Should you have your spouses passcode?

We’ve always known each other’s and pick them up whenever we want to :woman_shrugging:t3: there’s nothing to hide so who cares?

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We know eachothers and use eachothers phones for stuff all the time but dont go through eachothers phones. 16 years here

We both have full access to each other’s phones. We never go on the other’s phone but face ID, fingerprints, and we know each other’s passwords. The passwords are there simply to protect our info if the devices get lost or stolen.

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For most if you trust them there is no need to, but if you don’t and think there is a reason you need it then I’d ask for it

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You might need it in case you need to use each other’s phones, but don’t do it if you’re just going to use it to snoop or if you think he will do that to you. That shows no trust in the relationship.

Our phones unlock with fingerprint and we both have each other’s prints saved in our phone. We never go through each others phones but it’s just nice for if I need to Google something real quick and his phone is right there, or mines dead so I borrow his… Has nothing to do with trust everything to do with convenience

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Sadly trust should be enough but there is nothing wrong with sharing passcodes. Anyone really opposed to it you have to wonder why.

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We’ve been married for 14 years this year so it’s not that big of a deal same code on all the phones and all the devices in the house.

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My unpopular opinion: there are no secrets in a marriage, there are no expectations of privacy in a marriage. If you have secrets, feel some kind of way about a spouse going through your phone/laptop/tablet then there is a problem. One should always be an open book when you decide to enter into a marriage.


I find it weird that this is always such a big debate… We only have passwords on our phones to protect our privacy from everyone else not each other. :woman_shrugging:


We have codes because of nosy ass kids, but we both know each others codes and have access to each other’s phones 24/7.

I trust my husband and he trusts me. So if he needs/wants to get on my phone or if I need/want to get on his phone. I just type in my passcode and vice versa then hand him the phone.


We don’t touch each other’s phone. We have passwords but we don’t know each other’s however if he ask he can have it. If I ask about a person he will show me. If he looses my trust he’s gone period. I don’t pay attention to his or vice versa. With my ex I did only because he was cheating and I had that funny feeling. He was always acting funny.He would hide his phone and one time he wanted me to use GPS and my phone wouldn’t work . I grab his phone to put it on instead and he flipped out on me. I guess I would to if I was trying to bang 10 other females.

I don’t expect him to give it to me. Although it would be pointless not to because I’ll have it figured out in less than an hour if I want it. There’s no hiding anything from me so he doesn’t even try. :woman_shrugging:t4: It isn’t a lack of trust for me. I don’t need it to find anything if I wanted to, it’s simply a respect thing. He has mine I have his and whether we use them or not is up to us. With that said, it also makes things easier. With our crazy schedules and chaos with 4 kids, I’m constantly picking his phone up instead of mine. So when I do this I simply just use his.
With all that said, we’ve been together 15 years and married 12, I knew his pass code while we were dating, too. lol so I don’t think it makes a difference.

My husband and I both have full access to each other’s phones. We even share the same passcode lol we just don’t care. He uses my phone regularly and I use his. If I can’t find my phone or it’s dead, I’ll just use his. I don’t get why people are so sensitive about their phones. While my husband doesn’t feel the need to check my phone, he knows he always can and vice versa. It’s about trust and respect.

I don’t have my fiancés nor does he have mine. We played that game in the beginning but when you trust eachother it doesn’t matter. If I asked he would give it and same with me

He has mine I have his

I know my fiancés and he knows mine. If a person doesn’t have Anything to hide then it shouldn’t be a problem! A lot disagree with me saying it’s invasion of their/our privacy but If you’re with somebody you shouldn’t have any thing private you guys should know everything about one another

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Been married for 30 years. The codes on our phones are the same.


My boyfriend and I have been together almost 3 years but he was my best friend for 3 years before feelings even developed. We have a very open relationship. We only have codes on our phones because we have an 8 year old and a 3 year old in the house but we know each others codes as well as have eachother finger prints registered to each others phones. It just depends on your dynamic honestly. Noone can tell you what’s right for your relationship besides you and your partner.

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We both have passcodes and mine is face recognition now too😂 we’ve been dating just over 2 years and living together for 4 months. Honestly it’s never come up.

We both have codes, because kids, but we both know each other’s code.

Passwords are good if your phone is lost or you leave it lying around at work. Cant really think of a good reason not to tell your partner what it is unless its a trust issue…yes I do believe everyone deserves a little privacy even in marriage . To me checking a person’s phone would be like reading their personal diary without permission but there’s no reason not to let someone use the phone if required

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Definitely have one incase your phone gets stolen . But I know my partners and he knows mine . We do have an ask don’t just take policy though. For example , hey can I see your phone and he will say yes and hand it straight to me . I don’t ever just pick up his phone and go through it with out asking . He never says no when I ask and I never tell him not but it’s the point of just asking.

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Me and my wife are married 7 years and we both know each other’s passwords for everything…I actually use her passwords for my own cause I always forget mine so it’s easier to just ask her what it is lmao


I’ve been w/ my partner almost 10 yrs. We don’t have each other’s codes. Never have.

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No secret in a relationship. Fully open book. We have codes for other people not to invade our privacy,no privacy in a relationship if you have nothing to hide.

My husband doesn’t have a phone anymore (he says it’s a distraction from life going on around you) but I do and I have a pass code because of our kids, but my husband knows my code and never goes through my phone. If he has a question, he just asks me and I’ll usually show him on my own. It’s all about trust.

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from experience, if someone won’t show you something, there is usually a reason.

If there is nothing to hide, there should be no reason as to why there isn’t complete transparency.


It depends on your relationship. My husband and I shared ever password until he started being mean to people who approached me. I have nothing to hide. I don’t mind sharing, but they should be willing to do the same.
I don’t think it needs to change unless you have some kind of trust issue. But after getting married, I don’t know. If it has nothing to do with legal action then you don’t need them

My husband and I have each others just incase we ask the other to get into our phone. We see it as if we need to snoop or go through each other’s phone bc we think something is going on then we either need to have a serious conversation or we just shouldn’t be together


We trust each other so no

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My partner and I have always had the same passcode to our phones since we got together and found out we were gonna be parents 💁 all of our passwords are pretty much the same for everything expect maybe one or two that we’ve had since before we got together. If you have a passcode and your partner doesn’t have it then you need to reevaluate your relationship :woman_shrugging:t3: it’s the matter of respect, if you have nothing to hide what’s the need to keep your passcode from your partner? It doesn’t matter wether or not your married, engaged or dating even been together for going on 5 years the only reason why you wouldn’t give your passcode to your partner is because you’re hiding something you don’t want them to see

I know my boyfriends and he knows mine but we trust each other and we don’t use them

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Together 17 years we each have the passcodes, Face ID’s, passwords and gps turned on all for emergency purposes. It has come in handy for us no secrets between us

If he has nothing to hide then yes. Same for you as well. If you trust each other then yes. My husband has mine and I have his.

yea definitely ofcoz why hide anything

There shouldn’t be a passcode. Period.

We both have the same passcode on our phones and computers. The only ones we try to keep out of stuff are the kids and visitors. Also, we use each other’s phones all the time unless it’s for work purposes.

If you asked for it and he didn’t give it it would be a red flag for me. My fiancé and I use each other’s phones. If mines dead and I wanna scroll through fb I’ll use his lol. We’ve only been together 2 years. If they have something to hide, then it’s a red flag.

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I don’t need anyone checking my phone.


I gave mine to my husband incase something happened to me so he could get into my phone. He promptly forgot it :woman_facepalming:t4: so I stored his fingerprint into my reader. I also gave my daughter my pw once she was older for the same reason. I have his pw bc I was the one who set up his new phone since I’m more tech savvy than he is. Lol

My ex, (we were married at the time) had a heart attack, and I only had his phone at the ER, and I couldn’t get into his phone to call anyone because he wouldn’t share his passcode. The only reason to hide a code is to hide something.


I’ve always had a passcode on my phone, and I think everyone should. The way we use our phones these days, they hold all kinds of personal information. I don’t keep a passcode on it to keep my husband out of it, I do it in case my phone gets lost. When I first met my husband, he didn’t use a passcode and then he had to add one for work purposes. But our codes are the same, and we both know it.

We don’t go through one another’s phones, because neither of us feel the need to. If I can’t find my phone, I’ll pick his up and call mine. Same with him. If mine or his is dead, we will use the others phone to look something up or make a call.

To each their own… but if you and your significant others have passcodes and are protective/secretive of your phones, there’s an issue.

My ex didn’t have a code on his phone when we got together. Then he randomly put one on it, wouldn’t tell me what it was, would walk away when his phone rang, would turn away from me when texting… he was talking to other women. Those are the signs to watch for.

I have 2 security (iris & clear pattern) methods to get into my phone because its mine & I have everything on it from appointments to banking… stay out of my stuff, idgaf who you are…

Me and mine know each other’s but not to be in each others business or to “keep an eye out” but because when we’re driving we may need something off of it and will get the other person to look. That and when one of our phones die or about to we’ll get on whichever one has more battery to use till we get home. It all depends on the people in the relationship. I know couples that will be like “give me your phone” and literally look through every little thing even though cheating has never been a ln issue in the relationship.

Me n my husband has free access to each other phones…if the other person doesn’t allow u to touch their phone in my eyes they are hiding something


My husband and I know each others because we only have passwords to stop us from butt dialing…we both have nothing to hide and sometimes we answer each others messages or use apps on each others phones…we trust each other fully so it’s just a convenience thing not a trust issue

Absolutely you should know each others pass codes for phone etc and be able to pick up there phone, you should have no reason to hide anything unless you do have something to hide


We both have always had each other’s passcodes. We also will use each other’s phones if one of ours isn’t by us and neither of us ever hesitates. We also have each other’s whereabouts on find my friends for safety reasons.

My husband and I have always been very transparent with each other and trust each other fully.

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When I was married to my ex he had a pass code that I didn’t know. I never had a pass code, as I had nothing to hide. He had lots to hide though. Hence why he is an ex now.


My hubby has mine. I have his. Don’t really care if he looks or not.

We have passcodes because if you use Samsung pay then you have to have a pass code for security reasons. I know his and he knows mine, as for normal passwords he can never remember any of them so I have all the passwords so I can help him sign in to different things. His backup recovery options are my email address and my phone number. We have nothing to hide and he doesn’t want to deal with it.

Me and my fiancé have the same code on both our phones :joy: our daughter likes to grab our phones and run off, so it’s better that it has a lock so she can’t make calls or something lol! I also go through his gallery and steal the cute pictures he has of our baby! He won’t remember to send them to me. We use each others phone all the time. I don’t go through his looking for stuff. Cause I 100% trust him! I don’t feel like I need to go through it. And vice versa. But the option would be there if either of us felt like it was necessary. Trust is so important in a relationship!

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Trust should be there whether you’re bf/gf, engaged or married. We’ve never sat down and made it a big thing where we discussed who and why we should have each other’s codes but if I have to use his phone he’ll give me the passcode no hesitation and vise versa. If your partner hesitates then there’s something to be worried about

I’ve never cared as I have nothing to hide, same with my husband.

We’ve got passcodes, passwords, everything

My husband and I both have each other’s passcodes.
Now, personally the only reason there’s a passcode on my phone is to keep my kids out of it. I don’t know about my husband.
He doesn’t go through mine.
I don’t go through his.
But there’s been times where we’ve needed to use each other’s phones (make call. send text on the other’s behalf. look something up).

