Is it inappropriate to have a shower for your second baby? Granted, i never got to have one for my first because we lived far away, so I just wanted to do something for this one. But my friends said it’s not right and that you don’t have a shower or any celebration for the second because you should already have everything you need for your first. I didn’t know this was such a hot topic but my friends are legit mad at me for even suggesting I want a shower lol. Now I feel like I’m being greedy but I just wanted to have the experience and have everyone together.
Sounds like you need new friends. Sounds like they wouldn’t want to be happy for you at all. You can do whatever you want, it’s your baby! We did a baby shower for our second, no one made a big deal about it.
First off- get new friends lol
Celebrate that baby!!
All pregnancies and babies should be celebrated!
Every baby deserves a baby shower and to be celebrated
Yes it’s called a Sprinkle. Good luck💕
You do whatever you want to do! It’s your baby! Every child should be celebrated.
Hope someone has a shower for you. You deserve one,
I was lucky, my work gave me a baby shower for my second baby.
I had my babies 4 years apart, so I really didn’t have a lot of things left over from the first one.
I had one with my second, I didn’t with my third even though there was a huge gap in time between, mostly bc of personal reasons not bc I didn’t want to. I say do what makes you happy plus you could do a diaper shower
Every child gets a shower! Its about celebrating! Do what makes you happy
I had one with my second but it had been 12 years since I had my first one. Don’t see anything wrong with it
My family has given me a little grief regarding having a shower for my second also. I’m still having one, if they don’t agree with it, they don’t have to come. Every baby deserves to be celebrated however you see fit. I personally would not he having a full shower, but my first is 7 and the opposite gender, so I am starting all over because I gave everything away. Gifts aren’t required, but it’s a celebration of your family growing. They should be supportive of that.
I had a baby shower for both kids! I think you need new friends.
Oh sweet mama all babies deserve to be celebrated no matter how many you have! I say you need better friends! Your growing family also deserves to be celebrated!!! I wasn’t smart enough to save my 1st babies things I passed them along to other expecting mamas so I had another shower. Have one and surround yourself with friends and family who are happy to celebrate and ignore the others if they don’t show ! Congratulations!
I Have Never heard of this…I’m pretty sure you can have a shower for all your pregnancies since what you needed and received during one may not be what you’ll need for the other…people just keep making up new rules for life as the journey goes on…
I have 4 children and I had a shower for each of them. For my last baby, a friend actually threw a mommy shower for me since we did have all the baby stuff and that was nice
Had one for all three of my kids.
That’s wild. Every baby should get a celebration, and what if you don’t have everything?!
Get new friends, we celebrate every baby and every momma
I had a smaller baby shower for my second. Because shes my boyfriends first baby and it was over 5 years since my first and I didn’t have any of her baby stuff anymore.
I had two baby showers and both my babies were girls! Every baby should be celebrated and yes you can have another one.
Both sides of our family gave me a shower for all my babies. You need new friends and you go ahead and have that baby shower and enjoy it.
I personally only had a shower for the first and since I had another boy my second pregnancy I opted not having one since I have plenty of things I can still use from my first. The only reason I would’ve had a shower for my second was if he would’ve been a girl lol
I had a baby shower with all 4 of mine ! Girl do what makes you happy each child is special not just the first one .
I had two showers for my second. I don’t think there’s a problem with it at att
Have a shower! If they don’t want to come then they can stay home. In our family and my friend circle we celebrate all of our kids.
I had showers for all of mine. Granted, baby 2 & 3 were more like diaper showers.
I had a baby shower with my 1st and a baby sprinkle with my 2nd both boys. Given they were both the same celebration both had a cake both had food and games just a different name lol. I say have a baby shower babe you do what you want all baby’s should be celebrated
If you haven’t had a shower then have one. Every baby deserves something special for them
I had a little one with my first boy. I didn’t have a few family or friends. It was mainly people who I was closed too that gave me one. Who were friends that turned into family. But my second boy I had more family that from his dad’s side of the family that threw me a nice size baby shower. I was blessed to have to baby shower! So yes you can have as many baby showers as you want.
Have a baby shower and get some new friends!
have as many showers as you do babies all babies deserve to be celebrated!
I had a baby shower for my first and second. The third, I decided not to have a shower bc I had already been gifted everything for him and didnt want the hassle. But I think you should definitely have one for your baby if thats what you want.
I had a baby shower for both of my kids. I thought the whole point of having a baby shower was to celebrate for the coming baby?
I only had one for my first born, and the other two I didn’t, i probably should have because the oldest and the middle child are 9 years apart lol
What is popular round here is a “sprinkle” for any one. Jst a get together with maybe smaller gifts.
I had a shower for all my kids. New child, new pregnancy, new experience. I celebrated all my children! No shame. And even hosted two of them myself
I had a shower for my 1st, my second it was 2020 so I didn’t, but all my friends and family sent gifts before and after he was born, and now my 3rd will have a shower. And all 3 are boys. I guess it just depends on your friends and family. All babies should be celebrated. Big or small.
