For those of you who got the arm implant birth control (forgive me I can’t remember the name) did you gain weight? Mood swings? Fatigue? I’m currently on the shot but it’s got me just as annoyed now as I was when I was pregnant and I’m ready for that phase to be over lol!! I’m wanting the arm implant also because I want something more long term. - not interested in other birth controls just wanting to know more about the arm implant. Please do t suggest other types of birth control just looking for real life experiences with the arm implant
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Side effects of the arm implant birth control?
I’m on the nexplanon which is the one in your arm the only side effects I really have is mood swings
It sent me absolutely insane with mood swings for the first 12 weeks (but I have underlying mental health diagnoses and I believe it just amped those up while my body adjusted)
Other than that, I have no issues at all with mine. Just about to get mine replaced because it’s definitely my preferred birth control
I’ve not any issues at all. I’m on my second one. No cramping, no bleeding, hardly any bruising, nothing. I just made sure to watch my diet and exercise since most birth control can cause weight gains.
My daughter gained about 50 lbs and I hear that is the norm? Just really watch what you eat and your exercise levels.
It really messed with my periods but other then that I didn’t really notice anything else. I was on anti depressants an sleeping pills at the time could be why I didn’t really experience much else
I have nexplanon absolutely I am straight level 10 asshole moody tired gain 30 lbs hair falling out it last 3-5 years but it’s not me so I’m switching and I don’t get periods
I can say I had this one for 3 years hardly had any period maybe once ever 3 months but the mood swings were unbearable I would get super angry then deeply suicidal depressed I was young at the time so I just stuck threw it for those years because it prevented me from getting pregnant but I swear after I had it removed I felt a whole weight lifted off me I no longer have suicidal thoughts & the mood swings were gone ! However the removal was the worst it took me 2 months before I could fully hold my arm above my head I was so scared I would stay like that but never again would I get it!
Love mine. No side effects, no mood swings, nothing. And my favourite, no period!
Had a period for a year and a half straight. Only had maybe two days when I didn’t bleed. Major mood swings and constant fatigue
Sent me insane. My mood swings were awful. I had to get mine taken out
I was enjoying the no period thing so much
Im on my second nexplanon and maybe like the first year or so was spotting here and there, but very minimal. No period at all though
Nexplanon is what I have. I was told it was similar to the depo shot. I’ve only gotten the shot once. I didn’t like it, but I lost a baby and was in ICU and I was pressured to get the nexplanon. It took about 10w for my pp bleeding to stop. Which isn’t normal for me. I did skip some months after that without a period. But the last 2 months next month being 6 months since I had it inserted I think I’ve only had 2 days consecutive that I haven’t bleed for. My weight has been stable. I haven’t lost or gained since I left the hospital almost 6 months ago. And I will sometimes cry for things that I wouldn’t normally cry for unless I was pregnant. Like I see a cute kitty… I cry… it was my 2 year Olds bday and I was singing happy birthday, I cried. Baby on TV, I cry. Like wtf… I’m probably going to see a gyno about the bleeding which I’m sure I’m going to get a “that’s normal” but seriously for the last 2 months it won’t stop. Doesn’t feel normal and not normal when I’m not on bc or on pills.
My daughter has had It for the last 3 years… She would definitely not recommend. On top of the major cramping, major mood swings , she dealt with bleeding for a year and a 1/2 straight. Then out of whack after that. Everybody is different, but so many people share each Outcome.
I had VERY BAD mood swings and gain a lot of weight.
I was on depo for 3 years, I have had the bar twice. They are the same medication, just obviously different delivery methods. I will say if I could commit to being on time with my shot I would much rather have the shot over the bar. This is my second go round having it and it makes me so mood swingy it’s like I’m bipolar, I cry on the drop of a dime, it makes me angry and easily irritated. It’s like depo symptoms on crack. And after having the bar in for a year and a half I had it taken out the first time cause I couldn’t handle the mood problems anymore
First time I got it no issues, 2nd time I bleed heavily for 4 months before I requested they take it out. I didn’t have any weight gain or mood swings from it.
Nexplanon implant. I have had 3, each good for 3 years. No period. Nothing at all. My one and only downfall is weight gain. But I’m also not preventing it ya know. But other than that I would recommend it
I had nexplanon arm implant it made me psycho i had horrible mood swings, depression once i had it removed i felt instant relief
Everyone is different so unless you try it you won’t know how it will work for you honestly
I tried it for about a year but while I had it in, it was like I constantly had my period. I would have a break for a few days but I would bleed for at least three weeks out of a month. The doctor said to give it 6 months to even out, so I did but after a year it was still the same and I had enough. No weight gain or mood swings for me though. I had horrible mood swings on the shot and a little weight gain, but I only got the shot one time because I couldn’t take the mood issues
Ummm…I got preggers…I mean I guess that’s not tech a “side effect” but I feel it fits with the spirit of the post
My daughter had hers put in June of 2021 and had it removed March 2022. She bled lightly everyday for 9 months. She had it removed and the bleeding stopped. She’s back having normal periods. She said that’s the only reason she had it taken out and switched to the pill.
I’m on my third one. I have had no noticeable side affects. Normal periods every month. I love it.
I’ve had 2 nexplanons and only had a period between it needing replaced and from actually getting the new one but with having it in my arm I go at least 3 years without a period and don’t have any problems
Low energy, low sex drive, and other surprisingly common side effects. I can’t wait to have it removed. I wish I would have researched more before getting it.
I’ve never had it but only hear horrible things about it. You’re body will react differently than everyone else’s so only you and your dr could make that choice
I’m currently on my 3rd Nexplanon. I love it. My ONLY side effect is irregular periods which is my life outside of BC anyways
I honestly think it just depends on your body. I have had mine for three years and never honestly had issues, only gained weight when I ate horribly and stopped going to the gym, never have a period so that’s great, no mood swings but I am also on a medication for anxiety, depression and OCD.
I had HORRIBLE anxiety and irritability on that! And like weird hot flashes (in my 20s.) I had to fight with them to get them to remove it but when they finally did my symptoms went away like immediately
Not to mention I was told it would take about a minute to remove (quick like when inserted) and they spent about 20 mins digging it out of my arm
I had a friend who’s uterus got an infection from it
If the birth control you are considering is an abortifacient and you are RH- (RH factor) please consider a form of birth control that is not an abortifacient. If someone is RH- and has a miscarriage, birth, abortion, and the babies blood type is positive it can have long term effects if the mother does not receive a RHOGAM shot within a specific period of time. RH- blood treats RH+ blood as an invading enemy and will form protections against it to rid the body of the invaders; causing you to lose future pregnancies.
In canada it was call norplant. I had it in for a year and half than had it removed. I had my period for 496 days straight. No mood swings or weight gain but got hot flashes like crazy. After having it removed my period stopped for two n half month than went back to an irregular period ever since. I know everybodys body reacts differently but this is what experienced
It made my boobs hurt like a mofo, both hard as a rock all the time ( if you’ve breast feed, and didn’t feed or pump for a day, it was that kind of hard ) I had it removed after about 4 months and my boobs stopped hurting and the hardness went away within 24 hours.
I gained a load of weight, didn’t get a period for 2 months then I had non stop bleeding, was horrid for me.
It’s called nexplanon, I have had mine for 9 years all together. Switch it out every three years. I am getting ready to get a new one again. I have never had mood swings or weight gain. I haven’t had a period in 3 years and prior to that my periods were regular. The first few months was all over the place as anything new takes some time to go through your body and regulate. I will never use another birth control. It does take about 20-30 min to remove out of your arm (they numb you) but that is because tissue forms around it for three years while it’s inserted. But as always I would recommend talking to your doctor as everybody’s Body is different. Good luck.
I haven’t had any negative side effects really and have had it for a year, I say negative because I stopped my periods right away and other than one month about 6 months in where I had some light bleeding, I haven’t had my period and its been great.
I’ve been spotting for 7months and I’ve only gained 2 kg but everyone is different
Mine made my period worse and it travelled on me to they had to remove it.
About to get my 3rd one. No issues except bleeding about a month straight at the end of the lifespan of it. Besides that no periods normally and no issues. Most days I forgot I have it.
I had it for 3 years. I had a little weight gain on it but other than that no complaints. My period was still consistent every month.
I’m on my 3rd one
The first 2 times was fine
Yes I did gain weight but if you work out it could help keep the extra off
My third one I’m not liking it
My Dr put it in my arm wrong
She was in a rush
I had one cycle
But past 3 cycles I missed
So I’m planing on getting it removed
My sister tried it and it didn’t go so well
The got blood clots
But it works differently with everyone
I had the nexplanon, and I bled for 3 months, and in that 3 months I only stopped bleeding for a week. It was horrible!
Weight gain, random arm pains, had 2 miscarriages once I got it removed and had phantom pains in my arm still for about a year.
