Should you cut your hair after giving birth?

Hey, moms need advice. I had a baby girl December 21 2021. I want to cut my hair or at least trim it. I’ve been told by several people not to it cause it could damage it. I’m getting married April 2 this year and I don’t wanna have damaged hair when I do it if I do it. Has anyone cut their hair after giving birth and did it ruin ur hair?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Should you cut your hair after giving birth?

My last daughter I did seemed to have no issues with 3 previous kids I really like long hair but when one of my hair’s got wrapped around her toe it almost cut her circulation off so I chopped it my hair of course

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You can absolutely get your hair cut after giving birth! It will not damage it at all.


I gave birth in October and cut mine in the beginning of feb. Didn’t damage it or anything like that. When you give birth you actually lose a lot of hair due to pregnancy giving you so much.

I have never heard that people like to make things up i doubt that is true


How can it damage your hair?


People talk about cutting their hair after birth because of hair loss. You don’t shed hair while pregnant like you would not pregnant. People don’t think the way it feels (thinner temporarily) so they cut it… but you can absolutely cut your hair. It will not damage it.


You can get it cut but I wouldn’t do anything chemically to it right now like dye it or get a perm.


After my last baby. He’s almost 6. I chopped mine and had no issues

Never heard such a thing


You can definitely get your hair cut! Your hair falls out after pregnancy but this happens anyway. Have a great day!


Where do these people get this stuff from?


Cutting your hair never damages, it removes the damage & split ends, go for it


No it will not damage your hair as long as the stylist uses nice sharp shears. Barber here.


Unless you’re planning to use a chainsaw, there’s no flipping way cutting your hair will damage it. Getting a haircut removes previous damage, rather than causing damage.


Cutting your hair in no way damages your hair. It actually cuts the damaged ends OFF making it look healthier.


I cut mine after my daughters & the only down falls were 1. It took years to grow an inch & 2. Your hair sheds a ton after having a baby, my son is 1 and my hair is still shedding like crazy so with cutting it you will notice your hair become very thin!

That sounds made up. Haircuts help not hurt in almost any situation.

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I have been a hairstylist for 30 years, the saying goes, don’t do anything drastic while you’re pregnant because it could just be hormones making you uneasy, there’s never anything saying that you can’t cut it after having had your child, especially sincespecially since you had the baby in December.


I’ve never even of this before

I do want to add that losing hair after giving birth is natural so if this is what you might be referring to, it will have nothing to do with whether or not you get a haircut.


I’ve never heard this before. Imma Google it. Lol

I’ve never heard of that. Cut your hair. That’s not even true.


Think this must be an old wife’s tale


People come up with the weirdest things. :joy: Cutting the dead ends off makes you hair healthier. I think while pregnant you shouldn’t do anything drastic (coloring, perms) bc of hormones/baby etc.

I had to both times, hair will fall out and getting it cut makes it look and feel better

Never heard of that before


Cutting won’t hurt it but colour might, mines falling out I’ve got bold patch after having two babies in under a year :anguished: I am scared to touch mine untill it calms down abit I just wash it and leave it alone now xxx

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Never heard that. I’ve always gone on as normal with hair after all 5 of mine. Cutting hair helps as takes dead ends off.

Never heard of that. I have mine cut every 6 weeks always have.

I cut mine and was fine never heard this

Ask your hair stylist.

What do you mean ,?? Giving birth has nothing to do with cutting your hair lol


It really doesn’t matter. The strands on your ends where cutting happens are already dead. Most caution is purely superstition

I’ve never heard of such a thing. I want to laugh at this question but can’t out of respect for poster, where do people get this kind of information.


I had my son in December and have cut my hair I have had no problems!

I’ve never heard this before either. I had my hair cut and colored after I gave birth. I worked at a salon. It didn’t do anything weird.

Why the heck would cutting your hair damage it?! I’ve never ever heard that before…
colouring it might due to hormones and that, but cutting it?! No lol


That’s an old wives tale. If you want to cut it, cut it.

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Stylist here, I don’t know how cutting could possibly damage it. Now we do say while pregnant not to color it bc hormones can change outcome of hair color but that’s it. I see no reason why cutting would damage your hair. If anything it will help clear dead/split ends.


Your hair is already dead.
The only part that’s still alive is the hair in the hair follicle, under your skin. What you see on top of head if dead hair.

You can do whatever you want to your hair after giving birth and it won’t damage your hair at all.

The only thing that can happen is your hair falling out due to your hormones going back to normal after giving birth but it’s not chunks of hair where you have bald spots. It’s just a few more strands than normal.


Thsts Just a myth. You can cut your hair during and after pregnancy

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That has nothing to do with it you can cut it

It seems to do your hair good after having a baby to cut it

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I’ve cut mine and never hurt it also shaved it off

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This is NOT true. However, continue to take your prenatal vitamins. My daughtwr is 20 months and I still take mine as my stylist suggested at least until she is 2.

