Should we rehome our dog?

No don’t ever rehome unless you absolutely have to.

No way please don’t do that alot of ppl have jobs that have pets

Maybe just hire a dog walker😊


he would really be sad to leave his family, see if a neighbor teenager or someone could walk him

If you really don’t think you can provide him what he needs, require a screening process, vet reference or home visit. Or all three :woman_shrugging:t3: it’s the best decision for your pup if you truly believe that. They are a very high energy breed and do need lots of exercise

Definitely keep him. Shelters are overflowing with pets at the moment and lots are having to be euthanized due to lack of space

U make time for the things in life that are important . He’s a member of ur family not able to go anywhere without u . I’d make some time n take him to the dog park even if it’s late at night or early in the morning .


Can you afford a dog walker or doggy day care a few days per week?

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try the weekends or your day off take him for walks that day

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We have a similar situation.We always gave our dachshund rides and walks every day, sometimes 2 a day.But now me and my husband are getting too old and tired and can only take him for a ride once in a while.He gets depressed when we leave the house and then we come home and don’t take him for a ride.But the love he gives and receives makes all the difference.He hugs and kisses us constantly.He would be even more unhappy if he didn’t have us at all.Our pets truly become our family.

He is your family, families stick together through everything. You are also not happy you can’t do those things. Circumstances can change, plan to do some of the fun stuff he likes a couple times a month. I also agree with the other about getting him a dog Walker. Good luck with whatever you decide to do

You have to keep your dog. The dog prefers his humans over ANYTHING.

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No, adjust and figure out how to properly exercise him still. It’s not impossible you’ll probably have to sacrifice things but that’s all part of owning a pet. That’s another child, you never give them up.

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If you feel that it is in the best interest of your dog, then make that call and ensure you find a great home before rehoming him. If you want to continue trying, there are tons of canine enrichment groups on fb that have great ideas.

Thought about getting a dog sitter.

He’s your family (supposed to be) and he will be more miserable without its family than without walks. Wtf :flushed:

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Find a teen who wants to make some cash and go on adventures!


Keep him you will break his heart. Don’t do this please!!!

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Could you pay someone to come walk him a few times a week?

Keep him!!! He is your family, try to make some time for him on the weekends. See if your husband can do walks or hikes with him since he is currently out of a job.

Nope, family doesn’t give up on family…human or ball with him , cuddle and Love him!:blue_heart::dog2::no_good_woman:


He will never understand why you left him even if you think it is better for him you wouldn’t know how he is treated when you aren’t around. Find someone who likes to go for runs and see if they will take him with! He probably misses all the fun he had but he would miss you even more I’m sure


Keep him, he will adjust and be alright. He would rather have you than a walk or a park. If you let him go he is going to wonder why and what he did wrong. He will be heartbroken. He loves you guys and he’s your family, family sticks together no matter what. Just keep him please


Take him for a short walk after or before work. I rescue animals and trust me when I say, he will be much more depressed if you give him up. He is also 2 and coming out of the puppy age so he may just be calming down. Take him to the dog park once a week and just walks (even if they’re short walks) when you have time.


I’ll respond a little differently than most of the others on this post…
I can see where you’re trying not to be selfish. You love your dog and you want the best for him and that speaks volumes about you. You asked the question which meant you don’t want to, but that you don’t know what else to do.

Maybe try finding a dog walker/sitter and setting some time to the side strictly for him one day a week or toy time at night.


Why would you even consider it? :eyes:

No no no… do not re home, take 10-15 minutes and play with him after work. Get the kids involved! The dog would be much more depressed with new people. Don’t do that to your family member.


Well if you’d rehome your 2 year old child because you can’t have fun all the time then yes but if not….no


If the husband isnt working why cant he do the dog park and other stuff dont mean to sound mean but it just sounds like you dont want your baby anymore…


Make the time. Even just a few mins. Or just the weekend. Your dog doesn’t want a new family… even just a walk around your neighborhood when you can. Doesn’t have to be every single day! I’m sure he’d rather that than lose his family


I would pay for a daily dog walker.


