loves you. Dogs suffer depression and anxiety… and how would you really know if he had more walks than he does with you.
Take him out when you can. Play and give him love when your home. You’re his family :sparkling_heart:


Take him on your days off. Play with him in your yard. Throw a toy in the house for a little bit with him. He will be fine.

Me and my husband both work full time run our oldest to work and band practice, our youngest to soccer practice. We have a dog and I could never imagine trying to find her another home. She don’t get walks like she should ,but she runs around the house with toys and we put her in our yard. We even will take her for small car rides just to get her out of the house .


It’s a transition. He’ll adjust. Maybe hire a dog walker.

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He will be more depressed without u. Think about what his life would be like if he got into the wrong hands!? KEEP YOUR BABY!!!


So take him for a walk or spend some time with him at home. Giving him away is not a cure, how cruel would that be


He would be more depressed if he had to leave his home unless you we love you guys he will take whatever attention he can get from you just like a child


I would check to see if you can find a dog walker or maybe doggie daycare so he can stay with you but still be socialized and get his walks in

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Is he an inside dog? Have you thought about getting him a friend?


I will NEVER understand this. On your days off or when hubs feels up to it, you guys can take him for a walk.

The dog can understand having less things to do versus being gotten rid of. Get a fenced in yard, get a runner lead, etc. You can figure out things for the time being.

There’s no reason to just get rid of him simply because life changed for you.


Try some enrichment. Puzzle toys, Treasure Hunt (hide treats around the house for him to “find it!”), the doggy version of 3 Card Monte with treats under cups, teach him the names of toys and have him get a specific toy out of a toy box or tub of toys, teach him to pick up items you drop and give them to you, have him “help” with the laundry (tie a fleece tug to a laundry basket and teach him to pull it to/from the laundry room…

Get him out for a run whenever you can. Keep his brain busy the rest of the time.

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You do what’s best for your baby and give him some attention to make up for it. If you decide to regime him, introduce the new family slowly until he’s comfortable and still visit after to help him transition.

You are his world don’t rehome him, dogs love unconditionally


Husband’s new job is to make dog happy during the day. Your turn on your off days.


No you do not rehome. You make time. On your days off. You can spend 30 mins at the dog park. And you have time to walk him around the block


Please don’t rehome him. He’ll wonder what he did wrong. I’m certain he’ll be just as happy without getting out every day. Dogs sleep the majority of the day anyway.

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Where are you based? If you are near me I’d be happy to walk him or go and be with him for a few hours


Playing fetch in tje yard and walkimg a neighborhood is just as effective. You can also do mini games at home. It doesn’t have to be 3 HR hikes & dog parks.
In the event you decide to rehome, go thru a Rescue. There should be cost for the new family. & ensure it’s someone with experience. Not all ppl should get a husky simply bc they don’t understand the work involved with grooming & training. Huskys can be a handful. Lol


If you don’t listen and decide your dogs not worth the effort, please, please, please vett the people. So man rehomed dogs are just bait dogs. Yours is the perfect age for that shit.

No, keep him. He will be more depressed to lose you guys. You’re his people, he understands! :purple_heart:


Sounds like your husband is very sick to be considering this. I am so sorry. :disappointed: If your dog would truly be happier elsewhere, I say go for it. With being the sole caretaker, I imagine you have a lot on your plate and just want a better life for your dog than you can offer.

To anyone shaming, I hope you never have to make these hard choices.


Doggy day care sounds perfect for him, or a dog walker. We have some that take them on hikes and to other fun places.


A wak takes no time if you remove you shouldn’t ever be allowed to have another pet


Little suggestion my daughter works for a doggy daycare and she has said that there are lots of parents withy the same thinking. But they take there dogs there even just a couple times a week and they get so worn out from all the playing. U don’t have to set it up every day. Even a couple of days could help


Ask your neighbor I’m sure someone would do it. Where do you live .

He is better off with you than rehoming, he could become majorly depressed being separated from the family he has known and loved. Any free moment you have to walk him is better than him never seeing his family again, and feeling abandoned.


This seems like a really tough decision and having a sick husband and having to take on another job can be a lot. You know what you can handle and your family needs you well. If the dog is depressed, and doggy day care or a dog walker are out of your budget then do what you know is best.
Making time for walks or snuggling with such a good dog may be therapeutic for you or your husband.

PLEASE Just don’t give dog away to a stranger or on social media. Try to go through a foster or adoption agency who can do a thorough check for suitability. I hope you all make it through this okay.


