Should you charge a 16-year-old rent?

She goes for days at a time??! A lot is wrong here. She needs to stay home and no on the rent.


Your house your rules or leave

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Absolutely, at least a quarter of her wages…


Imagine being in school, working, and having to pay rent that’s more than an 8+ hour day of the average work day for adults. On top of her only being 16 :person_gesturing_ok: is that’s what’s best for her ?:heart: How will she be able to move out completely on her own? Teaching her to safe for what she wants is so important at this age. She should have one place that’s stable. That’s home :heart:


What is she doing nor comjng home for days at a time? I would be more concerned about that than paying rent.


NOWAY! She’s 16 for god sake…I see so much wrong here why is she gone for so many days…has she even left school yet?


I would not charge rent, but maybe discuss the probability of her doing some chores. That teaches her responsibility and that you cannot just be on the receiving end. Good luck

She should not be disrespecting towards you, you pay for everything including a roof over her head, you are NOT obligated to take her anywhere to do anything for her!!! Granted she has a job so give her an ultimatum, tell her she either helps around the house and helps pay for her internet privileges or she can pay more to contribute to the bills… Responsibility is the most important lesson to learn… Until she is 18 and you are not responsible for her anymore she has to listen to the rules…

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How do you charge a minor rent?


Remind her you’re the parent and she is 16. Don’t charge her rent but give her a curfew and take away her laptop and phone when she doesn’t respect it.

It’s one thing if she was showing a mature attitude about this stuff, but it sounds like she’s not. She needs taught that freedoms come with responsibilities.


I know some of these comments can be disheartening, but putting up boundaries and enforcing would definitely help with the issues your having with her. I have 4 young children and they are very “spirited” however if you give them an inch they will take a mile. Wether this started because you were busy and it got out of hand the best way to stop it is to reel her in. If your having trouble with consequences try Positive Parenting with Amy McCready. As long as you and your husband are on the same page and providing similar discipline and working towards a common goal you should be able to make some head way. Don’t drive her anywhere except work and school and get a copy of her work schedule. No extra curricular until behavior improves. Maybe also involve her by letting her know you need her help at home. Good luck!

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No. If she is still in school then No!

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Well when she leaves home at 18 and you wonder why she doesn’t talk to you anymore, you can look back on this post and reflect that this might the reason why. Otherwise it’s ridiculous to expect a young girl to go to school full time, work and while I agree helping around the house should be mandatory, I certainly hope you aren’t asking her to also help you out with the younger kids that you chose to have.


Yep! My 17yo just started thinking she can do what she wants and I have access to her bank account card and since she wants to try to act grown then your paying rent. Told her that her whole next check is mine!


She’s 16. She is still a kid. Absolutely not. . As far as her leaving for weeks at a time…… I would put a stop to it. You’re not a friend of hers you’re her mother so you should shut that down. She should not be doing that and I wouldn’t even allow any 4 of my kids to do that. I would never charge any of my babies rent no matter how old they are. They didn’t ask to be born :woman_shrugging: but she’s your child so you do as you see fit but instead of taking her money for “rent” I’d take what she gave me and put it into an account to give her when she finally does move out on her own for her own bills.

Yes. And stop taking her to places if she is disrespectful. Bet she will respect Uber. Clean up or no access to WiFi.


No give her a you g adult responsibility list and tell her she needs to pull her weight and she is responsible for her laundry W and D and will buy soap n sheets for her clothes she will be included in meals but snacks and extras are her resp.responsibility. when she showers she will scrub toilet tub n sink before shower. She will clean her room and vacuum weekly and change and wash her linens on that day her soap shampoo face creams hair product her resp. Change the wifi and streaming passwords and have her pay 5 to 10 a week to use services charge gas money if it’s not school or work related you get the drift


Put your foot down! Sounds like you are letting her make the shots!

