Should you wake baby to feed them at night?

My 6 months old finished his last bottle at 7:45pm, should I wake him up for another feed or let him sleep through the night?

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Unless he has health concerns, let him sleep. My son had issues with his heart and weight gain so I had to wake him up during the night

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6 months?!? Let him sleep!

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Let him sleep unless he is underweight or has some sort of condition where he needs to eat frequently.

Let him sleep. He will wake up by himself when he is hungry. Enjoy the sleeping through the night.

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Don’t wake a sleeping babe!! They will wake up if they are hungry!!

Never wake a sleeping baby

Let them sleep! Their bodies will wake them when they are hungry.


If he sleeps let him sleep he will wake if he is hungry or needs anything :blush:

Ask your doctor. Your baby’s weight and any health conditions and info you aren’t sharing can influence that decision.