Side effects of having an epidural?

So it’s been over a year now but can you have side effects from getting the epidural? My back seriously hurts and sometimes it has me not being able to move cause I’m in so much pain. Suggestions and / or feedback is appreciated!


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Side effects of having an epidural?

Yes iv had 3 now now first 15 years ago and last 6 years ago still getting bad back pain… but talk to a doctor and its all in my head the epidural isn’t to blame

Every single women I personally know that’s got the epidural has had lasting back pain/problems since. Doctors will deny it to no end but it dose have side effects.

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honestly after 3 I Have back pain that comes and goes it’s horrible I’m putting it down to the epidural as never used to be a problem

I think it depends honestly. I’ve had three and my back never hurts.

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My first child I ended up with nerve damage and lost feeling from my knee up on my right side. My second child the doctor stabbed me in my spine 5 times because he couldn’t get it in… I now have pain daily and my leg starts to go numb and tingly. Which then creates back pain. I’ve honestly learned how to just deal with it. I’ve gone to physical therapy several times. I do take a low dose muscle relaxer which does seem to help. I would go to your doctor and seem what they recommend!

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Idk some people will claim it causes issues but I’ve yet to see any relative reason to point to it being from epidural. I’ve had 3 myself and plan to again here in a few months and nothing. :woman_shrugging:

The side effects of having an epidural is life long back pain. I had my first epidural 19 years ago and my last 9 years ago. I have constant back pain, to some degree.


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Had my son a year ago and my back has been messed up ever since ! On and off pain in lower back , can’t even bend over for too long without it getting stiff n aching

I’am making over $140 an hour working online with 2 kids at home. I never thought I’d be able to do it but my best friend earns over $ 18989 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The potential with this is endless

Chk This—>>

Pregnancy in general is pretty crap for back pain.


Yes, permanent back pain!

It can cause long term pain and weakness. It happenened to me.

Back pain and headaches are common

The worst back pain! And same like you if I sit a certain way for to long I practically cry when I have to move

My mom had me when she was 17. I’m 33. She warned me about getting the procedure with both my kids aged 16 and 5. She has horrible back pain since back then to this day. She’s even prescribed pain meds for the pain . So yes…

I Get Paid 0ver $ 107 per hour w0rking from h0me. I never thought l’d be able to do it but my colleague makes over $ 13576 a m0nth doing this and she convinced me to try. The p0ssibility with this is limitles


I’ve had 4 and I haven’t had any problems as of yet, I’m 34.

I had this problem really bad after having my first at 17. Going to a chiropractor helped short term, but over time the issue become less of an issue. After my second (10 years later) I haven’t had the excruciating pain that makes you not able to sit/stand/lie down without it feeling like your entire back is on fire while being stabbed, but I have some back issues, mostly intense sciatica, but nothing that compares to the problems I had after my first epidural.

I had one and it punched the lumber sack
I had to have a blood patch done at the hospital
Google it
The dr said it is quite common in epidurals

Yep every morning I have back pain, doesn’t last long but never had that before epidural

After I had my first baby I started getting muscle spasms in my lower back and never had them before… they are debilitating but luckily I haven’t had any for a long time

I go to massage therapist, not just a chiropractor, every once in a great great while. It helps!

I have a deteraiated disc from an epidural.

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I’ve had 3, my oldest will be 18yrs next month, I don’t have any issues with my back :woman_shrugging:t2: