Side effects of the covid vaccine while pregnant?

I have a question for other expecting moms. If they took the covid -19 vaccine? If so & What were the side effects? I’m nervous & don’t know if I should get one or not? I researched information but couldn’t find anything about anyone’s personal experience. Should I get one or not?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Side effects of the covid vaccine while pregnant?

I got both doses while pregnant and I was fine. My son is healthy

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You can’t find anything on Google because they haven’t done studies on the side effects yet. Those who’ve gotten it already are the study. I wouldn’t get it while pregnant or breast feeding but you have to do what feels right for you.


There is a current study underway… only a couple thousand women, 800 or
So have given birth thus far… somewhere in the neighborhood of 30% of the woman had either miscarriages, or babies with low birth weight… 14% for the miscarriages and roughly 15% for the low birth weights or premature labor stats… I’ll try to locate the link.

In the meantime, remember this “vaccine” is not “approved” it’s been authorized for use under an emergency use authorization - it’s different than an actual fda approval.

I personally would not take the shot. I’d wait for more research. Good luck.


I have received both my vaccines at 20 and 23 weeks. It was recommended by my provider and specialist. I received the Pfizer with only a sore arm and being very tired. My baby is not behind on his growth. He is healthy according to the monthly Ultrasounds I have.
I recommend you talk to your OB. The reason we chose for me to have the vaccine is because I work healthcare and come into contact with COVID on a daily basis. The risks of me getting COVID and being pregnant are far greater than the risks of having a vaccine.


People that took it may not notice anything until a few months from now. Wait till they come into contact with any coronavirus in the future, good luck :woman_shrugging:t3: it also amazes me that everyone thinks all bad affects are instant :woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3:


I would definitely talk to your doctor about it. See if it’s recommended now for you or not. Personally I had covid and the side effects are nothing compared to covid. Also I’ll take my changes with the vaccine since I know first hand what covid is like.


The vaccine don’t stop you getting covid just makes the symptoms less there isn’t enough evidence for me long term effects on babys etc to even consider as soon as any study links to stillbirth miscarriage I won’t take it I refuse to take paracetamol in pregnancy


I’m with the majority of the other commenters. There’s very little study because everyone currently having the vaccine is part of the trials which are not due to conclude until at least 2023. There’s not enough study on it to know. Just bare in mind that any complications may not necessarily be immeadiate. I’d be especially careful whilst pregnant as you don’t know how it will affect your baby in the months, weeks or years to come.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Side effects of the covid vaccine while pregnant?

I got the Johnson and Johnson had no side effects.

Talk to your doctor…

Talk to your dr. I got my first dose at 16 weeks. It’s a very personal decision I think but for me I felt it was the best decision for me and my family.

I got both doses of the Moderna vaccine after I was 20 weeks and had no side effects. My doctor actually encouraged me to get it. I now have a healthy baby.

No body knows yet and its still in trial.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Side effects of the covid vaccine while pregnant?

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Side effects of the covid vaccine while pregnant?

The biggest thing with the side effects is the fever. If you’re in your first trimester, it’s recommended to wait. Other than that, it’s really not bad for your little. I can post some resources here in a few.

I would talk with your provider

I had my first shot at 14 weeks, about 72 hours after the first shot I had fatigue (like extreme first trimester fatigue) that lasted about 2 days. I had my second shot at 18 weeks and I had a sore arm where I got the injection, that lasted about 24 hours. I had the Moderna vaccine. Those are the only side effects that I experienced. I hope this helps!

I had slight body aches after my second otherwise I had no issues

The vaccine hasn’t been out long enough to know the side effects on adults that got it. Much less fetuses that have no choice. I definitely would NOT.


Well if you can’t find any information on it thats probably a good reason not to get it and just wait until after your pregnancy is over.


I got my shot at 25 weeks and 2nd at 28 weeks. No terrible side effects other than a sore arm and a little more tired than usual for about 2 days. Nothing some tylenol, hot shower, and rest didn’t take care of. Everyone is different though. I know people who aren’t pregnant that had worse side effects. I received the Pfizer vaccine though and believe it’s side effects are not as bad a receiving the Moderna vaccine. My dr highly recommend I get the vaccine though due to the higher risk people I have in my family and because the antibodies are being passed to the baby at birth.

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I got both doses in very early pregnancy and the baby is growing and healthy. I did have a sore arm but I drank lots of fluids and took Tylenol as they suggested and felt fine.

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I got the Moderna while pregnant. Folow up ultrasound and blood labs a few days later showed baby is perfect and my levels are perfect.
Arm pain for first dose and flu symptoms 1 day of second dose. Was fine by 2nd day for each dose.

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My doctor personally recommend to NOT get it while pregnant. I am almost 18 weeks with my 3rd baby. She has been in practice over 20 years and has had 8 stillborns in her care and of course average miscarriage rates. She said since this January alone with people getting the vaccine she has had 13 stillborn births and way more than average miscarriages. Other have been in preterm labor way before due date,most not even far enough to try and save the baby. And one woman lost her baby 2 days after the shot because she was breast feeding and her baby had a horrible reaction and died from it. She she tells us it is always our decision but she herself reccomends to not get if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. But it’s like with everything else to each their own and to follow your own gut and doctor recommendations. Good luck whichever you decide is best.


u definitely shouldn get one. ever. its not even fda approved. dont be stupid


I’m 37 weeks and got the Pfizer last week, I felt tired which is pretty standard for me but no other side effects.


Talk to your dr. I got mine and got the second shot at 22 weeks with my drs approval. The only advice I got was to wait until after 12 weeks when the organs are formed. I had minimal side effects, super tired, sore arm and just felt crappy. I’m just about 29 weeks now, baby is thriving. Research has proven that the antibodies will transfer to the baby. I felt the pros outweighed the possible cons and decided it was the best option for my family.

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I wouldn’t get while pregnant

I got the Moderna vaccine. I had a low grade fever, sore arm, and was tired after my first shot. I felt fine after my second. I had COVID early in my pregnancy, and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.

At first, I was very opposed to getting it while pregnant. After talking with my doctor, and reading a lot of information from local fertility clinics and OBGYNs, I decided I was going to get it. I was 24 weeks I believe. I am a public school teacher, so I wanted to get as much protection as I could.

I think it’s a very personal decision and that no one should bash another person for their choice. We all have our reasons, just as you all have yours.

It’s all hidden do not put your baby at risk .I have seen to many women loosing their unborn

I refuse to get the vaccine while pregnant at first my doctors said no but all a sudden are trying to push it. My gut tells me not to as there’s little research on it right now. Its not worth the risks in my opinion to my baby.

I was skeptical as well but I did it. I had no side effects and baby movements continued as normal. I am 6 months pregnant and had my first dose a week ago, second one is at the end of the month. So far I am good and baby is too. Completely up to you though