This makes absolutely NO sense ! :rofl:

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…wha…what? i never heard of this


It’s your hair , if you listen to everyone else are you really living your OWN life

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What? No! Lol I got mine cut and coloured and it was fantastic and made me feel great! Do it!

Lmao what?! I’ve heard some crazy myths as a cosmetologist, but this is a new one. No it won’t damage your hair :joy:


I cut my hair literally after every baby iv had. 3x and I don’t regret it I hate the thought of long hair after a baby I feel like they just pull on it and I’m always putting it in a bun anyways. So CUT IT GIRL

I was told the exact opposite

I have never heard of hair cutting damaging it…coloring yes but not cutting.

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Coming from a cosmetologist I have never heard this at all!! You want to cut your hair to get rid of any dead ends that will make your hair healthier!

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you have been spoofed!


Someone lied to you.


I cut mine and it didn’t hurt it. It hasn’t grown much to me. I hate it now. Ppd had me messed up.

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Never heard of this. Its also not true. Trimming your hair is actually great for your hair.


Hair is already dead, you cannot damage it unless the scissors used to cut it are not sharp.

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Never heard that before. Cutting your hair helps get rid of the damage already done to it. Usually from coloring or styling

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They’re being selfish it’s not their hair it’s yours cutting it is healthy for it get your trim

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Hormones could effect color, not cutting.

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I think what they mean is you’re likely going to experience postpartum hair loss and if you cut it, you might end up thinner than you originally intended

I just cut mine off over 15 inc and it looks so healthy now, I’ve never heard this before

You can definitely cut it . It will 100 percent make your hair healthier. Maybe they were talking about postpartum hair loss and thinking if you cut you might end up with thinner hair than you wanted. But other than that its bs lool

Not true!! Get a nice trim for your wedding!!

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That’s a total lie someone told u
I’ve had 4 kids n with each one rt b4 n rt after giving birth ive cut dyed my hair n nothing has ever happened to me or my hair except growth

Cut your hair. Who ever told you this is talking shit. I do however recommend looking into buying a good hair serum, shampoo and hair mask.

Old wives tale. Go get your hair done although I wouldnt risk colouring it due to hormone changes…but ask your hairdresser for advice on that

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100% an old wives tale

I have stylist friends and they encouraged me to get a trim after giving birth.
Just ensure they have good, sharp scissors.

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Nope… nobody anywhere has ever gotten a haircut after having a child… it’s against the rules!


Breastfeeding dulls my skin and hair and nails but I just take vitamins

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My hair needed a cut after each baby.

don’t bleach it or it’ll fall out faster but you can cut it

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There really should be some sort of aptitude test to be a parent :woman_facepalming:t2:


It’s actual healthy to go Pamper yourself after giving birth and getting your hair did and whatever else you need to. No it will not cause damage but you could continue vitamins to help promote healthy hair and nail growth ect! Go feel beautiful!

Dude cut your hair! Lol if you want to do it go for it! By the way my Birthday is 12/21!!!

My hair was a wreck by the time my son was born. I looked and felt a state. Going to the hairdresser and having half an hour of peace and quiet was absolute bliss! My hair looked so much better for some love too


I had to . My hair shedded really bad I cut it in a bob and got it back healthy

Never heard such a thing… dye it while pregnant, no…

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who ever told you that is wrong, maybe their hair was a problem to begin with. But if your hair is healthy, do what you need to do for yourself


Cut your hair baby. It won’t hurt it

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What? Cut your hair. What’s the “logic” with cutting it after birth?

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I cut all my hair off after my baby and it was pretty and soo healthy. Now its down to my butt and still healthy from root to tip

I’ve never heard of this. Go for it and have a beautiful wedding​:wink::grin:


Can’t say I ever questioned that. Did I miss something?!?!

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Ummm who told you this lol no. This is a lie.

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Girl my hair got damaged from having a baby! Trimming your hair will make it healthier.

Uh what? Sounds silly. Get a trim and enjoy the quiet time getting pampered.

Cut mine after both babies! Felt amazing! Team it with Biotin and my hair is no longer falling out by the handful and feels healthy again :slightly_smiling_face: it grows so quickly too! Go get pampered!

My birthday is April 2nd! Enjoy your wedding

Those people are lying to you. Your hair is never more healthy than when you are taking prenatals. Get your hair cut.


I cut mine with both pregnancies, and again when they were born. Last time I cut my hair a inch short with bangs, and I’ve trimmed 3-5” 4 times in 3 yrs and it’s almost to my butt :woman_shrugging:

Have you talked to someone who cuts hair? They could explain to you how that’s not biologically possible

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Thats an old wives tale
If you want to cut or trim your hair
I say do it

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do what you want to do

I agree with Christine, it’s an old wives tale. If it’s gonna make you feel better, do it.:wink::slightly_smiling_face: