Opinons on letting baby cry it out? How to effectively do it? My 6 month old was an amazing baby from birth to 5 months now shes acting horrible. I cant leave the room, she wants held constantly, wont sleep at all at night. I laid her down for bed at 7 and shes woke up FIVE TIMES!!! CRYING. this is every night, she wont even do naps longer than 10 minutes. She has a clean diaper, has been feed a ton a paci everything. Suggestions?
Growth spurt?
I know there’s something going on at that age but I can’t remember exactly what.
Regarding CIO, people have their own thoughts on it but alot of stuff says that it’s really bad for them.
I wouldn’t let her cry more than 10/15 minutes tops. She’s too young to be expected to sleep through the night, it’ll come with time mama!
If you have tried everything you possibly can, then yes cry it out. Even just for your sanity, you need to walk away and breathe for a minute, gather thoughts and try again.
Have you looked in to any sleep methods?
We did Ferber it worked wonders… also worse on us then baby. Good luck!
this is often when babies experience separation anxiety. please research the physical implications of the cry it out method before you try it, it’s detrimental to babies, physically and emotionally. when my son went through this, I just held him. and when I needed to get other things done, I put him in a wrap/carrier. I was handsfree and he was happy.
Make sure baby isn’t having gas pains and let her CIO, 6 months is old enough to start sleep training
She may be teething I have used an Amber necklace for months and it helped tremendously
CIO is a big no from me.
Juat let her cry it out. Start out doing it for a few minutes and add a little more. Go in and check on her (if still crying). And try soothing her without picking her up.
Growing pains in my first thought.
There’s a sleep regression at 6 months. My son’s lasted a week… He was up every hr on the hr. But cry it out does work. I didn’t do cry it out until my boys were a yr old. And only let them cry for 3 minutes instead of 5 minutes. It does work it’s hard but it works.
Probably a growth spurt or teething.
Turn on some lullaby music from YouTube and let her cry. My son does this but when I turn on the music he just calms down
Totally went through what you are going through. My son was the same way and he’s 6 months as well. We had to do the cry it out method just so we could get some sleep. What I recommend is after 5pm, no more naps. Have them play with toys and walk them around outside until 8pm. Then give them a bath or quiet time (whichever you prefer). Then 8oz at 8:30pm. Then rock them to sleep without the white noise machine one. Then lay her in her bed/crib. Then turn the machine on quietly and walk out. If she wakes up, do not go back in there until the morning (about 6am or 7am). No blankets. Just a long sleeve and long pant leg sleeper. You can get a 3 pack at Walmart for under $10. Good luck mama!!
Not a big fan of cio. I think it’s too harsh. That’s how babies communicate with us and we’re their mothers they need and want us. It could be a sleep regression or even teething. If you need a little break try having daddy help put her down. Babies love routine. Every night get a bed time routine going such as a bath, food, book and then say a little saying to her and eventually she’ll catch on and know it’s night time and to go sleep. It’s tough at first but hang in there mama! It’ll get easier.
She may be teething or going through a growth spurt.
We only cry 10mins at a time, soothe and repeat.
Rocking helps, patting, white noise, baby swing, music, a full tummy.
If you’re really exhausted just do yourself and your child a favor and go with your gut on what you know will keep them asleep until they get past this regression. Whatever that means to you. Cosleeping, car rides etc.
No CIO! Hold your baby. She needs you
Shushing video on YouTube… almost 8 hours of a woman going “shhhhhhhh” - it’s supposed to resemble what they heard in the womb
well there’s a reason, be it pain or just wanting your touch. please be there for your baby and avoid CIO. you cant spoil a baby. I know it’s tough and exhausting but they deserve all of us, the best of us. look into possible pains she could be having, and just comfort that baby. you could even revisit swaddling even if you haven’t used one in a very long time. it’s a learning process for both of you.
Probably teething? ALSO Don’t let anyone tell you whether or not you should try cry it out! It’s controversial but it’s YOUR choice. I do Motrin for my almost 7 month old and teething gel at night. The Motrin I do 30 minutes before bed time, just before her bath, so it has time to kick in. Good luck!!
At 6 months extinction aka CIO is perfectly safe for you baby. But some people just think it’s close the door and don’t back until the morning it isn’t that at all. Sleep is developmental and babies need help when they are age appropriate and also you should get permission from the babes dr first as well. It is a great toll to help teach a baby how to sleep and self soothe.
Maybe she is teething and in pain
Could be sleep regression.
Just dont do it. How can anyine let a baby cry like that. Prob teething or a growth spurt. My 4 year old just started sleeping through the night.
Some of you moms man I thank god this group is private and they post the questions. CIA is torture or harsh BABIES CRY EVERYDAY!!!
Its normal development at 6 months ugh I’m so anti cry it out in infants. It’s terrible.
She needs comfort, love and compassion. Not to cry it out. She’s not acting horrible. She’s trying to communicate something to you and is not capable of doing so. Be patient, be understanding.
I did the cry it out. Never let them cry longer than 15 mins cuz then it’s considered neglect. But my son has always been really good for me. Had a routine down since he was a baby teething was a little harder to get through but 100% vanilla extract in the gums dies better than orajel or Tylenol rubbed in the gums trust me.
Sleep regression…? Also I never put my baby to bed that early when she was 6 months … she is now 10 months and I’ve always put her to bed between 8 and 9 ish… and she will sleep till 7 am. Maybe she is teething, try Tylenol before bed ??
Maybe gas or overtired but I wouldn’t do cry it out
I’m all for it… if you KNOW for a fact she’s fine and just wants attention go for it. I did it and will again
The Beyond Sleep Training Project
It won’t last forever… they’re only small such a short time… hold her… comfort her …let her know she’s safe and loved … before you know it she will be sleeping on her own
Let her cry it out. She’ll be fine
I say take sweet baby to dr. I’m guessing ear infection or teething. Swaddling is always nice to keep them relaxed. I wouldn’t let cry it out. Too young for me to consider. I know u r tired. Hang in there mama.
Probably teething, has an ear infection or a sleep regression
7 is way early for bed. I would be mad if someone put me to bed in the evening and went to hang out somewhere without me too… She is probably in a growth spurt or teething and wants to be held and loved on. You could also have her ears checked as ear infections are common in babies and they cannot tell you what’s wrong. Definitely don’t do cry it out! Love on your baby. Snuggle her. That’s what babies need at that age. Cry it out simply teaches them that you don’t care and won’t come if they cry anyway.
Do what’s best for your family. Babies need moms at their best mentally. Crying for a little while isn’t going to hurt…don’t let anyone guilt you into anything. Shame on someone of you mommas,children are shaken and beat to death daily and only afterwards does anyone say “she/he should have just walked away for a few minutes”…walk away Momma
the cry it out method is good when properly done no matter the age. it is ok to set them down and walk away for a few mins when frustrated they will be ok and will be fine as grown ups. more than anything it helps with self soothing. without the ability to self sooth they cant be functioning adults… we do the 7 min rule for cry it out at my house. if u lay them down everything is done theyve had butt changed, fed, bath, clothed. if they r still crying after 7 mins pick them up try cuddling or soothing them.
She wants to be held, do what you want but I didn’t let my son cry, they’re only babies for so long. Hold them, hug them… Try to remember crying is really the only way they can communicate at that age, if you need to step away for a minute then step away for your sanity but try to be patient with her.
Around 6 months they’re learning that you can be out of sight and not be near them anymore. It’s a separation issues, letting her cry it out will end up causing the baby more stress knowing you’re not there. It’s just a milestone she’s reaching and it will pass. Hang tight momma!
Might be teething…rub her gums down with moist wash cloth to get plaque off …
Ok enjoy that she wants you around mine are teens and they don’t. I would sing to them. Try a lavender bath before bedtime or lavender lotion before naps.
My son was always good sleeper. But he would
Go though these phases also, what worked for us is letting him cry and going in just to rub his back and comfort him but not picking him up and then he was go back to sleeping though the night
Babies need love and to be comforted. Trust me CIO isnt the best thing to do at that young age
How about don’t? Babies that age want to be held and comforted because that’s all they’ve known most of their lives. How would you feel if you needed comfort and the one person you were counting on it from ignored you and expected you to just deal with it? Best thing I ever did for my daughter was cosleeping and babywearing. It kept her in a place of security and comfort and everyone slept better at night. Now she’s my very independent, confident almost 3 year old.
I seen this under this post. Try reading it & then make your decision on what is best for u. I honestly never did the cry it out. I wanted my children to know that i heard them & was there for them no matter how tired or frustrated i was
Letting a child cry it out is good for them because it helps build their lungs… Both my boys Dr’s told me this… You don’t let them cry for long maybe 5 to 10 minutes and when you go into the room you don’t want to pick them up and hold them just use a calm quiet voice to sooth them while rubbing their back… If your child knows that when they cry you will pick them up right away they will continue to do so… Once they know that you won’t pick them up because it is bedtime they will start to go to bed without fighting you… I had both my boys on a bedtime of 7:30 because I had to get them up early so I could be to work on time… Having a baby on a routine is good for them for when its time for them to start going to pre school and school later…
Teething , gas pains, separation anxiety it could be anything. I didn’t and couldn’t let my son cry it out until he was over 1 year and only for about 15 mins at the most.
First of all. A 6 month old baby is NOT horrible. She’s a BABY. Jeez. letting them cry it out is cruel
Crying it out is absolutely disgusting and lazy.
Yeah, I said it.
I let my 4 cry it out at 6 months. And will with this last one. Now the only reason they would ever cry in their bed is if they are sick or overtired. Once you get her on the schedule it’ll be great haters will hate but it is okay to let them cry for 10-15 minutes here n there as long as you know they don’t need anything. Good luck!
I leave her for 10 mins and come back and try again. It usually works.
Teething or maybe ear infection
Sleeping longer, or through the night, is a milestone.
Forcing it does not good, just harm.
Please don’t. 6 months is a huge milestone, and there’s a lot of changes happening that they don’t understand. She needs you.
My baby is 9 months old and can’t sleep at night unless I’m right next to her. I can’t stand hearing her cry knowing she just wants me. So I personally just don’t have the heart to let her cry it out. She naps during the day just fine without me. At night she just wants me and I’m ok with that. I like having my baby girl next to me
Doctor’s visit!!! Sounds like she’s sick, lady!!!
I did the crying out method with my first but never went past 20 mins and with my second and third I more coddled, some babies need the extra comfort because they are more emotional so I do some co sleeping for sure but I always put them back in their bed after about 20 mins, but typically under 6 mths if the child is crying and that discomforted than it could be something medical and you help calm it. I would seek medical advise to be on the safe side for sure. Usually babies under six mths are very basic. (Teeth, hungry, tired, gassy, playful or just cranky) and just wants to cuddle
She could be teething! Does she have teething symptoms?
Find the right balance. Like, if your baby is high screaming comfort of course, but a little bit of cries try soothing with head chest or back rubs, hum or sing to her, make her sheets smell like you.
Here’s the AAP’s opinion on a couple different sleep training techniques. “Controlled comforting” is similar to the “cry it out” method and is the method we used for our daughter at 6 months. She responded well. She’s on medication that causes sleep disturbances and she was a real fighter against sleeping for a while. Error | AAP
I baby wear and and all that. I started letting my baby girl cry it out when she was about 6 months. It has not hurt our relationship or damaged her. The first time she starts crying I go in hug her and tell her night night again and tell her to lay down. She would then so many minutes later she would start crying again I wait a minute or two and go in hug her lay her down and leave. So many minutes later crying wait 5 minutes see of she goes back to bed on her own. Go in hug her lay her down dont say anything. IF she continues to cry I wait a little longer and go in. This went on for three days she now lays down and goes to bed. If she happens to get up and cry I go in hug and kiss her tell her to lay down and she does and goes to sleep. Recently (18 months old now) she sounds hysterical (tantrum) I go in she starts laughing and dives for her pillow so I have been letting her through her tantrum and she goes to sleep or plays down when she is finished. We are good as gold when she gets up. My daughter and I are close as can be. Do what feels right for you and the hell with anyone who says anything about it. At the end of the day it’s about you and your baby Nd what works for you. The people who say letting your kid cry it out lazy and cruel. Obviously have never done it or tried it to early for there child. Or they dont agree with it and that is fine to each there own. It worked with my first might not be right for my second we will see but that will be our choice. Good luck Momma you are doing great no matter what you choose.
Acting horrible? She’s 6 months. Wth is the world coming to.
Cuddle? 5 months is still super young, they really need that closeness when they are little. I get you have things that need to be done, but all those things can wait. Babies are only babies for a blink of an eye. When my two year old need a cuddle hell yeah I’m there because even now far and few in between
So hold your baby. I still have to rock my 13 month old to sleep sometimes. Your baby just wants you because you are their comfort. You’re the only thing they’ve know the entire time they’ve existed. Also, have your baby checked for an ear infection. Otherwise. Hold your baby!!
Growing pains maybe, happened to mine
Join a sleep training group. You will only get judgment for sleep training, on any page or groupother than a sleep training one.
Um, HOLD YOUR BABY? Gas, teething, constipation, growing pains, wanting comfort…it could be so many things. Bedshare as well. You can safely do it and both of you will get more sleep. Babies are supposed to wake during the night. Sleep is developmental. CIO is shitty and cruel and has many studies why one shouldn’t.
Try and keep things as consistent as possible . We did the let them cry 5 min, then go in and rock for a bit, give the paci , then 7 min etc. Mine are 6 years and 21 m and amazing sleepers .
Hold your baby. You are her whole world.
So while sleep training can start at 6 months there are many methods other then CIO and she could be going through a regression. I also agree that 7pm is early and she may be trying to tell you that she isn’t ready to sleep and her time needs to be adjusted. My son is now 21 months and he has never gone to before 8:30pm. he is normally asleep anywhere from 8:30 to 9:30,anything earlier was too early for him and he wouldn’t sleep. She could also been teething or have a ear issue many reasons make them change there sleep patterns. I would definitely look in to The WonderWeeks it was a huge help for us.
Do not do the cry it out method. Whoever decided to do this in the first place is effectively an idiot. And doesn’t deserve children. Id like to know who the first person was who thought the cry it out method was ever a good idea. Its NOT. Its abuse in my book.
Hold your baby she will grow out of it she may be teething she may just be feeling comfortable my daughter was like that until she turned one certain habits and routines I had to change and eventually she adapted she will be 2 this months and things have gotten so much better just be patient
when i had my son what worked for me was i saved his bath times before he went to bed after his baths i would massage his arms and legs and feet because through out the day he was on carpet time so he was using his lags and arms alot. like us our feet and hands get numb. then i would give him his warm bottle after he was done i would put him into his crib and turn on soft music. also if you have the light off and door shut the child might not like that so it would be good to also try leaving the door open and putting a night light on most babies don’t like the dark
Hold her. She just needs you.
I don’t understand how an infant can act horrible. I held all my babies when they cried and now they’re 15, 11, 10 and 1 1/2 and I still hold my babies. Babies need attention and love.
She could be teething, my daughter is 6 months cutting two teeth at once and cut her first tooth at 5 months. So she doesn’t sleep well right now. But it could also be gas or that she is just wanting to be rocked and be close to you. But it is your baby you should do what you feel is best for your baby. All you can do is try and see how it works. But don’t let her cry for more than 5 or 10 minutes. You are her mommy only you know what she needs, don’t worry about what anyone else says or thinks.
My 2.5 yr old started this on Monday. I let him cry for a a couple minutes but if I know he wont calm down I just cuddle with him till he falls asleep. He does this every now and then and we just cuddle on the bed or in our chair and then I lay him in his bed once hes out. Unfortunately he fiquered out how to get out of his crib and will get in bed with me at night. When that happens we just cuddle.
I believe when babies/toddlers do this something scared them (dream or maybe a change in family) and they just need the extra reassurance from you.