I think this is something that it’s best to do a little self-reflection. Answer some questions for yourself:
The first thing to me…is why do you have a passcode to begin with I am NOT disagreeing with passcodes…and who/what does that really apply to? Like for me…it’s primarily to keep my kids out of my apps. There’s other reasons…like if i ever left it somewhere added protection for info that is on my phone. But realistically the reasons i have the passcode in the first place don’t apply to my husband.
Is there a reason you would be uncomfortable sharing the passcode if for no other reason so there’s access in an emergency? If so…what is it?
Would either of you abuse having each other’s passcode?
Once you answer these for yourself; talk to your partner.
If you can’t have an open and honest conversation about something as simple as a passcode, you may have some deeper problems.

I don’t see why a person I’m with wouldn’t give me their pass code. I’ve been married for 11yrs and if suddenly my husband changed his code and didn’t let me in then he’d basically be telling me he’s cheating lol. It doesn’t have anything to do with trust. It’s just common sense… if you share your life with someone, share your bed with them, share money, ect then why would phones be a secret place?


I don’t even have a pw

why shouldn’t you? I know my spouse’s passcode and he knows mine

That’s up to you guys. We have each other’s passwords and our faces open each other’s phones too. Not to snoop but if he’s driving and wants me to send a text or if we need to look something up and the other one’s phone is closer

Nope don’t have to have each password or codes. If you both agree to share codes thats fine but are not obligated to do so they have the right to thier own privacy

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We have free access to each other’s phones , while we were dating , engaged and now as married. I don’t ever go through his or he mine but we know it just in case we need in each other’s stuff to text for each other or answer stuff etc. We only have a passcode in case our stuff gets stolen.

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My husband and I know each other’s codes. That way we can use whatever phone is near by when needed. Nothing to hide from each other so no reason to not share the codes.

I have been married for almost three years. My husband and I have different passwords. He doesn’t go through mine and I don’t go through his. I don’t see the need to keep tabs on what he does. If he’s doing something… it will eventually be brought to light


In my opinion, if a relationship is at a level of distrust that you need to be in each others phones, there is no point in being in that relationship.

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I think you should talk to him and see what his expectations are. It’s probably different with each couple.


Me nor my husband have codes on our phones. He knows that he can look at mine whenever and I know I can look at his whenever. It’s all about trust. If you don’t have trust you really don’t have a relationship

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I have no need ,nor my wife for a password. We trust each other and have no second guesses about each others commitment… and if i had to loc my phone … my wife would know it before it even was put on my phone… but than again i was lucky enough to find what i believe to be my soul mate


My boyfriend and I both know each other passcodes

Yeah we know each other’s passcodes. Sometimes if we need to check something we use the others phone if it’s closer. Plus if there is an emergency and we need to get into it. It’s not a big deal, we have nothing to hide. Idk if I would do it if I was just dating someone.

This is so weird to me. If you are married you share everything your home your body your finances ect why would this be any different. From my perspective you can’t keep someone who doesn’t want to be kept no matter what you do.


We have free access now, not married

Its never actually been a topic with us. Never saw the point. Hes opened his phone in front of me and I’ve opened mine so we know each others but we never gave each other the code because it never mattered. If I need to use his phone he just unlocks it and hands it to me and vice versa. Phones aren’t a big thing if there’s trust. We don’t look through each others phone and if we did neither one would care. If we are talking to someone about a surprise or gift for the other person we just tell each other not to look or it’ll ruin the surprise and we trust each other not to look :woman_shrugging: it wasn’t always like this. We used to get suspicious of phone calls and texts but after so long that is just pointless and exhausting. Been together almost 13 years married 11.

Out of curiosity in case of emergency one can volunteer their password, but it shouldn’t be expected or demanded.

Is it your phone? No? Then, there’s your answer. Now it is convenient to know simply for the fact that sometimes you may need to use one another’s phones. If there’s not enough trust in a relationship that you feel the need to scroll through each other’s phones the relationship is probably doomed.

