Should you attend a childs birthday party if you cannot afford a gift?

To be honest with you, in my opinion as a mother I would reevaluate my finances first… But there is also the option go to the dollar store pick up 5 things get a bag and there u go. A gift does not have to come from a big department store.

I never expect gifts from anyone at my kids parties. It means the world when people show up for my kids. :heart_hands:

Seriously, most parents are more afraid no one will show up to their kids party than if there will be gifts. Kids never remember who gave them a gift at a party but they do remember if you were there. Plus, I feel my kids always get too much stuff at their bday parties. I hate when gifts just end up in toy bins hardly ever played with and donated a few years later.

A gift is not mandatory. The time spent and kids showing up is what matters.

Yes! We had someone make a card for our son. We were just happy they came :heart:

Yes. Although I’ve always found something to gift. Even if it’s from the dollar/pound store or I’d get a birthday card minimum

Make or buy a card. Apologize to the Mom if you feel that bad. If it matters to you, something from the dollar store or a regift of a book can work too.

Go and perhaps your child could make a birthday card and put a special note inside……if you could go to the Dollar store and get a colouring book and crayons ($2)….or just one item so your child has a gift…if not the birthday child will love to have their friend there🎂

My son’s birthday was last weekend. He invited 10 friends. One parent responded saying my child would love to go. Ok great!
Few days prior to party, she says i will try and gather some money for a gift. No worries i say. Now time for party, im her child’s ride she tells me again im sorry i couldn’t get your son anything. No problem, i already know money is tight in that home, i chose to invite him anyway its not about the gift. Teach our children to be kind and gracious regardless.
They had a great time, and also let my son know some kids may not have a gift. Each family is different we are here to enjoy your and your friends!
I also did not tell my child who the person was without gift. He didn’t even notice, came home from party and said everyone did get me a gift. I agreed yes everyone was kind and he had a beautiful day. Its definitely something we should be prepared for and use as a teachable moment on bith sides.

Show up anyway, most parents just want you there to celebrate and have the kids enjoy themselves, presence over presents. :two_hearts:

I would just have my kids make something and gift it from himself to his friend. It can be anything. But definitely take him to the party regardless.

Goooo 🩷🩷 have your kid make a card for them and don’t worry about a present. If worried you can talk to the parents but I personally never expect anyone to bring presents to my daughters birthday, I just want her to have a fun time with her friends

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Go!! Idk how many times people didn’t come for this reason and I was disappointed they didn’t come gift or no gift.

I am sure your kids were invited for their company…not their gifts

Yes. Have your child make a card or something. My daughter has a friend like this growing up. One year she made a poster for my daughter that said happy birthday and he pics of them together glued on.

Most parents still want you to come. So their child has friends to play with and can have fun. And make those memories. Just let the parents know that you can’t afford a gift right now. Most likely they will be completely understanding. A lot of times, so many don’t show up at all. For reasons, and because “they can’t get a gift”. So out of the dozens of kids invited… The birthday kid ends up sitting at their party… Alone and sad. Because no one showed up. When I invite people to my kids party, there’s been times some come, but don’t bring a gift. And that’s completely fine. My kids haven’t ever cared. They just want others to come celebrate and have fun with. And their friends there with them. They still have gifts to open during it or at the end, because I’ve gotten them some, and so have my parents lol. And my mom’s best friend who they’ve known since they were born. So either way, they don’t care who the gifts come from lol. Or if someone got them anything really.

I personally don’t invite people for the gift, my kids don’t care. To them it’s a party with her friends which they absolutely love more than a gift they probably always have! I was raised to never expect and that’s how I raise my kids x

They want your presence not your presents! Please let your kiddo go :heart:

I would still go .Make memories. Its worth more than a gift! Have your child to make the child a birthday card. Making memories is worth more than anything money can buy!

if it’s a true friend, i would still go. the mom/parents hosting would likely understand if your kids are truly friends.

Yes 100%! I’m just being realistic here based on my family but my child would rather have the child present to play with and hang out with than a gift. As a parent, I would not care and I would still love for you and your family to come!

If it makes you more comfortable you can mention it to the host and have your children draw a picture or make them a birthday card instead!

Go! The little kid love getting homemade cards from friends and you can even throw in a dollar find a little dollar toys from the store. The old kids basically just love the fact that their friends showed up! Just go it’s about the company not the gift

Also, my daughter had a party, invited her whole class and not a single child showed up. I say, show up.

Go! Color a card. Let them go play with their friends! I’d be devastated if a person didn’t come bc they couldn’t afford it. It is not about the gifts!

Yes please still go. Those babies don’t even pay attention to who gave them the present most of the time, all they will remember or care about is your children presence and being there for then

I would want the child to come, showing up for the child that invited you is the best gift ever.

Yes, go! Get some paper and have your children make birthday cards with maybe a coupon for a playmate with them!

I would still attend. Have your child draw/create a birthday card :blush:

I would still want you to come! I invite people for memories for my kiddo not for gifts!

Personally I don’t send my children if they don’t have a gift to give or a card with some money in it.

Company is better than gifts with no company! Come spend time. The gifts won’t matter .

Kids value presence more than presents

Most definitely, yes, the party should be about the celebration of the child!

Yes definitely go and make a homemade gift :gift:

You could always make something and bring it and a card

Yes, go!! Most kids have enough crap anyway! Go have a good time!

If all else fails pm me a cash app to send gift money to or an address to send the gift To.

Make a coupon book, free 1 sleepover, etc…