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If you do “Charge rent” I would keep it in a savings for her first, last and downpayment when she does move out. She’s a child you chose to have, and you are legally responsible for providing her shelter. She can just quit her job instead of paying you, and then she’ll have less responsibility instead. Establishing boundaries and citing the paying towards savings as a consequence now gives her the responsibility for her decisions.


Lol be a PARENT and set rules. A 16 year old shouldn’t be able to do whatever or come and go whenever. She is not an adult. :woman_shrugging:t2: you kind of allowed it by giving her that kind of privilege.


My mum got my youth allowance and I deep cleaned the house every Friday. I had to let her know if I wasn’t going to be home for dinner and where I was. She put boundaries in straight away and helped me learn life skills and helped set me up for living on my own. I worked w jobs whilst in grade 12 and bought everything I have, because of what she taught me. Boundaries are a massive thing, and charging rent I think is a good thing. It helps to get into the habit of paying bills before anything else.


I mean, simply based on the “we pick her up, we cook for her,” I’m curious to hear about the disrespectfulness. You seem to be complaining about the minimum which makes me wonder what to you is disrespect.


Charging her rent isn’t going to help your relationship with her. Talk to your kids money doesn’t solve everything. And taking hers isn’t going to help any dynamic that’s going on.

Either rent or stop picking her up and doing her food etc. If she has money of her own she should be using it wisely on herself. Going for DAYS at 16 though is dangerous and concerning? Why isn’t she at school? This is alot bigger than just should you charge rent. You should just take charge full stop. Sounds like spoilt princess is going to have a very big shock if she has to live in the real world!

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No. It’s illegal until they are over 18. Until then, it’s your responsibility as the parent to provide shelter, food, clothes, water, and basic necessities.

Even if they have a part time job, you aren’t entitled to their paycheck. Just the same, you can count them on your taxes until they are of age as well, and their income as a part of household income on the taxes.

The only way you would have any control over their money is if it were in a trust or some form of inheritance.

They can have household chores and rules, and you can enforce them, as you should.

Not knowing where they are and them being gone for days and weeks at a time is so bad. Bordering abandonment on your part, and them being in the runaway zone on their end.

If you can’t get them under control you need to make a police report. There’s programs and counseling as well.

Forcing them to pay for their room and board is abuse and neglect on your part, and even if they’re 16 you can go to JAIL.

It’s against the law.


I’d be having a chat about contributing, if she doesn’t then yes I would be asking her to contribute money wise… good way to teach life skills and responsibilities

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My mom charged me rent as soon as I started working. I also was in charge of paying my phone bill, and buying my own make up, hair products etc.

She bought necessities. And I was in charge of my wants.

When I moved out all of the rent that I paid her, she gave back to me for my first apartment. She didn’t keep a dime.

It taught me responsibility and how to budget. I’m so grateful that she did it, even though at the time I hated it.


I loved the idea my aunt got from her parents. She charged rent/board once they started working but she never used it just kept it in an account for them until they move out. It’s a nice little savings for them to get things for their houses when they move. She did it for me while I lived with her for 9months and I saved about $1800 while there and she gave it to me when I left x it helped my partner at the time and myself tremendously with our bills (rego, rent and electricity) as well as affording a few things for our daughter and ourselves :woman_shrugging:t2:


No you shouldn’t charge her rent
You’re legally obligated to provide for her and her having a job doesn’t change that
The issue here shouldn’t be about money it should be about YOU parent your child


She’s being a teenager with no rules! Set some rules and boundaries for her.


No… charging her rent will just make her leave for days even more. You shouldn’t even let her do that to begin with… Ffs…… Trying to charge her rent is stupid anyways…You seem to be making good money if you’re BOTH working full time.
Don’t charge your CHILD rent….and DONT use “charging rent” as a punishment. Because that’s what it seems like you’re doing…


“I’m angry my daughter is disrespectful so I’m gunna pull a power move like a dictator and make her pay me to live the same exact way she has her whole life” I was a teenager .5 seconds ago, the worst thing about being a cranky teenager, is parents who punished me for not teaching me what I should know or do. She’s done as she pleases for how long? And NOW you want it to stop? Lord Jesus I stg if you don’t learn how to regulate your own emotions she will never learn either because you’re supposed to teach her that. You making her pay rent out of spite is something else. It’s childish. If you weren’t both so sour I would say “my mom asked me for money all the time and I helped her out when she asked but she didn’t MAKE me give her money like I “owe” her anything or that she’s “entitled” to my money, she respected me my whole life and so now I respect her and it’s not even a thought to give my mom money” but you’re being spiteful and it’s completely different. You aren’t entitled to make her pay you simply bc of an attitude. There will be record number of people in senior assisted living in the next few decades because of how parents have dealt with their children like THEYRE children. This is so childish and only shows her how NOT to act because this isn’t how adults should act.
Be mad at this all you want. I have no issue with parents asking their kids to help out with bills as long as it’s not -obligated to pay their family bills and have that stress put on them-majority of their wages-and not by force, like I said, I have my mom any money I could whenever, she never FORCED or MADE me give her money because she isn’t entitled to my money. Saying “do you mind helping me out with $50 a week for bills and expenses” or something like it, is great. Taking their money they work for as a punishment to be petty will not end up good for anyone.


sounds like she needs to move out into her own place and see who picks up after her and feeds her pays rent and bills.schools of hard knocks


Rent no! Her siblings are your children. Your responsibility. As is she. Her leaving home for days. Not okay. She is not grown. She still needs rules and r we guidelines to follow. As well as household chores. One day she will be on her own. She will need to know how to cook, clean, laundry, eyc. In order to maintain herself, her iwn household. Best wishes! Teenagers can be tough. Much peace and love ☆

Not sure what country you are in but just a quick Google search will give you the answer to your question. In the US it is illegal to charge a minor for basic necessities. You are definitely still responsible for your 16 year old no matter how many more children you have or if she comes and goes as she pleases. Maybe you need to require her to help around the house and come home at night :woman_shrugging:t2:.