In my opinion, why marry someone when you can’t even see who’s messaging or calling them? Why merry someone if you have to hide your information in your phone? That is just ridiculous. You can share a home, finances, medical bills and information and all but you can’t see each other’s phone?:joy::joy:

Do we have them? Yes without it you’ll lose everything if the unfortunate happens. Do we use them? Very occasionally and not in a I don’t trust them way. Pretty much it’s me calling or texting my phone to find it lol

My husband and I know each other’s passcodes, but we also don’t touch each other’s phones unless the other asks for some reason.

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My boyfriend and i have the same passcode

Only weird if have something to hide

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I don’t lock my phone and I know his code so it’s good

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I have his code and he has mine. What if it’s an emergency?! Like… what???

My husband and I know each others codes for emergency purposes for instance if one of us are hospitalized and needs access to the others bank accounts or to call his job or things like that also if my phone is charging and he’s watching TV I will watch Hulu or something on his phone

If you honestly trust your partner then you have no need to know their passcode or to even be messing with each other’s phones. It all comes down to trust. You should build your relationship upon that mantle of trust. If your partner is doing/acting like they have something to hide/going on, then have an open honest conversation. Mutual trust and healthy communication is the best example you can use in a marriage/serious long term commitment. It’s possible some people can’t get to that maturity level in a relationship until they are older/grown up enough.


My boyfriend and I know each others passcodes but we don’t go through each others phone. If he asks to use mine he can.

My husband and I have the same password. Its not to keep eachother out its to keep others out. There are no secrets.


My husband and I have had each other’s since we were dating. I rarely even touch his phone and he rarely touches mine. But, I have nothing to hide, and apparently he doesn’t either. Trust is a big part of a relationship. You all need to learn that.


Don’t read into the password too much because what is boils down to is trust. If you trust him then continue the way you are instead of creating a problem that isn’t even there


Yes if you trust your partner you shouldn’t feel the need to snoop through their phone but if you aren’t hiding anything you shouldn’t have a problem with your SO knowing your passcode. My husband has one because he has something for work that requires a passcode for security purposes. I have the passcode. If my phone is charging and I want to hop on his tik tok for a minute or scroll his fb because I’m bored, there should be no reason why I can’t. It’s not even about not having trust. It’s actually about having trust. He knows he isn’t doing anything so he could care less if I want to scroll his phone. I know I’m not doing anything so here ya go… answer that text message for me because I’m busy. Relationships these days are too messy for me :woozy_face: Makes me appreciate more and more what I have :heartpulse:

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My partner and I both know each other’s lock codes… but I’d never go through his phone, and he wouldn’t go through mine.
If I need to use his phone for any reason I’ll ask him to unlock it anyway xxx

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We both have codes on ours. He knows mine and can freely go through my phone whenever. He has more issues with me going through his phone but would probably let me go through his phone if I wanted to. My ex had a password and I knew it and it didn’t matter because it was filled with all of the proof he was cheating. His excuse? “I said I would have an open phone policy but didn’t say you would like what you found.” So yeah. Lol I personally think that if you’re not hiding anything, you shouldn’t hide anything from your spouse even your code. Also, for emergency purposes, my older kids know my pass code.

Do whatever works for y’all!! There is no right or wrong answer….

Personally me and my husband can unlock each other’s phone and neither of us cares if the other is on our phones but we have no trust issues but personally for me off he started hiding it and kept it from me is would create issues

We have the same passcodes bank account PIN numbers and all that. Hell I text him my work passcodes because I have to change them every 30 days and can’t keep up.

We have the same passcode for our phones.

My husband and I have always shared our passcodes but neither of us go through the others phone. If it’s an issue for either of you, then share them. But if it doesn’t bother either of you, why fix what isn’t broken?

I’ve a pin on mine but he knows it. He’s got his pinned and with finger print id but I know it and can unlock it with my print too. We can go through each other’s phones and don’t care. Just because they’re pinned doesn’t mean they’re cheating or w/e. Full trust on both of us!

I mean he don’t even have one and has mine cuz I just don’t care and neither does he but other people got issues with it as long as your happy who cares

My husband and I have passcodes but we know each other’s. We have nothing to hide. If reason may occur that we need to change it, we tell each other.

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