Who ever told you that is dumb. Please don’t take any more advice from them. As a stylist, you’re hair is in great shape while pregnant. Cutting it, actually makes it healthier and shinier. You’re supposed to trim you’re hair on a regular basis about every 4-8weeks, depending on lengths,color, and chemicals in your hair. But usually it’s about every 4-8 weeks.
I mean… seriously??? If you want to cut your hair then cut it??? Stop listening to the he said she said and do YOU!!!
I did just because I was shedding so bad and it was getting annoying
I this is a joke right ?
I just cut mine cuz it was falling like crazy. And my son is 6 months. I got tired of my bath tub being clogged. So I cut at least 3 inches.
I have my hair cut every 4 weeks… my hair is very healthy
It’s an old wives tale. Also says not to during pregnancy. Truth is it helps especially by taking some weight off and kind of slows the post partum hair loss.
I think it is ok to cut your hair …
Every birth I cut my hair shorter! It was healthier!
Who is telling you this? It sounds like an old wives tale or myth that has been told over & over. Ask for scientific evidence. I bet they won’t show you any. Instead they’ll tell you “so & so cut her hair after birth & this happened” BS. Cut your hair.
Lol cut your hair if you want…lol
Never heard of this…
The most that will happen is you lose hair. Lose your thickness but that is not from cutting your hair. That happens after pregnancy. Cut your hair if you want. Any hairdresser will tell you that is not possible and a good cut actually helps your hair.
I had a baby girl on the same day as you. I cut my hair while pregnant. Do what you want to do
Id cut ithave had 4 kids and never had a cut hurt my hair after I gave birth
No problem with the hair but the gap between knees should remain closer than an inch for at least 7 months, or you might be pregnant at the wedding
Yeah definitely can’t cut it.
The child won’t recognize you anymore and will forever think you just stole them from a hospital because you don’t look like the person that gave birth to them.
I have never in my life heard that
My hair was thin and falling after giving birth so yes I decided to get a very short hair cut and guess what… It helped a LOT!!! My hair recuperated and grew healthier after that… Also made it very easy for me on those first months when babies are so demanding…
Uhhhj wtf is this world coming to cut your hair, color it, do what you want
You’ll start losing a lot of hair around 3-4mnths pp but that’s whether you cut it or not, just normal pp hair loss. That just sounds like some superstitious thing, there is def no reason your hair would be damaged by cutting it at any point in your life
My daughter is 6 weeks old and I just cut and colored my hair about 2 weeks ago. It’s the healthiest it’s ever been!
Who comes up with these things!?
Why would giving birth affect the ends? The change in hormones from pregnant to not pregnant might cause some to fall out, but cutting it certainly won’t hurt.
So you do not lose any hair while pregnant so after you give birth you loose all the hair your body held on to it has nothing to do with cutting it
It’s like don’t take a shower on your cycle or after you have a baby for six weeks
Cutting your hair doesn’t damage it lol
Cutting your hair after having a baby won’t damage it. What sucks is the postpartum hair loss… That sucks.
It’s gonna fall out anyways. I say cut it
Trimming your hair isn’t going to cause it anymore damage then not trimming your hair…
No… that’s ridiculous whoever told you that has rocks in their head lol your hair will be fine
Why exactly would cutting your hair ruin it?
That’s an old wives tale
HAVE NOT HEARD THAT ONE.I would not be afraid to cut my hair until the gaby started chewing and tugging on it which is when I cut my long hair. Plus the fact that short hair is so much easier to care for or at least it was for me.
It won’t damage your hair to cut it. It’s removing the already dead and damaged ends that there’s no saving and only going to get worse if you don’t cut them off. If you want to cut it, go for it! It’s hair and will grow back!
Contrary to what most are saying. My daughter gave me luscious beautiful hair…. After I had her I cut it. It NEVER grew back the same. To this day(she’s 8 ) it’s still not no where near what it was, thickness or length. I’ll never have that hair back and it’s so depressing. Pregnancy hair is the best, don’t get rid of it. Wait a bit longer
I loose my hair about 5 months after birth. But cutting won’t damage it.
Literally everyone i know cuts their hair after birth because here soon the baby is gonna be grabbing on it and ripping it out
Maybe not go to short in length till you see how much will fall out. That way if it thins to much you have options for updos or something just in case. Continue taking your prenatal vitamins will help or those hair skin nail vitamins. I haven’t had any significant hair loss and I’m 4 months pp but my hair used to grow really fast and I don’t think its barely grown any in about 7 months. I took prenatal faithfully everyday and still take them pretty faithfully. My body hair quit growing as well… Maybe thinned a lot.i would take small steps to see how your body reacts
For some reason I always cut my hair ( to shoulder length) right before I had my kids bc my hair was so long & thick down the middle of my back that it gave me headaches.
I thought I heard it all
That’s the weirdest thing I’ve ever heard
I cut my hair when the baby was 3 months old. Nothing was damaged
I’ve never heard that before.
I had my hair cut and dyed within a month of my oldest i needed it to feel better in myself i was never warned or told this only wver warned about dying my hair during pregnancy
Just do what you want xxx
Many people cut their hair right b4 labor to keep it out of the way. I’ve never heard it damaged it before cuz cutting usually makes it healthier
I literally bleached, dyed, and cut my hair like 2 weeks after I had my third baby. It’s fine
The only thing I’ve heard of is not to have a perm when pregnant
i cut my hair to my shoulders 2/3 months after my son was born. your hair won’t get damaged
I think what they meant maybe is to wait and make sure that’s what you want because most pregnant woman or post partum woman cut their hair and regret it.
What??? I feel like someone been lyin to you babe … go cut ya hair if u want …
who are these people do what you want
Do you even want to cut it or do you feel like you have to? Also your hair could be damaged just by putting it in pony tail or bun regularly, or using a lot of heat on it, etc. keep it trimmed regularly and try to take care of it while recovering. Don’t worry about others opinions unless it’s your hair care person!
Go get your hair cut
Keep taking prenatal vitamins
Hairdresser here! You can absolutely cut your hair after giving birth. And if no one has told you yet once your hormones go back to pre-pregnancy it’s totally normal to shed a crazy amount of hair…
Your hair grows and receives nutrients from the roots, has nothing to do with the ends of your hair.
I trimmed my hair 2 months to the day after my son was born and my hair is perfectly fine. My hairdresser told me not to do anything drastic until my hormones settled down.
Never heard of such a thing
First why. Am I seeing THIS??? … And what kinda stupid question is that?. Yes after I gave birth I cut my beard. To birth feed.
Why would cutting it damage it? Someone telling you crap…lol
Never heard of that… pregnancy already ruined my hair! I had a baby in October and my hair is so thin and falling out its scary
Cutting your hair does not cause damage but for a period of time it may just take longer to grow back. I cut mine after my pregnancy for easy maintenance and I loved it.
I can tell you for sure it will not hurt your hair however do not put in a perm it can damage your hair.
Some of these questions are just loony
Now why would someone tell you that how could cutting your dead ends off possibly damage your hair?
Ive been a cosmetologist for 5 years , I don’t even understand how cutting your hair could damage it ?
It won’t ruin it. You may just regret it. Two different things. Do what makes your heart happy.
Someone’s been lying to you hard.
Cutting it is fine x
however for colouring, please have another patch test done, hormones change so much that a particular brand of colour that you’ve used before may not be suitable anymore x