Ummmm not to sound mean, but she needs responsibilities?? That’s kind of the point of being a kid, a teenager… so that’s a hard NO on that! What she/ and apparently you as parents do too, is LIMITS! I’m sorry but I see NO REASON whatsoever that a 16 year old girl should have that kind of freedom, lack of structure….supervision….rules……schedule…. And etc, etc, and etc! I’m not in anyway accusing you of neglecting and not supervising her or making sure she is supervised somehow, somewhere…. I too have 3 small children (all under 5) so I know how much work/ time/attention/energy that takes by itself and I’m a stay at home mom so I can’t hardly imagine doing that while also working full-time! Ugh
It’s great that she’s working right now, I mean that shows a good amount of responsibility at her age IMO! What does she do with the $ she makes? Does she save any for her future? Does she have a car, pay for her own gas, insurance or cell phone?? Does she get an allowance from you guys (I know that seems far fetched since she isn’t ever there to do any chores or anything else to help) I only ask this bc unfortunately EVERYTHING takes money these days. Like literally almost everything and a child running around like that away from home would have to have $ for when she grabs food while out, a drink, personal supplies on the fly and etc…(her own entertainment if she ever does anything like that for example going to a movie or something)
Do you provide her with money to eat while she’s away from home or to get things she needs? Do you give her lunch money for her lunchtime while in school?
I know that’s a lot of
Questions but I just feel like this is not a simple explanation to give! The question has a very simple answer in my own personal opinion… NO she should not be paying rent anywhere at 16, let alone her own home! (Please don’t anyone take that as disrespectful to you IF you do or did pay your own rent at this age for whatever reason or another… unfortunately sometimes people have to grow up too fast, esp in this time… maybe they chose to move out of parents house and now are facing grown up responsibilities like paying bills or maybe they had no choice and at 16 already had their own child or 1 on the way, maybe their parents kicked them out or even sadly maybe they don’t have any family and are on their own 100%) BUT none of those are the case in this situation Or at least you didn’t mention that here if so.
So we’re just talking about your average 16 year old girl who’s parents have given her free reign to do whatever she pleases, Whenever she wants, with no consequences… and now it’s a problem bc she is disrespectful and has an attitude….??? (The attitude unfortunately would come From her age whether she was there at home 24/7 or not, but it would be more controlled if she was there under your guidance) I mean again not to sound like a judgmental person bc I swear I’m the last person in the world to sweep anyone else’s back porch or throw stones bc I’m a hot mess over here myself like most of us are and trying to navigate daily in motherhood lol BUT WHAT DID YOU EXPECT honestly?? She has been given adult freedom without the balance of maturity and figuring out how to be a successful adult! I’m sorry but I’m trying to wrap my head around how this came about bc I don’t feel like it happened just overnight…. But maybe progressive over time?? We’re you trying to treat her more grown up, trying to treat her more like an adult than a child, like to make up for feeling suffocated yourself as a teenager at your own home and it made you rebel?? I say this bc some parents try to make up for and do the opposite to hopefully keep their relationship with their kids better?? Bc what kid isn’t gonna think their parents aren’t cool and that this arrangement is cool???
Maybe there’s a more Logical reason than I’m seeing, does she have another biological parent whom shares joint custody and she can bounce from house to house???
Either way, I’m sorry to say, what she is lacking other than an attitude adjustment, is structure and rules… a curfew and BOUNDARIES all that MUST be kept. I had it pretty good as a teenager (even with a somewhat over-protective mother) and they gave me a lot of freedom (FOR A CHILD AT THAT AGE) but I cannot imagine coming and going like that, not having a curfew, not required to Come home at all, for days on end if I felt like it and just walk in when I felt like it… I can’t imagine that this will end well if it keeps going…: there are so many things that can happen here and some I’m sure you don’t want to even yhe to consider! Come on Mom, put your foot down! Take those keys, that phone…. Whatever it takes! Give her a curfew and if she breaks it, ground her! I don’t mean just turn into a crazy psycho overbearing mom, but you have to start somewhere! Please, take control of this before it’s too late! She’s already not a little girl anymore BUT she is still legally a child and you have to protect her, even if that means to just protect her from herself and any RASH AND RIDICULOUS decisions she could make… bc at that age, WE ALL DO, and our parents supervision and guidance has saved us all I’m sure!


If you charge rent purely because you don’t have a great relationship, it won’t help. Im a strong believer in teaching responsibility etc and from the moment I had money coming in, I paid board, when my kids get a job, they will contribute…but in saying that, my first job I got $30 a week…I paid $3 a week in board. It comes down to why you want to charge it, how much and it’s a discussion to have with your partner (if you have one) and your kid.


Does she go collage or anything My dad made us pay rent as soon as we started working unless we were at collage, I think it helps them with money we were preaty much aloud to come and go as please we had certain rules such as we did out own clothes washing, clean up after ourselves make are food ourself unless special occasion then my dad did my dad was very much for treating us like adults, I’m thankful for everything everything he did for us he was was best dad ever, I never recented him or.loved him less for making me pay rent it’s called growing up

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My mom didn’t charge me rent, however when I had to start paying my first house, I was completely blindsided and the lesson on it would have been appreciated. I think open a savings and charge her rent, however, put her rent into the savings for when she eventually needs to move out

I’m more concerned with the fact that she does whatever she wants, like you aren’t the parent. Does she not go to school?