I never had one for either of my kids but good friends of mine had a baby shower for their first kid and diaper parties (basically like a cookout where everyone brings diapers to get in a raffle. They made a baby registry and people bought gifts if they wanted to be it wasn’t like a required thing)
There’s nothing wrong with a shower or a “sprinkle” for any additional children. As I was told, EVERY child should be celebrated
It really isn’t appropriate to have a shower for yourself, under any circumstances. If you have close family or friends who offer, then, by all means, accept.
For me baby showers aren’t about getting things from others it’s about coming together to celebrate your little one making their way into the world soon. If you want to have one then do it and if your friends don’t want to attend then that is up to them.
We call them Sprinkles. It’s a smaller version of the traditional first baby shower.
Every baby is special…Have a shower.
I think every baby should be showered with love🥰. You always need more newborn stuff too🌸
Some families do one every child and some don’t. My family gave me a “sprinkle” which is usually diapers, wipes or some got me clothes.
You absolutely can if you want to, (some call it a sprinkle) you can request either no gifts or if people want to get something nappies/wipes are always appreciated, that way it’s something practical that you wouldn’t have left over from your first. My shower was more a last big gathering of friends & family before baby arrived to catch up
All babies are a blessing so they all deserve to be showered. We do one for every baby, but most of the gifts given are diapers, wipes, and baby clothes. The big ticket items are usually bought by the expecting parents or the expecting grandparents.
I don’t think it’s inappropriate. I had a big shower for my first (a boy), nothing for my second (also a boy), but I did have a “sprinkle” for my third who was a girl and only registered for girl clothes since I had everything besides that. I didn’t throw either of them myself though. My family and/or friends did.
Baby shower for the first child! Only…
It’s a sprinkle! A shower for your second kid, not like a full shower just a sprinkle. And yes cause it’s not about the gifts, it’s about celebrating you as a mama and supporting and loving that new little life.
You have a baby shower for each baby.
It’s baby!! Of course have a baby shower. don’t matter if it’s second, third etc.
I had a huge baby shower with my first. With my second just had a drive by because it was during lockdown because of COVID. Both girls. With my third which was the finally baby and a boy we had a baby sprinkle just small and essentials diapers wipes clothes. But you can do whatever you want
I hate these “rules”. They really leave out people who don’t have villages to support or celebrate them. Or people whose situation changed. Why are you expected to attend everyone else’s shower but never have one yourself? Have the shower and while you’re at it, ask the friends why they didn’t offer to throw you one the first time.
Who ever told you that is 100% WRONG. You can have a baby shower for second ,third fourth or as many times you get with child. We celebrate every baby .
I had a shower for all four kids… my 1st (boy) was 3yrs before my 2nd girl… than 2yrs later my 3rd boy… 4th another boy got pregnant with him when 3rd was 6months) so really just had a diaper shower… I’m now almost dues with my 5th almost 7 yrs later &my friend is throwing me a shower…
*All shower weren’t planned by me
You can certainly have a baby shower for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc baby. I have also heard of the 2nd and subsequent babies having a baby “sprinkle” A bit smaller than a shower, with things like cupcakes, finger foods, and specific things needed for baby, like pampers etc.
I agree with your friends. How about a meet and greet with the new baby?
Wow what is up with your friends?? There are things called “baby sprinkles” for a reason. A baby shower isn’t just for presents etc… it’s about celebrating the new life you’re bringing into the world. I think every baby deserves a party even if it’s the 6th. Heck…
You can do a diaper party. Every baby needs those
Just do a Welcome Baby celebration, gifts optional.
Yes you should live all your special moments to the fullest and people making you feel a type of way don’t have to go
I plan on having one with my second baby next month. I had one with my first and I will say this. You can NEVER have enough diapers, wipes, bottles,baby shampoo, etc. it’s selfish of your “friends” to not want you to celebrate your baby just like you did with the first. Point blank. Do it if you feel like you want to. It’s your pregnancy.
Have the baby shower. It’s not inappropriate. Every baby deserves to be celebrated. It’s not about the gifts but celebrating the life of the baby. You need new friends if that’s their view
You need some new friends.
I had 3 baby showers for each baby
& they were all done by family
I didn’t plan any of them 🫶🏻
But if they had not, I would have planned my own
Celebrate your baby.
You’re not being greedy
I say do what you want! We had a family BBQ with my second even though she was 6 years later and opposite sex. People could bring gifts if they wanted to but they didn’t have to.
I grew up with the ettiquite expectation that you only have a shower for your first and you don’t throw it yourself (someone close to you should throw it for you). The exception would be a “sprinkle” (something smaller and less fancy) for a second.
Today, we realize that we can do whatever the heck we want and give zero f***s. I would suggest that if there is a registry, to add lots of smaller lower priced items and less big items (cribs, strollers, car seats etc)
Showers are a great way to get everyone together.
Another great idea is a diaper party. Make it co-ed and have a BBQ and admission is a pack of diapers (any size).
I could never understand baby showers to be honest. It only became a trend in Ireland a few years ago. I feel it put people under pressure as there is an expectation to bring a gift. That’s just me I’ve never been a materialistic person or monetary person.
However do what you want to do it’s not up to anyone else. Have the shower and don’t invite the ones who begrudged it to you
I celebrated all my children when they were born not before.
Since when do parents have everything they need for their kids? It’s an endless cycle of buying things they’ve outgrown or broken! Have a shower and celebrate your new baby. You don’t need to have a registry if you already have the essentials from your first child. You could ask for gift cards for kids clothing stores, diapers etc, groceries, Walmart; or make it a themed party; or no gifts. You could alternatively have a gender reveal party.
Why not have a second one? Suppose one is a girl and
is a boy….so no you don’t have everything from the
first one.
I feel like every baby deserves to be celebrated with a shower! How rude and judgemental of some people…
According to Schitz Creek it’s called a Sprinkle and yes you deserve to celebrate you and your new baby
In the U.S it isn’t traditional to have a second shower for exactly the reason your friends said. However with that a lot have now started to have “sprinkles” a much smaller occasion in which guests don’t bring gifts or if they do it’s simply diapers or clothing.
You’ve never had a baby shower…so this would be your first😉
Woman go have your baby shower
In Australia we love baby showers for every child that comes a long
Imo, you shouldn’t have one for the second if you had one for the first. You didn’t have a first one, so I don’t think having one now would be inappropriate at all. Your friends sound more like frienemies. Get rid of them…
Jeez…some friends…I had one for both of mine…I had to have it myself…cause none of my friends would have one for me…of course there was 6 years between my children. However…a baby shower is a celebration of the life within you. They can come with or without a gift…just celebrate with you. Also what they to do, reuse diapers? Fine if cloth…but not.for.disposable. tell them to get over themselves.
Celebrate your baby each and every time!
Have a baby shower for each baby, each baby is special.
A baby shower is for the baby. I had a baby shower for each of my 3 kids.
Your friends are correct. If you want to have a celebration… you have it and ask for no gifts to be brought.
You celebrate every baby where I live. Having said that, if you have more than 2 it needs to be toned down a bit… nonetheless, every baby is celebrated
I think that is called a sprinkle and go for it.
I had baby showers for each of mine and I have 5. You need new friends who wanna celebrate you and that baby!!!
Do what you want momma!! I personally didn’t because I just didn’t want to plan anything.
Do you want to have one? If yes then do it. Every pregnancy is a reason to celebrate especially if you didn’t have one with your first.
Your friend sucks. Get new friends. Celebrate baby! Have a shower!
I had a big baby shower for my first and then for my second and third I had a “diaper party” I invited a bunch of people told everyone I had everything I needed but if anyone would like to bring a gift make it a pack of diapers or wipes and they’d get entered in a raffle for each one. I had a huge raffle prize and didn’t buy diapers for OVER A YEAR with both of those parties.
Get new friends.
That’s unfortunate. Especially since you did not have baby shower with the first baby. True friends would understand and support the idea.
Have one especially if it’s a different sex or a time lapse between babies.
My friend gave me one for my second daughter. My first daughter was 5 years old at the time.
I had a shower for my first it was twins. They were born in 2009 2014 I threw everything away 2015 I got pregnant and wanted a second shower I was told it was disgraceful. My Uncle who just had twins 4th pregnancy had a baby shower but that wasn’t disgraceful.
You need new friends!
I had three pregnancies and three showers.
My first pregnancy was twins and complicated. I was told I couldn’t have anymore babies, so as they outgrew stuff, I donated or passed stuff along to family and friends. When I was surprised five years later with my son, I had nothing saved. Since I was never supposed to be able to have him to begin with, I again passed his stuff along as he outgrew it. I was then surprised again, five years later, with my youngest and needed everything again.
If you plan your children, they’re close together in age and you save stuff from one baby to the next, you really wouldn’t need a full blow shower, you could do a sprinkle. But you didn’t have a shower with your first baby at all, and if you didn’t save anything, then have a shower. Send out invites and if these “friends” don’t wanna come, they don’t have to come! Enjoy the ones who do come and your shower!
Every single baby deserves to be celebrated, why would anyone be angry that’s insane
My sister threw me a small one for my second. I think it was like 10 people or so. They are 3.5 years apart and we weren’t sure what I was having, and you do need some things!
I remember her saying that it kinda depends on how far apart the kids are and if it’s a different sex, etc.
But it sounds like they’re being cheap to me… not good friends, not parents?
I did one for both my kids and my friends all did one for each kid! Your friends are kinda assholes. Who treats a friend that way? If you want to celebrate your baby then do it!
Screw your so called friends…have one if you want…there are no rules…
damn sounds like you need new friends