I wasn’t going to comment but I see a good number of comments that seem more than a little judgy and I don’t think you deserve that.

I understand that when we adopt our pets, we are committing to care for them for life. And I cringe when I hear these people saying they would be homeless before giving up their dogs because I wonder if that’s actually what is best for their dogs. Sometimes giving up a pet is what is actually what is best for the pet- and in some situations it’s actually (in my opinion) selfish of people to say that.

Regardless- that’s not what this is. But people will see what they are going to see and when it comes to us “pet parents” we tend to get a little passionate. However, what I see in this post is a person who has loved her puppy and has played a very active part in his first two years. Unfortunately it seems that your life changed without warning when your husband became ill (I hope he’s doing better) and you had to get a job when he could no longer work. In addition to adjusting to going to work, I imagine that you have also a lot on your plate both physically and emotionally depending on the nature of your husband’s illness. All these people saying “just make time for your dog” clearly have never played the role of caretaker for a loved one, let alone a spouse. Add to that going back to full time employment and household chores and I can absolutely see how overwhelmed you must be. “Just make time for your dog” in this case is akin to telling a clinically depressed person to “just cheer up”.

That said- don’t give up your dog. I understand seeing that sad look in his eyes and I understand the guilt of not being able to spend the same time with him as you are both used to. I think it’s admirable that you love him enough to wonder if he might be better off and happier in another home. But consider how our dogs can read us. He’s probably picking up on your guilt (and probably all the other emotions that you are likely feeling around your situation with your husband). Your dog might not be depressed because he’s not going on hikes or to the dog park but he might be sad because he’s picking up on your sadness/stress/guilt/anxiety.

Do BOTH of you a favor, just love him. He will give you comfort and you will give him love. Toss a ball with him. Take him for short walks. Get a tug toy and play tug of war with him. Cuddle with him. I agree with those comments that say he’d be more depressed losing his family because dogs bond with their people as much as we bond with them. And he WON’T understand.

Don’t let the guilt you feel over not going on hikes or to the dog park cause you to do something that you will regret for a long time. Don’t deprive yourself or your dog of the love and bond you have. I hope your husband’s health improves and you can get back to where you were. But no matter what, you will settle into whatever “normal” becomes and your dog will adapt as well because he’s got someone who loves him enough to be willing to sacrifice her happiness for what is best for him


I’d find a doggie daycare or maybe a dog walker while ur at work.


Can a neighbor kid take your dog for walks and to the dog park while you are out? Like a baby sitter?


He will only be more depressed if he has to leave you guys, he will feel like he did something wrong. Sometimes when Rehoming an adult dog or any dog things sometimes don’t play out like we want them too, I rehomed our 2 year old pit he was fixed & such a good dog but our neighbors kept calling the cops on us claiming he was an “aggressive dog” he was inside most of the time & went out when he was supervised. We rehomed him to a girl & her son & she texted me saying he was tearing up her couch & all of her belongings so she gave him away & then that person gave him away so I have no idea where he is or how he is & I so wish I did because I would get him back in a heartbeat it breaks my heart everyday. Sometimes the things we think are the best really aren’t, he understands he just has to adjust but he is happier with y’all than he will be with anyone else💗 but ULTIMATELY it’s y’all’s decision we can only offer our opinions I wish y’all the best!!


When my girls was young they would walk peoples dogs for extra money… if there is a young teenager in the neighborhood maybe could use $20 a week and have them walk them a couple times a week… it’s a win win


Could your husband set up an agility thing out in your yard? Put him thru his paces. Or if your local high school is within walking distance call the school. Ask if there is track coach. Talk to the coach and ask if one of their members could take him when he goes running. Doggy Day care is also a possibility. if you do make the hard decision look for a rescue to at least do all the checking for you. At the very least get vet references and personal visits. Rehome to someone where you can do a home visit. All of these are important.

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When you get a animal. It’s supposed to be for life. That’s your child.


I always say, if you don’t have time for your animals, they are better off with a family that can care for them who has time to walk them, play with them, be with them, etc. Better than a cage. Anyday.


Research and get recommendations from people for doggie daycares. A friend of mine takes hers to one that she can watch through a live feed what her two dogs are doing. She even gets a weekly report card. They’re soo cute.

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My husband and I were stationed in Okinawa. Broke my heart to leave my dog behind with another family because we didn’t have the means to fly him back. lots of tears. I heard he was fine with a couple that loved him. A few years later we took in a black lab that was a year old that needed a new home. We had her for 17 years. Do what you have to do, it’s ok.

Try walking him on the weekends or after work?