I wouldn’t charge her for rent but with this kind of behavior I would charge her for everything else u wanna use the WiFi it’s X amount a day use the water foe showers brushing teeth etc these r the chores that must be completed before then, u can have three meals a day with us but anything past that u will need to provide for urself have her pay her own cell phone bill and charge gas money for any ride that isn’t school or work related if she had a car then she needs to be paying for it gas’s insurance all that if she doesn’t hve the money to cover it give her a list of chores she can use to work it off also u live under my roof rent free u help out every Sunday night give her a list of chores that must be completed through out the week like Monday wash dishes change all trash can in the house Tuesday vacuum entire house Wednesday clean ur room change/wash sheets and pillow cases Thursday clean windows and sweep and mop floors Friday wash mirrors sinks toilets and bathtubs Saturday wash dishes and mow the lawn Sunday u may have a free day if I see these chores are not completed or arnt being done they way u have been taught u will be charged to make up the difference and u will not have internet access for the day fallowing when u didn’t complete chores this u can not buy ur way out of my kids r 7 12 and 14 and they all have age appropriate chores everyday which they complete without hassle because they have had chores since five years old my 7 year old has to do things like feed the dog and the cats, wipe off the table, make her bed in the morning, pick up her room, help pick up the yard before we mow it (like help move chairs and stuff out of the way) little things a 7 year old can do the older kids have harder chores things like change the cat box take the dog for a walk wash dishes obv clean rooms and makes their own beds at 10 they were taught how to wash their own clothing and in the summer hang it out to dry because running the dryer can be expensive the older kids have their own hampers and when the hamper is full it needs some I see an over flowing hamper without a dang good reason they lose their electronics u til the laundry is washed fluffed folders and put away my oldest helps mow the lawn without being asked yesterday I came gone to find my older two hand cleans spit and wipes down the fridge and that isn’t on their chore list they did it to help mom out I don’t think it’s at all wrong to expect some sort of responsibility from ur older children they live there to we r a team we work together to get it done

The only way I would ever charge “rent” to my kid is if I was secretly putting it away in savings for them… otherwise, completely disagree… you chose to have children… they didn’t ask to be here, it’s your responsibility.


No you don’t charge her rent but she’s be following the rules and staying home every single night as my child and my responsibility. Just because you have 3 younger children doesn’t make her an adult. You can’t charge her rent or stop parenting her… you need to rethink the rules on your home.


Is having a job at 16 not responsible enough ? You’re describing a teenager ? Would you prefer she’s there 24/7? Why are you trying to charge your child rent ? Get a grip


Thats when she needs you most!


Lives in your homelack of resprct … Tell her to pack an move till her attertuned changes… See what happens …

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Why is your 16yr old taking off for days at a time?


How about giving her some rules and boundaries? She’s 16 not 21. She should be coming home every night and have a curfew. She should have responsibilities at home. Coming from a clinical psychologist.


I’d be more concerned where my 16 year old is going for 4 days without coming home? When I was growing up in my house, once you had left school and got a fulltime job we had to contribute to the household but by then I was 23. 16 seems very young to be paying ‘keep’


All necessities were taken care of as a teenager. If it was extra I had to pay for it.
So car, insurance, gas, phone etc.
These were the rules in a single mom house.

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When do parents have a say with their daughter once they are working driving and at least 16…? Whatever u do, don’t kick her out. Just do whatever it takes to not let her drop out or get preg. That’s what really matters. Daughters are very defiant and manipulative nowadays… especially to mom when mom don’t have dad backing her up… it’s not fun n it hurts but don’t let her drop out or get preg. it’s really the 2 things that are bound to happen at this point

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No way!! i have 啊16 year old and there I’d no way I’d charge her rent

Why is she coming and going as she pleases?

Why is she absent from your home 4 to 7 days at a time?

Do you know where she is when she is not at your home?

Why is she not doing chores?

You need to get a handle on this situation now.

Went why have you allowed this?