Weight gain
Very bad depression and anger rage with the arm Implant
Also extreme anxiety
Also bled straight for 84 days heavy
I didn’t keep it in for long.
This is 3rd time having the arm implant. First two no side effects that I recall i did mc after it was removed both times though. Whether that was it or just my body idk. This time I have been more moody/had anxiety but life was also dragging me through it during those times, so again, can’t really be sure if it was the implant or not causing the anxiety. It’s still in. Lol
Tons of bleeding that never stops! Like 3 solid months of bleeding! I thought i was dying turns out its “a normal side effect” yeah never again. Got a hormonal IUD put in after my daughter and i love it. I mean i cry a little more then before but no periods, weight gain, or acne.
Had it and removed it after 3 months. Gained a lot of weight, hated my husband we were fighting daily, periods 2x a month, horrible headaches, and I swear it gave me fertility issues because i got pregnant twice with no issues my third I got on fertility meds.
I got pregnant on it…masks all the pregnancy tests (blood and urine) for out at 27 weeks via x-ray
Desiree Avila go through these comments for info
I had to take it out after 6 months. I bled what looked like tar the entire time, constantly cramping with horrible migraines
l get paid over $187 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18987 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
M0re Info.
Aside from lack of appetite, it screwed up my periods REALLY bad. To the point the 3 years I was on it (implanon, not nexplanon which is 5 years, I think) was almost a constant period with a week break in between (I was young and broke, couldn’t afford removal so I dealt with it), I didn’t get the mood swings like I did on thd depo shot, but I think it made my depression worse.
l get paid over $ 195 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $ 18452 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
Go to This.
So I had it twice. Thr first time I got my period every 3 months super heavy, full of cramps, last about a week. Second time around the 1st year was the same. 2nd year one period a month, plus spotting for about a week afterwards. 3rd year I had two freaking periods a month! Could not WAIT to get it out
I stacked on the weight and had lots of mood swings and just didn’t feel right in general. The doctor wanted me to keep it longer but I told her if she didn’t take it out I was going to cut it out myself…
The arm implant is the same med that was the depo shot. Can’t get the shot anymore so they made it into an implant. My step daughter had the implant and it made her sick and non stop period. She ended up with in 3-6 months having to get it taken out.
l get paid over $187 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18987 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
M0re Info.
Nexplanon… Bleed for 3 weeks off 1 week. I was so raw down there from pads. Gained 60lbs. It was horrible. I had it years before that and never had a problem.
It felt like it was stabbing me, constantly. Had it removed after 3 years, had a wad of scar tissue. It all depends 9n who puts it in.
I bled for three months straight until I bitched enough for them to take it out
I had the nexplanon I had no side effects that IAM aware of or any of the mentioned above I had my period regular every month it lasted 4 days max my mood was very stable I actually lost weight was at the smallest I had ever been while on it I had it 3years then replaced had for fee months before removed cause I was ready for another kid. IAM currently pregnant if I was getting my tubes removed I would be getting it again… Just remember everyone is different if it doesn’t work for you ya can always get something else
Gained 50 lbs in 6 months
Bled more than anyone should
Hated the world and everyone in it
Don’t recommend
what one experiences with this, might not be what you do, as for many others, Everyone is different. If this is what you want , try it, if you don’t like it or it’s not what you want, have it removed & go to something else
I had the implanon for 3 years. After 1 year I had no periods. No pain or any side effects like all these other people. Once I got it taken out my period returned within 2 months with no issues.
Seemed like I had a period non stop. I had major depression and mood swings also.
I had the nexplannon in my arm and it was the worst decision I’ve ever made as far as bc and I had depo too both were bad for me . With the nexplannon I gained weight, had a steady period the entire time I had it in my arm , and ultimately I believe it is what completely messed up my hormones … my sister also got it and my mom didn’t realize it was the same I had had and my sister had almost the same side affects … thankfully she didn’t have it as long as I did.
It’s been years I got the implanon when it first came out let me tell you it was the worst thing I ever did. Non-stop bleeding. Crazy menstrual cycle. Also I just didn’t feel like myself. I think I was like upset all the time I beg them to take it out and they said I didn’t give it long enough I had to leave it in for three more months. Then finally after 6 months or maybe even 9 months when I got it out they couldn’t find it they had to fish around in there. Now granted, I was numb and I couldn’t feel pain but it was just a horrible experience overall.
First off my armed swelled up big time I had to come home from my job because I couldn’t type. Then, I lost all my libido Me and my husband were not getting along because of course he wanted adult time. I ended up cutting it out. It hurt pretty bad but I knew exactly where it was It didn’t really
Numb it
I’ve had the nexplanon since January and have had a period since. I’ve been bleeding for 6 months bc of it.
All of the above. It was a terrible year and a half
Everyone has different experiences - I’m on my third one and love it.
l get paid over $187 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18987 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
M0re Info.
Those implants aren’t good if you have family history of cancer because implants can cause cancer
Everyone is different but not necessarily, there’s no difference between the depo (injection) and the implant….the only difference is the injection gives out big doses and the implant gives off small doses at a time that’s why you gain weight so quickly with the injection because of the huge doses but with the implant you slowly gain weight as the months/years go by….I have the implant and the things I’ve experienced makes me wanna get rid of it at first my Period was all over the place then mood swings started happening, I’ve had it for over a year now and noticed the change in my weight and Cravings so I hate it. But everyone is different, it’s always best to just give it a go
No side effects here
I’ve had it for a few months now, no side effects and my period is just a few spots for 2 days… best one I’ve been on yet… I was worried because all the other stuff didn’t work good, but I’m liking this so far…
I got the nexplanon and only spotted while on it but I got it taken out and the side effects where insane after… I had so much bleeding I was going through super pads and then I had mood swings and no libido for 2 months after they don’t tell you about after getting it removed
Ive had it three years and no issues. I get my period but have had times where i didnt. I didnt seem to have any side effects. And it works!0
No sex drive, fatigued , bled constantly , it literally made me feel insane . I hated it , got it out after a year.
l get paid over $187 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18987 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
M0re Info.
My first 2 I loved it took my period away but this 3rd one is a pia I get a period randomly n someday I’m queasy
It caused my first miscarriage. I had it in for over a year and after being told that I had it taken out
I had it 2 times so 6 years altogether no side affects no problems
My daughter had hers removed early because of the weight gain and mood swings. She said she just didn’t feel like herself while she was on it.
I’m on my 3rd one now, my periods come and go as they please, I am moody but I don’t know if Thats just me as a person or the implant, I’ve not gained any weight what so ever, I like it or works well for me
I had it in my arm for a total of 9 years then went for a more permanent solution but loved it! I completely stopped having periods, I did gain some weight but besides that nothing. It was the best and most effective for me. I know some ppl have horrible side effects and you can always have it removed if you do not like it but I think it’s worth a try
Everyone is different. It made me crazy. I had it removed after a few months.
Everyone is different but it did give me depression and Really bad back pain. I took it out.
No side effects here. Didn’t gain weight never had a period…no mood swings.
I’ve had it 3 times and absolutely love it! In my personal experience, I had no periods, no weight gain, and no side effects at all
I gained weight my mood swings were terrible and I bled all the time I had to take mine out after a year… however my body reacts this way to all birth controls
I’ve had it for over 2 years now and I haven’t really had any side effects, other than my periods were super light and lasted Like 9 days a few times but I’ve never been regular so it might not even be from the birth control.
I havnt ever had it personally but my sis in law did and when she went to have it removed it had became dislodged and grew into her muscles. She had to have surgery to get it out.
i had nexplanon for 5yrs!!
i LOVED it
a simple numbing shot in the arm to get in and then i had it removed during my tubal ligation.
my only side effects were my acne got worse during my period times, and i was just tired during my period times.
DO NOT get the iud or anything that goes into yohr vagina!!!
they are SO harmful and bad for you
i recommend nexplanon 10000000%%
I gained 75lbs and haven’t been able to lose it no matter what I try, bled the first 375 days I had it then every other week after that. Depression and anxiety 100x worse, etc. It’s the worst thing I’ve done to myself
My personal experience, My period was insane, I’d bleed for a month straight and not have it for months but I would randomly spot all the time. I was constantly freaked out I was pregnant, very moody, cried all the time. My implant was fractured during an attack, had to have it removed immediately and was told I might be infertile because of it. I went on to have 3 more kids. After that I never risked it again. I found out later I can’t handle hormonal birth control, so a lot of my problems could be because of that.
The first time I got it I lost like 70lbs and I felt GREAT. It worked really great for my debilitating periods and I didn’t have one the entire time I had it both times.
Second time I got it, I was exhausted, moody, made my anxiety even worse and was on two separate medications for my anxiety. I ended up gaining all my weight back I lost and then some bc it made me SOOOOO hungry. Now I take the pill and it’s not my fave but it works