Side effects of Blisovi FE?

Has anyone took birth control pills called BLISOVI FE & had any side effects? I’ve been on it for a month & have had extremely dry, itchy & swollen eyes. I went to my doctor & they said it was allergies that I’ve never had. They gave me allergy pills & eye drops, but they aren’t helping any. I honestly think it might be birth control. Or any ideas on what it could be?


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If it started at the same time…it could be an allergic reaction to it. I would get a second opinion.

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Everyone reacts differently —it very well could be a reaction to the meds. Or the meds could be causing high blood pressure (which is a side effect) which could cause eye swelling and irritation.
I would get a second opinion and/or speak to doctor about changing to a different birth control pill. There are so many options out there, it can’t hurt to try a different one just to see if your symptoms go away

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It is always possible to have an adverse reaction to a medication, that’s why every medication comes with warnings and potential adverse reactions, especially prescription medication, I’ve never gotten a prescription that didn’t come with 2-3 pages of possible side effects. Every person’s body is different and will react in different ways. If you never had that issue before starting the BC than most likely the BC is the cause. Stop taking it and use an alternative method of BC, like condoms or spermicide, and if it resolves in a few days then you know it’s from the BC pills. If it doesn’t then seek a second opinion.

Both my teen daughters are on this and never had any side effects or problems.

I’ve been on it for years now and no side effects like that. I haven’t found it to give me any side effects. I would stop if for a week or two and see if the problem goes away. If not, it most likely isn’t the medicine. If it goes away, it’s most likely a reaction to that if it started the same time. You could go off, see if the problem goes away, then restart it once it’s gone and if it comes back then you would know for sure it’s that.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Side effects of Blisovi FE?

Take it out then! Condoms mannn

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Side effects of Blisovi FE?

Go with your own intuition and gut instincts. You know best about your own health. Everyone reacts differently to the same medication. No offence to those who’ve replied on here already but medical professionals do not know it all (I am a registered nurse saying this)
You are the expert in your health. Do what you feel is right for you. And contraceptive meds are hormonal - hormones affect everything in your body so it absolutely could be this.

I’ve taken it for 3 yrs the only side effect was that I almost stopped having periods entirely

I’m a pharmacist and I also take Blisovi for contraception.

I would agree that it’s probably seasonal allergies- this allergy season has been terrible for everyone and your symptoms sound more environmental than a drug allergy.

Curious- what allergy medicine did they recommend for you?

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Hi there it is definately side effects of the birth control tablets, they are dangerous, also known to make woman pic up weiht…rather get on thr injection…much much better for your health, hormones and beauty