So there’s discipline, boundaries and ground rules lacking in her life… So the response is to give her the responsibility of rent instead of trying different parenting strategies… :thinking:? 16 years old, no matter how you want to put it, still a child. So many other things can be done well before the idea of rent comes to play… Like chores… For starters. And to leave for days at a time is a little extreme for a 16 year old… Maybe look deeper into the situation to be sure it’s “typical teenage” acts


No. You should parent her instead.


No! I know some people do it purely to save it and then later give it to said kid whenever they really need it, I think that was is okay. But they are under your care until 18 so…

My mum charged me $140 at 16 wasn’t even working but was receiving a payment for being an unsupported child as we had a broken down relationship. I left came back again then left again at 19 and never looked back. I wish my mum back then put it away for me for when I went and got my first flat but it definitely taught me how to budget for a young age I had my first successful flat at 17 until owners sold it

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You’re comment of “we cook for her, pick her up, showers there, etc. THOSE ARE ALL BASIC NEEDS! You as her parent should be providing for her. So I’m confused as to why that’s an issue. She def shouldn’t be aloud to be gone for days and should have a curfew. As for the rent, that’s just ridiculous, she’s still a kid. If she refuses to pay rent, are you just going to kick her out? She’s 16, she legally can’t even get a place on her own.


If she’s still in school,

If you’re in the US, a 16 year old can’t move out yet. Charging them rent for a place they are required to live at is not only messed up, it’s financially taking advantage of your own child. And charging them rent because you feel they are lacking in responsibility - which you have failed to teach them, is also messed up.

You can’t expect her to just magically be responsible. That’s something you have to TEACH.

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Charge her rent? No. But tell her there are rules? She can’t come and go as she pleases, be disrespectful and not help? Absolutely!

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She shouldn’t be charged rent but also shouldn’t be allowed to just come and go as she pleases


If she’s at school no.
But of her job is full time yes.
Maybe if she’s earning she can pay for the internet or washing and good.
Tell her your sryting her up for the future of bills.

I would never charge my child rent and why is she coming and going as she pleases and not coming home for days she’s only 16 sounds like she has no rules structure or discipline even at that age it’s very important her main focus should be her education and if you want her to be responsible teach her to be have her pay her phone bill but a parent should never charge a child rent bi see if she was 30 and had to come stay with you


Charge her rent? No.

Parent her better? Yes.

She’s 16, she shouldn’t be gone days at a time, for starters.


She’s only 16 and you’re letting her come and go? Is there any parenting involved?if she has a bad attitude then that’s on you & your husband’s lack of discipline and ultimately your parenting has clearly been non existent.

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Called bein a parent all theese

But she needs rules bondireies structure hobbies and be lead back in before she goes down wrong path /or even more

No shouldn’t charge rent

Uhhh no it’s called being a parent, 16 not 21


She’s still a minor so charging her rent isn’t appropriate. Does she go to school? You said she comes and goes as she pleases and is away from home 4 days or maybe a week? That wouldn’t have flown when I was a teenager. I was allowed to spend a weekend at a friend’s house now and then, but not to disappear to goodness knows where for days at a time. I also had a job, starting when I was 15. But I still had stuff to do around the house. I got stuck with the dishes quite a bit. It wasn’t uncommon for me to be responsible for running the sweeper and dusting or maybe cleaning one of the bathrooms. I was also responsible for cleaning my own room twice a week. Plus homework from school during the school year. Back then there were no computers or Internet. I was allowed to watch the antenna TV with the 3 channels. I only made $1.86/hour so I wasn’t expected to kick in on groceries, but if I ever got to borrow the extra car, I had to buy my own gas most of the time. But I was seldom allowed to use the car unless I was going to work. They did let me eat meals or eat their food. They didn’t want me messing with the washer and dryer, for some reason, so my adoptive mother did my laundry. That’s pretty much how that went.