Get him a buddy dog, and make sure they have a fenced in back yard and can run and play and get good exercise.


I’m not bashing. I can tell you love him. Just for a minute consider what kind of worse home he may end up in…right now hes just wishing he went for a hike more often…the next people might not be so loving to him. Or he may even become depressed over missing you and his family. Just something to consider. You could always try to find once or twice a week where you try to make time for squeezing a hike in with him. Idk what your husband is sick from…but is it something hes going to recover from and eventually go back to work? If so you when that happens you’d have more time again. Sending prayers hun :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:


Ok so you don’t get to go. Pick one day a week you can take him and go. Do not get rid of that baby. Give him extra tlc. Your husband isn’t working? Soooo he can’t take him. If you don’t want to get rid of him then don’t. Find a way even if it a day. You have off days I’m sure so take him on an off day. It will help him and you as well

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Can’t you make time? It doesn’t have to be a full day event. Just take him for an hour or 2 after work or on the weekend.

Is your husband home? Can he take him?

Let ur husband walk him or sit on the porch and throw a b all for him

No don’t do it. Find time for him closer to home.

Dogs are happy with their people, whatever the circumstances. A walk can be replaced by tossing a ball in the backyard- you cannot be replaced


Don’t regime, make time or take walks around the block or pay someone to walk him. It’s not impossible to make time, I’m sure you make time to do your laundry so make time for him.

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Keep him, he wants to be with you through this. Things could change and you’ll find a little extra time here and there. Maybe sit in the front yard or cuddle during a late night movie. He might be dreaming about his days in the woods, but trust, not as much as he’ll be dreaming of you guys.
Just like with our hooman babies, we can’t always afford to do our have the time to go to all the places they may want, but we love them and work hard until the day comes back again.
Don’t rehome. Just show him new adventure and love in the way you can now, it’s okay for our to change over time. Soon enough you’ll have a day where you can run him to the park and you’ll be watching him, slowly smiling too yourself. Thankful that you kept him, and he’ll be running back to you, happy that it’s you he sees.

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He’s just looking for your attention as he got before! Find some other means to give him that attention, if the others are not an option anymore. Easy Peezy fix! Hell, play tag in the house before bed or something. He’ll be okay with anything as long as he’s getting that focus for the moment!

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Is getting a dog walker a possibility?


He loves you and you love him, he wants to stay in his house


Why can’t your husband take him out?


Why can’t u find time on the weekends or after/before work?? I would never rehome my dog! I’d make time for them like I do now, seems just like an excuse to me sorry

Someone said hire a dog walker! Seems like a great idea rather than your idea,


Speaking as someone who does animal rescue, please find the time to exercise him even if it’s throwing a ball in the yard. Right now shelters are overflowing, many of them with animals that were surrendered after being rehomed. The only way to ensure your dog is treated well is for you to be the one to do so.

Mama, thank you for reaching out for help. No.1, rehoming a dog currently is so hard. Everyone is surrendering. No.2. He is young and his energy will subside. No.3 nothing to say your situation will not change again and you will regret. No4 He may look sad now but Imagine without his family how he would feel. No.5. Message me and Im Happy to guide you with activities for him and also once I know location other experiences.
Exp.10 years in dog rescue
Donna xx


If you still care about your dog I wouldn’t give him a new home because of this issue. He loves you guys and that would be sad.
Not going to the dog park isht a reason to rehome your dog imo.

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Maybe a dog walker or doggie daycare group or something to burn his energy a few days a week and the other days try and go for walk or play in back yard!
I would not rehome him because of that

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KEEP HIM…Your his WORLD… Figure out a schedule …Take time…

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Don’t rehome him. You will feel horrible if you do. He loves you guys and wants to stay with his family.