Is she getting enough energy out during the day and do you have an evening schedule? My daughter is go from the time her feet hit the floor and making sure she’s had plenty play time and a night time schedule has made life so much more pleasant and easy
I always did bath time and then a bottle before bed. I made sure it was a quiet unwinding time for both of us. There will be times they have to cry it out and be able to self soothe. My mom always said if their crying they aint dying. I would usually wait 15 minutes if she was still crying I would go in lay her down rub her back a little bit, give her her lovey and exit. Usually she was off to sleep then. When she was teething I always gave her motrin before putting her down for the night.
Try to burp her. Even if she’s already burped. She could be having tummy aches and gas which leads to colic.
My son was perfect (slept thru the night from 6 weeks old) and all of a sudden became REALLY fussy around 6/7 months.
Gas was giving him tummy aches constantly.
It could be many different things that she needs addressed. Her only way of communicating is crying at this point. Teeth, a bug, a leap, growth spurt, a fart scared her… these are all things that could be bothering her, that she is unable to articulate. I am all for holding baby. I do not personally let my daughter cio, but just because that doesn’t work for us, doesn’t mean it may not work for others (although, I have to add, there have been many studies on the detrimental effects of cio methods). I’ve heard good things about the Baby Wise book, I believe there are methods in there that you may find helpful. As someone else mentioned, if you’re wanting to sleep train, perhaps join a specific group for it? Just my two cents.
I give my son 10 minutes to cry it out before I recheck his needs. Some babies are just needy though. They are only little for so long but the lack of sleep can be dangerous. Do what you feel is right. 10 minutes of crying isnt anything to worry about.
Sounds like teething. Shes probably in pain. Maybe try a little baby tylenol. Are her checks red? Is she drooling a lot? Is she grabbing her ears??
How much time, outside of bed time does she get to spend snuggled with you?
Babies need to be held and comforted. They spent 9 months in a very confined comfy place and the world is scary for babies. Holding them close, rocking, swaddling and some soft music always did the trick for my son. Just hold and rock your baby. That’s what they need.
They go through a mental leap and sleep regression at 6 and 9 months. Not much you can do, just roll with it
She’s probably teething, poor little bug. Don’t use that oragel stuff though. Not at bedtime.
Co sleep! Lots of snuggles! Works for us
It’s a phase. I went through the same thing when my daughter was that age. She’s going through it again now at 15 months. Is she getting enough stimulation during the day? I know at 6 months there’s not a whole lot they can do activity wise but if she’s not getting enough stimulation she won’t be tired. She could also be over-stimulated which will cause her to fight her sleep. You’ve gotta find that happy medium.
In my case, if my girls would cry and i’d come right away and pick her up, that’s what she’d keep doing just to get out of bed. I couldn’t stand the thought of my kids thinking they were being abandoned in the middle of the night (thy were in their cribs in their own room), so I would go. But I wouldn’t take them out of their crib. I’d sit in the rocker that was in their room so they could see me until they calmed down and went back to sleep. That way they were comforted enough by seeing or hearing me that they could put themselves back to sleep, which led to better nights.
When my kids were little, and about to aquire a new skill like sitting up, crawling, pulling up, walking etc, they a couple days of terrible sleep. And then they would do the thing and go back to sleeping better.
My son was the same way. I worked full time, exclusive BF and he didn’t start sleeping through the night till the age of 4. He is 6 now. Sleep regression is normal. He only napped if I laid with him. And he basically just slept with me for a while cause I had to be semi alert for work lol
Teething. Hylands oral tablets for teething
Personal opinion is to not let a baby cry it out. That is there only way of communicating with you that they are upset and when you ignore it, it can be detrimental to them. It’s actually a fact that when you tend to your baby every time they cry they actually cry less because they know you will be there if they need you. Also, babies go through clingy phases and it’s just part of it. Try implementing a special time to just snuggle with her before bedtime.
Did you really say that a 6 month old is acting horrible?? She is a BABY!! She wants to be held and loved!!
Its called Sleep regression. Its not always teething tho it might be a fraction of the problem. My son went through sleep regression… Also named FOMO… Fear of Missing Out. Their brains are super actuve at this stage of life as they start developing new skills and learning new things as they start figuring out theres a world beyond their tiny nose. It lasted a few months for me before he settled back down into a regular sleep schedule again