She’s still a minor so charging her rent isn’t appropriate. Does she go to school? You said she comes and goes as she pleases and is away from home 4 days or maybe a week? That wouldn’t have flown when I was a teenager. I was allowed to spend a weekend at a friend’s house now and then, but not to disappear to goodness knows where for days at a time. I also had a job, starting when I was 15. But I still had stuff to do around the house. I got stuck with the dishes quite a bit. It wasn’t uncommon for me to be responsible for running the sweeper and dusting or maybe cleaning one of the bathrooms. I was also responsible for cleaning my own room twice a week. Plus homework from school during the school year. Back then there were no computers or Internet. I was allowed to watch the antenna TV with the 3 channels. I only made $1.86/hour so I wasn’t expected to kick in on groceries, but if I ever got to borrow the extra car, I had to buy my own gas most of the time. But I was seldom allowed to use the car unless I was going to work. They did let me eat meals or eat their food. They didn’t want me messing with the washer and dryer, for some reason, so my adoptive mother did my laundry. That’s pretty much how that went.

Wow! My daughter is 22 & still lives with us. She goes to college full time, she’s pre-med & it’s very stressful! She also has a part time job while in school & pretty much works full time in the summer. I’d never In my life charge her rent! The thought never would cross my mind. If she is only 16 you need to put your foot down & not let her stay gone for days at a time & come & go as she pleases. My daughter still ask me if it’s okay to go here or there, not that I say she has to but out of respect. My daughter helps with the house, cooks dinner when she’s home & we are working. I still buy a lot of her stuff, but she buys her own stuff also. She’s pre-med & is on the deans list every single year with a 4.0 GPA. Idk that asking her for rent will help this situation… possibly push her farther away :woman_shrugging:


At 16, and still in school, no.

Stop cooking for …dont take her places computer needs to be where she cant get in a 16 yr old is still under age to be out of the house n let her buy her own stuff she wants to act like an adult at 16 yrs old tell her u no longer cooking o doing anything for her heaven forbid if she gets pregnant


No rent but she can’t come and go as she pleases… rules for her…

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Instead of having your 16-year-old pay rent, maybe some rules and not have her come and go as she pleases this is insane.


First of all why do you allow her to stay out for that many days at a time? Even if it’s just at a family’s members house and instead of wanting rent money from your child (which is ridiculous in my opinion) ask her to get a couple of groceries the house is low on here and there, ask for a couple bucks for gas money, or start having her pay her phone bill on her own.


When our kids get jobs we have decided that half of their pay goes to us. We will put it into a bank account and put aside for them as a house deposit


She’s 16 wtaf gone for 4 days a week sometimes?? :scream: NEVER IN MY HOUSE.!!!

Why is a16 year old coming and going as she pleases? Sounds like she needs more structure/boundaries and you need to parent better.

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You need to worry more about her being gone for days. She’s only 16 NO Rent , but she should pay for all the extra things she wants parents provide necessities……


Yip I Paid rent when I was 14 so y not if you don’t do school or training course.
You got a job an paid your way that’s it it’s not cheap to live in

She comes and goes at 16? That would be a nope for me for one. She is 16 not 18. She needs rules and boundaries. Secondly, tell her chores are nonnegotiable. They must be done OR you will charge her for “maid” services. Disrespect gets you grounded and privileges taken period. She must be taught responsibility. Charging rent? No, but if she doesn’t contribute to household with chores and being respectful charge fees. If she wants to be disrespectful, change the wifi password and tell her she can be respectful or she has to pay to access the internet, chores not done? Maid fee applies.

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You chose to have children you’re obligated to provide for them giving them a roof over their head and food on the table isn’t a privilege it’s your responsibility.


She’s 16. Why is she being allowed to run her own life?


My son is 21 still lives at home. Told him be could stay as long as be wants but our house our rules and he follows the rules. He works full time but isn’t financially stable enough to be on his own. If there is something in particular he wants he goes and buys it. He paid for his car, he pays his own insurance every month. We help him with gas some if he lends me the car for work or to go to the store

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16 yrs old HOW is she allowed to,go off for days and do you know where and who she is with.

Why does she come and go at 16? Tf honestly you need to get ahold on her and figure out what’s going on in her life! Making her pay rent when she’s literally still a child is not okay nor is letting her do whatever and clearly you’re not parenting her anymore and acting as if she’s grown up and she’s not.

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Start looking after your child and being involved in her life and interests. Not making her pay rent. She is a child.


That lil girl needs dicipline lots of it !!dont let her treat u bad your husband needs to help you she shouldnt be working she thinks because she has a job she can come n go NO WAY !!PUT YOUR FOOT DOWN?MAMA IM RAISING GREAT GRAND KIDS N BOYS I DONT LET THEM TREAT ME BAD

Learn how to parent instead of looking for a tenant to help you with the bills. 16 is a minor child.


Charging your minor child rent? :grimacing: cringe. I understand her being responsible for extra things she may want … but for a roof over her head at 16?? She’s a 16yo… your rent is not her responsibility… Communicating with her about her habits about not helping around the house can be talked about. Maybe have her find different means of transportation or talk to her about getting a permit to drive? Talk to her about her attitude and how that makes you feel, and ask her how she feels. Just genuinely talk TO her, and not at her. &Not for nothing, but being out for 4 days as a 16 year old is crazy! She needs more structure .

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How have you shown your daughter respect?

you’re letting her come & go as she pleases & shes gone for a week at a time? are you not seeing how dangerous that is? she could end up kidnapped or worse & you wouldn’t know… wtf… :underage: no, no charging rent… 16…


You have given her way to much freedom and zero accountability. At 16 she should never be allowed to come and go…jmo


If she goes to school, no.
If she doesn’t yes.


You sound toxic, imagine having to take care of your child. How dare she expect you to feed her and take care of her​:joy::joy: there’s probably a reason she stays away from you. Maybe you should spend more time actually parenting her.


Charging her rent is a no. Why are yall letting a 16 year old going off 3 to 4 nights at a time? Yes she’s has a job but that doesn’t mean she has free will. I know it’s the summer but you need to laid down some rules now. Because if you don’t an your letting her go as she pleases. When she gets older your going to have your hands full. She’s not old enough to come an go right now. She’s still a child that needs rules set an to be followed. But definitely no rent maybe if you pay for her car are car insurance. Let her be responsible to help pay that an teach her the value of money an bills.


Maybe not rent, but make her pay her OWN phone bill, car insurance, car payment if she has one. Make her buy her own personal items and anything she needs

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l get paid over $157 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18396 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

M0re Info.


The only way you should be charging her “rent” in my opinion at 16 is if you are taking that money she gives you weekly/monthly and putting it aside for her for when she does move out as a start up nest egg for her.

She is 16 those are all basic things you do for a child that age, if you start charging her rent you will likely push her away and she might end up moving our early or at least as soon as she is legally able too. You are setting it up to make it to where she know her parents house is not a safe haven…and where she cam go when she needs it. She will always remember you charged her rent as a child (and not put it away for her) so why would she return there if she ever needed help in the future? If she wasn’t in school and was 18 /19 I could see maybe asking for her to contribute to some things but then only if it is really needed (unless it is bills specifically for her like phone bill, car insurance or payment things like that).

Let her be a kid…the world already sucks and most of the time we aren’t set up to succeed in society so the more help as parents you can give your child the better relationship you will have in the future. She will see what you did for her hopefully. Teach her the importance of putting away and saving money now so she has that instilled in her when she is an adult but let her be a kid and enjoy her money while she can before adulthood and bills take it all away!

But it also sounds like you need to have a talk with her about taking care of her responsibilities as well. That she needs to clean up after herself and contribute to make the family life successful. Each child depending on age should have a set of chores each day/week. I also would not be letting her stay out past a certain time (unless at work) or a prior engagement that both you and her communicated about. Put a curfew in place and stick to it.